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This age has been called the beginning of pre-adolescence. Children begin to "spread out" as their rate of
development accelerates. Some begin to grow rapidly and mature early. In every fifth grade room there will be one or
two girls who are already menstruating. By the age of 10, children have informally chosen the leader of their peer
group, whether it is the child who plays baseball well, the one who can run fast or the one with new ideas for games.
At the same time, those who fail to fit in are often reminded of their faults and pushed aside. 10 year olds have
primarily same-sex friends. Friends assume greater importance, and the child's independence from the family is now

Sports like Patintero,

swimming, basketball,
and other games can
help a 10 year-old to
have better stamina,
agility, and strength
that can help in his
bodily movements in
PHYSICAL the vast world. Also,
obstacle courses for
DEVLOPMENT kids would enable
them to exercise their
body skills for future
big activities.
Activities like kitchen
fun would help them to
learn how to use some
kitchen equipments
while helping mom or that cook.

Advanced flashed
cards of
mathematics and
letters would help
them speed up
development in
academic skills like
counting and reading.
Watching educational
shows like
more can help them
COGNITIVE Fasten their
understanding of
DEVELOPMENT why and how things
work. Memory
game can enhance
the function of the
brain to retain
information and
Sudoku and Chess
helps children to
solve problems and
teaches how to
reason out.

Educational and
kids’ shows
LANGUAGE can help in their
development and can broaden
DEVELOPMENT their speaking skills.

Reading books,
literary, articles, and
journals, comics that
suites their age can
broaden their
vocabularies and
knowledge. Audio
story tape-programs
such as the SRA can
help them learn
independently and at
their own pace. Also
SRA enables children
to make their own
about what they
Speech workshops
can also be helpful
for the
supplementary learning of
language and speech for them.

10 year-old children
loves to play in
groups. Board
games can be
SOCIAL enjoyed by kids while
learning how to follow
DEVELOPMENT rules and how to be
patient. Workshops like
swimming and personality
development can help them build

friendship and
solidarity with other
people. They can also
realize that the world is
a pot of unknown faces.

The family should

have activities that
would enable
communication to
the child. While
eating, have a dialogue
that would enable the
child to speak what
happened throughout
the day and give
pieces of advices. Have
a bonding activities
like going out together
at the park or have
EMOTIONAL lunch outside home.
DEVELOPMENT Every time, your child
has a homework, help him/her and
give positive reinforcements. Also
give medals or rewards if he/she has
quizzes or activities even he/she is
not the top of the class. Emotion
games can also be helpful like
imitating facial expressions and
explaining what are those.

 - finger control is quite
 - stamina increases; can run
and swim further.

-Grow about 2.5 in. (6 cm) and

gain about 7 lb (3 kg) in a year.

Physical -Have growth patterns related

to gender. Girls are usually
Development taller and weigh more than
boys. Signs of early puberty
may develop in girls, such as
breast buds.

-Lose about four baby teeth

each year. These are replaced
by permanent teeth.

-motor and perceptual motor skill

are more integrated.

 - can converse at an almost
adult level.
 - reading may be a major

-Know the complete date (day of the

week, day of the month, month, and
Language year).
Development -Can name the months of the year
in order.

-Can read and understand a

paragraph of complex sentences.

 - have full mastery of the entire

range of speech sounds, including
vowels, diphthongs and consonant

 - has strong need for love and
understanding, especially from
 - makes friends easily;
develops close friends of same sex
 - favors group play, clubs, and
team sports; wants to feel part of a
Social group

Development more influenced by peer
 can be obsessed with, and
motivated by money
 -understands concepts of right
and wrong
 -strict adherence to rules
 - Like and listen to their
parents. Some children, though, will
start to show irritation with or lack of
respect for adults in charge.

 - seeks to understand the

reasons for things.
Cognitive  - begins to feel competent in
skills and have preferences for some
Development activities and subjects.

 - thinking is organized and

 - begins to recognize concept
of reversibility (4+2=6 and 6-2=4).
 -understands concept of time,
space, and dimensions.
 -understands how his behavior
affects others.

 - can be helpful, cheerful, and
pleasant as well as rude, bossy, and
Emotional 
- may be quite sensitive and
Development 
overly dramatic
emotions change quickly
 impatient; finds waiting for
special events torturous

Members: Nadine Fababier

Jovs Poblete
Justin Sayana

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