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The Frozen Window.

By Shyam Sharma(jj).

Carl parker lives in polnad where there is cold and old poelple hanging around and the cold air mystifies
all the sense of everything going around. Carl is sleeping in the cold morning in his room wher the light
forn he cold looking sun is just shining it’s rays and fulfilling it’s job aas s the suuny whether begins to
expand from a cold one. Carl suddenly wakes from his dream and opens his eyes and sees a dark and
dua=sty room aroougn, the silence was petty where the world itself stops to ponder over carl or over
the world in the ndream.

‘Where the heck I am?” Cral said Carl said to himself;f as he openmd his eytes over the room and saw
the sold ight flickering throught he windiows” shyuttre.

TYaeh it was the same state we get in when we ae in a deep sleep or perhaps when we are
hallucinationg and getting ourselves spru=ng in to the hallucinatory world of our deream where
everything around is just a hallucination and noithind is real like criss angel says” the world is juct and
illusion[=on an d nothing i8s real what the heck””?

Yeah I know its disturbing noooooooo.

Carl threw his blanket off and slowly looking around yet in a daze got up and moved across the
roomtrying to figure pout whwree the heck he had teleported. He opened the window to have a more
clear viwew of nthe room and oh my goodness he juct= came out of his trance and realized he lib=ved in
ppooland what the heck. TYhw weather was cold asa usual and a chilling wind rapped his body in cold
shpwers of the night or was it day jhhe could not tell by the look in the eyes of the fox that was shouting
the fuck out in forest fucj it he was howling to the top of his voic ehryi to say something. Ah buit carl
knew the fox was mad as always he ia mad and gets beaten by any other fox.aroumng in the jungle.

Carl soon ran out of his whute room eith the gloiummer of the sun into the corridor, that was so narrow
that a big fat man like uncl eaharrington ewould have had a hard time getting naruound the house and
maybe even slam a tarp door on the wall and fall on the garden belown jusyt like humpyty dumpty. The
thought ws almaonst revolyinmg ad the thought that Carl’s aparents were not there in the getting the
fucvk out o somewhewre btu yap their pairenmits wre not there carl lived wiuth his mother AJaina and
hisn lond brother[ly father mith.

H slowly opened tht eroom ho his parents hoping that he might cath cthe m in state os total chaos or inb
a state of asecxxxxd. Reapeareat sexx.

Carl was surprised becaiuese he was expectinf sex and he got absolutyely a differbt sytff for his
legendary hume or chya,e of the sunnjy-coldy fday.

But the rawlity was that his aperents were not there in the room and oh my goodnesss what ythe dhecjk
pore here wht hecjkk werwe they Cayrl had no idea but fuck i. HE looked th e shini9nhg bathroom.
Nobody… homw.
In the kitchen anf finalley in the garden but oh shottyb me n0o onw whas there . Carl cried a lot but no
one listened and the he got mad at himself though he knew n ot whats to say to himself.

He cried out aloud mother , father I love you where are you?

‘hey son what the fuss is all about in here”

Someone shouted and Carl found out that it was Mr. HHaryy , a local butcher who wrote all the stffs in
the world in the flesh of chicke, some poelpe lpoved to calle him .

Lets go kid’’ what are you waiting for” Mr. harry said.

AS I was telling you he had won many awards on the back front of writing on flkeshy meat and that too
he had earned a lot of money.

He was th kind of man that was completely economical not only in eating but also in asending money or
hisa family and his body to vacsation due tob his o

Nstant belief that his soul would get all the money he would save during his life on this earth and that
toooo he would live k=like a sayen and would never undermine the effects of hypnotic inducton on
himself, as I knew what the heck thatewas.

So Carl fell a lot mor eeasirer to go to uncle Harrison and then ask about nhis parents whereabouyts.

Uncle Haryy had been looking through the verandah for a long time over the house of Carl, aas if
expexcting Carl to come to his home.

Hayy called Carl inside his oude by opening hishouse. Although HARYY was completely economical jhe
never di8d undermine to respect and welcome others.

Aas Aalways his house was dedcorated like it was Christmas every day except the tree was not ther in
the ho8use which made Christmas far than unnatural and then I sasid t wjht the heck is Christmas
without the tree but uncle undermeinrd the effects ogf hypnosis and then daid to carl

“babay boy wanna have some lici these are as custom freshly migrated one’s form the world=renowed
pplace for lichi’s Sikkim…….shit.

Harryu shouted out ‘shit thes are rotten.Gloria would you mind getting the down right dirty stuufsout of
th house.

‘oviuusly .my mastter husband’ Miss Gloria who was beautifula s a pearl shouted out in a sarcastic voice
as she took the lichi’s and threw hem down the hutter.

Miss Gloria was so beautiful the kind MR/. Obama should have had married but of course ni=]otmuch to
say she got kicks on the but for no harassing the mannnnnny wounded legacy of the world going down
the dump form my hewarted soul.
CARL starexda ta Gloria for a while and Mr. Harry pulled the starting Cral

And shubbede him into a room/.

Harry looked over and then locked the door.

Haryy finally shouted” shit mate get it on =with the funa d n change the clothes we are going to the
funeral.oh I mean to the christamasay it brother and that too fats” Uncle Harryy shouted
and closed the door of the room shut like a funky little kid who has just learned the sciend=ce of

Acrl bathed himself and changed the clothes while eating the lich’s from kiss Gloria.

CARl was a loevre of glory. He always awanted to have hot dirty passionate sex with her on acoounts oh

So, Cral bathed and changed into new clotyhes that looked oso dirty he was nit going to the pqrty but to
someone’ s funeral.

Cral could not advance the thought more He asked uncle Hayyry abiut the parents wgerw abouts, biut
Harry sa always had no answer where the Prker’s had gone or as Harry stated”having sex aroub=mnd’.

So, Carl and Harry with not much further ado walk out of the house bidding goodbye to aunt Gloria.

Uncle Harry closed the door behind them as they stepped on the cold chilling snow. Even with the red
buffalo boots that Harry was wearing, he felt the ice was cold and that it cou;ld give blisters.

Harry and Carl walk on the white snow. The place was beautiful and it looked even more beautiful that
day… there were a lot of trees which did kind ok outshine with the snow. The su that had been
struggling to comeo out of the engulfing cold clouds had finnaly been trapped in the mercy clouds and
none of it’s rays were telteporting to the ground.

Both of the do not talk to each other, the only thing Carl asked once wwas “Hey uncle.. what is that we
are heading now.was it the funeral I heard before”, Carl asked sarcasticaaly, taking his hand and stroking
the chin ( a sign of thinking).

‘No my son,.. we are headed to the …whatever……you will find out soon. I have been told there is a
special event in Illidin’s market. But not far sure what that might be….and I am utter sure it is not a
funeral sorts.”, Harry said,

After that there was not much of the talk.because Carl was just focusing on the looss of his beloved
parents too much that he could just remember the white snow and he looking on the small snow
particles when they reached Illidins market, named the after the famous fight of the illidin’s a clan
against the dark lord.the greastest vampire of all times.
Carl juust could see the white road before his eyes where people wewre standing in large numbers.
Some of the shouting and some of them runnig away. But Ca… Carl felt a chill of happiness it was the fair
that they had reached to’ Carl said.

They moved closer b and closer and the vivid o image of the Fair came to a standstill in the mind of Carl
but a gloomy imagination of the man with his wife on the lap emerged as his mind could barely figura=e
out through the small slits of gaps between the people standing.

Carl sw a man .it was his father , he recognized by the shawl wrapped around the neck. And the dying
women was his mother’.

‘hey we are here.did you order for the bus.’ Uncle Harry said.

Everything boiled down clear to Carl it was no an act that his aprtents but that iw was real sobs and real
wicked death on the part of the killer who had killed Jaina( Carls mother). There were two holes that
were completely standing out from the Crowd.Carl could not withstand the mur mur and the sobs of his
father and the tears that were rolling down on hids mother. He ran out of the crowd. And ran home
wards.nothing could stop him.he had no idea what had happened to his life.happy life.

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