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Reported questions

When we are reporting questions, the subject comes before the verb.
DIRECT SPEECH: "Where are you going?"
REPORTED SPEECH: He asked me where I was going.

DIRECT SPEECH: "Why is he shouting?"

REPORTED SPEECH: He asked me why he was shouting.

DIRECT SPEECH: "What do you want?"

REPORTED SPEECH: She asked me what he wanted.



- Now, at the moment. - Then, at that moment.

- Today. - That day.
- Tonight. - That night.
- Last night. - The previous night, the night before.
- Tomorrow. - The next day, the following day.
- Yesterday. - The previous day, the day before.
- This week. - That week.
- Next week. - The following week, the week after.
- Last year. - The previous year, the year before.
- Here. - (Usually) There.
- This /These. - That / Those.
Reported speech
Word order
Direct speech
"I play football"
"I am playing football"
"I have played football"
"I played football"
"I was playing football"
"I had played football"
"I had been playing football"
"I will play football"
"I can play football"
"I must play footbal"
Reported speech
He said (that) he played football
He said (that) he was playing football
He said (that) he had played football
He said (that) he had played football
He said (that) he had been playing football
He said (that) he had played football
He said (that) he had been playing football
He said (that) he would play football
He said (that) he could play football
He said (that) he had to play football

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