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late d book ab
Ask Me Abo
* On the To
wn, ou r fi r s t theme-re
y ut...
You Giv e a M o o se a Muffi
sions of If one by the first
t h e t w o v e r
lu g in E n glish and couple of
letters in
* by Mrs. K nish books (w
one read s a d a -Ta y lor in Spa hat do YO
U notice
our hand
Senora Q iliar letters?)
about the
o f lo o k in g for fam
trategy e in *
v o r it e reading s r b ig g e r word (lik how I pra
cticed wr
* our unfamilia ctives! iting som
a ll er w o rds in an H good dete
sand (this
helps me e of my le
tters in
sm r e s u C feel the p
. We a
in insect) rs. for m the
roper wa
y to
k b y D r. Suess (M m)
n Thin
T h e T h in ks You Ca T H by the
O h , s a y in g
Klug was
tired o f REMINDERS!
p s a n d w ith the big
all grou ith our
e o n t h e Map in sm e w e ’r e making w -Homework: Some days homework comes directly
M l mobil tinent) from me, but other days it is devised by another
really coo y, and con
(and the tate , c o u n t r member of the first grade team. We share this
e, town, s
own hom responsibility. Either way, homework should be an
extension of the school day and should be relatively
easy. Thank you for making sure your child
understands the directions and does homework
properly before it is returned. These are good habits
Phonics for your child. Your help with this is much appreciated!
* the new hunks and chunks (two or more -Monster Word Show-What-You-Know (spelling test)
letters put together to make a single sound), TH tomorrow
and ING (the King of ING wears a ring)
-CA Day at Lynd’s farm: Oct. 3rd, 11-2

* the challengING word chain and ladder games - Our October newsletter will come via e-mail this
* our introduction to root words (like in pickING)

* our “when you have a wimpy vowel, you need a Other

CK... not just a K. You need a CK” chant (like in the CHicks (l
ittle red hens
GlimCHer’s fa !) we played w
pick) rm (Noah goes ith from
to school at C

* Isabel’s an
d Emma’s birt
ses hday celebrat
o o d s a nd hou their car was ions (and
hborh hes)
u r a c tual neig m bers ar
at in g o es .. . n u ellite. * Mrs. Walte
* loc o u r a ddress g le E a r th sat r’s visit- she
helped us scra
(with he Goo e and memories from pbook our
E R E ) using t c o u n t ry, stat our first mon
th of school!
WH ent, m/!
t e d o u r contin r t h . g o * the games
We loca out ea we play to stud
s , to o . Check (sparkle, x-ra y our monster
citie f 10 y eyes, pyram
a k in g sums o id, typewriter)
and m
p e n ny grab * our spanis
h days of the
t h e nds
* a n d t heir ha maps we’ve us week song, bo
oks, and
clocks ed to celebrat
in g analog ge
e Hispanic Her
exp lo r
c t o e challen month
* d tic ta
a th b oxes an * our continents
ery firs so ng... Asia, Afr
* our v h calcula
tors ica...
ing w it *
nd play our specials th
units a is week

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