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Utilities and Energy Efficient Design


• How processes are heated and cooled • The systems used for delivering steam, cooling water, and
other site utilities • Methods used for recovering process waste heat • How to use the pinch design
method to optimize process heat recovery • How to design a heat-exchanger network • How energy
is managed in batch processes

3.1 INTRODUCTION Very few chemical processes are carried out entirely at ambient temperature.
Most require process streams to be heated or cooled to reach the desired operation temperature, to
add or remove heats of reaction, mixing, adsorption, etc., to sterilize feed streams, or to cause
vaporization or condensation. Gas and liquid streams are usually heated or cooled by indirect heat
exchange with another fluid: either another process stream or a utility stream such as steam, hot oil,
cooling water, or refrigerant. The design of heat exchange equipment for fluids is addressed in
Chapter 19. Solids are usually heated and cooled by direct heat transfer, as described in Chapter 18.
This chapter begins with a discussion of the different utilities that are used for heating, cooling, and
supplying other needs such as power, water, and air to a process. The consumption of energy is a
significant cost in many processes. Energy costs can be reduced by recovering waste heat from hot
process streams and by making use of the fuel value of waste streams. Section 3.4 discusses how to
evaluate waste stream combustion as a source of process heat. Section 3.3 introduces other heat
recovery approaches. When it is economically attractive, heating and cooling are accomplished by
heat recovery between process streams. The design of a network of heat exchangers for heat
recovery can be a complex task if there are many hot and cold streams in a process. Pinch analysis,
introduced in Section 3.5, is a systematic method for simplifying this problem. The efficient use of
energy in batch and cyclic processes is made more complicated by the sequential nature of process
operations. Some approaches to energy efficient design of batch and cyclic processes are discussed
in Section 3.6.

Chemical Engineering Design, Second Edition © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


3.2 UTILITIES The word “utilities” is used for the ancillary services needed in the operation of any
production process. These services are normally supplied from a central site facility, and include: 1.
Electricity 2. Fuel for fired heaters 3. Fluids for process heating a. Steam b. Hot oil or specialized heat
transfer fluids 4. Fluids for process cooling a. Cooling water b. Chilled water c. Refrigeration systems
5. Process water a. Water for general use b. Demineralized water 6. Compressed air 7. Inert-gas
supplies (usually nitrogen) Most plants are located on sites where the utilities are provided by the
site infrastructure. The price charged for a utility is mainly determined by the operating cost of
generating and transmitting the utility stream. Some companies also include a capital recovery
charge in the utility cost, but if this is done then the offsite (OSBL) capital cost of projects must be
reduced to avoid double counting and biasing the project capital-energy trade-off, leading to poor
use of capital. Some smaller plants purchase utilities “over the fence” from a supplier such as a
larger site or a utility company, in which case the utility prices are set by contract and are typically
pegged to the price of natural gas, fuel oil, or electricity. The utility consumption of a process cannot
be estimated accurately without completing the material and energy balances and carrying out a
pinch analysis, as described in Section 3.5.6. The pinch analysis gives targets for process heat
recovery and hence for the minimum requirements of hot and cold utilities. More detailed
optimization then translates these targets into expected demands for fired heat, steam, electricity,
cooling water, and refrigeration. In addition to the utilities required for heating and cooling, the
process may also need process water and air for applications such as washing, stripping, and
instrument air supply. Good overviews of methods for design and optimization of utility systems are
given by Smith (2005) and Kemp (2007).

3.2.1 Electricity The electricity demand of the process is mainly determined by the work required for
pumping, compression, air coolers, and solids-handling operations, but also includes the power
needed for instruments, lights, and other small users. The power required may be generated on site,
but will more usually be purchased from the local supply company. Some plants generate their own
electricity using a gas-turbine cogeneration plant with a heat recovery steam generator (waste-heat
boiler) to raise steam (Figure 3.1). The overall thermal efficiency of such systems can be in the range
70% to 80%; compared with the 30% to 40% obtained from a conventional power station, where the

104 CHAPTER 3 Utilities and Energy Efficient Design

heat in the exhaust steam is wasted in the condenser. The cogeneration plant can be sized to meet
or exceed the plant electricity requirement, depending on whether the export of electricity is an
attractive use of capital. This “make or buy” scenario gives chemical producers strong leverage when
negotiating electric power contracts and they are usually able to purchase electricity at or close to
wholesale prices. Wholesale electricity prices vary regionally (see for details), but are
typically about $0.06/kWh in North America at the time of writing. The voltage at which the supply is
taken or generated will depend on the demand. In the United States, power is usually transmitted
over long distances at 135, 220, 550, or 750 kV. Local substations step the power down to 35 to 69
kV for medium voltage transmission and then to 4 to 15 kV local distribution lines. Transformers at
the plant are used to step down the power to the supply voltages used on site. Most motors and
other process equipment run on 208 V three-phase power, while 120/240 V single-phase power is
used for offices, labs, and control rooms. On any site it is always worth considering driving large
compressors and pumps with steam turbines instead of electric motors and using the exhaust steam
for local process heating. Electric power is rarely used for heating in large-scale chemical plants,
although it is often used in smaller batch processes that handle nonflammable materials, such as
biological processes. The main disadvantages of electrical heating for large-scale processes are: •
Heat from electricity is typically two to three times more expensive than heat from fuels, because of
the thermodynamic inefficiency of power generation. • Electric heating requires very high power
draws that would substantially increase the electrical infrastructure costs of the site. • Electric
heating apparatus is expensive, requires high maintenance, and must comply with stringent safety
requirements when used in areas where flammable materials may be present. • Electric heaters are
intrinsically less safe than steam systems. The maximum temperature that a steam heater can reach
is the temperature of the steam. The maximum temperature of an electric




Supplementary fuel

Secondary combustor

Waste heat boiler

Boiler feed water




Flue gas to stack

FIGURE 3.1 Gas-turbine-based cogeneration plant.

3.2 Utilities 105

heater is determined by the temperature controller (which could fail) or by burn-out of the heating
element. Electric heaters therefore have a higher probability of overheating. Electric heating is more
likely to be attractive in small-scale batch or cyclic processes, particularly when the cost of heating is
a small fraction of overall process costs and when the process calls for rapid on-off heating. A
detailed account of the factors to be considered when designing electrical distribution systems for
chemical process plants, and the equipment used (transformers, switch gear, and cables), is given by
Silverman (1964). Requirements for electrical equipment used in hazardous (classified) locations are
given in the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), as described in Section 10.3.5.

3.2.2 Fired Heat Fired heaters are used for process heating duties above the highest temperatures
that can be reached using high pressure steam, typically about 250 ºC (482 ºF). Process streams may
be heated directly in the furnace tubes, or indirectly using a hot oil circuit or heat transfer fluid, as
described in Section 3.2.4. The design of fired heaters is described in Section 19.17. The cost of fired
heat can be calculated from the price of the fuel fired. Most fired process heaters use natural gas as
fuel, as it is cleaner burning than fuel oil and therefore easier to fit NOx control systems and obtain
permits. Natural gas also requires less maintenance of burners and fuel lines and natural gas burners
can often co-fire process waste streams such as hydrogen, light organic compounds, or air saturated
with organic compounds. Natural gas and heating oil are traded as commodities and prices can be
found at any online trading site or business news site (e.g., Historic prices for
forecasting can be found in the Oil and Gas Journal or from the U.S. Energy Information
Adminstration ( The fuel consumed in a fired heater can be estimated from the fired
heater duty divided by the furnace efficiency. The furnace efficiency will typically be about 0.85 if
both the radiant and convective sections are used (see Chapter 19) and about 0.6 if the process
heating is in the radiant section only.

Example 3.1 Estimate the annual cost of providing heat to a process from a fired heater using natural
gas as fuel if the process duty is 4 MW and the price of natural gas is $3.20 /MMBtu (million Btu).
Solution If we assume that the fired heater uses both the radiant and convective sections then we
can start by assuming a heater efficiency of 0.85, so Fuel required=Heater duty/heater

1Btu/h=0:29307W,so 4:71MW=4:71/0:29307=16:07MMBtu/h

Assuming 8000 operating hours per year, the total annual fuel consumption would be Annual fuel
use=16:07×8000=128:6×103 MMBtu

Annual cost of fired heat=128:6×103 ×3:20= $411,400 ƒ

106 CHAPTER 3 Utilities and Energy Efficient Design

Note that if we had decided to carry out all of the heating in the radiant section only, then the fuel
required would have been 4/0.6=6.67 MW and the annual cost of heating would increase to
$582,600 unless we could find some other process use for the heat available in the convective
section of the heater.

3.2.3 Steam Steam is the most widely-used heat source in most chemical plants. Steam has a
number of advantages as a hot utility: • The heat of condensation of steam is high, giving a high heat
output per pound of utility at constant temperature (compared to other utilities such as hot oil and
flue gas that release sensible heat over a broad temperature range). • The temperature at which
heat is released can be precisely controlled by controlling the pressure of the steam. This enables
tight temperature control, which is important in many processes. • Condensing steam has very high
heat transfer coefficients, leading to cheaper heat exchangers. • Steam is nontoxic, nonflammable,
visible if it leaks externally, and inert to many (but not all) process fluids. Most sites have a pipe
network supplying steam at three or more pressure levels for different process uses. A typical steam
system is illustrated in Figure 3.2. Boiler feed water at high pressure is preheated and fed to boilers
where high pressure steam is raised and superheated above the dew point to allow for heat losses in
the piping. Boiler feed water preheat can be accomplished using process waste heat or convective
section heating in the boiler plant. High pressure (HP) steam is

Process heating

Condensate return

LP main

MP main

HP main

Boiler & superheat

BFW preheat

Process heating
Process heating

Process heating




Live steam

FIGURE 3.2 Steam system.

3.2 Utilities 107

typically at about 40 bar, corresponding to a condensing temperature of 250 ºC, but every site is
different. Some of the HP steam is used for process heating at high temperatures. The remainder of
the HP steam is expanded either through let-down valves or steam turbines known as back-pressure
turbines to form medium pressure (MP) steam. The pressure of the MP steam mains varies widely
from site to site, but is typically about 20 bar, corresponding to a condensing temperature of 212 ºC.
Medium pressure steam is used for intermediate temperature heating or expanded to form low
pressure (LP) steam, typically at about 3 bar, condensing at 134 ºC. Some of the LP steam may be
used for process heating if there are low-temperature heat requirements. Low pressure (or MP or
HP) steam can also be expanded in condensing turbines to generate shaft work for process drives or
electricity production. A small amount of LP steam is used to strip dissolved noncondensable gases
such as air from the condensate and make-up water. Low pressure steam is also often used as“live
steam” in the process, for example, as stripping vapor or for cleaning, purging, or sterilizing
equipment. When steam is condensed without coming into contact with process fluids, the hot
condensate can be collected and returned to the boiler feedwater system. Condensate can also
sometimes be used as a low-temperature heat source if the process requires low-temperature heat.
The price of HP steam can be estimated from the cost of boiler feed water treatment, the price of
fuel, and the boiler efficiency: PHPS =PF × dHb ηB +PBFW (3.1)

where PHPS =price of high pressure steam ($/1000 lb, commonly written $/Mlb) PF =price of fuel
($/MMBtu) dHb =heating rate (MMBtu/Mlb steam) ηB =boiler efficiency PBFW =price or cost of
boiler feed water ($/Mlb) Package boilers typically have efficiencies similar to fired heaters, in the
range 0.8 to 0.9. The heating rate should include boiler feed water preheat, the latent heat of
vaporization, and the superheat specified. The steam for process heating is usually generated in
water-tube boilers, using the most economical fuel available. The cost of boiler feed water includes
allowances for water make-up, chemical treatment, and degassing, and is typically about twice the
cost of raw water; see Section 3.2.7. If no information on the price of water is available, then 0.50
$/1000 lb can be used as an initial estimate. If the steam is condensed and the condensate is
returned to the boiler feed water (which will normally be the case), then the price of steam should
include a credit for the condensate. The condensate credit will often be close enough to the boiler
feed water cost that the two terms cancel each other out and can be neglected. The prices of
medium and low pressure steam are usually discounted from the high pressure steam price, to allow
for the shaft work credit that can be gained by expanding the steam through a turbine, and also to
encourage process heat recovery by raising steam at intermediate levels and using low-grade heat
when possible. Several methods of discounting are used. The most rational of these is to calculate
the shaft work generated by expanding the steam between levels and price this

108 CHAPTER 3 Utilities and Energy Efficient Design

as equivalent to electricity (which could be generated by attaching the turbine to a dynamo or else
would be needed to run a motor to replace the turbine if it is used as a driver). The value of the shaft
work then sets the discount between steam at different levels. This is illustrated in the following

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