English Vocabulary

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A, a

the bulls are on the arena, pit
=los toros están en el ruedo.
●political arena

to assess sth at sth= the value of the property was assessed at…

●awry /a`rai/- torcido.

his hat/tie was awry-llevaba el/la sombrero torcido/-a.
her clothes were all awry-llevaba la ropa mal puesta.
to go awry-salir mal, fracasar.
our plans went hopelessly awry- nuestros planos fracasaron rotundamente.
The company is a vivid symbol of what’s gone awry with the economy.

B, b

●Bags under the eyes


to be biased against / towards sth / sb- estar presdispuesto / en contra/ a favor de
to be devoted to- fiel, amoroso, devoto
to be far and away the best-con mucho el mejor.
to be the best by far-con mucho el mejor.
to be by far the best-con mucho el mejor.
to be over the moon- to be very happy
to be relief= aliviarse de algo, =to have a weight lifted from someone’s mind


To bear the brunt = to take the strain-aguantar lo recio de= llevar el peso de =
afrontar la tensión.

This is becoming tedious-esto se hace pesado.
He’s a terribly dull sort- es una persona de lo más pesada.
He’s a person of the most boring kind
That chap gets on my nerves-ése me cae pesado.
It’s such a bore having to- es pesado tener que
It’s tough having to- es pesado tener que
He’s such a bore-es un pesado.
What a bore he is!- ¡qué hombre más pesado!

●breed-bred-bred. (animals)-criar.(vt) =raise, educate

The country breeds good athletes-el país produce
buenos atletas.
I’m a Londoner born and bred-nací y me crié en Londres.
We breed them tough in these parts- los hacemos machotes
por aquí.
Are men really bred for promiscuity, while women seek a stable
breed(vi)-reproduce, surguir, generarse(despair/violence)

to be on the brink of resigning- estar a punto de dimitir=on the verge
of=being about to...

the bulk of sth(documents, etc.)-la mayor parte de algo.

Time to inspect your platoon not so much for bull well-being.(In the Army) bull
= harsh discipline

●Bump into- meet by accident.

Company regulation = norma
● The airport authority bylaw- el reglamento del aeropuerto.
Local, municipal law- ordenanza municipal.

C, c

●Cloze text-
the exercise of supplying a word that has been omitted from a passage as a test of
readability or comprehension -- CLOSURE

●cripple-invalid, paralytic, paraplegic.

he crippled for life now.

To flit from one thing to the next = to change things all the time.

to say sth (with) tongue in cheek-decir algo medio burlándose o
medio en serio.
the film was supposed to be tongue in cheek-se suponía que la
película no iba del todo en serio.
tongue-in-cheek comments-comentarios irónicos.

●contener, aguantar

=a staunch supporter = un aficionado acérrimo
=to staunch the bleeding = you stop bleeding

●to have a complex-
= tener complejos.

=hide, (emotions), disimular.

=(formal) counterbalance= contrapeso, equilibrio.

D, d

●damage, raids, ravages

=Destrozos, atracos, desperfectos

●I dare say I know the reason why
=me atrevo a decir que sé el porqué
●He dared tell her he’d heard the name “Potter”
●And don’t you dare let it burn.
=Y no te atrevas a dejar que se queme.
●Her lips tightened as they always did if he dared to ask a question.
=sus labios se fruncían como siempre lo hacían cuando él se atrevía a hacer una

=consider to be

= destacar, desplegar, poner al frente, poner en vanguardia.

Meanwhile there is someone deserves a good thrashing on court, very well
They got what they deserved
=Se llevaron su merecido
They deserved better of us all.
=merecían que los tratásemos mejor.

to be between the devil and the deep blue sea-estar entre la espada y la pared.
Better the devil we know- vale más lo bueno conocido que lo bueno por conocer.
Talk of the devil-¡hablando del ruin de Roma por la puerta se asoma!
The speaking of the devil-hablando del rey de Roma por la puerta se asoma.

(Military) reveille
to get a bull’s eye = dar en la diana, hacer diana.
Center (game)- dartboard.

I’ll do my very best to make contact-haré todo lo que pueda para
to forge someone to be at one’s best-

= disavantage, inconveniente, desventaja.
drawback of /to.

E, e
●eligible- adj
to be eligible for sth tener derecho a algo *to be eligible to do sth reunir los
requisitos para hacer algo *an eligible bachelor un soltero cotizado
eligibility n elegibilidad:eligibility for a pension

to be at the embryo stage = estar en un estado embrionario.
in embryo= en embrión.

æ Ә ә ð ŋ Ө
●energy-  З Ө ‫∫כ ס‬Λ
Full of joys of Spring- with extra energy

●endeavour (vb)
=esforzarse, to made the effort to.

●envisage- /m’vzd/
=prever, imaginarse, concebir
an envisaged language as a series of…una lengua concebida como…

F, f

You’re pulling faces- hacer caretos

It never fails to amaze me- nunca deja de sorprenderme.

quite a feat-todo un logro.

Feel like-
Fancy, dig---dug (pp, cavar excavar)
I don’t dig jazz- no me gusta el jazz
Dig this!=!mira esto!
To dig deeper into a subject- ahondar en un tema.
To dig into a meal-empezar a zamparse una comida.
To dig up (facts, infor.) sacar a luz=every time anyone writes anything about me
they’ll dig up these photos.

●flawless(adj.)-impecable, sin defectos.
she speaks flawless German=habla alemán a la perfección.
if you’re flawless, then you’ll win my love=si no tienes defectos
consigirás mi amor.

●fond- keen, enthusiasm.

to become fond of someone- tomarle cariño a alguien.
to be fond of someone- tenerle cariño a alguien.
I am fond of brunettes- me gustan las morenas.
fond(adj.)- cariñoso, afectuoso.
keen(adj.) enthusiastic(zest=enthusiasm)
to be keen on that girl-me gusta esta chica.
to have a keen appetite- tener buen apetito.
try to seem keen- intenta demostrar un poco de entusiasmo.
to be well up on sth- ser muy entendido en.

●fritter away-
=desperdiciar, disipar.
a fritter =buñuelo
I’m going to the pool, to fritter away the day.

●full of

●brimming =rebosar, desbordar
●crammed =llenar hasta arriba, abarrotar
●crowded =abarrotado, lleno, de bote en bote, apiñado
●chock-a-block =
●filled with
●full to a capacity
●jam-packed =lleno de gente
●packed with =apiñado, abarrotado, lleno de gente, denso, empaquetado,
●stuffed with =relleno, atiborrado, tupido, embutido
●teeming with
●to the top with

G, g


It goes without saying that…
>French: Ça va sans dire que…

●grieve-afligirse, apenarse, lamentar.

●grip= contact.
he has lost his grip on reality-ha perdido contacto con la realidad.
she’s losing her grip on the situation- está perdiendo el control de la situación.

●gripe /grap/ vi
gripe about sth/sb to complain in a non-stop, quejarse
gripe n (coloq)
1 a gripe- queja

2 to have a gripe (about/against sth/sb) tener quejas (de/contra algo/algn)
3 cólico: gripe water= medicina para los cólicos infantiles

to bear somebody a grudge-tener rencor de alguien.
Jimmy is holding a grudge against the teacher.

H, h

= (n.) sello, distintivo.
●(vb.) contrastar (con un sello)
e.g. The explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack
= la explosión tenía todas las características de un ataque terrorista.

hark-(only in imperative)=listen!
hark! I hear a nightingale singing-¡escucha! oigo cantar un ruiseñor.
hark who’s talking!- ¡mira quién habla!
hark at him!- ¡habráse visto!
hark back- tener su origen, evocar a, remontar.
this custom harks back to the 18thc- esta costumbre tiene su origen
en el siglo XVIII.
their manifesto harks back to populist traditions- su plataforma
evoca tradiciones populistas.
he’s constantly harking back to those days-siempre está
rememorando aquellos tiempos.
A despotic ruler’s autocratic regime harks back to the days of the


●To have second thoughts = to think twice about something.
●Daniel told Edith that he was having second thoughts about his engagement to

Hike-long way=caminata.
It’s a bit of a hike to the station- hay un buen trecho hasta la estación.
We went on a 20-mile hike-hicimos una caminata de 20 millas.
Hike up-pull up.
She hiked her skirt up-se levantó o se subió la falda.
Hiker- excusionista, caminante.
Hiking- excursionismo.

● Hindsight-
=retrospectiva, posteriori, con la sabiduría de la experiencia.

hitherto- hasta ahora, hasta la fecha.

to hobnob with someone-codearse (tratar con)

●Leading the garden path- to fool someone


to turn over a new leaf- to completly change one’s behaviour
or view for the better i.e. to improve oneself and start again.
you must turn over a leaf-study a lot for example- borrón y cuenta nueva.
to shake or tremble like a leaf- to shake/tremble with cold or fear.
to take a leaf out of sb’s book- seguir el ejemplo de alguien.
to leaf through-hojear.

a leaflet- un folleto.


●I am in luck- estoy de suerte.
●I am out of luck-no estoy de suerte.
●Third time lucky- a la tercera va la vencida.

M, m

= (vb.) dominar, controlar, vencer.

O, o

from the outset = desde el principio / comienzo / de entrada.
I’d like to emphasize from the outset that the concept of...
She got married at the outset of her career.
=se casó cuando su carrera estaba empezando.

P, p
= Libro de bolsillo

It’s difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when... es dificil precisar
exactamente en qué momento...
to pinpoint the causes/orings of the problem...establecer con
exactitud cuáles son las causas/los orígenes del problema...

●There’s no point in feeling sorry for yourself-
=no sirve de nada compadecerse.
●Nothing is any use= todo es inútil.
●not useful=futile, fruitless, impractical, vain, useless, purposeless.
●There is nothing good in + ing.
●It’s no good +ing.
●Not to be worth a tinker’s damn/cuss(Collq E)= no valer nada.

●positive-hopeful side.
look on the hopeful side= mira el lado positivo.

it pricked his conscience- le remordio la conciencia
prick up one’s ears- aguzar el oído.

●Public Entrance Examination-

●State Examinations


=(n.)(coloq, pey.) curandero,-a.
=(vb.) hacer cua-cua (duck)

=odd, strange, weird.
it was a queer thing about...

S, s

●sceptical , skeptical(AmL) /’skeptkl/


she yelped wild with joy(yell=shout=scream)

=encojerse, disminish in size.
the blouse shrank in the wash- la blusa se encogió al lavarla.
pre-shrunk cotton-algodón pre-lavado (encogido)

=rechazar, rehuir, evitar.
She felt shunned by her colleages-se sentía rechazada por sus colegas.

Sign, net=covertura del mobil.

sleep-to have a doze-echar una cabezada.

you look shattered- yes, no sleep last night-pareces estar hecho polvo...
he used to take a nap after lunch, before going back to the office.
I didn’t get a wink of sleep all night-no pegué ojo en toda la noche.
He was bleary-eyed and unsteady on his feet- con cara de sueño(ojeroso) y
caminaba con paso vacilante o inseguro.
She felt unsteady after her first drink- se sintió mareada después de la 1ª copa.
I need to grab a couple of hours of sleep-
He was still bleary-eyed from sleep- todavía tenía cara de sueño.
I feel a bit bleary- estoy medio adormilado.

Tranquilizar, calmar, (pain) aliviar
=to ease the pain a bit

amusement, diversion, fun.
it was all done in sport-fue todo en broma.
come on, be a sport and lend it to us- anda, sé bueno y préstanoslo-
to be understanding.
make a sport of -make fun of/a fool of=ridicule.

the last straw-la gota que colma el baso.

-stumbled=blunder, falter, stammer, stutter; tropezar against
obstacle-trip and lose one’s balance.
stumble through one’s speech- decir torpemente un discurso.


things aren’t what used to be-las cosas ya no son lo que eran.

=beating =paliza
to give somebody a thrashing= darle una paliza a alguien.
to get a thrashing= llevarse una paliza

the new factory must be finished in time as the profitability of the
company depends on it- a tiempo y con tiempo de margen.
on time- a tiempo con el tiempo justo.
for a time- durante un tiempo - you don’t finish for a time.
at time-
third time lucky- a la tercera la vencida.

Time stretches- fixed periods of time.

Tired of-
To be done in =estar agotado or reventado:I’m done in=all in=competly
Weary of = tired of; tedious=boring
I’m sick of doing it=estoy cansado de hacerlo.
Hacked=fed up


Twitch /twIt∫/ n
derecho a recibir una pension
1 movimiento repentino, contraer(muscle), contracción
2 (involuntario) tic
3 (jalon) tiron
twitch vt, vi
1 crispar(se), moverse (nerviosamente)
2 twitch at sth dar un tiron a algo:The wind twitched the paper out of my hand. El viento
me arrebato el periodico de las manos.
twitchy adj (-ier, -iest) nervioso, inquieto


 vacuum

(Physics) vacío
vacuum brake =freno, de vacío
vacuum packaging =envasado al vacío
vacuum pump =bomba neumática

(void) vacío
Our community does not exist in a vacuum=nuestra comunidad no vive aislada (del
resto del mundo)
A power vacuum =un vacío de poder

●valga la expresión
=for want / lack of a better expression
●valga la comparación
=if you see / know what I mean


●Walnut(adj)-de nogal

Swan around- walk slowly without doing anything
Hang around-rondar, andar por ahí sin hacer nada
I don’t like the people you hang around with- no me gusta la gente con la que
Mosty they just hang around outstreet corners- pasan la mayor parte del tiempo en
la calle, holgazaneando
I had to go all over place to find it- para encontrarlo tuve que dar más vueltas que
una noria.

● Wander-
Close your eyes, count up to 10 and let your mind wander
= pon la mente en blanco

● Waterwheel- Molino de agua

windmill- molino de viento


●vt hacer girar
●vt whirl sb off llevar a toda velocidad a algn
●vi girar:leaves whirling in the air hojas revoloteando en el aire
●vi (fig) dar vueltas:My head is whirling. Me da vueltas la cabeza.
●a whirl
●(n.)giro, rotación
●remolino:a whirl of dust un remolino de polvo
●(fig) torbellino:the social whirl el torbellino social
(to be) in a whirl (of sth):They left in a whirl of excitement. Se fueron sumidos en un
mar de confusiones.
●My mind is in a whirl. Me da vueltas la cabeza.
●to give sth a whirl (coloq) probar algo

●I give you my word- te doy mi palabra.

=retirar, tirar, quitar.

=conceder, producir, dar la razón.


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