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Issues in Designing Training Programmes

Key issued in designing are:

a) Goal & Scope-What type of skills, what geographical area, which level employee, what type of
training, what should be done on focus of training?

b) Structure: What should be the mix of theory & practice? Should training be specific? Should
training be structured around job design or performance deficiency?

c) Principles of Learning: Should training be teacher-centered or student-centered? How should

the learned behavior be reinforced? How can training be transferred to the job? How can
trainees be motivated? How could training provide practicing opportunities?

d) Curriculum: How should the curriculum be designed for the training? How should it be kept up-
to-date? Should the curriculum be delivered? What should be the process for revising the
curriculum? How should the curriculum be delivered? What should be included in the training
package in terms of training materials?

e) Duration: Should training be a one-shot affair of a continuous process? Should training be short
term of long term? Should training be staggered so that employees can take it in various
modules at various times?

f) Responsibility for Training: Should Top management approve training plans, programs and
budget? Should HRM department have authority to design and implement training programs?
How to ensure top management support in training design?

g) Finance: What should be the basis for allocating budget for training? Should trainees get extra
allowances and incentives for attending training programs? Should trainees be charged fee for
training? How could training be made cost effective? How could training be made sustainable?

Issues in conducting training programs

a) Management: what should be the organization design for training? Who should coordinate
training programs? Who should make changes in the training design during the conduct of

b) Trainees: How to address trainee needs properly? Who should participate in the training?
What should be the eligibility requirements for training? How should the trainees be
selected? How should indiscipline on the part of trainees be managed?
c) Trainers: Who should serve as trainers? What qualities should a trainer possess? Should
trainers be in-house full time employees or resource persons from external sources? What
should be the compensation modality for the trainers?

d) Training methods

e) Training materials

f) Mode of Delivery

g) Records

h) Resources

i) Evaluation

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