7123 UoB Guidelines Update 7

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September 2015
University of Bedfordshire Contents

– Words........................................... 4
– Logo............................................. 6
– Typography............................... 13
– Colours....................................... 17
– Photography.............................. 20
– Services and projects................. 27
– Templates................................... 30
– Examples................................... 35
University of Bedfordshire Introduction

We want the University of Bedfordshire brand to The use of photography has been updated to
continue to tell our story proudly, boldly and with portray the style of imagery that we are currently
personality. So we’ve reviewed our visual language using and has been categorised into relevant
and updated our brand guidelines to help us do this. groups.

We would like to reinforce the proper usage of We’ve developed templates for use for a range
our logo, so we’ve emphasised the importance of collateral and we’ve included some basic
of the symbol. information covering tone of voice, our values
and tips for writing. 
We want to allow for flexibility, but without
compromising the brand so we’ve established a Finally we’ve included an inspiration gallery to
simple framework for sub-brands to ensure that show where examples of the brand have been
they adhere to some basic rules; these are now successfully applied.
categorised as a service or project.
We hope you will find these new guidelines helpful
We’ve simplified our colour palette and introduced to you in telling our story in an uplifting, positive
new colours to the secondary palette to provide and optimistic way.
more flexibility in the use of colour.  Red and black
remain our primary colours and are strong
visual assets.

University of Bedfordshire Words

– Our tone of voice
– Our values
– A few tips
University of Bedfordshire Words

Our tone of voice Our values A few tips

Everything we write counts. What we say, and how we say it, is equally important as our visual identity. Our tone of voice is inspired by Before you start writing ask
Every communication is an opportunity to bring alive what we stand for. Following the three principles our brand values. These spell yourself these questions…
and guidance below, will help us create a distinctive and consistent tone of voice. ASPIRE, which stands for…
Who is my reader and what
Access do they want to know?
Providing global opportunities
Why are we saying this and
regardless of background.
Be optimistic Talk energetically and enthusiastically about the transformational role
we play in the lives of our students. Choose active language that Scholarship
what should they do as a result?
What do I need to say, and in
oozes encouragement, and inspires action. Focus on the future and Achieving through academic
what order, is there anything that
positive outcomes. endeavour and research
I can cut out?
informed teaching.
For example: ‘Whatever your dream, we’ll guide you on the right
How should I say it to fit our
path’ sounds far more optimistic than: ‘We offer a range of higher Partnership
tone of voice?
education programmes to suit everyone.’ Working together to make a
difference to our communities.
Cultivating an environment
Be friendly Use supportive, inclusive and approachable language that reflects
our warm and welcoming community. Step into your readers shoes.
that encourages creativity and
What do they want? Create a sense of dialogue and include your
reader by using you, I and we. Respect
Taking pride in our students
For example: ‘Whichever campus you join, you’ll discover an individuality and valuing their
exceptional place to live and study’ sounds far more friendly than: self-expression.
‘The University of Bedfordshire has six well equipped locations.’
Nurturing talent and preparing
our students for work.

Be clear Write using plain English that gets straight to the point. Avoid jargon
buzzwords and abbreviations. Write as though you were talking face-
to-face. Use everyday language and choose the shorter word when
one is available.
For example: ‘Learn from inspiring minds whose research is
changing the world’ sounds far clearer than: ‘Almost half of our
world-class research is REF 2014 recognised as having direct
societal, economic and cultural impact.’

University of Bedfordshire Logo

– Our logo
– Logo variations and usage
– Restricted space logos
– Symbol usage
– Logo limitations
– Graduation crest

University of Bedfordshire Our logo

This is our logo, our identity.

Our logo takes inspiration Our logotype consists of
from seedling and leaf shapes, specially drawn elements
signifying how students grow and should therefore never
with the university. It symbolises be recreated and only be
new possibilities, new futures reproduced from original
and new beginnings. The shapes digital artwork.
also represent highly abstracted
letter forms of our initials.
Our identity evokes partnership
through the use of two initials,
illustrating how the University
and students can achieve great
things together. The organic
shapes help to convey the
caring, supporting environment
at the University.

Symbol Typography

University of Bedfordshire Logo variations and usage

Full colour logos Single colour logos Full colour logos Single colour versions
There are four colour variations The black logo should only
of our logo. The full colour be used when printing
version must be used wherever methods restrict the use
possible. This can be used with of the full colour logo.
either black or white typography.
The white (reversed out) logo
Always choose the version that
can be used when printing
offers best legibility with your
methods restrict the use of the
chosen background.
full colour logo or when the
background does not provide
enough contrast for the red.

Logo clear area Logo minimum sizes Logo clear area Minimum size
In order for our logo to stand When reproducing our logo
out, a clear area around the in applications where space
logo must be adhered to. No is limited such as pens and
text, imagery or other logos web advertising, it is important
can overlap into this clear area. to ensure our logo is clear and
20mm legible. The minimum size
100px for reproduction in print is
20mm wide and for web
100px wide.

University of Bedfordshire Restricted space logos

Restricted space horizontal logo Restricted space vertical logo Restricted space logos
Where space is severely The colour variations and clear
restricted and our logo cannot space which apply to the master
be reproduced at or above the logo also apply to the restricted
minimum size specified on page space logos.
8, or on items where the master
logo is not legible, we have
the restricted space logos as
illustrated here.
These can ONLY be used when
space restricts usage of the
master logo and compromises
its legibility.
The horizontal logo is ideal for
long wide banners or pens,
whereas the vertical would work
well for a web skyscraper ad or
a tall hanging banner.

University of Bedfordshire Symbol usage

Full colour symbol Black symbol White symbol Symbol on its own
The logo symbol can be used The symbol can be used in red,
on its own, however limitations black and white.
(illustrated below) apply in order
to keep our logo’s identity strong
and clear.
Logo use for signage can be
found in our Sign Guide Manual.

Full colour symbol on white background Black symbol multiplied 15% on red White symbol on red background Symbol usage
The symbol can be used to Use part of the symbol very
enhance a design, creating areas large on the page to create an
to hold information or give a interesting and useful shape for
layout dynamism. The symbol your design. Please ensure that
can also be used as a subtle at least two sides of the symbol
background. are cropped as illustrated below.

Rotated or flipped

University of Bedfordshire Logo limitations

Do not rearrange the logo Do not change the font Do not change or rotate the symbol Logo limitations
To keep our identity strong and
recognisable, do not alter or add
to our logo in any way.
Always use original artwork and
do not try to recreate the logo or
change it in any way.

Do not distort or rotate the logo Do not change the colour of the logo Do not add a drop shadow to the logo

Do not stretch the logo Do not squash the logo Do not put the logo on top of a busy image

University of Bedfordshire Graduation Crest

Gold crest Black crest Graduation Crest

The University crest should
not be used on general
communications. It is reserved
for official documents such as
graduation certificates, signage,
graduation programmes, and
some presentations.
There are two colour versions
of the crest – gold and black.
Wherever possible, use the
gold crest and if budget allows,

of of University
of of printing gold (as a spot colour)
is desired.

Bedfordshire Bedfordshire

University of Bedfordshire Typography

– Headline font
– All-round font
– Microsoft typefaces

University of Bedfordshire Headline font

Clarendon Headline font

This is Clarendon,
Clarendon is our headline font, Clarendon should never
which means it should only be used for long paragraphs
be used for short amounts of of text or as body copy.
text, for example headlines,

our headline font.

subheads, short introductory
paragraphs and short quotes
of no more than 50 words.

Use this for headlines

and short paragraphs
of introductory copy.
Weights Font weights

Clarendon light Clarendon is available in several

different weights, we only use
the three weights listed here.
Clarendon italics should not be
Clarendon roman used as part of our identity
Two weights can be used in the
same headline/paragraph.
Clarendon bold

University of Bedfordshire All-round font

Univers All-round font

This is Univers, our all-round font. Univers is a great all-round font.

It’s modern, clean and easy
to read. It works well for any
Use this for headlines, introductions, purpose – headlines, body copy,
pull-quotes, highlights etc.

body copy, captions and quotes.

Univers can be mixed with either
our headline or reading font.
Weights Weights

Univers 45 light 45 light oblique

Univers is available in several
different weights, we only use
the weights listed here.

Univers 55 roman 55 oblique

Univers 65 bold 65 bold oblique

Condensed Limitations Univers condensed Limitations

The condensed version of Univers Condensed in upper
Univers 47 light condensed Univers 47 light condensed Univers is useful for headlines, and lower case should not
short calls to action or highlights. normally be used. However, if
Univers 57 condensed Univers 57 condensed When using Univers Condensed
try to use capital letters and no
space is tight and in exceptional
circumstances, exceptions can
more than 15–20 words. Please be made.
Univers 67 bold condensed Univers 67 bold condensed see the inspiration gallery for

University of Bedfordshire Microsoft typefaces

Microsoft headline font Microsoft body copy font Microsoft typefaces

Georgia bold is Arial is our body Our two main typefaces are not
available as default in Microsoft
applications so when working
Use Georgia as the headline font
and Arial as the body copy font.
Never introduce other typefaces.
our headline font copy font for in PowerPoint or Word, use the
typefaces shown here.
Never use these typefaces

for PowerPoint PowerPoint

for other publications outside
Examples of those could be PowerPoint, Word and Excel.
presentations, letters, formal or
and Word and Word academic papers and reports.

Georgia weights Arial weights Weights

Bold Roman italic We only use Georgia bold for

our Microsoft documents. No
other weights should be used.
Use either the roman or bold
weights of Arial – bold is useful
for pulling out text, subheadings
and pull quotes.
Bold italic Bold bold italic

Examples of use

Presentation title Headline goes here

Subtitle underneath if necessary

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Quisque laoreet posuere nisl, a egestas nibh.
• Cras dapibus sapien vel dui fermentum egestas. Aenean odio nisl, faucibus in
consequat sed, tristique id diam. Cras efficitur lacus ac nibh viverra volutpat.
• Ut posuere placerat mattis. Suspendisse at pellentesque risus, in vestibulum est.
Sed luctus odio id bibendum elementum.
• Quisque vehicula ipsum lacus. Morbi suscipit, dui eu efficitur gravida, augue orci
auctor urna, vel fermentum dolor leo eget ligula.
• Pellentesque purus nisl, fringilla non sapien a, blandit blandit purus.

Presentation title February 2015 3

University of Bedfordshire Colours

– Primary colour palette
– Secondary colour palette

University of Bedfordshire Primary colour palette

Red Black Primary colour palette

Our red and black colours are
Pantone 186 Black synonymous with the University
C2 M100 Y82 K6 C0 M0 Y0 K100 of Bedfordshire and make up our
primary palette.
R200 G16 B46 R0 G0 B0
#c8102e #000000

Red tints Black tints Tints and darker red

Tints of red should never be We have a darker red that
No tints allowed 20% 40% 60% 80% used, however any tints of black we use in campaigns and
can be used. prospectuses. It can also be
used with our primary red in
The grey tints can be very
useful to hold copy as a box-
out in a publication or to pull Never use the dark red in
Dark red Red gradient lots of elements together as place of our primary red.
a background panel (do not
Pantone 202 R128 G0 B41 use as full bleed).
C10 M100 Y61 K50 #800029 Sometimes, a dark grey can work
well for an introductory paragraph
of text or for body copy.

University of Bedfordshire Secondary colour palette

Secondary palette Secondary colour palette

This is our secondary palette. The colours are not attached
Pantone 1235 Pantone 152 Pantone 1665 to a particular department
C0 M31 Y98 K0 C0 M66 Y100 K0 C0 M79 Y100 K0 The secondary palette
or subject, but can in certain
R255 G184 B28 R229 G114 B0 R220 G68 B5 compliments the primary
communications (such as
#FFB81C #E57200 #DC4405 palette and allows us to create
prospectuses) be used for
variation and interest in all
colour coding.
our communications.
Pantone 375 Pantone 369 Pantone 364 The colours can be used
C46 M0 Y90 K0 C68 M0 Y100 K0 C71 M4 Y100 K45 as the main colour in a
R151 G215 B0 R100 G167 B11 R74 G119 B41 communication or as accent
#97D700 #64A70B #4A7729 colours in conjunction with
the primary palette.
Pantone 3242 Pantone 3268 Pantone 3292 Keep the number of colours
C44 M0 Y20 K0 C86 M0 Y53 K0 C98 M14 Y65 K51 used in one communication
R113 G219 B212 R0 G171 B142 R0 G89 B79 to a maximum of three – unless
#71DBD4 #00AB8E #00594F more are needed for e.g. a
graph or a chart.
Tints can be used of any
Pantone 442 Pantone 444 Pantone 7477 of the colours from the
C25 M7 Y19 K20 C45 M16 Y25 K50 C86 M29 Y21 K67 secondary palette.
R162 G172 B171 R113 G124 B125 R36 G76 B90
#A2ACAB #717C7D #244C5A

Pantone 291 Pantone 2915 Pantone 2945

C38 M4 Y0 K0 C60 M9 Y0 K0 C100 M53 Y2 K16
R155 G203 B235 R98 G181 B229 R0 G76 B151
#9BCBEB #62B5E5 #004C97

Pantone Process Magenta Pantone Purple Pantone 259

C0 M100 Y0 K0 C40 M90 Y0 K0 C67 M100 Y4 K5
R212 G15 B125 R187 G41 B187 R109 G32 B119
#D40F7D #BB29BB #6D2077

University of Bedfordshire Photography

– Photography categories
– University life
– Portraits
– University environment
– Close-ups

University of Bedfordshire Photography categories

University life Action shots Portraits Photography categories Our six photography
categories are:
Our photography is divided into
six categories. Guidance on University life – this focuses
these categories is included on the people at the University –
on the next few pages. students, staff and anyone else
involved with the University.
The style of photography
should always be true to our Action shots – any shots of
overall brand message by being students involved in activities,
professional, high quality and performances, sport etc.
showcasing our great facilities
Portraits – portraits of
and students in a bright and
students/staff for case
fresh way.
studies and life stories.
University environment
– showcasing our amazing
University environment Close-ups Campaign images facilities with or without
Close-ups – close up details
of work, a building, tools etc.
Campaign images – these
have a specific style and change
Please refer to the latest every year, please refer to the
campaign guidelines. latest campaign guidelines for

University of Bedfordshire Photography – University life

University life
When depicting general
university life, always focus
on the people, our students
and staff.
Our photography is fresh and
clean and is a reportage style
that depicts students and staff
engaged in work or interacting
with fellow students (not
looking at the camera).

University of Bedfordshire Photography – Action shots

Action shots
This is almost a sub category of
university life, depicting general
life at the university but including
movement, bringing the pictures
to life.

University of Bedfordshire Photography – Portraits

Portraits are useful for case
studies and specific stories
about study or careers.
In contrast to the University life
photographs, these are set-up
and posed and the person can
look directly at the camera.
Always photograph the person
in the University environment,
keeping it fresh, friendly and

University of Bedfordshire Photography – University environment

University environment
Our University facilities are
worthy of showing off and will
compliment other photography
in our collateral.
Frame the architectural features
in an interesting way and include
students wherever possible,
without overcrowding the

University of Bedfordshire Photography – Close-ups

Close-ups should never be
the main image of any of our
communications but they are
great for illustrating specific
work or objects and are great
for creating interest in a design
when mixed with people shots.

University of Bedfordshire Services and projects

Services and projects

– Service and project logos
– Logo limitations
– Service or project logo usage

University of Bedfordshire Service and project logos

Use colour for emphasis Use visual effects to emphasise meaning Service and project logos
When promoting a University To create a strong link with
related service or project, it the University, the colours are
avoids confusion to create a restricted to the primary colour
logo that works in harmony palette for the services and
with the University branding. projects logos.
Service and project logos Within these restrictions there
must be typeset marks using is great scope for being creative
Clarendon as the main typeface and giving each service its own
and Univers for a descriptor personality.
where required.
Please see the examples on
the left.

Balance the logo using font weights Add lines to keep elements together

University of Bedfordshire Logo limitations

Do not sit the two logos together Do not incorporate elements from the master logo Logo limitations
When creating a service
or project logo, do not use
elements from our master logo
or sit the two together as this
will distract from our master
brand identity.

Do not incorporate elements from the master logo Do not incorporate elements from the master logo

University of Bedfordshire Service or project logo usage

External facing – two optional positions Examples of external and internal communications How to use a service or
project logo
When producing materials When producing material that
Position A that will be distributed or will only be seen within the
seen outside the University, University, it is not necessary
the service or project logo to include the University logo
must be featured alongside and the service/project logo
the University logo. can take prominence.
External facing
There are two optional
positions for the logo as
illustrated on the left.

Internal communication

Position B

University of Bedfordshire Services and projects

– PowerPoint template
– Flyer designs
– Banner designs

University of Bedfordshire PowerPoint template

PowerPoint – title and divider slides PowerPoint – text slides PowerPoint

When creating a PowerPoint Try not to over-crowd each
Presentation title Headline goes here presentation, it is important to slide. It is better to split the
Subtitle underneath if necessary
use the standard template as information across several
shown here. slides rather than fitting
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
everything onto one.
• Quisque laoreet posuere nisl, a egestas nibh. Choose the slide layout that
• Cras dapibus sapien vel dui fermentum egestas. Aenean odio nisl, faucibus in
consequat sed, tristique id diam. Cras efficitur lacus ac nibh viverra volutpat. works best for your content.
• Ut posuere placerat mattis. Suspendisse at pellentesque risus, in vestibulum est.
Sed luctus odio id bibendum elementum.
If a graphic or a graph is needed,
• Quisque vehicula ipsum lacus. Morbi suscipit, dui eu efficitur gravida, augue orci use a text + image slide and
auctor urna, vel fermentum dolor leo eget ligula.
• Pellentesque purus nisl, fringilla non sapien a, blandit blandit purus.
replace the image with a graph.

Presentation title February 2015 3

Presentation title Headline goes here

Subtitle underneath if necessary

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet

adipiscing elit.
• Quisque laoreet posuere nisl, a egest.
• Cras dapibus sapien vel dui fermentu
consequat sed, tristique id diam cras
efficitur lacus ac nibh viverra volutpat.
• Ut posuere placerat mattis. Suspense
at pellentesque risus, in vestibulumst.
• Quisque vehicula ipsum lacus.
• Pellentesque purus nisl, fringilla non
sapien a, blandit blandit purus.

Presentation title February 2015 4

Headline goes here

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

• Quisque laoreet posuere nisl, a egestas nibh.
• Cras dapibus sapien vel dui fermentum egestas. Aenean
odio nisl, faucibus in consequat sed, tristique id diam cras
efficitur lacus ac nibh viverra volutpat.
• Ut posuere placerat mattis. Suspendisse at pellen tesqurus,
in vestibulum est. Sed luctus odio id bibendum elementum.
• Quisque vehicula ipsum lacus. Morbi suscipit, dui eu efficitur
gravida, augue orci auctor urna, vel fermentum dolor leo.

Divider slide title

• Pellentesque purus nisl, fringilla non sapien, blandit blandit.

Subtitle underneath if necessary

Presentation title February 2015 5

University of Bedfordshire Flyer designs

Flyer design A Flyer design B Flyer

Here are a couple of examples Tips on flyer designs:
of how flyer designs can work
 eep the headline short
depending on the style of
and to the point.
imagery and amount of text
Headline on two lines HeAdline on TWo lines required.
across the top Across THe ToP –C
 hoose colours that work
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
with the chosen imagery.
adipiscing elit. Cras tortor ipsum,
vehicula a augue at, ornare commodo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing
elit. Cras tortor ipsum, vehicula a augue at, ornare
nisi. Vestibulum leo diam, cursus eu
hendrerit vitae, vestibulum a lectus. –K
 eep plenty of white space
around text and images.
commodo nisi. vestibulum leo diam, cursus eu
hendrerit vitae, vestibulum a lectus.
vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus
et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ut felis at
sapien vehicula maximus ac in metus.
Vivamus quis ante consectetur
Aliquam nisi quam, maximus non vulputate faucibus,
maximus sit amet ligula. Nullam at augue eu nulla
 lways ensure the logo is
pretium ullamcorper. Nam gravida orci non sem
placerat, a ullamcorper nibh commodo. clearly visible on both sides
of the flyer.
Aliquam vestibulum risus sit amet ipsum
ullamcorper, quis suscipit tortor gravida. vestibulum
in mi enim. Maecenas condimentum quam arcu, vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
dapibus mollis turpis tincidunt quis. Cras vulputate faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere
placerat libero sed ullamcorper. Aenean ac est velit. cubilia Curae; Integer ut felis at sapien
Donec et tellus a lorem euismod cursus. vehicula maximus ac in metus.
neXT vivamus ullamcorper mauris erat, in sagittis dui Aliquam nisi quam, maximus non
oPen dAY: lobortis eget. Integer ultrices ipsum nec magna vulputate faucibus, maximus sit amet
5 MArcH vulputate maximus eget at nunc. Nam velit augue, ligula. Nullam at augue eu nulla pretium
dictum quis felis a, tempor congue turpis. Morbi non ullamcorper. Nam gravida orci non sem
2015 varius ligula, in fringilla justo. placerat, a ullamcorper nibh commodo.
Phasellus accumsan, risus vitae imperdiet Aliquam vestibulum risus sit amet
sodales, eros tellus consequat mi, et euismod ipsum ullamcorper, quis suscipit
arcu purus imperdiet lectus. tortor gravida. vestibulum in mi enim.
Maecenas condimentum quam arcu,
dapibus mollis turpis tincidunt quis. For more information lorem ipsum
Cras vulputate placerat libero donec dolor sit amet consectetur
www.beds.ac.uk et tellus a lorem euismod cursus. www.beds.ac.uk/loremipsum

Flyer design C Flyer design D

T Y:
ne Xen dAH
oP A rc
5M5 science Y:
201 sPorTs on oPen dA
Join Us 2015
5 MArcH

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit cras
tortor ipsum, vehicula a augue

at, ornare commodo nisileo

diam, cursus eu hendrerit vitae.

HoW MUcH HArd WorK


Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in

faucibus orci luctus et ultr ices posue.

cAn YoUr bodY endUre?

Aliquam nisi quam, maximus non
vulp utate fauc ibus, maximus sit

amet ligula. Nullam at augue eu nulla

pretium ullamcorper. Nam gravida orci
non sem placerat, a ullam corper.
vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci Aliquam vestibulum risus sit amet ipsum
Aliquam vestibulum risus sit amet
luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer ullamcorper, quis suscipit tortor gravida.
ipsum ullamcorper, quis suscipit
ut felis at sapien vehicula maximus ac in metus. vestibulum in mi enim. Maecenas

tortor gravida. Vestibulum in mi enim.

condimentum quam arcu, dapibus.
Maecenas condim entum quam arcu, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
dapibus mollis turpis tincidunt quis. adipiscing elit. Cras tortor ipsum, vehicula a Phasellus accumsan, risus vitae imperdiet
Cras vulputate placerat libero donec et augue at, ornare commodo nisi. vestibulum leo sodales, eros tellus consequat mi, et
tellus a lorem euismod. diam, cursus eu hendrerit vitae, vestibulum. euismod arcu purus imperdiet lectus.

University of Bedfordshire Banner designs

Banner design A Banner design B Banner design C Banner designs

The banner designs shown here Tips on banner designs:
are examples of how elements
 ave a large, short and sharp
can be arranged depending
headline. Make sure it stands
on the amount of information
out at the top.
Headline on two biG HeAdline

nc a
– If an introductory paragraph
lines at the top

da am
on FoUr lines is needed, ensure it is not

too long.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
And A cAll To

& Dr
Phasellus posuere lectus risus, et semper risus viverra
 se images and blocks of
AcTion beloW
vitae sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia.
grey or another colour to
hold elements together and
to create interest around the
• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. information.
• Phasellus posuere lectus
risus, et semper risus viver.
• Donec dui nulla, posuere id
 ry to keep information to
velit eu, cursus faucibus ant.
Phasellus posuere lectus a bullet point format.
• Maecenas at velit dolor in
risus et semper!
hac habitasse platea.
• Ut molestie ligula non scele • Phasellus posuere lectus risus, et –D
 o not add information right
semper risus viver maecenas at
risque efficitur.
• Donec at mauris eu lacus
velit dolor in hac habitasse platea. at the bottom of the banner,
porttitor. • Donec dui nulla, posuere id velit eu,
cursus faucibus ant molestie ligula as it is easily overlooked.
non scele risque efficitur.
• Donec at mauris eu lacus porttitor.

• Curabitur tempus, lacus sit amet

 lways ensure the logo is
posuere iaculis vestibulum ante
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University of Bedfordshire Services and projects

– Our brand in action

University of Bedfordshire Examples
University of Bedfordshire

Prospectus 2016

Inspiring entrepreneurial spirits Student experience
Undergraduate Prospectus 2016

“Since graduating I’ve

6 7
competed in the Great
Britain European Jodie Lockwood,
Championships, and the
Production Co-ordinator,
2010 Olympic games in ITV
Jodie graduated from our

Vancouver. After I retired BA (Hons) Television
from professional sport I Production and has worked

on Dancing on Ice, Big
set up an athletics academy. Brother and Stepping Out.
The University gave me the We have been ranked
B22 Hear from Jodie:
confidence and knowledge unibeds.info/ug-jodie number one for improving
We are experts in developing to do it, and my profile the student experience in
the entrepreneurial continues to grow.” the most recent National
intelligence of every one of Ryan Freckleton Student Survey (NSS 2014).
our students and embedding BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise
We work hard to make your student
Science graduate
the entrepreneur ethos into Senior Lecturer and Athletics Coach
experience a life-changing one; from
guest speaker events and master classes,
everything we do. at Oaklands College, and Director of
to industry visits and internships, we
Wired for Sport Ltd
Success in today’s world of work is not ensure our courses have a strong focus on
just about having the right knowledge, Mario Louis, enriching your knowledge and skills set.
skills and degree qualification. Increasingly Freelance TV Researcher, We aim to give you a well-rounded and
organisations are searching for graduates Maverick TV memorable experience that will last long
who can harness and demonstrate an after you’ve graduated.
Mario graduated from
entrepreneurial attitude. our BA (Hons) Television
Our links to hundreds of organisations Production and has worked
across the world provide you with unique on Embarrasing Bodies.
opportunities to gain invaluable experience
Hear from Mario:
and enables you to create your own global
network of industry contacts. You’ll also be
supported by our Careers & Recruitment
Service who won the AGCAS Award Ranked 1st for improving
for Excellence in Student and Graduate
Recruitment in 2013. the student experience
Find out more on pages 178 and 179. – National Student Survey 2014

of our graduates
are in work or
further study
within six months
Lyzgeo Yoshi,
Capacity and Performing
Planning Analyst,
of graduating Vocalink
Hear from Lyzgeo:
(DLHE 2014) unibeds.info/ug-lyzgeo

Visit: belong.beds.ac.uk Chat live at: www.beds.ac.uk

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Contact details
If you have any questions
about how to use these
guidelines, please contact:

Beverley Hoare
Deputy Director of Marketing,
Admissions, Recruitment
& Communications
Email: beverley.hoare@beds.ac.uk
Ext: 3448

Sarah Hampton
Marketing Manager
Email: sarah.hampton@beds.ac.uk
Ext: 2285

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