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Sonja Canic 4029


ATM – Automated Teller Machine or cash point – BANKOMAT

-I wanted to take out the money, but ATM wasn’t working.-

Advantageous - involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances

of success or effectiveness; beneficial – POVOLJNO

-the scheme is advantageous to your company-

Asset - a useful or valuable thing, person, or quality – IMOVINA

- Quick reflexes were his chief asset.-

Jump on the bandwagon – do a popular thing- PRATITI TREND

-As many other companies, they also decided to jump on the band wagon.-

Oligopolies – very few companies that control most of the business- OLIGOPOL
- limited competition due to oligopolies.-

High street - the primary business street of towns or cities, especially in the United

-High street banks and businesses are companies which have branches in the main shopping
areas of most towns.-

Unprecedented - never done before,new, novel, groundbreaking, revolutionary-


-the government took the unprecedented step of releasing confidential correspondence

Oversight - an unintentional failure to notice or do something – PREVID

-He said his failure to pay for the tickets was an oversight.-

Up-to-date – modern, contemporary – SAVREMEN

-a modern, up-to-date hospital.-
Conversion rate – the percentage of users who are browsing that end up buying goods
and services online - STOPA KONVERZIJE

-You'll see better conversion rates for your local advertising if you include your physical
address on your website.-

Bond – a document which can be bought and sold and which is produced by a goverment
promising that it will pay back money it has borrowed, usually with interest – MENICA

-I invested some money in savings bonds. -

Equity (or equities) - the capital that a company has from shares rather than from loans

-He sold his equity in the company last year.-

Letter of credit – used to guarantee payment and delivery of goods, whereby the
importer’s back guarantees payment to the exporeter’s bank once it receives the related
shipping documents – AKREDITIV

-For export sales, the price of the goods are securied by a letter of credit.-

Shares – one of the parts into which the ownership of a company is divided – DEONICE
-He invests in stocks and shares.-

Milestone - a significant stage or event in the development of something.- PREKRETNICA

-the speech is being hailed as a milestone in race relations.-

A long shot – it will have a little chance of success – MALA SANSA ZA USPEH
-It is a long shot but you could try phoning him on the phone.-

Cash in – exchanging an investment for money – UNOVCITI

-This bonds can be cashed in at any time.-

Stave off – prevented from happening – ODBITI

-The Federal Reserve lower interest rates to stimulate the economy and stave off a recession.-

Keep track of – make sure you know about what is happening – ISPRATITI SITUACIJU
- My sister’s had so many jobs, it is hard for me to keep track of what she is doing.-
Big players – important companies or people – VELIKE ZVERKE, BITNI LJUDI
-These big players are ruining the country." It means our leaders are not doing good jobs for
our country.-

Dire - extremely serious – VEOMA OZBILJNO

- This people are in dire need of help.-

Spell the end - signify the closure – SIGNALIZIRATI KRAJ

-This latest attack could spell the end of the piece of process.-

Go into free fall - go down very quickly – NAGLO OPASTI

-The stock market went into free fall after the housing market collapsted.-

Grant concession- agree to allow the company to pay less than it would be normally –

-We would be prepared to make concessions in order to reach an agreement.-

Back-end system – hardware and software applications that manage order processing,
billing sales, inventory and shipping – POZADINSKI SISTEMI

-My back-end system isn’t working.-

Cookie – piece of data that can be used to recognize an online customer and personalise the
webpage – KOLACIC

-You need to enable cookies so that you can enter the website.-

Banner – small advertisment for one website displayed on other sites – by clicking on it the
user is taken to the new site – MALI OGLAS

-She ran for office under the banner of reform and change.-

Pop-up ad – advertisment that automatically opens a new browser window and covers the
window the user was intending to read – REKLAMA

-This pop-up ad are very annoying.-

Browse – move from place to place on the Internet – searching for topics on the Internet –

-Do you need any help or shall I leave you to browse for a while?-
Hacker – someone who secretly gets into another person’s computer system in order to use
information or damage the system – HAKER

- Hackers are a major defence department concer.-

B2B – exchange of services, nformation and products between businesses via the web –

-Mister John is confident about the potential for B2B e-commerce.-

Dotcom – online retailer or Internet business – ONLINE POSAO

-Starting a succesful dotcom has more to do with business skills than technical expertise.-

E-commerce – buying and selling goods and services and doing other business over the

-Recognizing the value of e-commerce, traditional companies also jumped online.-

Leading player – one of the important people, companies inolved in a particular industry,
market, situation – GLAVNI IGRAC

-She is a leading player in his company.-

Money spinner – a product, service or business that makes profit – UNOSAN PROIZVOD
-Consumer finance i not necessarily a money spinerr any longer.-

Keep up with – remain competitive by trying to do thing as well as other people,

organisations.... – BITI U KORAKU SA

-He has never made an effort to keep up with current events.-

Fee – money paid to a proffesional person or organisation for their service - NAKNADA
-For nominal fee, they will deliver orders to customers homes.-

Take on – start to employ someone – ZAPOSLITI NEKOG

-You have to be brave to take on a big corporation in court.-

Turnover -the amount of money taken by a business in particular period, income-


-Turnover is approaching four million.-

In-house – done with organisation, especially by the organisation – UNUTAR KOMPANIJE
- He’ll keep the work in house, and get it done more cost-effectively than by using a sub-

Get off the ground – if a plan, business idea gets started or it starts to be successful –

-A lot of money will be required to get this project off the ground.-

Reinvent – changed, improved and modernised - MODERNIZOVATI

-He promised to reinvented goverment if elected.-

Newcomer – a business that has only recently started a particular activity - NOVAJLIJA
-At the meetings, staff writers met with adult staff and newcomer students.-

Mass produce – manufacture in large amounts – MASOVNA PROIZVODNJA

-They now mass produce cars to meet a wider market.-

Market follower – a company that isn’t one of the main ones in te market and that
doens’t have a large market share – PRATILAC TRZISTA

-Market followers must know how to hold current customers.-

Innovate – design and develop new and original products – IZMISLITI

-The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate.-

Bottom line – the figure showing a company’s total profit or loss – KRAJNA CIFRA
-How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?-

Margin – the difference between price of a product and the cost of producing it- MARZA
-She won the presidency by wide margin.-

Profitability – the state of making a profit – PROFITABILNOST, UNOSNOST

-The report cited improvment in the banks profitability in recent years.-

Target – a result such as total, an amount or a time which you aim to achieve - CILJ
-Their plan is to be a buyer rather than buyout target.-
Range – a set of similar products made by a particular company -SPEKTAR
-They provide IT consultancy services to a range of clients.-

Core business – activity that makes most money for a company and that is considered to
be its most important and central one – OSNOVNA DELATNOST

-The companies core operations include entertaiment and aviation.-

Venture – a new business activity or project that involves taking risks - PODUHVAT
-There are many joint venture between American and Japanese.-

Retail – a business that sells goods to members of the public rather than shops –

-Retailers have reported that consumer spending fell over the last 12months.-

Booming – very successful and growing - PROSPERITETAN

-Business is booming at the moment.-

Toehold – someone’s first involvment in a particular business activity from which they can
develop and became stronger – POLAZNA TACKA

-Insurance is a very difficult market to get a toehold in.-

Spree – a short period of time during which someone spends a lot of money – RAZETANJE
-An ambitious public spending spree has created a huge hole in the Treasury’s finance.-

Franchise – a right to sell a company’s products in a particular area using the company’s

-The franchise has proved to be extremely lucrative.-

Laud - praise highly, hail- HVALITI

-The obituary lauded him as a great statesman and soldier.-
Invoice – a list of goods sent or services provided, with a statement of the sum - FAKTURA
-Invoices must be submitted by the 24th of every month.-

Deadline – the latest time or date by which something should be complited – ZADNJI ROK
-There is no way I can meet that deadline.-
Recipient – a person or thing that receives or is awarded something - PRIMALAC
-He was a recipient of Civilian Services Award.-

Agenda – a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting – DNEVNI RED

-There was several important items on the agenda.-

Feedback – information about reactions to a product, a person’s perfomance of a task,

which is used as a basis for improvement – POVRATNA INFORMACIJA

-Have you had any feedback from customers about the new soap?-

Grant – a sum of money given by a government or other organisation for a particul purpose

-They awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.-

Loan – a thing that is borrowed, especially a sum of money that is expected to be payed back
with interest - POZAJMICA

-We can apply for a loan to buy a car.-

Workload – the amount of work to be done by someone or something – POSLOVNI TERET

-They face increased workloads.-

Deliverable – a thing able to be provided, especially as a product of a development process


-What are the project deliverables?-

Surmount – overcome a difficulty or obstacle - PREVAZICI

-Even things are easily accessible at the moment, may become, in a few years time, a barrier
difficult to surmount.-

Shareholder – an owner of shares in a company – AKCIONAR

-Nordea is a shareholder of, and participant in, the global FX clearing system CLS.-

Stakeholders –a person or group of people who own a share in a business-KOJI IMA


-In order to use its potential to the fullest, one should engage as much people as it possible as
stakeholders in the project.-
Manufacturing – to produce goods in large number, usually in factory using machines -

-We import foreign manufactured goods.-

Audit - to make an official examination of the accounts of a business and produce a report

-An energy audit can suggest ways to reduce home fuel bills.-

Governance – the action or manner of governing a state, organization - UPRAVLJANJE

-A more responsive system of governance will be required.-

Fuzzy – something that is not clearly defined – NEJASNO

-The border between science fact and science fiction gets a bit fuzzy.-

Incentive – a thing that motives or encourage someone to do something - PODSTICAJ

-There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures. -

Exceed –be greater in number or size than a quantity, number or other measurable thing –

-His performance exceeded all expectations.-

Permanent – something that last forever – KONSTANTNO

-Heavy drinking can cause permanent damage to the brain.-

Breakthrough – a sudden dramatic and important discovery or development - OTKRICE

-A major breakthrough in negotiation has been achieved.-

Match – be equal to something in value, size or quality - PARNJAK

-His anger matched her own.-

Rev up – to become better– UNAPREDITI

-They wanted to rev up the add.-

Back up - to help or support - PODRZATI

-If I ask for more money will you back me up?-
Upshot- to final or eventual outcome; the final result – ISHOD
-The upshot is that we’ll see him Thursday.-

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