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Building the Vision and the Strategy
for a PMO Implementation

Mauro Fenzi, Alexandre Sörensen

Ghisolfi, Valerio Crovasce
(Comau Corporate)

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Overview of PMO Implementation Model

1. Current State Assessment

2. Future State Vision
3. Gap Analysis
4. Implementation Strategy
5. Implementation Plan (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

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Current State Assessment

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Vision, Enterprise Strategy and
current PM Maturity

Do you know what you want?


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The Vision

• A vision transforms the organization. It provides a

picture of what could be.
• It uses the future to help analyze the present.
• It is a vehicle that can drive an organization to
move toward that dream.
• As dreams come true or realities change, visions
• It is a goal of the highest order.
• A vision aligns people in activities that cut across
the organization.

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The Vision: a metaphor

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A Vision

In 1961, the most optimistic assessment of getting

someone on the moon was at best 50-50. But
Kennedy did not say,

“Let’s beef up the space program.”

He said,

“that this nation should commit itself to

achieving the goal, before this decade is
out, of landing a man on the moon and
returning him safely to Earth.”
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So…do you know what you want?

Understanding the Company Strategy is essential to

understand the PMO Vision, Strategy and Functions!

Which is the Company Vision?

Which are the Company Strategies?

– Markets
– Customers
– Products
– Geography (local?, regional?, global?)
- …

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… is it also what the others want?

Which is the necessary Sponsorship level?

Which is the actual Sponsorship level?

– Is this initiative receiving the required technical,

economical and political support from Senior

– Is this initiative likely to receive support by the

Functional Managers?

– Is this initiative likely to be appreciated by

Project Managers and Team Members?

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Communicating the Vision

• A global event was organized, involving more than

60 “change agents” among the PM professionals, in
order to present the “The Comau Global Project
Management Strategic Initiative” and the new

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The Vision – Comau Case

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The Vision – Comau Case

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From Cluster to Network

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From Vision to Strategy – Comau Case

– Develop and disseminate a global culture,
culture vision, strategy and
empower the Comau ability to perform global developments and
– Develop a high performance,
performance global project management team.
A team able to plan and execute highly complex projects, to
improve the global company maturity level and to create the
basis for optimal Portfolio Management.
– Assess and enhance capabilities through continuous education
both in soft and hard skills.
– Create infrastructure for project management Knowledge

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From Vision to Strategy

Which is the current Maturity?

Which is the GAP considering the Vision?
• The initial analysis is not so simple, it requires understanding
of the business, political and economical environment. It
must consider, at least, but not only, the follow aspects:

– Organizational structures (Functional, Weak, Balanced,

Strong, Projectized).
– Methodologies in place (Policies, processes, systems,
– Current PM culture, regarding understanding and
application of professional project management
– Value of current practices

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Positioning the PMO for Success

The sophistication of the PMO structure and its

funding vary widely and are based on the overall
goals to improve:
– Project-by-project performance
– Divisional project performance
– Organizational project performance
– Organizational project management maturity
– Revenue and profit generation by projects

Adapted from Rad and Levin, 2002

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PMOs at Multiple Organizational Levels

So... Do you know where to establish your PMO?

The Enterprise

Division A Division B Division C Division D PMO?

Unit A1 Unit D1 Unit D2 Unit D3 PMO?

Unit A2
Sub-unit D21
Unit A3
Sub-unit D22

Sub-unit D23
The position of the PMO in the Sub-unit D24
organizational structure will
“naturally” define some PMO Project X Project Y Project Z PMO?

benefits & functions…

Adapted from Rad and Levin, 2002

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The COMAU PMO Global Structure

• The COMAU PMO PM Family

is a global team with more
than 200 people directly
participating in the PM
related decisions...
Business Business Business Contract & Project
– 4 geographical PMO areas: Unit #1 Unit #2 Unit #3 Management

• Europe (Corporate),
• North America, Corporate PMO

• South America,
PMO Europe
• Asia,
– 150 PMs, PMO North America

– 20 Program Managers, PMO South America

– 20 Planners and
PMO Asia

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The COMAU PMO Global Structure

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Levels of PMO Functions (high view)

Level 5
Many organizations consider the
PMO supports
PMO in terms of a series of business
levels: Level 4
decisions and
PMO supports resource
the organization allocations at
in its projects the enterprise
Level 3 level
PMO supports
a division or
Level 2 with all of its
PMO supports projects
projects under
Level 1
the same
PMO supports program
just one project (a Program Office)

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Comau Corporate PMO Level

Level 5
PMO supports
Comau Corporate and Regional PMOs business
(regional strategies and actions) Level 4
decisions and
PMO supports resource
the organization allocations at
in its projects the enterprise
Level 3 level
PMO supports
a division or
Level 2 with all of its
PMO supports projects
projects under
Level 1
the same
PMO supports program
just one project (a Program Office)

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• Develop a high standard, international class compliant project

management culture/approach
• Develop a culture capable of synchronizing language, both
internally and with customers
• Improve the governance

The choice fell quite naturally on the adoption of PMI® and its
standards as a reference model

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+ =

PMI® standards Organization Best Comau Policy of

Practices Project Execution

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Getting high-level
sponsorship to the Policy

Measuring the “as-is”


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Managing the Portfolio:

Providing high level reporting to

the Company’s Board of Directors
for project governance

Aligning Project Management to

Business Strategy, for project
portfolio selection

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• A skill is an ability to translate knowledge into

action that results in a desired performance.
• members of high performance teams have the right
mix of skills, including technical skills, problem-
solving and decision-making skills, and
interpersonal skills.

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– Creation of the Comau PM Academy
– Getting the Comau PM Academy as a certified PMI REP
– Develop internal trainers and global internal courses
– Deploy courses to all Comau Professionals involved in teamwork
– Promote PMP certification among PMs and team members

– Perform worldwide behavioural assessments to all Comau
Professionals involved in teamwork
– Create dedicated development plans, in cooperation with
Corporate and local HR.
– Perform Team Building activities for major project teams

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– Develop a global PMO Sharepoint Site as a tool for knowledge
and information sharing
– Create the PM Family as a mean of global integration and
professional awareness
– Create a Knowledge Market cutting across Business Units and
geographical locations

– Start benchmarking with external Companies
– Develop links with Business and Academic institutions
– Start cooperation with PMI

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Vision beyond Vision

• PMOs tend to fail on a long run

• How can we envisage a sustainable vision for a

• Innovate the Vision by Continuous Improvement
and Business Innovation

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A sustainable PMO

Management of Strategic Initiatives:

• Aerospace business development

• DIversifying Comau (DICO)
• Service Business Model transfer (from Brazil to China)

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PMO Charter

Business Background
Market today is requiring more product and services diversification. Technology is becoming easy
available in many countries and in diverse segments. In the vision, a company must be able to use a
network environment and using the expertise, be able to offer alternative solutions to customers.
Knowledge management and experience are becoming even more important. Our business is
requiring a global project management strategy.

Business Need
Develop and disseminate a global culture, vision, strategy and empower the Comau ability to perform
global developments and integrations.

* Be global: To unify the global Comau network and management approach.

* Provide a better performance to customers.
* Improve projects governance; transparency and risk management.
* Achieve projects economical and financial targets.

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The PMO Charter

Project Objectives
* Global unification of the PM processes, methodology.
* Develop strategic projects.
* To monitor the global workload.
* To monitor the global Portfolio for the most important projects.
* To develop the Comau PM Academy.

* Develop and implement the Company Project Management execution policy (Global Policy).
* Develop the PMO Global Structure.
* Standardization the Portfolio Report System (global).
* Develop the Comau Project Management Academy: continuous development of knowledge and skills.

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The PMO Charter

Completion Criteria - Success Criteria

Implement the project objectives in 2 years time-frame. Starting in the USA and European facilities.
Following Brazil and China.


The level of sponsorship will be maintained.


Additional resources shall be approved and shall be funded by BU/Country.

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PMO Responsibility Assignment Matrix

Sponsor Define business objectives, Provide resources. Perform key decisions.

PMO Corporate Is the global owner of the PM Family. Must guide global strategies and actions to
integrate the project team developing and executing the project plan. Perform stakeholder
analysis contacts and making sure the proposals will be properly developed and well
received. Perform risk identification, mitigation and controlling.

Main Project They are local change agents and owner of the PM initiatives. Must contribute to define
team and execute the project strategies and actions.

PMOs, Program
Managers and
Support to The support team will offer guidance in the development of the business strategy,
Operations Team approach, management techniques and IT support issues.

* For all WBS identified tasks in the project schedule.

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PMO Strategy Implementation Plan

High level and detailed

Road Map developed for
PMO Strategy
Implementation and
shared with all

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Some actions…

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Some improvement actions…

The PM Family PMO Global

Develop Strategic
Actions and Projects

Leadership Identification and Communication – Diversification of

Empowerment! communication Channels (all company and always)

Empowering Change Agents

Comau Book
of Best Practices

Portfolio Man. Improvements Global standardization for Programs and Projects

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Resume of our most important actions:

1. Identification and Sharing of Best Practices in a global


2. Better work processes,

processes development of a global execution
policy, simple and efficient,
efficient applied for projects, programs
and portfolio management approach.

3. Continuous development of the Comau Project Management

Academy internal seminars, meetings involving all
company levels.

Today Comau is sharing best practices with the market and

being positively recognized for that! (Comau, Customers and Providers)

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High level view of the implementation

First measurement , baseline and analysis.

Improvements actions.

Continuous measurement, analysis

and new improvements…
(on-going operation)

(Plan, Do, Check, Act, …)

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Results and Lessons Learned

Level 1 – Common Language

Important maturity growth between 2007 and 2009 surveys,

specially when comparing to our industry.

Comau is leading the change in our business.

Maturity Growth between 15% and 38% (different growth for

different countries, projects teams, etc.)

Comau PM Academy is really adding value! (we will apply more

efforts in our Academy).

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Results and Lessons Learned

Level 2 – Common Processes

We have achieved consistent numbers, results from different

countries are similar.

We have a global approach!

Comau has today almost the best score in this market.

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Results and Lessons Learned

Level 3 – Singular Methodology

Similar results when comparing to the first benchmark


In order to improve this result, we will apply more efforts to

develop all other different departments and provide more soft
skills training programs in our academy.

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Some Lessons Learned…

“Project management success is the Company

Success”, today we have a better understanding that
each project and customers are the most important
ones we have – No chance to failures” – This
philosophy is easy to understand but not so easy to
translate in real actions…”

“We consider our success case as a collection of simple

actions! With a very well defined scope, start and
end…” “It is the success of many small actions…”

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Some Lessons Learned…

Start the change from individual people development

to reach the company development.

First steps are about discipline. More quality must

arrive in the following rounds after some learning
curve… take this into consideration while planning
your actions list.

In a global environment, a global policy must be good

enough to support all high level needs. At the same
time needs have to be as simple as possible, so that
later countries, business units or departments will be
able to write their operational guidelines in details.
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Some Lessons Learned…

Project Management is for the whole company and

To develop Project Managers only is not enough!

It is not about “controlling” the job, it is about

working well from the very beginning.

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Some Lessons Learned…

The Corporate PMO (Enterprise PMO) is providing an

important value to the business through the
integration, the empowerment to promote
opportunities and performing strategic projects.
When performing strategic projects the perception of
value and the return on investment are directly and
positively impacted. It is a natural consequence, since
this strategic PMO can have a wide vision of the
company entities, customers and products.


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Some Lessons Learned…

“The more global a Company is, more the PMO

becomes a key agent!”

“An Enterprise PMO in Comau is about connecting

Strategy to Business Execution”, “Closing the GAP”.



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Our PMO Global PM Family



North America


South America

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The Vision

• A vision often encompasses paradox or dilemmas

(ex. Low cost vs. high quality)
• Good vision statements strive to reconcile the
dilemma (see F. Trompenaars)



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From Strategy to Functions

How do we plan our PMO?

Will it:
– be directly responsible for project success?
– have local teams or distributed ones?
– perform micro or macro controlling?
– perform Quality Management and/or Audits?
– manage the resource pool?
– be directly responsible for the PM team?
– perform training to the team members, suppliers, customers?
– assure the controlling of project deliverables? (configuration
management, security?)

A clear definition will help a lot the definition implementation of the PMO…

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From Strategy to Functions – Comau Case

We planned our PMO to:

– Supervise project management

– have both local teams and distributed ones
– perform Project Portfolio management
– perform project management audits
– oversee the resource pool with the creation of a
dedicated PM Family
– support the PM teams for project success
– perform training to the team members, Suppliers,
Customers through the creation of a Comau PM
– Act as data collector
– Manage global knowledge sharing
– Enhance communication concerning project
management and related activities
– Survey Customer satisfaction

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