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sped organizational sped resource

Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security
7/19/2017 Empower 1 and Empower 2 Trainings (7/19 and 8/3/2018) 12 12 6 6
/17/2017 POWER STANDARDS 3-5 PM 2 2 2
5/2/2017 POWER STANDARDS 3-5 PM - check additional mtng with laura 2 2 2
5/5/2017 curriculum development - personlaized learning /SPED 4 1.5 1 1.5 4
5/2/2017 led paraprofessional meeting - created agenda and facilitated discussion 2 2
Met with principal and assistant principal to develop CMSE master
schedule. Initial work was done builiding special education
courses, assigning students and teachers 8 3 2 3
create at a glance template 5 2 1 2
sped teacher interviews 4 2 2
6/2018 East Focus Team - Leadership Team - 16 meeting / 45 min each 12 12 12
mtng with LPK to discuss summer needs - 2 times 2 DEC
7/20 met with lynn and jen about new teacher week, follow up with WB
7/20/2017 to plan 4
7/19/2017 empower training to pilot program2 7/19/17 8 DEC
school year attend all I team meetings - problem solve, interventions, resources 12 12
attending bright brigades, summer inservice
power standard learning target writing 8
7/26/2017 Pl summit - 11:30-1:30 prep at east 2 4 4
Met at Carver County with social worker to discuss Special Education
8/1/2017 student needs and coordiante county services with school services 3 x
meeting with East admin regarding workshop week - I will present
8/22/2017 resource room communication 2 2
8/22/2017 attended meeting led by PK to Dean's addressing Policy 521 and 529 2 CMSE
8/22/2017 meeting with Gilbert and Scharenbrock regarding SPEDS role with WIN 3 3
Paper Lite 4
para interview wk of 9/20 ish 2 x
2nd win meeting in sept with gilbert
9/10/2018 created resource room test procedures and communication form 6 6

District Health Council - 4 meetings 4 1.5 1 1.5

wellness committee - increase mental health awareness 10 6
Coordinated MAP testing small groups for Special Education students.
9/18/2017 Included organizing proctors, finding teacher coverage for classes. 6
Created new iep at a glance - in collaboration with general education
teacher 4
Crisis Team Committee Meetings (throughour school year) -
10/13/2018 responsibilities of committee 6 6
10/16/2018 Bus Coordinator on alternate Mondays - 6 6 6
Applied for grant to create and facilitate para cohort 4 1 2 1
Courage Retreat Field Trip- Coordinated Special Eduction student
coverage with paraeducator support on the field trip and at the middle
10/24/2017 school , bus supervision, small groups, and attended 8 3 2 3 4
board meeting 2 1 2
weekly entry
9/2017 -
6/2018 sped snapshot - increase communicatoin with gen ed - 15 min/wk=370
min plus set up 10 3 4 3
10/12/2018 Equity Club 2 4 2 2
presented new teacher week 2xs including prep 8 3 2 3 x
presented to SPOT (special ed leadership team) team - including prep 8 3 2 3 x
bright brigades
10/30/2018 Endrew case 6 2 2 2 6
11/30/2017 toolbox Nov 30 Yoga Calm - presentation for school staff including prep 4 4 2 2
10/13/2017 Special Education Regional Director Meeting 3 1 1 1 3
10/13/2017 Special Education West Metro Directors Meeting 3 1 1 1 3
11/8/2017 mde moitoring nov 8 - TSES Update and Restrictive Procedures 8 4 4
presented at parent night - 2 sessions plus prep 10 5 5 5 5
Transition Night Committee- parent information night for Special
Education students - 5 meetings 5 2 1 2 3 2
full day at DEC w/ whit and janet - staffing 8 4 4
Presented to staff "Toolbox Thursday" Yoga Calm and Mindfulness 4 4 4 4
3/6/2018 Atended SEAC Meeting 2 1 1 2
3/6/18 Met with PK and Whitney - discussed Speech staffing 1.5 1.5 1.5
3/7/18, 3/13
/18 Bright Brigades - para cohort 4.5 plus prep 10 4 3 3 4 3 3
MASE Day - prep plus going - scheduled meeting comm. talking pts 2
prep plus attending 10 4 3 3 5 5
class recommendations, staff input for what they want to teach -
3/12/2018 assigned to me 3/6/18 6 6 2 3 1
3/13/2018 helped gilbert small grp mca - accommodations 3 3 3
met with Ellen to discuss how to handle difficult parents wp - due
3/13/2018 process, communication 2 2 2
3/15/2018 MSU Leading Courageously for Racial Equity 8 3 2 3 8
3/17/2018 Special Education Finance presentation - Marcey Dowd 2 1 1 2
Met with Jen Davie (SPED supervisor) reviewed due process documents,
4/9/2018 templates, accessing info for teams 3 1 1 1 3
Watched board meeting from January 2 0.5 0.5 1 2
Finance project - funding stream 6 2 2 2 6
Met to discuss para grant - expectations from our SPED director,
4/25/2018 available funds to supplement - brought prepared notes 4 1.5 1 1.5 4
Extended School Year - SPED
*met with ECCS SPED Supervisor and Coordinator to assess need by
4/27/2018 *discussed teacher hiring
4/30/18 *parent communication/permission 12 4 4 4 2 4 2 4
Coordinated end of year special education field trip needs. Included
identifying high needs, assigning paraeducators to high needs kids,
ensuring all medication was being sent, bus schedules, alternatives to
5/1/2018 field trips, ensuring safety plans would be addressed 8 8 4 4
Co-facilitated course planning, student scheduling, and
case load assignment at the building level with
administration, sped leadership, and the special education team
5/10/2018 12 4 2 2 4
Deb Anderson/Director of Special Education/Prior Lake Savage Area
Schools (PLSAS)
*shadowed director
*Building Instructional Leadership Team End of Year Retreat -
6/13/2018 *Structure of SPED program in PLSAS 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Deb Anderson/Director of Special Education/Prior Lake Savage Area
Schools (PLSAS)
*met with Teaching and Learning Coach, PD leadership team, principals
and deans to deiscuss the PD for the upcoming year. Focused on
creating learning targets
*Innovation Meeting - discussing transition to using Innovate K12 to
empower staff to share and generate ideas
6/14/2018 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Deb Anderson/Director of Special Education/Prior Lake Savage Areas
Schools (PLSAS)
*shadowed director
*analyzed MDE documents to PLSAS regarding a parent grievance
6/15/2018 involving child find 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Created Special Education Team Drive for (PLSAS) to address teacher Area
concerns with a shift in responsibilities - increase communication, Schools
6/16/2018 organize due process 4 (PLSAS) 2 2
Melanie Kray/Director of Special Education/SouthWest Metro
Intermediate District 288
*reviewed new media policy
7/9/2018 *structure of SPED program 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 2
Researched and created document for SouthWest Metro reveiwing
7/10/2018 restrictive procedure options for the district to consider 5 3 2 3 3 3
Attended meetings between ECCS and SW Metro regarding transfer of
care and treatment programs
7/16/2018 *roles/responsibilities, employee contracts, technology, finance, MARSS,
7/17/2018 parent and community communication 16 5 5 6 2 2 2 2 2 4 2

sped organizational sped resource
Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security

Total Category Hours: 40 16 19 13 10 13 9 24 22 21.5 10 13 19

Total Hours: #REF!
sped organizational sped resource
Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security
sped organizational sped resource
Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security
sped organizational sped resource
Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security
sped organizational sped resource
Date: Project/Duty hours elem middle high sped policy and law management allocation 1-Leadership 2-Organizational 3-Diversity Leadership
4-Policy and Law 5-Political Influence/Govt
6-Communication 7-Community Relations
8-Curriculum Planning 9-Instructional
and Dev. Management
10-HR Mgmt. 11-Values and Ethics 12-Judgement/Problem
Solvingand Security

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