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Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85

Structural and Physical Aspects of Construction Engineering

Evaluation of the Primary Vegetative Test for the Testing Building

Klara Necadovaa , Petr Selnikb,* , Martin Mohaplc , Jitka Mohelnikovad
Faculty of Civil Enginnering, BUT Brno, Veveri 331/95, 602 00, Brno, Czech Republic


The long-term testing of the three kinds of green roofs with different retention ability is installed in AdMaS research facility of the
Brno University of Technology. Installed vegetative roofs were designated for dissimilar application options with new developing
vegetative-retention mats. The assessment of the vegetative development was required. The long-term EnviHut vegetative testing
was preceded by short-term vegetative check of growth in Wädenswil testing field of the Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte
Wissenschaften. Results of the check confirmed growing potential of applicable vegetation. The long-term monitoring is focused
on evaluation of the consolidation, damages caused by weather conditions and integrity of the vegetative surface. The main
monitored testing inclination is 30°. Current results confirm general stability and prove functionality of the designed layer sets.
The Authors.Published by Elsevier
by Elsevier Ltd. This Ltd.
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the issue editors.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPACE 2016
Keywords: green roof; vegetative-retention mat; consolidation of green roof; vegetation integrity.

1. Introduction

Successful vegetative test is an essential part of the overall functional evaluation of stable green roof. A whole
range of different vegetation tests already exists to check out the growth of vegetation on the planned constructions.
All referred tests are based on long-term research activities with the research institute Dachbegrünnung Institut -
ZHAW. Two major vegetative tests were implemented on the basis of the recommendations: simple verification of
the possibility of growth of vegetation on the vegetative-retention polyester mattress and a long-term testing on a real

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +420-723-857-013; fax: +420-541-240-996.


1877-7058 © 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of SPACE 2016
Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85 79

full-size object. Full-size verification on the selected plane is a necessary confirmation of the functionality of the entire
multi-layer structure.

1.1. Short-term vegetative check

The vegetative test of the selected vegetative-retention mattress was implemented as part of the research project.
Results of the test provide insights into the behavior of the inbuilt material. The main emphasis was placed on the
effectiveness of interconnection of a turf root ball with substrate and drain-storage layer. The speed and quality of
growth of grass layer are other important observed phenomena. This testing is currently ongoing and long-term
monitoring. The final results will be published after general completion of the project EnviHUT. Conclusions
regarding the growth and death of plants are part of this article. Preliminary evaluation of the short-term test was
necessary in order to begin the installation of the main measured roof plain at the project EnviHUT.

1.2. The basic description of vegetative test

Three fiberglass containers with dimensions of 1.2 x 1.2 m and a height of 8cm were used for the test. Five holes
for drainage of redundant irrigation water were made to each container bottom. Based on personal consultation with
associate professor Stephan Brenneisen, who is considered as the main leader and pioneer in the design and expansion
of green roofs in Switzerland [1,8], were chosen those following described layers of the upper part of green roof.

1.3. The basic assembly without the additional supportive vegetative nutritious layer (Variant I.)

The vegetative-retention polyester fiber mats cut IZOL SU [2,3] were placed on the bottom of the testing container.
The mats were cut up to smaller segments for the purpose of doing completely tight filled surface in the container.
Emphasis was placed on avoiding gaps between the mats due to penetration of the substrate into the joints, that it could
affect the test results. Half of the mats surface was roughened with a metal brush, the another half of the mats was left
with the original surface finish. Disruption of the surface of the mats provides better access for the roots of the plants
that will easily nourish vegetation from the vegetative-retention layer. Substrate with the thickness of 5 cm was stacked
on this layer. Full-grown clumps of grasses (3x3 pieces per box) were locally planted to the substrate and it was also
supplemented with sown grass mixture, that comes from the historically significant green roof Moos Wasserwerk of
the suburb Wollishofen. The mixture of seeds was harvested during the period of August and September 2013. It was
sowed 20 g of the seed-mixture on 1 m2 of the area of all the testing containers.

Fig.1. Variant I. of the short-term test; Switzerland; April 2015

80 Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85

1.4. The assembly with additional pressed wood fibre elements (Variant II.)

The vegetative-retention layer was placed on the bottom of the testing container in the same way, like it was
described in the paragraph above. The surface of the mats was not modified. The pressed wood fibre boards were
tightly put on the half surface of the mats. This wooden material is commonly used in Switzerland as a supportive
layer. Rain water is retained in the fibre structure and the material serves as a source of nutritions and water that
provides enough substance for their growth. The wood fibre elements were placed only locally on the another half of
the container. 5 cm thick layer of the substrate was stacked on the wood layer. Planting was carried out as in the
Variant I. This additional layer of wood fibre elements was used to compare the quality and speed of growth of plants
based on the use of different assemblies and materials for green roofs. Costs are relatively high, even though the wood
fibre elements were a glue-free recycled material.

Fig. 2. Variant II. of the short-term test; Switzerland; April 2015

1.5. The assembly with additional coarse straw (Variant III.)

In the case of the last testing container the vegetative-retention layer was placed only on the half of the surface.
The surface of the mats was not modified. 3 cm thick layer of the coarse straw was stacked on the mats. Only straw
was placed on the another half of the testing container. Amount of straw was chosen as to align the upper surface.
Substrate with the thickness of 5 cm was stacked on the straw layer. Planting of greenery was carried out as is described
above see Variant I. Straw will be decomposed over time and substances provide enough nutrients for well growing
plants. It is also relatively cheap and lightweight material that could contribute to better and more permanent greenery.

1.6. Location of installation and environmental conditions of the test

The testing containers were placed in open space. The aim was also to simulate extreme weather conditions in
summer period. It was attained by placing the testing containers on a black permeable foil. The plants were artificially
irrigated during drought and only during the first testing period (June 2015). Artificial irrigation was going on only in
case, if dry period took longer than 3 days. In this case each testing container was irrigated by 10 l of water.
Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85 81

Fig. 3. Variant III. of the short-term; Switzerland; End of April 2015

1.7. Evaluation of the short-term vegetative test

Wilting of full-grown pre-cultivated tufts of grasses was not found out in any test case after the first month of
observation. Growth of small sprouts of seeded plants locally occurred in variant I. and II..The slower growth was
caused by a long dry season and it was necessary to initiate artificial irrigation. The variant with straw showed the
minimum germination capacity. Based on the expert opinion and experiences of professor Brenneisen straw should
have an impact mainly on long-term behavior of plants. The whole team was taken aback by the slow development of
plants. Behavior and pace of development of vegetation has a major impact on stability and consolidation especially
in pitched green roofs. The tested polyester material is the main subject of the prolonged testing on the research project
Based on the monitoring could be determined that the variant II. - variant with added pressed wood-fibre elements
provides faster growth of plants and also creates denser grass surface. The PES mats in combination with straw did
not prove any conclusive growth of seeds during the testing period. The pre-cultivated tufts of grass were in the worst
condition in comparison with other plants.

Fig. 4. The first evaluation of the short-term vegetative test; Switzerland; 17. 6. 2015

Running long-term vegetative test on the building EnviHut

The project EnviHUT aims to raise public and professional awareness focused on green infrastructure - green roofs
and green walls. Design, geometrical dimensions and the whole concept of this project had already been published
and more details are listed on [10]. The main testing plain is a pitched green roof with
inclination of 30° degrees and orientation to the SSW - NNE and each testing segment has size of 2.4 m x 2.5 m.
Additional adjustable benchmark testing boxes that are in front of the testing building, see in Fig. 5, has the same
assembly of green roof like is used on the main roof plain.
82 Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85

Installation of the green roof occurred at the end of September and during October 2015. Modified vegetative-
retention mats were used for the installation. New modifications were in filling of polyester fibers and clumps - area
density 4000 g/m2 for thickness 4cm and 6000 g/m2 for thickness 6 cm [4]. Following winter period was mild with a
little precipitation and without extremely freezing days. The temperature fell only one day below the extreme design
temperature – 12 °C. The only one month with negative monthly average temperature was January -1.94 °C.

Fig. 5. The testing building EnviHUT from the SSW side and the affiliating testing boxes; Brno AdMaS; 5. 4. 2016

Consolidation of the turf of the Icelandic type of green roof and soil of semi-intensive green roof was successful
after the first winter period. During the monitored period did not appear any landslips and any erosion of the surface.
The subsidence also took place evenly over the entire surface of the testing planes. On the other hand, the extensive
sedum roof was under the influence of large volume changes of the anti-slip system. Uneven deformation during the
thirst six months after installation was caused by interconnection of geocells along with inappropriately chosen
installation method. The relatively slow development of sedum plants, which were planted in the middle of October
2015, was also the cause of volume changes of the substrate. The implementation was carried out by a specialized
company focused on green roofs. Amount of the installed substrate was not sufficient from the perspectives of the
authors of this article. Spherical shape of grains was also inappropriate mainly for pitched green roofs. Consolidated
height of the substrate was 7.7 cm in the middle of the testing plain after six mounts of observation (measured
20.3.2016). The planned thickness of the substrate was set in 10 cm and to the height of this level is missing 2.3 cm,
which it approximately corresponds to 30% of the total volume of the applied substrate. Such an amount of missing
substrate is an essential shortfall. The sedum green roof will have to be supplemented with substrate in order to fulfill
a valuable function and aesthetic appearance. Replant plants of sedum will be necessary during the reparation, which
it leads to re-rooting and also slowing the growth of vegetation in this part of the roof.
Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85 83

Fig. 6. The uneven consolidation of the substrate on the sedum roof; Brno AdMaS; 5. 4. 2016

The grass surface on the roof is in good condition and it is comparable in quality to the gradual development of
vegetation on surrounding slopes and plains. The fastest growth of vegetation was observed on the affiliating testing
box with the assemble of modified Icelandic green roof with an inclination of 15° [6]. This assembly evinced the
greatest retention ability during the initial measuring of retention, see in Fig. 7. Amount of retain water had impact on
rate of growth and quality of plats [5].

Fig. 7. Retention curves depicting the behavior of various types of green roofs; Brno (2016)

Fig. 8.The testing box with the assemble of the modified Icelandic turf roof (the left picture was taken on 25. 2. 2016 and the right picture was
taken on 4. 4. 2016; Brno
84 Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85

Development of grass species is uniform over the entire surface of the testing plains apart from the lines in close to
the wooden anti-slip system – this wooden boards retain water for longer time than soil and therefore plants have more
nutrients for better growth. EnviHUT is conceived as a temporary testing facility, therefore the anti-slip system was
made of cheap and available material. The installed vegetative-retention mats with different filling and thickness fulfill
the function according to the intended design [7,9]. The long-term testing will carry on an annual evaluating of the
retention properties.

The progress of the designed vegetative tests is indicated of the positive developments of the observed test
constructions as in the case of short-term testing and also long-term testing. Growth of vegetation demonstrates the
correctness of the design with regard to the local impact of climate. Selective wilting of vegetation did not occur on
examine structures. Progressive development of retention behavior shows the need for constant measuring by the
development of the root system and the extent of consolidation of the entire layer. This conclusion could be generalized
to any kind of green roof. Green roof needs for its valuable function long-term stabilization and time-consuming
development in comparison with common building materials. The process could be partially speeded up by installation
of pre-cultivated vegetation mats. This option also requires a long-term consolidation (estimated time according to the
vegetative test is at least 2 years). Adequate function of biodiverse sown green roof comes after longer time with regard
to local climate conditions. This holds true especially for pitched green roof, which is significantly affected by
inclination. A necessity for understanding of the basic principles of behaving of green roofs and the correct settings of
legislation is the need to repeat above mentioned tests on a large scale area. The design of the pitched biodiverse green
roof and its incorporation into the current EU legislation is either very difficult or sometimes even impossible. Every
project of green roof requires a unique approach to each planned construction. As a proof of this assertion is the short-
term vegetative test i.e. a combination of the polyester vegetative-retention mat and straw. Straw is considered as a
very good mediator of water (based on experiences of the Green Roof Institute - Zürich University of Applied
Sciences) and it is commonly applied for installations of green roofs with positive results. Straw is evaluated as
unsuitable material for installation of pitched green roof in mentioned test. Straw layer prevents contact of roots with
the vegetative-retention mat and caused less effective water supply management. Enlargement of application of
pressed wood fibre elements is limited by higher costs of their production. The mentioned elements can not be glued
by cheaper synthetic adhesives because of possible toxicity.
Testing sedum field (full-size measuring) proves high sensitivity of vegetation growth depending on
implementation of the anti-slip system. Variable uneven consolidation negatively influenced progress of growing
roots. This progress has to covered correct design within the right legislative norm.
Many commercial applications of this construction will take place in the same season the EnviHUT roof was
installed. The final 2.3 cm drop of the substrate is essential finding for designers and implementors of green roofs.
The used installation method of filling geocells from the ridge to the eaves without considering of creep can result in
necessary warranty reconstructions. The testing sedum roof was supplemented with 30% of roof substrate from the
originally installed volume. Replanting of plants is also economically and time-consuming demands.
Consolidation of the turf of the Icelandic type of green roof was even and has not required any maintenance for the
first six months. There were not any drying spots or areas during the monitored period.


Authors would like to express their appreciation and thanks to docent Stephan Brenneisen, his research team and
the support from the ZHAW and the Brno University of Technology for the financial support of the field research in
Iceland and Switzerland.
This paper abstract has been worked out under the project No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP - Advanced Materials,
Structures and Technologies", supported by Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under the „National
Sustainability Programme I" and under the project No. FAST-J-15-2733 supported by Faculty of Civil Engineering –
Brno University of Technology.
Klara Necadova et al. / Procedia Engineering 190 (2017) 78 – 85 85


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