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1. If you _______________ (smoke) so much, you _____________ (get) a bad cough.
2. You have a terrible cough. If I ________________ (be) you, I __________________
(go) to the doctor.
3. I __________________ (not buy) the dress if it _____________ (be) too expensive. But
it was a real bargain!
4. You ________________ (not improve) your vocabulary if you _______________ (not
read) English magazines.
5. If the weather _____________ (get) colder this weekend, we ______________(need)
warmer clothes.
6. If the weather _________________ (be) nicer yesterday, I ________________ (go) for
a swim.
7. Unless Sammy ___________________ (feel) well, he ________________ (not go) to
school tomorrow.
8. ___________________________ (we/ go) skiing tomorrow if it ____________ (snow)
9. If I _______________ (be) rich, I __________________ (buy) a huge house.
10. Peter ________________ (save) a lot of money if he _____________ (have) a job. But
he is studying at university and he doesn’t work.
11. If you ________________ ( not express) your opinion, no one _______________
(know) how you feel.
12. If Amanda _______________ (be) older, her parents __________________ (let) her
stay out later. But she is only 13.
13. Whenever my baby ___________ (be) thirsty, he ______________ (cry).
14. If Jimmy _______________ (have) a driving license, he ______________ (go) to
Seville by car. Jimmy is 16 years old.
15. They __________________ (win) the match if they _________________ (score) more
goals than the other team in last week match.
16. If it _________________ (stop) raining now, we _________________ (climb) the
mountain. [it is raining a lot]
17. - What _____________________ (you/ do) if you _________________ (be) the
Prime Minister of Great Britain?
● If I ____________________ (be) the P.M., I ________________ (low) taxes.
18. If you _________________ (travel) to New York, you _______________(have) a good
time. There are lots of things to do and see.
19. Jack didn’t pass the exam. If Jack ____________________ (study), he
_________________ (pass) his exam.
20. - What _____________________ (Sarah/ say) if I________________(take) her skirt
without permission?
- I think she ____________ (be) very angry if you ____________(not tell) her about it.
21. If Kate ___________________ (not come) to the Halloween party, Mark
________________(not be) happy.
22. Unless Paula _________________(send) the postcard today, Samuel
________________ (not read) it by Saturday.
23. If you _______________ (be) late again, I _______________ (not wait) for you! I
promise you!

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