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July - August 2018

This issue sponsored by:

July-August 2018


Ghost Riders That Haunt Your Oil
5 Steps for More Effective Hydraulic Beware of those invisible particles not reported by most oil analysis labs. These

Troubleshooting contaminants, which often go unnoticed, need to be exposed and understood.


Why You Should Be Using

Procedure-based Maintenance


Using Drones for Remote Oil Sampling


Grease Sampling Methods Matter



3 Causes of Unreliable Equipment and How to Eliminate Them
Jacobs Named 2017 Gill Award Winner Although equipment fails for a lot of reasons, they all fall into one of three major
categories: improper lubrication, contamination or incorrect installation.


Best Practices for Wheel-end Lubricants


36 Get to Know 30 Product News 40 Product Supermarket
41 Now on 38 Test Your Knowledge 44 Ask the Experts
Jim Fitch | Noria Corporation

AS I SEE IT Oil Analysis

Ghost Riders That

Haunt Your Oil
Beware of those invisible particles not reported
by most oil analysis labs

which go
unnoticed by
staff and
and unreported
by oil analysis
labs, need to
be exposed and

The def inition of machine. No lubricant is indem- magazine. We’ve shown how the
a contaminant is nified from their effects or can damage can progress slowly or attack
any foreign “some- safely co-exist with contaminants. suddenly and destructively. Either
thing” that enters So too, there are no lubricants or way, contaminants are a serious
a lubricant during formulation, machines that can realistically be lubricant disease that merit vigilant
packaging, transport, storage or defined as contaminant-free. attention by lubricant analysts and
service. Contaminants compro- The hazards brought on by reliability professionals.
mise the lubricant’s integrity, various types of contaminants Solid conta minants (a lso
performance and ser vice life have been covered extensively in known as particles) come in wide-
as well as impart harm to the the pages of Machinery Lubrication ranging sizes, shapes, hardness and

2 | July - August 2018 |

Mike Ramsey -
Brett O’Kelley -
resistant to chemical degra- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
dation from heat, oxidation Jason Sowards -
and operating conditions. SENIOR EDITOR
Jim Fitch -
This physical and chemical
stability enables fewer oil Wes Cash -
changes and lowers the cost Alejandro Meza -
of lubricant consumption. Bennett Fitch -
Loren Green -
This is a good thing, but Michael Brown -
sadly there is a downside to Garrett Bapp -
Figure 1. Small particles can pass unimpeded Devin Jarrett -
through a filter.
extended oil drains or, in some
cases, no oil drains. The longer CREATIVE DIRECTOR
Ryan Kiker -
a lubricant remains in service,
composition. Often missed Defining Ghost the longer it is exposed to GRAPHIC ARTISTS
in the discussion on particle Riders particle contamination from a Patrick Clark -
Josh Couch -
contamination are the ghost Today’s owners of lubri- variety of ingression sources. Greg Rex -
riders that lurk in your oil. cated mechanical assets Additionally, most particles
These contaminants, which want to minimize main- that invade a lubricant are Tim Davidson -
go unnoticed by mainte- tenance and repair costs. very small. Small particles 800-597-5460, ext. 224
Consumables like lubri- enter more easily than large Teresa Dallis -
nance staff and unmeasured 800-597-5460, ext. 256
cants are often targeted for particles. For instance, for
and unreported by oil anal- cost reduction. These days, each 10-micron particle that MEDIA PRODUCTION COORDINATOR
Libby Bahlinger -
ysis labs, need to be exposed lubricants are formulated to ingresses into the oil, there
and understood. be increasingly robust and may be ten 3-micron particles. CORRESPONDENCE
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This small-particle dominance is compounded mechanically in sliding frictional zones. Wear is only
further by filtration. Most machines with circulating controlled by the mitigating action of extreme-pressure
oil have filters. However, most filters remove parti- (EP) and anti-wear additives. However, these additives
cles based on size exclusion. This means they don’t do little to impede the abrasive damage caused by small
remove all particles but rather just certain particles particles, leading to polished and honed surfaces under
above specific micron sizes (based on the average pore common boundary conditions. The higher the popula-
size of the filter media). For simplicity, we can refer to tion of these small particles, the more wear damage that
this as the filter’s particle size cut-off. results. Of course, where there is wear there is excessive
Those particles larger than the filter’s size cut-off are friction, higher energy consumption and negative envi-
conveniently disposed of with each filter change. The ronmental consequences, all of which are not good.
particles smaller than the filter’s size cut-off stay with the
oil and in the machine. This results in a growing popula- Silt Lock
tion of small particles that are uncontrolled by filtration. Small particles are commonly referred to as silt-sized
Because of their extremely small size, they also are not particles or just silt. These particles can jam and pack into
prone to settling (Stoke’s law) but rather embed tightly narrow oil ways, glands and orifices. They can restrict oil
into the oil, held by viscosity, circulation and Brownian flow, leading to lubricant starvation, and impair mechan-
motion (like food dye in water). ical movement (e.g., in a servo valve), causing motion
To what size of particles are we referring? Well, impediment.
if the filter has a 10-micron cut-off, then all particles
Additive Tie-up
smaller than 10 microns are ghost riders. By total
weight, most of these particles may be submicron A high density of small particles exposes the oil
(i.e., less than 1 micron in size). These include organic to an extensive amount of surface area (the collec-
matter (soft, insoluble contaminants that can lead to tive outer-shell surfaces of all particles). Many of the
sludge and varnish) as well as inorganic hard particles lubricant’s additives are polar, meaning they are natu-
from environmental dust and wear debris. Remember, rally attracted to both machine and particle surfaces.
the human eye can see particles down to about 45 Examples include friction modifiers, dispersants, rust
microns. Therefore, we can confidently say that ghost inhibitors, metal deactivators, detergents, anti-wear
riders are only visible with the aid of microscopes and and extreme-pressure additives. When these additives
similar laboratory methods. hitch a ride on particles, they lose their functional
value to the oil and machine. The particles occupy
The Lurking Dangers of Small (tie up) this role instead. The scrubbing of additives by
Particles small particles is a common additive depletion mecha-
Don’t assume you’re completely safe if you have
a good filter, even if it is a high-capture-efficiency
3-micron filter. Yes, filters are important, and many metal deactivator detergent
deliver exceptional performance by mitigating the
exposure and risks of particle contamination. When
larger particles are quickly filtered from the oil, they
can’t damage machine surfaces and can’t be crushed
into small particles in the size range of our ghost
riders. For sure, good filtration is essential to contam-
ination control. antiwear
The concerns and risks associated with small particles additive
will vary depending on the type of lubricant and the type
of machine. The following is a brief listing of the dangers
and harm imposed on lubricants and machines from the
abnormal presence of small ghost-rider particles: rust inhibitor
Polishing and Increased Figure 2. Many additives are attracted to par-
Mechanical Friction ticle surfaces and will adhere tightly. When the
Many machines are exposed to periodic or contin- particles later get removed by filters or settle to
uous boundary lubrication. This means that, due to slow sump floors the additives are stripped from the
speed and/or high unit loading, the lubricant is unable oil. Those particles that stay suspended in the
oil keep the additives occupied and unable to
to maintain an oil film. This results in surfaces that rub
perform their intended function.

4 | July - August 2018 |

Table 1. Oil Analysis Tests for Indicating the Presence of Ghost-rider Particles in Oil

Pending ASTM
SAE ARP 4285 ASTM D7684 ISO 4407 ISO 16232-6 16232 7&8 ISO 13357 BS 3406
Related Standards ASTM D4898
ASTM D7670 ASTM F312-08 ISO 21018
- 90
FTM 3012/3 FTM-3009 ISO 4405
Indication of Total No No No Yes No No No Yes
No No No Yes No Yes No Yes
Quantification of
No No No Yes No Yes No No
Total Solids
Soft Insolubles
No No No Yes No No No Yes
Wear Debris No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
No No No No No No No No
Visual Indication
Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes
of Solids
Availability of
Test Method
Yes Yes Limited Limited Limited Limited Limited Yes
(Commercial Labs
and Vendors)

Optical Particle
SEM/ RDE Sediment Blotter Spot Ferrous Density
ICP Spectroscopy Counting Ultracentrifuge
EDX Spectroscopy Content Test Tests
ASTM D5185 ASTM D6595 ASTM D2273 ASTM D7647 None None None
Related Standards
ISO 11500

tive Indication of No No No Yes No Yes Yes No
Total Solids
Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Quantification of
No No No Limited No No Limited No
Total Solids
Soft Insolubles
No No No Yes No No Yes No
Wear Debris Yes Yes Yes No Limited Limited No Yes
Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No
Visual Indication
Yes No No Yes Limited Yes Yes No
of Solids
Availability of
Limited Yes Yes Limited Yes Limited Limited Yes
Test Method | July - August 2018 | 5


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nism. The more particles, the more lubricants have a greater tendency to quantify the soft insoluble particles
the depletion. This results in lost produce large, buoyant air bubbles and hard particles separately. Other
or impaired corrosion protection, (rapid air release). Conversely, highly tests in this table can also be effec-
oxidation stability, film strength, contaminated oils, including those tive, especially when combined with
dispersancy (soot control) and rich with organic solids, lead to additional testing methods. For
deposit control. the formation of small air bubbles, example, data from two or more
which impair buoyancy and result of the following tests can provide
Loss of Demulsibility
in slower air detrainment (Stoke’s a practical understanding of small
Many particles are emulsifying law effects). As has been discussed
agents. In other words, they inhibit particle contamination: ultracen-
previously in this magazine, there are
the natural settling of free water trifuge, MPC, blotter spot testing,
numerous negative consequences to
out of the moving oil and instead elemental spectroscopy and sub­mi-
bubbly, aerated oil.
bind the water into a tight emulsion cron patch testing.
within the body of the oil. This Exposing Ghost Riders
allows the water to be carried into Through Oil Analysis Removing Ghost
frictional zones, leading to acceler- Many machines that hold large Riders from Your Oil
ated wear, and also exposes the polar volumes of circulating oil have and Machine
oil additive to microscopic water no scheduled oil change interval. Some types of depth filters have
globules, contributing to hydrolysis Instead, oil analysis is used to the ability to remove many particles
and depletion. Small rust particles alert the approaching end of the well into the submicron range. This
are particularly prone to forming remaining useful life (RUL). This is
oil-water emulsions. can impart significant control, partic-
referred to as a condition-based oil ularly if the filters are used throughout
Oxidation by Metal Catalysts change. This works very well if the the life of the oil. Often the effective-
Metal particles (especially iron tests conducted by the laboratory ness of these filters will vary depending
and copper) promote or catalyze fully assess all factors that define the
on the particle size and composition.
base oil oxidation. This condition is oil’s health and condition.
There are also charged-particle sepa-
more pronounced when the parti- For instance, if you only
rators of various types that can prove
cles are in the presence of abnormal monitor oxidation stability, the
premature depletion of corrosion effective. When all else fails, the most
levels of heat and water contamina- practical solution may simply be to
tion. Wear debris is the principal inhibitors might go unnoticed.
Condition-based oil changes depend perform an oil change. This is a more
source of metal particles in the oil.
on vigilance and the comprehensive logical choice for small sump machines
If this debris is not quickly filtered
assessment of all important factors compared to those holding thousands
out, these particles can be crushed
into smaller particles. The commi- and attributes of lubricant health and of gallons of oil. ML
nution of particles exposes a greater performance. Some labs do a good
job with this. Others cut corners. About the Author
nascent metal surface area to the
oil and its additives. Eventually, the Many common laboratory Jim Fitch has a wealth of “in
oxidation inhibitors are spent (fully methods have substantial blind the trenches” experience in lubri-
depleted), and the base oil reaches spots when it comes to quanti- cation, oil analysis, tribology
its breaking point, followed by a fying the actual concentration of and machinery failure investiga-
runaway state of oxidation. There small particles in oil. This is true tions. Over the past two decades,
is no way to remediate oxidation for particle counting, elemental he has presented hundreds of
other than a complete drain, flush spectroscopy, ferrous density, courses on these subjects. Jim
and oil change. analytical ferro­g raphy and others.
has also published more than
Table 1 provides a list of various
High Air Hang Time 200 technical articles, papers and
oil analysis tests and the ability of
publications. He serves as a U.S.
All lubricants have significant these methods to quantify or even
levels of dissolved air (invisible to the roughly indicate the presence of delegate to the ISO tribology and
naked eye). Changes in oil pressure ghost-rider size particles in oil. oil analysis working group. Since
and temperature can cause the air One test stands out due to its 2002, he has been the director
to evolve from a dissolved state to a capability to report a single numer- and a board member of the Inter-
bubbly, entrained-air state (Henry’s ical value for total solids (hard and national Council for Machinery
law). Small particles aid the transi- soft). This test is gravimetric analysis. Lubrication. He is the CEO and a
tion by providing nucleation sites for It can be enhanced using solvents co-founder of Noria Corporation.
emerging air bubbles. Highly pure like toluene and hexane to isolate and Contact Jim at

6 | July - August 2018 |


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By Dr. Nathan C. Wright

Reliability is all about getting out attempt to predict their failure, but this is only Improper Lubrication
in front of your equipment, under- 50 percent accurate. To achieve reliability, you
Improper lubrication drives mechanical
standing its failure modes and need to be proactive.
wear and corrosion, which leads to prema-
stopping them from happening. A Although equipment fails for a lot of
lot of elements cause equipment failure, and reasons, they all fall into one of three major ture failure of your lubricated assets. If your
because of this, about 90 percent of failures categories: improper lubrication, contamina- organization does nothing else to improve
happen randomly. You can try to prevent tion and incorrect installation. Of these three, reliability, you should address lubrication.
failure by changing your parts before they fail; lubrication, or better said, improper lubrication It offers the biggest bang for your buck and
this works 12-18 percent of the time. You can is the most prominent. can be implemented relatively cost effectively

8 | July - August 2018 |


70% 15 % 15% WE HAVE A

Improper Contamination Incorrect
Lubrication Installation

because most organizations are already premature failure and unreliability.

spending money on lubrication and just need Adhesive wear occurs when two surfaces
to know how to do so effectively. come in direct contact and transfer material
Webster’s dictionary defines lubrication as from one face to the other. This happens when
the application of some oil or grease substance lubricants cannot support the load, where
to diminish friction. Although this definition surfaces suffer from lubricant starvation or
is valid, it does not encompass everything when the wrong lubricant is used.
that proper lubrication can achieve. It is this Metal fatigue is another form of mechan-
simple definition that often explains why ical wear. An example would be if you worked
organizations place little or no importance on a wire back and forth to cut it without tools.
lubrication. They lack a thorough knowledge The more you move the wire back and forth,
of reliability and how lubrication impacts it. the harder the metal works; the fatigue
Think of your lubrication systems as the increases, ultimately resulting in a brittle
circulation system in your body. To stay alive, point that snaps. This is the effect contami-
you need to do a lot of proactive reliability nants have on metal surfaces. Over time, this
efforts. The driving force behind the need constant flexing will fatigue the metal, causing
for a lubrication program is the fact that 70 premature failure.
percent of all unreliability is caused by a lack The Institute of Mechanical Engineers has
of a lubrication program. Improper lubrica- found that “every $1,000 invested in proper
tion causes mechanical wear and premature lubrication yields a savings of $4,000.” This is
equipment/component failure or unreliability. a great return on investment in anyone’s book
and an example of how to justify a project and
Mechanical Wear
fund your reliability efforts.
Mechanical wear of equipment compo-
nents is common, particularly where improper Corrosion
lubrication is an issue. Particle and moisture Acid is a byproduct of the reaction
contamination, along with the wrong or between additives in the oil and water. Lubri-
degraded lubricants, are the prevalent factors cant contamination has many paths. The
in creating rust on metal components. This manufacturing process of the lubricants is the 800-435-7003
increases the oxidation rate, which leads to first place contamination enters the system,
increased acid within the components. but it can also enter through seals, creating
Mechanical wear happens when machine a caustic environment that results in wear.
surfaces rub against each other. Abrasive This can happen if you do not understand the
wear takes place when particles enter the lubricant’s additive package, because you can
system, commonly through contaminated end up with corrosive damage. An example
lubricants. These particles are usually dirt or would be using an extreme-pressure additive
wear materials, and they lead to three-body with yellow metal (copper, brass, etc.), because
abrasion known as surface fatigue, which pits some of these additives are corrosive to this
and scores machine surfaces. This results in type of metal. This is another instance where | July - August 2018 | 9


Before After

For proper lubrication, you must store, handle and deliver the best lubricants to your equipment.

you need someone on your team who under- next is time, and the final one is quality. The own peril. Every case that I have seen where
stands this problem and is qualified to review middle of the triangle is traditionally risk. I the provider was also in charge of design
and eliminate it from happening. like to look at these projects with an eye on ended with substandard results. Providers will
the opportunity and not the risk. All projects offer free studies and other services which are
Developing a Lubrication Program
have associated risk and opportunity. Your job enticing to organizations that do not know
To proactively address the single most is to look at the risk and mitigate it to the best better and are budget-driven. If this is the
common cause of unreliability, you need to extent possible, or to look at the opportunity path you take, you should save your money.
develop a lubrication program. To start a lube and maximize it. Few providers have qualified representatives to
program, you must understand that there are My recommendation to all organizations accomplish what is needed. Without a quali-
several different substances that can be used is to never compromise on quality. For me, fied reliability leader in your organization who
to lubricate a surface. The most common are the decision on how to approach the project knows the difference, you will not achieve the
grease and oil. The selection of the proper comes down to cost and time. If cost is the desired results.
grease should be done with the utmost dili- determining factor in your organization, then
gence to address all equipment needs. Many The Goal
it will take more time. The reverse is also true:
manufacturers sell inferior grease, and the if you want results in a quicker timeframe, The goal of your lubrication program is
thickening agent and oil separate. This leads to then the costs will increase. The decision on to keep your equipment clean, cool and dry.
lubrication-based failures, because once the oil costs and time needs to be made by looking at For every 10 degrees C or 18 degrees F, you
separates, the grease loses its protective quality. the opportunity. Organizations that keep their increase or decrease the component life by 50
I have seen organizations use extension eye on the opportunity will gain an advantage percent. If you have the right program storing,
hoses to make grease points easily accessible. over their competitors. handling and delivering the best lubricants to
This can be a machine killer, depending on your equipment, you can do more with less just
your grease. You need to know the amount Partnerships by changing your lubricant suppliers.
of time the grease will sit in the line based on There are some distinct steps necessary
the frequency of application and the amount. to achieving a lubrication program that will Contamination
The wrong grease will allow the oil to leach deliver the desired results. You need to build Contamination can be segmented into
out of the thickening agent, and all you will a business case by determining the costs of the contamination of your lubricants and
be providing the lubricated asset with is the benchmarking your site, gathering data, and spare parts (specifically in their storage and
thickening agent, devoid of oil. What would designing and implementing the program. The handling), and the physical contamination of
appear to be a great idea to an uninformed first step you must take is to benchmark where the equipment, caused by poor housekeeping.
organization could be a self-inflicted wound. your organization is today. If you don't have Again, it is relatively cost-effective to get your
the internal resources to conduct this bench- teams to perform housekeeping and store your
Decision-making marking or time is an issue, collaborate with lubricants and spare parts correctly. However,
When making the decision to under- an outside subject-matter expert who has the it can be difficult to achieve if your leaders
take any project, you must understand what expertise to help you pull together all aspects lack the necessary skills to lead their teams.
constraints you have. The constraint can be of a lubrication program. Poor housekeeping is a direct representation
displayed as a triangle. A graphical represen- Organizations that make the mistake of of a lack of leadership, so addressing this
tation of this decision-making is shown on allowing their lubrication provider to do any problem should be focused on your leaders,
page 12. One leg of the triangle is cost, the of this work without verification do so at their not their teams.

10 | July - August 2018 |

The importance of keeping things clean average is 20 percent of the cost of inven-
cannot be overemphasized. Contamination tory. So, if your stores value is $1 million, it
will attempt to enter your operation at every costs you $1.2 million to keep those stores.
opportunity it is given. To combat this, you If you stock the right stores and eliminate
need to be out in front of where it can enter. all duplicates and spoiled stores, you save
Most contamination will come into your money and obtain another funding source
operation through the entrances and exits, for reliability efforts. This affects your orga-
but your operation itself may also be a source. nization’s free cash flow.
If you are not storing parts correctly, it
costs you even more money when you install BETTER SOLUTION.
The start of your contamination preven- them and they fail prematurely. The cost
tion program should be your storeroom. The of downtime will prove that if you do not
way you receive and store your repair parts maintain your stored parts in a reliable state,
will set the stage for your plant’s reliability. you are better off letting your vendors store
This contamination control starts with your the parts correctly at their site and delivering
vendors. If you do not have a specification them to you when needed. This may sound
for how you will receive your spares, you are extreme, but if you add up all the time you
missing a key aspect of obtaining reliability. spend storing parts incorrectly and compare
Your specifications must start with your it to the reliability of having them stored
cleanliness standards. The parts or materials correctly, you will see that you can make
you are receiving will drive these standards. more product and spend less on replacing
You should visit the vendor and understand new parts gone bad.
how the parts are being stored before their
delivery to your plant. At no time should Equipment Cleaning and
you allow a part to enter your facility if you Lubrication Standards
do not know what conditions it has been This step identifies what work can be
subjected to. If you miss this opportunity to accomplished by operators to prevent further
improve reliability in your operation, you are deterioration of the equipment. During the
allowing your vendors to set your standards. kaizen (improvement) event, the team defines
I am always disheartened to hear main- what the operators will clean and inspect, and
tenance and reliability leaders tell me that how they will do it. Again, I stress that only
they cannot control what happens to the employees who have been properly trained
parts before they enter their facility. This in lubrication should be allowed to lubricate
cannot be further from the truth. Once the your equipment. This will define how often
part has entered your facility, you need to it must be done to keep the equipment in
make sure it is cared for as well as all the optimum (base) condition. Training the
other parts of your operation. All too often, operators is not the end but the beginning.
organizations pay no attention to their Developing the operator is how you make
spares until they install them. This is too these efforts sustainable.
late. The parts in your storeroom must be Contamination control can be
treated and maintained as if they are already accomplished by reducing or eradicating
installed in your equipment. The storage of contaminants through housekeeping efforts.
gearboxes, motors, belts, bearings, cylinders, The most common types of contamination
etc., will dictate your ability to deliver on are dust particles, wall and floor materials, 800-435-7003
reliability. Depending on your organiza- packaging and crate particles, fibers, shavings
tion’s manpower and stores facilities, you from moving parts, other poorly maintained
may want to review and decide where and surfaces, liquids not being cleaned up, and
how all your spare parts are stored. It is not equipment left damp to rust. These and many
necessary to have one or more of everything other damaging contaminants can infiltrate
in your storeroom. critical equipment areas in many ways. The
The decision on what to store is one that goal is to find and eliminate them all.
requires a lot of discussion and should be The proliferation of contamination will
devoid of emotion. There are significant lead to product damage and recalls, which
costs associated with storage of parts. The are detrimental to the business. Businesses | July - August 2018 | 11


are not protecting themselves from the reliability and design it into your equipment
effects of contamination, and their products first and foremost. Designing the equipment
are suffering from these unsafe processes. for reliability and maintainability will set up
Eighty percent of all contamination enters your organization for success. To remember
the process through entrances and exits. how to combat this portion of unreliability, I
Therefore, one of the first logical steps to think of it as having the right person with the
proactive reliability is the implementation of a right part at the right time. Improper instal-


contamination control program for lubricants lation is made up of several parts; start your

elimination of unreliability before the systems

and spare parts aimed at their entrance into
the building. enter your building.
Steps to Contamination Control Design for Reliability
Heat, moisture, air and particles rob equip- Designing for reliability is the most recent Quality
ment of life, but with rigid contamination term for engineering equipment for reliability.
control practices, fluids can last indefinitely. Ensuring that there are no hard-to-reach ment and materials costs. If you have little
This, in turn, prolongs the life of the equip- points that require the equipment to be shut variation in your plant equipment, you will
ment’s components and keeps the machine down to service will increase maintainability need to stock fewer parts, and your operators
running at the highest level of efficiency. and, as such, will achieve reliability right and technicians will need to have knowledge
Additionally, the costs to start a proactive out of the gate. It is during this phase that
of fewer systems. All these things result in
contamination control program are covered the importance of an experienced reliability
lowering the costs of operating and main-
by reliability cost savings. professional is clear. Without the experience
taining the equipment.
A contamination control program can be to know what failure modes or other issues
Demanding that all the equipment’s
employed in three steps. First, start by setting will arise with the equipment once it is
service points be accessible while the machine
target fluid cleanliness levels for all equipment. installed in your plant, you will spend a lot
is in operation will require fewer non-pro-
Second, select and install filtration equip- of money and lose a lot of productivity after
ductive hours to proactively maintain the
ment (or upgrade the existing filter rating) the fact when these failure modes and issues
equipment. If your return on investment is
and contamination prevention techniques to arise during production. Organizations fail
calculated by the equipment’s productivity,
achieve the cleanliness levels. Finally, monitor to recognize the importance of this phase in
then maximizing the hours it can run will
cleanliness at predetermined intervals to ensuring reliability and entrust it to young
engineers or senior engineers without the give you the best results.
achieve the desired levels.
experience to eliminate these issues before The final stage in designing for reliability
Contaminant Monitoring: The Cornerstone of they arise. is to conduct a factory acceptance test (FAT).
Contamination Control This can be made even worse by handing This refers to the functional test that is
For the same reason you do not drive a car this responsibility over to suppliers. Providing performed by vendors once they complete the
without a working fuel gauge, you shouldn’t the equipment manufacturers with your orga- assembly of the equipment. This test will verify
attempt proactive reliability without a moni- nization’s specifications will go a long way that the equipment meets the specifications
toring program. Monitoring will give you the toward setting up your facility for success. All and functionality agreed upon in the purchase
data you need to ensure that your machinery too often organizations are more focused on agreement. Before the equipment reaches the
is operating within contamination standards. the short-term cost of the equipment and pat plant, it is imperative that an organization put
Proactive reliability addresses much more themselves on the back for getting it cheaply. the equipment through its paces and recreate
systemic elements of a reliability program, This is another failed approach that is preva- all failure modes during this phase to work out
rather than inspecting the machine itself. This lent in all industries today. the bugs in the factory and not in the plant.
approach is more diligent and looks to manage One of the best arguments for establishing Spare parts management is another
the difficulties that can contribute to equip- these specifications is achieving standard- important element of incorrect installation.
ment wear and tear as opposed to the failure. ization throughout your facility. Requiring If the storeroom is run improperly (poor
Stopping contamination does not cost a lot manufacturers to build to your specifications inventory, stock-outs, etc.), the rest of the
of money, but it does take a lot of hard work. and not theirs will pay for itself hundreds reliability operation does not stand a chance.
I know hard and work are dirty words, but of times over, absorbing any increased costs The level of service in an organization’s store-
doing the right thing is rarely easy. associated with the requirement. Equipment room is a solid indication of the effectiveness
manufacturers use the cheapest materials of its reliability efforts. Having the right
Incorrect Installation they can get away with in their construction parts is key to the elimination of improper
Improper installation starts with your to increase their profit margins. If you do not installation. Without the right parts at the
equipment design. Those charged with the demand quality, you will not receive it. By right time, reliability is not possible. What is
design of your equipment need to understand standardizing, you will reduce your develop- the impact of not having the right parts? The

12 | July - August 2018 |

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delay caused by trying to expedite parts to the Combining resources from the organiza- and design. If any one of these is not present,
plant increases downtime and costs. If this tion and the storeroom partner to focus on the the person sitting on the stool must try to
delay is beyond acceptable time restraints, goal of cleansing the inventory is part of inven- balance while also trying to produce. If you
then it becomes necessary to use an alterna- tory accuracy. This includes providing overall have three sturdy legs, the person/organization
tive part. This increases downtime and costs coordination in fulfillment of the expectations. has the foundation to perform at its peak in
as well. Also, it requires additional repairs to Improper installation can be compared to this area. Which organization do you want to
remove the alternative parts and install the a milking stool — it has three legs that keep it work for and what type of leader do you want
correct parts once they arrive. Now you incur from falling. The three legs are training, stores to be? ML
more downtime, costs and wasted reliability
resources, which distracts the team that could
be working proactively to address other issues.
Of course, downtime is a loss of production Products
You Can
and finished product. This impacts customers
and their confidence in the organization.
The Storeroom as Partner
The main ingredient for success from
the storeroom is to continuously monitor
the needs of reliability and to adapt and
partner with it. To manage this relation-
ship, the storeroom must be deliberate in its
communications. Reliability must know what
assistance it will receive and in what fashion
to count on the storeroom.
From a reliability standpoint, there is an
expectation of parts availability. Most of the
time this expectation can be met. However,
when it comes to certain parts, this expecta-
tion is not realistic due to costs. Reliability
management and the storeroom need to
communicate to operations in these situations
to manage their expectations. Setting store-
room expectations after analyzing the failure
modes and their impact on downtime is the
most effective way to ensure reliability.
The best time to decide which parts
are to be stocked is when the equipment is
new and before it is placed into service. The
original equipment manufacturer, the part
suppliers and the reliability leaders should
work together to determine necessary spares.
Once the equipment has generated historical
data, reliability can adjust inventory levels Quality Lubricants + Great Service
and increase or decrease the stock on hand. Whether it’s fixing an issue or finding the right
In larger organizations, a parts inventory product for your application, we want to put our
planner can enhance the determination of years of expertise to work for your business.
stocking levels, re-order points and replen- Summit Quality + Summit Service = Results.
ishment trigger levels.
Let us know how we can best support you.
Having an inventory that reflects and
supports the current operation is one of the
most important steps you can take to improve To see all our products visit
cost, work efficiency and reliability. The objec-
tive is to have the right parts in the right place Klüber Lubrication NA LP
at the right time. 800.749.5823 //

Call for Speakers

The 20th annual Reliable Plant Conference &
Exhibition is seeking speakers to share case
studies, innovative ideas, problem-solving
applications and personal industry experience.
Reliable Plant 2019, which will be held April 16-18, 2019, at the Huntington
Convention Center in Cleveland, Ohio, is the industry’s premier global
event focused on lubrication, oil analysis and reliability. Manufacturing
professionals from around the globe attend Reliable Plant to benchmark
best practices, see and learn the latest technologies, and make
new contacts. Be a part of this ideal forum featuring three days of
comprehensive presentations and workshops covering today’s trends and
hot-topic issues. Submit your abstracts and ideas by October 1, 2018.
For more information visit

Attend. Learn. Apply.

Al Smiley | GPM Hydraulic Consulting


5 Steps for More

Effective Hydraulic
Have you ever been asked
“Hydraulic to troubleshoot a hydraulic
trouble- issue? Whether you are
a maintenance person,
shooting is a salesman, service provider or consul-
tant, you should follow the same
step-by-step guidelines when diagnosing and
process. By fixing the problem. What happens in
many plants is that troubleshooting
following is done by a parts-changing process,
which can be expensive in down-
these five time and part costs. Plus, when the
steps, you machine finally becomes operational,
no one has learned anything because
can become so many random things were done.
To effectively diagnose a hydraulic
a trouble- problem, use the following five steps:
shooter and 1. Identify the Problem When gathering information, be sure to check the condition
of the filters.
not simply Most hydraulic issues can be
divided into two categories: pressure A maintenance manager at a hydraulic motor would stop rotating
a parts or volume. A pressure issue is one plywood plant recently called and for a few seconds but wouldn’t do
where the pressure won’t build high wanted to talk about a hydraulic it all the time. Several hours went
changer.” enough to operate the machine prop- problem on his lathe. After being by before the motor did it again.
erly. For example, a press may require asked a few key questions, he When the hydraulic and electrical
3,000 pounds per square inch (psi) admitted that he didn’t really know systems were checked, everything
to machine a part or compress a what the problem was. appeared normal while operating.
board, but the pressure only builds “Let me go talk to the crew and The electrical cabinet just happened
to 2,000 psi. If the issue is speed get more information,” he said. to be open during one stoppage, and
related, then a volume problem is It’s hard to fix something if you a red light illuminated on the ampli-
most likely occurring. This means don’t know what the problem is. fier card for a few seconds and then
that either the pump is not delivering The most difficult hydraulic went off. The red light indicated the
the required amount of oil or there is issues to solve are those that happen power supply voltage had dropped
bypassing somewhere in the system. intermittently. In one case, a below 21 volts. After much research,

16 | July - August 2018 |


Save the Date! Keynote Speaker

The 20th annual HAMILTON
Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition. IndyCar Series driver Davey Hamilton
will launch us out of pole position
during the opening general session
For 20 years, the Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition has proven to
with a keynote address that’s bound
be the only place to nd technical excellence, cutting-edge technologies to start your engines! Hamilton, a
and proven solutions for the maintenance and reliability industry. For second-generation racer, is a versatile
our platinum anniversary, Reliable Plant heads back to the rock and roll driver who won championships in
capital of the world. Super Modieds and the famed
Copper World Classic three times.
With an established and global reputation for technical excellence, He competed regularly in the IZOD
Reliable Plant brings together key plant and maintenance managers, IndyCar Series from 1996-2001 until
his life was changed forever after
as well as reliability and lubrication professionals, from across the
a crash in which he nearly lost his
world. Spanning four days, Reliable Plant 2019 includes workshops, feet and legs. After 21 operations
learning sessions and case studies designed to upgrade the skills and and two years of rehabilitation,
knowledge of attendees. The conference will also feature approximately Hamilton returned to IndyCar racing
100 exhibitors in a 90,000-square-foot exhibit hall inside the recently- in 2007. Hamilton continues to live
renovated Huntington Convention Center of Cleveland. his passion and is now the managing
director of Kingdom Racing.
For more information visit

Attend. Learn. Apply.


A blown fuse on a solenoid-operated valve resulted in unnecessary Reading a hydraulic schematic can
downtime at a plant in Arkansas. identify a problem before the first
part is replaced.
a loose wire was found in the cabinet. The intermittent mean that the valve will not work in the system.
stopping of the motor was a volume problem. When the Several years ago, a positioning problem was identi-
power supply voltage dropped below the acceptable level, fied on an oriented strand-board press in Georgia. The
the pump was de-stroked to a zero flow output. position of the platen was controlled at four different
points with linear-displacement transducers. The pressure
2. Gather Information in the ram that controlled one of the corner rams was
Once you’ve identified the type of problem, the next fluctuating excessively. After 11 hours, it was determined
step is to gather information. More than likely when you that the replacement position-control valve had one letter
arrive at the problematic hydraulic system, some things different than the original valve. Once the correct valve
have already been done. Have any pressure or electrical was installed, the press operated normally.
adjustments been made? Have any hydraulic components Visual checks must be made during this process
been changed out? If so, do the new components have the to assess the oil level, filter condition, leakage, pump
exact part number as the components that were replaced? coupling condition, etc. Also, ask for the latest oil anal-
One number or letter difference in the part number may ysis report to verify the oil’s cleanliness level.
I was recently called to troubleshoot an issue at an
automotive plant where five pumps had been changed
START YOUR in 24 hours. When I arrived, I asked if anything had
been done prior to the repeated failure of the pumps.
FREE SUBSCRIPTION The supervisor said that a hose failed in the system and that the reservoir was refilled with fluid during the shift
change. Shortly after that, the issues with the pumps
started. After inspecting the system, I did not see a
breather cap on the reservoir. Apparently, when the
first-shift oiler refilled the tank, he did so by removing
the breather cap. Once filling was completed, the
second-shift oiler installed a pipe plug on the threads
where the breather was originally mounted. Now there
was no place for air to enter the reservoir, which resulted
in the failure of the pumps.
Machine operators can provide some of the best
information as to what is occurring. While main-
tenance workers may only show up when a machine

18 | July - August 2018 |


malfunctions, the operator knows reviewed the schematic, you should

how the machine feels, sounds and verify that the system pressures
runs. This individual usually has data are set properly. This includes the
displayed on a screen and understands pump compensator, relief valve,
when a pressure, position or other pressure-reducing valves and other
indicator is reading incorrectly. pressure-control valves in the
system. Also, ensure that all the
3. Review the Schematic accumulators are pre-charged with
The best times you will spend dry nitrogen. Many times an issue
troubleshooting is while reading can be resolved by simply setting the
and tracing a hydraulic schematic. pressures to the appropriate level.
Frequently, valves are inside mani- After one of my courses in
folds or located in out-of-the-way Oregon a few years ago, a student
places. By following the lines on asked me to look at a system that
the schematic, you can often find was running extremely hot. He
the problem before the first part is wasn’t exaggerating, because when
changed out. the reservoir was photographed
Several years ago, I was flown to with an infrared camera, it revealed It is important to verify that all system pressures
a plant in Arkansas that was having a temperature of 320 degrees F. I are set properly.
speed issues with a large stacker. The checked the tank line of the relief
stacker was supposed to operate at valve, which should have been at
fast and slow speeds. The problem ambient temperature. However, I
was that it only operated in the slow found a temperature of 340 degrees
mode of operation. When I arrived, F. This indicated that the relief
several millwrights, electricians, valve was stuck open or set below
supervisors and the plant manager the compensator setting or that
were near the machine. I asked for the pump’s compensator spool was
a hydraulic schematic of the system. stuck. When the relief valve was
One millwright said, “We never set 250 psi above the compensator, Use an infrared camera to check accumulators.
use those because they’re locked almost immediately the temperature
up in the plant engineer’s office.” started dropping.
I told him that this was one time Another issue detected in this
we were going to need it because system was that the accumulator
several of the valves were located manual dump valve was partially
on and inside a manifold. Once open, allowing oil to flow to the tank,
the schematic was found, I iden- generating heat. Twenty-four hours
tified one solenoid-operated valve after the pressures were set and the
that had to be energized in order dump valve was closed, the tempera-
for the stacker to lower. When the ture dropped to 132 degrees F.
valve was manually actuated during Once the pressures are set, make
the fast cycle, the stacker lowered temperature checks throughout the
quickly. The issue was a blown fuse system to confirm that no excessive
on the solenoid-operated valve. bypassing is occurring. This can be
The plant could have saved hours done with an infrared camera or
of downtime had it taken the time temperature gun. Typically, there are
to troubleshoot from the schematic several tank lines in a hydraulic system Installing a manual valve in the line to a prepress ram helped
when the machine first went down. that should be at ambient tempera- troubleshoot a pressure problem at a plywood plant.
ture. These include manual and
4. System Trouble- automatic accumulator dump valves, also be checked for excessive heat
shooting and air bleed valves and relief valves used generation. It is important to record
Adjustments with pressure-compensating pumps. the temperature of the lines when
After you have identified the The suction line and case drain of a the system is operating normally to
problem, gathered information and variable displacement pump should establish a reference. | July - August 2018 | 19


was photographed with an infrared at some point in the near future is

camera. The line to one ram was 142 to develop a reliability checklist on
degrees F, while the lines to the other the system. This list should consist
three rams were 120 degrees. F. A of pressure and temperature read-
manual valve was installed in the line ings, filter and breather conditions,
to the ram that was hot. When the oil cleanliness, condition of the
manual valve was closed, the pressure hoses and clamps, current readings
built up to the normal level of 2,100 on the electric motor, voltages to
psi. The problem was the prefill valve proportional valves, etc. These
for that ram was stuck open, allowing checks should be made regularly
all the pump volume to bypass back to avoid unscheduled downtime.
to the tank at 1,400 psi. The recorded information will be
Many times a valve that is a useful tool when future hydraulic
stuck open can be removed from issues occur.
A valve that was stuck open proved to be an issue in an the system to check for wear and When a machine goes down,
injection-molding machine that would not rotate at the contamination. A few months panic management frequently kicks
proper speed.
ago, the extruder motor on an in and parts start being changed.
Check the accumulators used injection-molding machine would Often times the problem can be
for volume with an infrared camera. not rotate at the proper speed. very simple. Several years ago, a
When cycling frequently, the bottom This indicated a volume problem press was down for five days because
half or two-thirds of the shell should in the system. Several tests were of an O-ring stuck in the drain line
be hotter than the top half or conducted, including installing of a pressure-control valve.
one-third. The pre-charge pressure flow meters to check the pump Hydraulic troubleshooting is a
should be checked with a charging volume and inserting mechanical step-by-step process. By following
rig for accumulators that do not cycle stops in the manifold valves to the five steps in this article, you can
regularly or that are used for shock prevent them from opening. When become a hydraulic troubleshooter
and to maintain pressure. removing one logic valve to install and not simply a parts changer. ML
The key to troubleshooting pres- the mechanical stop, the valve
sure problems is to isolate various was found to be stuck open. This About the Author
points in the system. Oil will always valve was teed off the line to the Al Smiley is the president of GPM
take the path of least resistance. If hydraulic motor, which allowed the Hydraulic Consulting Inc., located in
the machine is experiencing a pres- oil to bypass back to the tank. Monroe, Georgia. Since 1994, GPM
sure problem, then oil is most likely has provided hydraulic training,
bypassing in the system. 5. Reliability Checklist consulting and reliability assessments
Recently, a plywood plant When the issue is solved, to companies in the United States,
was only building 1,400 psi in its the toolboxes are loaded up and Canada, the United Kingdom and
prepress rams when 2,100 psi was everyone usually goes back to their South America. Contact Al at gpm@
required. The line to each ram normal duties. What should be done

20 | July - August 2018 |

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James Kovacevic | Eruditio


Why You Should Be

Using Procedure-based
“Procedure- Imagine an operation in
which there are no lost-
based time accidents, overall
equipment effectiveness
maintenance (OEE) is increasing, and there is a
has the plan to address the skills shortage.
These sites do exist, and chances
opportunity are they’re using procedure-based
maintenance. This type of main-
to drive tenance simply involves having all
maintenance activities documented
significant in a procedure. The procedures
improve- are followed step by step when
conducting breakdown, corrective
ments in and preventive maintenance.
This level of operational excel-
safety, reli- lence comes with discipline, not just
discipline that deals with people reduce that variability to achieve History of Procedures
ability and doing what they should be doing consistent outcomes from activities, in Maintenance
operations.” (or not doing), but discipline to the
process and eliminating variation.
and minimize the odds of a mistake
during maintenance activities.
The use of procedures can be
traced back many decades, and
That is the goal of procedure-based The use of procedures must the results speak for themselves.
maintenance: to eliminate varia- be thought out well in advance. Consider the U.S.S. Thresher,
tion in all aspects of maintenance, Without this thought-out approach, which was lost along with 129 lives
including data collection, repairs, the adoption of the procedures will on April 10, 1963. An investiga-
calibration and commissioning. fail. The procedures need to be orga- tion into the loss of the submarine
Another goal of procedure-based concluded that it was the result
nized so they can be quickly located.
maintenance is to eliminate and of flooding most likely caused by
They must be written in a way so
reduce the odds of mistakes by the failure of a seawater system
there is no misinterpretation of the
maintenance staff. By ensuring that component that may have been
all activities are performed the same task’s meaning and so non-native reinstalled improperly during a
way, organizations can accomplish English speakers can understand. shipyard overhaul. There were
three key deliverables: build a knowl- Lastly, they must be utilized by the additional factors, but the primary
edge library to survive the skills gap, staff, with feedback captured and finding was that the component was
identify key areas of variability and used to improve them. reinstalled incorrectly.

22 | July - August 2018 |

Machinery Lubrication I & II Training

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The outcome of the investigation improper commissioning, improper nical specifications? Are fasteners
led to the U.S. Navy implementing routine maintenance, and mainte- tightened using a torque wrench or
a new program to address submarine nance workmanship. the strength of the rebuilder? How
safety. This program was known as Considering the causes of the is the pump tested before being put
“SubSafe.” The SubSafe program high probability of failure for new back into stock or service?
required detailed written procedures or recently overhauled equipment, If you were to ask a group of
and checklists to be developed and it was determined that more main- craftspeople these questions, you
followed to the letter by all personnel tenance was not the answer. The likely would get a wide range of
engaged in maintenance of specified solution was related to controlling answers, and two people would not
components of all systems affecting the variation in activities. These have the same process for rebuilding
submarine safety. To date, the Navy activities included such things as and commissioning a pump. This
has not lost a submarine due to a design reviews, supplier quality variation makes it virtually impossible
maintenance mistake under the and certification programs, and to establish a root cause of a prema-
SubSafe program. This shows the the development of procedures for ture failure or poor performance of a
impact that a robust procedure-based operating and maintaining equip- rebuilt pump. A procedure based on
maintenance program can have on ment. There was a conscious effort the experience of the staff can capture
reliability and safety. to move away from relying upon the collective knowledge and put it
Later in the 1960s, there was a on-the-job training, intuition, etc., into a repeatable and consistent
focus on improving the reliability toward the use of detailed, technical method, eliminating this variation.
of commercial aircraft. This study, procedures. As a result of these Secondly, procedure-based
which was published by Nowlan changes, along with the move to maintenance minimizes the odds
and Heap, brought to light that most condition-based maintenance from of an individual making a mistake.
failures were not induced by time time-based maintenance, world- There are various types of factors
or wear but were either random or wide aircraft incident rates have that can contribute to an error, and
triggered by improper maintenance fallen from nearly 40 incidents per it is important to understand these
or installation. Looking at the six
1 million takeoffs in the early 1960s factors to ensure that procedures are
failure patterns, it was observed that
to just one or two incidents per 1 written to address them.
failure pattern six, which experi-
million takeoffs in 2016. For example, anthropometric
ences a high level of infant mortality
factors are those related to the size
followed by a random, consistent Importance of or strength of the person performing
failure rate, was more prevalent at
68 percent. This indicates that the
Procedures the activity. These are primarily
Procedure-based maintenance addressed through a redesign or tools
highest probability of failure is when
serves to address two key issues when and not with procedures.
the equipment is new or just over-
hauled. So, what led to the spike in performing maintenance activities. Human sensory factors are those
the probability of failure? The causes First, it reduces the variation that concerned with the ease in which
could be related to design, manufac- occurs when many craftspeople are people can see, hear, feel and even
turing defects, installation defects, conducting the same work. Consider smell what is going on around them.
how many ways there are to rebuild These are also mainly addressed by
a pump. How does the disassembly redesigning or with tools and not
happen? Does the disassembly occur through procedures.
with a precision torch and hammer, Physiological factors refer to
or does it take place with the proper environmental stresses, such as
tools? Does the rebuild happen in a high or low temperatures, excess
clean room or in a dirty shop which noise, humidity, etc. Once again,
can contribute to contamination? these cannot be addressed through
Are the parts inspected according to procedures.
a standard or left to the experience Psychological factors are related
of the rebuilder? Is there a standard to the causes of which mistakes
list of parts that are replaced, or is are made. Psychological errors are
it left to the inspection? Is a thread- divided into two types: unintended
locking component used during errors, which occur when someone
reassembly? Are the clearances does a task incorrectly, and intended
checked based on experience or tech- errors, which happen when someone

24 | July - August 2018 |


“Well-written procedures
deliberately sets out to do something,
but what they do is inappropriate.
The intended error can be either a

eliminate misinterpretation
mistake or violation. A mistake is
a misapplication of a good rule, an
application of a bad rule or an inap-

and drive clarity. ”

propriate response to an abnormal
situation. A violation is when
someone knowingly and deliberately
commits an error. Procedures help
to address unintended errors and that will decrease the time to repair every task and document each step
mistakes but not violations. and all the required information is of the procedure, including any
By accounting for the different readily available. specific technical specifications.
ways activities are performed, the Knowledge management is Once the procedure has been
types of mistakes made and utilizing another benefit of procedure-based developed, review it and make
a feedback cycle, procedure-based maintenance. With this approach, sure it represents the best practice
maintenance takes the knowledge the experience and knowledge of in completing the task. This may
from all the craftspeople and incor- veteran craftsmen can be captured take many revisions or reviews. The
porates it into the procedure. The in procedures and transferred to procedure may be developed by a
result is the safest, most efficient and junior craftsmen. senior craftsperson, a planner or by
reliable way to complete the task. having recent retirees come back to
Getting Started provide the information.
How Procedures in Procedure-based Create a checklist that can be
Impact Reliability Maintenance used when completing the proce-
Once procedure-based mainte- Procedure-based maintenance is dure. Checklists are employed
nance is in place, the operation will used by many industries that require in all major industries as a way
see noticeable improvements in five high uptime, such as nuclear power, to make certain that nothing is
key areas: safety, reliability, start-up missed. There may be pushback in
failures, mean time to repair and
knowledge management. “One of the most utilizing a checklist, as craftspeople
may say they are skilled. However,
Safety will improve as tasks are
well planned out with the risks iden-
difficult parts of doctors and pilots use them to
ensure nothing is missed, so why
tified. This allows the development of implementing shouldn’t craftspeople?
effective risk-reduction activities. Also, Define a training and certi-
the procedures can be used in the event procedure- fication program for the new
of a failure, which can lower the risks
associated with unplanned work.
based procedures that will require crafts-
people to be trained on the task
Reliability will increase as tasks maintenance and procedure-based maintenance
are completed consistently with proper before being allowed to perform
technical specifications. This reduces is the change critical activities. This training
premature failures. In the event a
failure occurs, it can be analyzed to it brings to an should be performed by the indi-
vidual(s) responsible for developing
determine the root cause, since the
procedures and activities are defined
organization.” the procedure.
Once the craftspeople have been
and consistent. trained, reinforce the use of the
Start-up failures will decrease, nuclear navy and aviation, to name a procedures. Conduct audits to verify
as procedures will ensure that all few. But just because these industries that they are followed and that only
bolts are tightened properly, the area use it doesn’t mean you can’t. Here trained personnel are using them.
is inspected, all foreign objects are is what you need to get started in Try to reward those who embrace
removed, and proper commissioning procedure-based maintenance: procedure-based maintenance.
activities are performed. Start by documenting the steps Also, utilize the feedback
The mean time to repair will be to complete preventive mainte- provided on the procedures. This
reduced, as a procedure is available nance (PM) tasks. Walk through does not mean taking all feedback | July - August 2018 | 25


as absolute truth. Instead, it means opinions on the sequence, specifi- procedures include the following:
reviewing, evaluating and either cations, etc. Once this is sorted out, •
• Use short sentences. The
using the feedback or providing the procedure should be written in recommended maximum limit
explanations as to why the feed- a way so it can be followed by all is 20 words in a procedural
back will not be used. This type of craftspeople, including non-native sentence and 25 words in a
approach will help guarantee that English speakers. Thankfully, with descriptive sentence.
feedback is provided. English being the universal language

• Restrict noun clusters to less
As more maintenance tasks are of aviation, we can continue to learn
than three nouns.
converted to procedures, develop from the aviation industry. This
and use a single template. This will industry has developed simplified, • • Restrict paragraphs to less than
foster consistency across an orga- technical English. six sentences.
nization, making procedure-based Simplified, technical English • • Avoid slang or jargon.
maintenance easier to put in place is a controlled version of English
and sustain. that is designed to help the users • • Avoid the passive voice.
One caution when using of English-language maintenance • • Be as specific as possible.
craftspeople to write procedures is documentation understand what
to first train them on the process. • • Use articles such as “a/an” and
they read. Technical writing can be
Procedures need to be specific and complex and difficult to understand, “the” wherever possible.
actionable without any unnecessary even for native English speakers. •
• Use simple verb tenses (past,
information. Another approach Simplified, technical English makes present and future).
is to have a craftsperson write procedures easy to understand and
• • Write sequential steps as sepa-
the procedure and then have it follow, eliminating language issues
rate sentences.
edited by a technical writer. Both and reducing premature and main-
approaches have their pros and tenance-induced failures. • • Put commands first in warnings
cons, so be sure to choose the right Simplified, technical English and cautions, with the exception
one for your organization. provides a set of writing rules and a of certain conditions.
dictionary of controlled vocabulary. • • Use the word “that” after subor-
Writing Usable The rules cover grammar and style. dinate clauses that use verbs
Procedures The dictionary specifies the words such as “make sure” and “show.”
Writing procedures is not an easy that can be used and those that can’t.
task. Many people have different For the words selected, there is only •
• Introduce a list item with a
one word for one meaning, and one dash (hyphen).
part of speech for one word. • • Use graphics where needed to
Some of the benefits of simpli- clarify meaning. A picture is
fied, technical English include worth a thousand words.
reducing ambiguity, enhancing
the clarity of technical writing, •
• Use the word "warning" to
improving comprehension for people protect against harm to
whose first language is not English, personnel but the word
and increasing equipment reliability "caution" to protect against
by lowering the probability of defects equipment damage.
being introduced during mainte- Once the procedure is written,
nance and assembly. review and delete any information
The simplified, technical English that is not relevant (i.e., instead of
specification is not easy to learn, but synthetic lubricating oil, use only
training and software are available. oil). Well-written procedures should
Even without becoming an expert, help to eliminate any misinter-
you can still make your procedures pretation and drive clarity to the
more readable and drive reliability. craftsperson performing the activity.
Begin with some basic writing Here is an example of how the
guidelines and by reviewing the wording of a procedural step could
procedures before they are issued. be open to interpretation. The task
Some of the best practices for writing “replace the filter” could mean either

26 | July - August 2018 |


to put back the filter that you took This method enables organizations to the more likely the change will be
out or to install a new filter. plan and manage the change being adopted and sustained.
Now you can see how one person implemented as well as bring people Procedure-based maintenance has
might perform a task and how along with the change. Each step the opportunity to drive significant
another would perform it differently. in the framework provides specific improvements in safety, reliability
Once the task is clear, a technical actions that should be taken, such and operations. But before an organi-
specification should be added so the as awareness of the need for change, zation can jump into procedure-based
task can be performed to a standard, desire to participate and support the maintenance, there must be a plan for
such as “Tighten to 15 foot-pounds.” change, knowledge of how to change,
how it will be implemented, who will
The result of making the task clear ability to implement required skills
write the procedures, to what stan-
and adding a specification would be, and behaviors, and reinforcement to
dard the procedures will be written
“Install a new filter and tighten to sustain the change.
and how the staff will be trained on
15 foot-pounds.” This task is simple, The whole purpose of using a
the new procedures.
clear, easy to understand and can be framework like ADKAR is to iden-
tify any concerns associated with With procedure-based mainte-
performed in a consistent and repeat-
the change, address those concerns, nance having been adopted by the
able manner.
express how the change will benefit U.S. Navy, aviation and nuclear
If an organization decides not to
follow simplified, technical English, the staff, provide the knowledge and power industries, the results have
there at least should be a standard training, and finally demonstrate been proven. If these types of orga-
in place for writing procedures that the change is not a flavor of nizations are using procedure-based
so everyone is doing it the same the month. The more time spent maintenance, what is preventing
way. Although it may sound crazy planning and managing the change, your organization from using it? ML
to have a procedure for writing a
procedure, it is vital for consistency
and repeatability.

Having Staff Use

One of the most difficult parts
of implementing procedure-based
maintenance is the change it brings
to an organization. Indeed, there
will be a change in the way main-
tenance is performed for all levels of
the maintenance department. For
example, craftspeople must follow
procedures and specifications and
rely less on personal experience and
intuition. Maintenance supervisors
are now focused on ensuring the
procedures are used and updated.
Planners become more determined
to update the procedures so they are
readily available for use.
Helping an organization through
this change is not easy. It will require
a well-thought-out approach. I
personally like to use the awareness,
desire, knowledge, ability and rein-
forcement (ADKAR) framework. | July - August 2018 | 27

Michael D. Holloway | ALS Tribology


Using Drones for

Remote Oil Sampling

“Using The use of unmanned

aerial vehicles (UAVs),
prohibitive or even physically impos-
sible to obtain data could prove
ideal for small-area operations of
less than 80 acres, such as infra-
drones to also known as drones, has quite valuable. structure inspections, sporting
increased exponentially in events, real-estate photography, etc.
pull an oil recent years due to the advances in Types of Drones Fixed-wing drones also are often
sample is materials, aeronautics and operating
software. These advancements have
There are a number of drone
manufacturers and price points
electric-powered, are capable of
long-duration flight, and can carry
an example allowed drones to be employed in a that vary from hundreds of dollars multiple payloads. The ducted-fan
drone is more robust and efficient.
variety of applications and complete to many thousands of dollars. There
of applying tasks that would be difficult, if not are also several different drone It has a greater speed range and
provides a maximum payload in a
high-tech impossible, for people to accom-
plish. Some companies are now
designs, including rotary-wing,
fixed-wing, quadcopters and duct- compact, hovering platform. Keep
tools to exploring the concept of coupling ed-fan models. Each has its place in in mind that hovering is critical for
up-close inspections.
this technology with non-destruc- certain situations.
understand tive analytical tools such as infrared Rotary-wing drones generally
Oil Sampling
an asset’s thermography, vibration sensors and
even oil sampling systems. Obvi-
are electric-powered, can support a
payload of 15 to 20 pounds for 10 Case Study
One manufacturer recently
condition.” ously, the ability to examine assets
in locations that would be financially
to 30 minutes, and offer vertical
takeoff and landing. They are encountered a problem when
attempting to perform oil sampling
in a difficult-to-reach application –
wind turbines. These applications
can be quite challenging because of
their location. Gear oil that lubri-
cates a wind turbine system is rarely
changed out due to the difficulty
of replacing 50-plus gallons of oil a
few hundred feet above the ground.
However, unmanned aerial vehicles
have proven to be the perfect solu-
tion in this situation.
Only recently has the concept of
using drones for remote oil sampling
become viable due to a combination
Examples of rotary-wing UAVs

28 | July - August 2018 |


A ducted-fan UAV

of ducted-fan technology, aerial created to refine precision sampling,

sampling booms with magnetic as well as to assess and analyze the
sample ports and evacuated vacuum best practices and risks.
sample bottles with servo-activated Work is now underway to utilize
sample valves. The type of drone used the functionality of UAVs for more
in this instance was an electric, duct- than just remote oil sampling.
ed-fan UAV engineered to navigate Coupling other monitoring devices
indoors, outdoors and in tight spaces. is no longer on the horizon but is
In addition to offering significant lift, already being developed. As the world
the duct provides added safety by of condition monitoring evolves,
shrouding the high-speed fan. With using drones to pull an oil sample
this design, there is no opportunity is just another example of applying
for the blade to contact an asset or a high-tech tools to understand and
person, which allows for close exam- monitor an asset’s condition. ML
ination of the asset. The vehicle can
also carry various payloads to meet
customer requirements.
These types of soccer-ball-sized START YOUR
units are capable of vertical takeoff
and hovering flight. Their duct- FREE SUBSCRIPTION
ed-fan architecture allows them to be
compact, easy to deploy and cost-ef-
fective. With a range of just more
than one-half mile, these systems can
be used with navigation and a wire-
less data link or a tethered link for
unlimited flight time. They can also
incorporate real-time data transfer,
including video, infrared, ultrasonic
and vibration information.
As this remote sampling project
continues, more research is being
conducted with a review of all current
technical and consulting organiza-
tions, distributors, state organizations
and educational institutions. Method-
ologies and tools also will need to be | July - August 2018 | 29



1 4
The new PowerShield MONITORING SYSTEM FLUID The new LaserNet 200

2 3
motor oils from Cham- The new Dynapar Houghton Interna- Comprehensive Particle
pion are specially designed OnSite Condition tional’s new HOCUT Analyzer Series from
to reduce the potential of engine Monitoring System is 8640 metal-removal Spectro Scientific was developed
failure during hard break-ins. engineered to enable remote fluid is intended for multi- for extensive analysis of particles
Offered in 10W-40 and 20W-50 monitoring of virtually any metal machining and grinding in lubricating and hydraulic
viscosities, the break-in oils asset, including turbines, fans, applications. Formulated to fluids. The new series increases
contain high levels of zinc thio- pumps, gearboxes, etc. The improve operational efficiency, the particle counting range
phosphates in combination with wireless system combines 24/7 part quality and surface finish, up to 10 million particles per
Champion's Thermal Viscosity condition monitoring with the biostable fluid features milliliter without dilution and
Stabilizer (TVS) to extend oil cloud-based analytic software built-in detergency, dispers- incorporates a new set of ferrous
film capacity for proper ring for multi-stakeholder access. ibility, emulsion stability and particle measurements to give
seating. The new lubricants are The hardware consists of a low foaming characteristics for users insight into the progress
also formulated with polymer central hub that aggregates consistent lubrication and heat of machine wear. The analyzer
thickeners to allow the use of data from four separate wired transfer performance. In field employs laser-imaging technology
a thinner viscosity base oil for sensors. Each sensor measures tests, HOCUT 8640 provided and dual magnetometers to char-
easier cold starting and reduced vibration along three axes proven performance on a broad acterize ferrous particles larger
friction. Dispersants and other as well as temperature. The range of metals, including high than 25 microns as well as total
additives are included to help system can also connect to and low carbon steel, stainless ferrous particles. Users can now
keep the engine clean. an encoder, integrating speed and alloyed steel, cast nodular process very dirty engine and
to enhance analytics and and gray iron, wrought and cast gearbox oils from heavy equip-
Champion troubleshooting. aluminum, powdered metal, and ment such as mining excavators. carbon particle composites.
800-821-5693 Dynapar Spectro Scientific Houghton International
800-873-8731 978-486-0123
1 800-666-4684


30 | July - August 2018 |




5 6 7
Graco’s new A4000 The new Modular Exair's new internal-mix quick-release grease
Reciprocating LubePro Lube Panel Dispensing spray nozzles are engi- coupler from Lumax was
oil and grease pump is Station from Y2K neered to atomize fluid developed to help simplify the
intended for applications where Filtration can be configured as where liquid application is needed greasing process. It features
high output and fast lubrication a single-drum dispensing and in a broad area. The nozzles an ergonomic thumb-lever
cycles are needed to lubricate filtering station or multiple produce a fine mist of atomized design that firmly latches onto a
equipment while it’s working. units bolted together for liquid that can be easily adjusted to grease fitting, enabling hands-
The single-line parallel pump is a complete lube room and meet the needs of the application. free greasing. The heavy-duty
able to fire hundreds of injectors multi-fluid dispensing, recir- Commonly used with water, coupler locks on and creates a
at one time using an air motor. culating and filling station. light oils and rust inhibitors, they leak-proof hydraulic seal, with
The unique pump design also Up to 15 standard stations provide liquid flows from 10.8 to no damage to the seal even after
allows for reduced venting times. can be connected, with each 150 gallons per hour and can spray hundreds of uses. The device can
Available in a variety of configu- station self-contained. The in all directions as well as up to 13 fit on all SAE and metric grease
rations, the pump comes with a push-button design enables feet in diameter. The spray nozzles fittings, and is suitable for use
factory-installed pressure gauge, on-demand dispensing. The are available in a variety of sizes, with manual, battery-powered
adjustable pressure relief and smart system also locks out shapes and connections. and air-operated grease guns as
integrated low-level detection, other dispensers while one is well as bulk grease pumps.
as well as a creative mounting in use. Available with various Exair
solution for easy installation. quick-connect options, the Lumax
unit is wall or table mountable. 800-903-9247
Graco 844-660-6876 Y2K Filtration
7 | July - August 2018 | 31

Rich Wurzbach | MRG Labs


Grease Sampling
Methods Matter

After developing a lab

"The best in the power plant and
analysts focusing primarily on
analysis of oils from the
at the top plant’s critical components like
turbines, pumps and large motors, I
laboratories was approached one day by one of
in the world our valve engineers. The question:
Could I also analyze greases? I had
cannot been training in analytical ferro­
graphy and had the equipment at
produce my disposal. I was also aware of a
“grease solvent” and a special process
meaningful to dissolve the grease using glass
results from beads. Armed with that equipment,
I instructed the engineer to start
samples bringing me samples.
After a month, I had received
that have nearly 400 grease samples and
had dissolved them all. I spent
been taken countless hours at the microscope
incorrectly." identifying the particles I saw. I
wrote reports for each sample and
created a summary, showing my Figure 1. A motor-operated valve (MOV) lubrication test stand
“dirty dozen” of the worst valves. I
felt satisfied that I had taken on this actors that I had identified as being missed some clear signs that the
new challenge and come up with fine. In other words, I was told that separated particulate was telling me?
valuable information for my plant. they had no further need for my After a review, I couldn’t see where I
However, after reviewing my report
services on valves. had fouled up. I returned to the engi-
and investigating the valves I had
How could I have gotten things neer and asked a question that should
targeted, the valve engineer had bad
news for me. Some of the valves that so wrong? I looked back over my have been the very first one I asked at
I had identified as the worst actors notes and took a second look the start of the project: How were the
were found to be in good shape. In at my ferrography slides. Had I samples taken? The answer gave me
other cases, there were known bad misidentified the samples? Had I insight into the problem.

32 | July - August 2018 |

Designing a best-practice lubricant storage
and dispensing room is one of the first steps
to achieving lubrication excellence. Have
you transformed your lubricant storage and
dispensing methods to best practices? Are
your stored lubricants kept clean, cool, dry
and well-identified? Does your lube room
incorporate proper safety features?
In the November-December 2018 issue of
Machinery Lubrication magazine, we will
begin showcasing exceptional lube rooms.
Will yours be one of them?

1. Email pictures of your lube room

(before and after photos, if possible) to

2. Include a description of your lube

room’s best-practice features and the
changes that have been made.

3. Submit your photos and comments to

receive the recognition you deserve.



R2 = 0.7386
Iron Wear (ppm)



R2 = 0.0173


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450


Baseline Misalignment Linear (Misalignment) Linear (Baseline)

Figure 2. A grease wear trend in a misaligned MOV gearbox

“We shoved cable ties into the the sampling challenge had resulted methods of sampling and characterize
housing and wiped them off on the in the previous month of my career the movement of the grease in the
mouth of your oil sample bottles.” producing very little actionable data valve while in operation. Sampling
Over the next hour, we both for my company. tools and methods were developed
came to the realization that the Several years later, I was afforded that were incorporated into a new
sampling method was at the heart the opportunity to participate in a ASTM standard for in-service grease
of the problem. It was likely that the research project for the Electric sampling (ASTM D7718).
grease that was adhering to the cable Power Research Institute (EPRI). Additionally, the test stand
ties was “opportunity grease,” the EPRI member utilities had identified was used to create a known higher
material closest to the access plug. a need to better understand greases wear condition to see if this could
As we began to understand how and how they worked in power plant be detected by the grease sampling
the grease moved in the housing, equipment. From this, the Nuclear and analysis process. After the motor
it became clear that the samples I Maintenance Application Center to the gearbox was deliberately
analyzed were in many cases grease (NMAC) of EPRI assembled the misaligned, the result was a clear
that was not currently active in the funding for the “Effective Grease change in the measured wear content
lubrication of the valve gears. A few Practices” research project and of the grease obtained by the new
of the “dirty dozen” turned out to guideline. Among a number of areas recommended sampling method, as
be valves that had failed in the past of investigation was a focus on the seen in Figure 2.
but had since been rebuilt and were challenges and best practices for A few years later, while
operating very well. What we had motor-operated valve (MOV) grease attending an MOV conference, I
discovered was old particulate from sampling and analysis. overheard some engineers discussing
the previous damage that was not This gave me the opportunity the lubrication of MOV valve stems.
completely cleared from the housing to determine where my prior efforts Their concern was with short-
and ended up on the cable tie. to sample MOV grease had gone stroking valves and the challenge
We learned a lot through this wrong and share those findings with in ensuring that an effective coating
failed project about the valve the industry. Nick Camilli of EPRI of grease was being delivered to the
grease and how it functioned in the provided the insight and leadership valve stem and stem nut when it
gearbox, but we learned very little that resulted in the construction of was impossible to move the stem
about the condition of the valves. I an MOV test stand (Figure 1). This to expose most of the threads. Why
found that my failure to first address test stand allowed us to try various was the application of grease so crit-

34 | July - August 2018 |


ical in this application? Because the MOVs are tested by the story of how his team had overcome the challenges
measuring the force of the motor through power signal of sealing out the atmosphere to produce the world’s
analysis. By looking at the power signature of the motor, largest vacuum chamber for simulating the conditions
the closing force of the valve was inferred. This is only of space, we came upon a design solution for fixing the
valid when the coefficient of friction for the stem and leaking fixture to relubricate the valve stem. The result
stem nut interface is properly accounted for. If a stem is was a new way to lubricate valve stems in critical appli-
not fully lubricated, and the friction is higher than the cations like the MOV by taking a completely different
calculations assume, then the force (and thus the power experience and applying what had been learned. Not
signature) normally sufficient to fully seat the valve is only had we developed a way to relubricate the valve
suddenly inadequate. stem, but in the process had created a new sample of the
Knowing the challenge at hand, I returned to the lab grease that had been in service, offering the potential
to try out some solutions for relubricating the stem. Our for new condition data from the grease.
first efforts failed, as we were unable to design a fixture It took a long and painful experience in analyzing
that could be connected to the valve stem and deliver hundreds of meaningless samples to help me realize the
the high pressure of new grease required to displace importance of lubricant sampling. The best analysts at the
the old and provide a new, reliable layer of lubricant. top laboratories in the world cannot produce meaningful
It was at a picnic where I got the chance to discuss this results from samples that have been taken incorrectly. It
problem with my uncle. Roy Leitz had a long career is essential that we focus not only on the task of gener-
as a welder and pipefitter. He was also used to solving ating analysis data but also in ensuring that the data will
difficult problems. One such challenge he had was in have value. This can only be achieved with accurate and
sealing the high-vacuum valves of NASA’s space simula- representative samples from motor-operated valves and all
tion vacuum chamber in Sandusky, Ohio. As he told me other critical grease-lubricated machines. ML | July - August 2018 | 35


Stevens Has Learned

the Importance of
Carl Stevens has been around lubrication all his life. His father worked for an oil distributor,
so he learned at an early age the importance of lubrication and clean, dry applications. Today,
Stevens is entering his 25th year with the Virginia Department of Transportation, with 22 years
as the district fleet equipment manager. He routinely monitors various machines at four repair
locations. This has resulted in planned and scheduled maintenance as opposed to costly, cata-
strophic unplanned equipment failures.

Q: What types of training and professional analysis tasks?

certifications have you obtained to reach your A: We have a robust fluid analysis program
current position? to help maintain more than 800 vehicles and
A: I've been a member of the Association of machines in all weather conditions across 10
Equipment Management Professionals (AEMP) counties and 15,000 miles of infrastructure. This
Name: Carl Stevens since 2002 with a certification in equipment includes everything from pickups and dump
Age: 61 management. Over the years, I've become certi- trucks to off-road vehicles and equipment.
fied in various vehicle and equipment repair
Job Title: District Fleet
Equipment Manager processes as well as management and human Q: On what lubrication-related projects are you
resources. I enjoy learning all I can about current currently working?
Company: Virginia Department
of Transportation and new technologies. A: We recently changed from a conventional
petroleum-based engine oil to a semi-synthetic
Location: Lynchburg, Virginia Q: Are you planning to obtain additional
product. This was the result of oil analysis
Length of Service: 25 years training or achieve higher certifications?
showing that our off-road units were using up
A: There’s nothing specific presently, but I try
the additive package too soon.
to stay informed as to anything and everything
that may impact the industry, i.e., changes in Q: What have been some of the biggest project
Be Featured in the lubricants and fuel as well as new Environmental successes in which you’ve played a part?
Next ‘Get to Know’ Protection Agency (EPA) requirements for A: By far the biggest success was when we stan-
engines, natural gas, batteries, hydraulics, etc.
Section dardized our entire lubricant inventory. We went
Q: What’s a normal work day like for you? from 47 different products/manufacturers to 16
Would you like to be featured in A: I spend a significant amount of time searching lubricants and one manufacturer. I literally had
the next “Get to Know” section for solutions to problems and root causes. I help people calling to thank us.
or know someone who should be people find ways to eliminate failures and look
Q: How does your company view machinery
profiled in an upcoming issue of for better ways to be efficient, whether it's a
lubrication in terms of importance and overall
Machinery Lubrication magazine? process related to a repair, the application of a
machine or crunching numbers that may reveal business strategy?
Nominate yourself or fellow lubri-
potential savings. A: It's a high priority, but to be honest, we are no
cation professionals by emailing a
different than other similar operations. Some of
photo and contact information to Q: What is the amount and range of equipment our people don't see the value as much as others, that you help service through lubrication/oil but we are consistently working to improve that.

36 | July - August 2018 |


Q: What do you see as some of the more important trends taking

place in the lubrication and oil analysis field?
A: Without a doubt, cleanliness and the application of ISO standards
will play a larger role. More heat and higher pressures are already here, PENETRATES.
and more are coming. The fluid clearances are not going to get larger.
We also need to train everyone on the importance of how dirty things
are even if they can't see it.
Q: What has made your company decide to put more emphasis on PROTECTS.
machinery lubrication?
Unlike ordinary rust solvents,
A: I remember reading somewhere that a successful maintenance Penetro’s exclusive oil-based
program will no longer be measured by the number of failures you formulation not only breaks
fix but by the number that never occur. I think that says it all. ML through rust, it coats metal
surfaces with a lubricating
film that won’t wash off.
START YOUR • Triple protection


• Triples the life of hoist chains and sprockets.
• Prevents thread stripping.
314.865.4100 | July - August 2018 | 37

This month, Machinery Lubrication continues its “Test Your Knowledge” section in which we focus on a group of questions from Noria’s
Practice Exam for Level I Machine Lubrication Technician and Machine Lubricant Analyst. The answers are located at the bottom of this
page. The complete 126-question practice test with expanded answers is available at

Stay Connected With Noria

Social icon

Rounded square

1. Which type or form of lubrication is considered to

Only use blue and/or white.

For more details check out our

Brand Guidelines.

provide a full fluid (oil) film?

A) Elastohydrodynamic
B) Solid Film
C) Boundary
D) Mixed
E) All of the above Follow us on Twitter

2. A typical ISO cleanliness code for new oil would be?

A) 9/7/5
B) 14/12/10
C) 21/19/16
D) 27/25/21
E) 32/30/27

3. Hydrolysis is the breakdown of additives by: Like us on Facebook

A) Hydrogen
B) Helium
C) Water
D) Filtration
E) Hydrogen embitterment

byproducts such as sulfuric acid and hydrogen sulfides.

In hydrolysis, the additives react with water in the presence of heat to form Connect with us on LinkedIn
3. C
clean oil.
measures to ensure clean oil is used, especially in machines that require very
End users are responsible for checking the quality of incoming oils and taking
normally takes place during blending, packaging, storing, transportation, etc.
This ISO cleanliness level (ISO 21/19/16) is considered quite high. Contamination
2. C

deform elastically due to high pressure.

separation). It is called elastohydrodynamic because the lubricated components
Elastohydrodynamic lubrication is a form of hydrodynamic lubrication (full-film
1. A Continue learning with us on

38 | July - August 2018 |

Welcome to Machinery Lubrication’s Bookstore, designed to spotlight lubrication-
related books. For a complete listing of books of interest to lubrication professionals, check out the Bookstore at

Lubricating Reliable Plant

Grease Guide 2018 Conference
Author: NLGI Proceedings
This handy quick- Format: CD-ROM
reference book contains Publisher:
material pertaining to Noria Corporation
a broad spectrum of If you missed the learning
grease-related subjects sessions at Reliable Plant
and is written by techni- 2018, you can still get
cians for the beginner or the conference proceed-
the practitioner who wants to broaden his knowledge ings on CD-ROM. It includes the papers and
base. You will learn when and how to select the right presentations in PDF format from nearly every
Use the Correct Oil grease for your machinery and easily determine which educational session. The real-world case studies at
Poster greases are compatible. Reliable Plant 2018 were full of practical, experi-
ence-based information and tools for lubrication
The Professional’s and reliability programs.
Guide to Mainte- Is My Machine OK?
nance and Reliability A Field Guide to
Terminology Assessing Process
Authors: Ramesh Gulati, Jerry Machinery
Kahn and Robert Baldwin Authors: Robert X. Perez
Maintenance and reliability and Andrew P. Conkey
involve many different This book provides those
people in many different who deal with industrial
roles. This book represents a significant step toward machines a handy guide for
improving the knowledge of, and communications assessing the potential risk of failure. Combining the
Home Sweet Home between, members of the maintenance and reliability most commonly used assessment tools into one source,
profession. With more than 3,000 entries, the compila- it is meant to be taken into the field by operators, plant
Poster supervisors, maintenance personnel and reliability
tion reflects a virtual explosion of commonly practiced
concepts, ideas, methodologies and various approaches professionals in order to make informed decisions
to maintenance and reliability improvements. about their equipment.

Machinery Lubrication I Study Pack

• • Flash Card Pack
• • 125-question Practice Exam
• • How to Take a Multiple-Choice Exam
• • Machinery Lubrication Reference Guide
•• Oil Analysis Basics
• • The Practical Handbook of
Machinery Lubrication
Keep Our
Machines Clean See page 49 for the next scheduled training class.
Poster | July - August 2018 | 39


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Translucent new oil is visually assumed to be clean, ulate, water, and overall oil health, the PFM75 is an UE Systems’ new 4Cast Remote Ultrasound
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40 | July - August 2018 |

Find more great articles and content from Machinery Lubrication magazine online. From web exclusives and industry
news to videos, white papers, buyer’s guides and more, everything that relates to machinery lubrication is available
now on

FEATURED Best Ways to Combat Water in Oil

WHITE PAPERS Water will wreak havoc on any equipment it enters. It will also change the
viscosity of the oil, resulting in a film strength failure. Read this article on the
MachineryLubrication. ML site to learn why a quick fix is usually not the solution. Instead, you must
com is the place to eliminate the source of water contamination or you will likely need to address
turn for white papers
the problem again.
on a host of lubrica-
tion-​related topics.
Here’s a sampling of
Tips for
the latest white papers Flushing Your
that are currently Oil Sampling
available for download:
• What You Can’t
See Can Hurt You: To help ensure
The Impact of Oil your oil samples are
Cleanliness on Your as accurate as possible, it is important to flush your sampling equipment.
Equipment Access this 1-minute, 19-second video to see which sampling hardware and
• 90-Day Breather Trial accessories should be flushed, as well as when and how much flushing is required in order to send representative oil samples
Extends Life for Major to the laboratory.
North American Wind
Power Generator How to Detect Soot in Diesel Oil
• Addressing Challenges There are several available tests that can detect the soot
of Online Monitoring load in diesel oil. As a screen test with a lower cost, Fourier
• Do OEM Lubricant transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is a great indicator
Recommendations of soot. Check out this article on the ML site to find out
Meet Your Needs? which parameters FTIR is capable of measuring and why
• How to Cost-Justify a some are more reliable than others.
Lubrication Program
Check out the full list of Why You Should Document
white papers by visiting Lube Routes
Documenting routine tasks such as regreasing bearings
com and clicking on the
“White Papers” link. or changing the oil in gearboxes is an essential part of an
effective lubrication program, but very few plants actually
do it. Access this 1-minute, 29-second video to understand
the importance of recording these procedures used by your
BY THE NUMBERS lubrication technicians along with some key considerations

for creating better lube routes.

% Advice for Setting Oil Analysis Limits

To define oil analysis limits, you can utilize different
sources, including recommendations from the original
equipment manufacturer (OEM), the lubricant supplier, a
of plants do not have contam- third-party laboratory, and statistical analysis of historical
ination control procedures results using two and three standard deviations. Discover
for lubricant storage and
dispensing, based on a recent what other details you should consider to ensure the reli-
survey at ability of your oil analysis program by reading this article on the ML site. ML | July - August 2018 | 41

The “Lube-Tips” section of Machinery Lubrication magazine features innovative ideas submitted by our readers.

Quick Filter
Check Tip for Reducing Bearing Failures
When checking differen- If you are experiencing premature anti-friction bearing failures, you should not only look at your lubrication
practices but also your installation practices. When induction bearing heaters are used, the inner race heats faster
tial filter clogging indicators,
than the outer race. This causes a thermal differential between the inner and outer race of the bearing, which will
be sure that the pilot holes in
reduce the bearing’s internal clearance. If this differential is allowed to climb high enough, all internal clearance
the filter body (the ones that
in the bearing can be eliminated and damage to the balls and races can occur.
feed the indicator with oil
pressure) are clear of debris.
This will help ensure you are
receiving the correct signal.
Smart Valve Labeling
A good way to make sure valves are put in the proper
operating position after maintenance is to affix perma-
nent tags on the valves indicating their normal operating
position. Wording such as, “This valve normally open for
operation,” is very helpful. A pre-startup checklist will add
another layer of protection.
Did You Know?
Additional tips can be
found in our Lube-Tips
email newsletter. To receive Advice for Oil Reservoir Baffles
the Lube-Tips newsletter,
subscribe now at and Settling Zones
Baffles are used to prevent fluid just returned to the tank from passing directly back to the pump inlet. For
a number of reasons, a longer transit path is considered
beneficial, as it encourages better heat conduction from the
Have Some Tips? fluid, better contamination and air separation, and better
If you have a tip to share, mixing with the bulk fluid. This is usually accomplished
email it to by separating the inlet and outlet by as long of a flow path as feasible. ML

42 | July - August 2018 |


“Can GL-5 gear oil be used in an application where

manual transmission fluid is recommended?"
The American Petroleum ened gear set, this adds a great deal much copper in the used oil analysis
Institute (API) GL rating of wear protection as well as life and report as compared to a GL-4 oil.
system is intended for gear reliability to the component. Eventually, the synchronizers will
oil specifications. While However, because of the mech- wear to the point that they no longer
a manual transmission does in fact anism in which these EP additives make contact with the other half of
have gears, it may also contain other work, when they are introduced to the cone, bottoming out before stop-
components such as synchronizers. softer yellow metals, the results can ping the opposing gear.
The gears and synchronizers have be disastrous. They attach in the same So while an API GL-5 gear oil can
seemingly conflicting requirements. manner (metal-wetting polar attrac- be utilized in an application where
In general, the higher the GL rating, tion), and when heat and/or pressure manual transmission fluid is recom-
the higher the extreme pressure (EP) is introduced, the additives will chem- mended, there will be a tradeoff. You
protection provided. This is great ically attack the softer yellow metals. can anticipate excellent protection
for reliability and wear reduction in This aggressive attack can prematurely for the gears but also a reduction in
hardened gear sets, but it can spell wear out synchronizers. synchronizer life if these components
disaster for synchronizers. GL-4 products typically use are made of softer material.
EP additives are often made of about half the sulfur/phosphorus Generally, you should heed the
a sulfur/phosphorus compound that additives of their GL-5 counter- recommendations made by the manu-
will adhere to metal surfaces through parts. This means they provide less facturer. Issues such as those outlined
polar attraction. Once they have protection for the gear set but do above are considered during the
coated a metal surface, these additives not damage synchronizers quite as components’ design phase. Manufac-
need only to be introduced to heat severely. When a GL-5 gear oil is turers usually have all the information
and/or pressure (from a collapsing used in a manual transmission that required to make educated decisions,
lubricant film) to spring into action contains synchronizers, you can which are then incorporated into
and start doing their job. In a hard- expect to find two to four times as their recommendations.

“What is an acceptable tolerance level for the viscosity

index of a compressor oil (32 viscosity synthetic oil)
for a screw compressor?"
When it comes to issues of viscosity and viscosity lubricant in different ways and require a different viscosity.
index, there are several questions that must be For simplicity, let's assume that all internal parts need a
answered in order to properly set limits and viscosity of 5.5 centistokes and that the working temperature
alarms for oil analysis and oil change-out param- is 100 degrees C. If you are using an ISO 32 oil with a
eters. One of the first things to determine is the proper viscosity index of 108, you will hit that viscosity at 100
viscosity to be used in the compressor. This usually requires degrees C. If the temperature increases, the oil will thin and
some research in maintenance manuals as well as under- you won't have the same lubricating film needed to fully
standing which components are being lubricated by the oil. separate the machine surfaces.
Within a compressor, there may be gearing, bearings, slides, If a synthetic base oil or a different base oil with
seals and countless other components that will stress the a higher viscosity index is used, the viscosity will be

44 | July - August 2018 |


you would expect to see advancing shearing down of the viscosity index
signs of wear inside the machine. improver additive. Over time this
Therefore, you need to know the additive is cut into smaller pieces
minimum operating viscosity to set and loses its impact in the oil. You
an alarm and limit on that value. then see a drop off in the high-​
Most oil labs test industrial temperature viscosity. This generally
fluids at 40 and 100 degrees C. By is measured or monitored by reading
using these two parameters, you
the viscosity at two temperatures.
can calculate the viscosity index
While there isn't a set level for
and extrapolate the viscosity at
whatever in-service temperature the viscosity index across the board, you
higher at the operating tempera- compressor is operating. can determine the required viscosity
tures, providing a safeguard in case You should take the approach index for your machine and then
something were to happen in terms of setting both upper and lower set limits based on how much the
of higher operating temperatures limits on viscosity, cautionary limits viscosity will drop at a given oper-
or contaminants lowering the oil's at plus or minus 5 percent, and ating temperature. Remember, with
viscosity. Reducing the operating critical limits at plus or minus 10 viscosity, in most cases it is better to
temperatures with coolers or other percent. Viscosity index could be err on the side of caution and have
means, or raising the ISO grade included as well, as there are many too much rather than not enough. ML
can also help you achieve a measure reasons viscosity index could change
of safety. throughout the life of the oil. If you have a question for
If the viscosity index were to Perhaps the most common one of Noria’s experts, email it
drop below 108 in this example, way viscosity index changes is by to

Let Noria help you solve tough lubrication

problems and discover the root cause of
equipment and lubrication failures.

For more information visit | July - August 2018 | 45

Oil Analysis

Jacobs Named 2017

Gill Award Winner

If you know of The International Council

any organizations for Machinery Lubrication
that deserve to be (ICML) has selected Jacobs
recognized for their as the recipient of the 2017
machinery lubrica- Augustus H. Gill Award
tion or oil analysis for excellence in oil analysis. The
programs, encourage engineering company worked with
them to apply for an NASA on developing a world-class
ICML award. oil analysis program at the Kennedy
To submit a nomi- Space Center in Florida.
nation for one of Reliability engineer Sean Hollis
ICML’s recognition of accepted the award on behalf of
excellence awards, Jacobs and the Test and Operations
visit Support Contract (TOSC) during
Jacobs’ Sean Hollis accepted the Augustus H. Gill Award from the
the recent Reliable Plant Confer-
International Council for Machinery Lubrication at the recent
ence & Exhibition in Indianapolis. Reliable Plant Conference & Exhibition in Indianapolis.
“We’ve been working toward
this level of excellence since 2013, performing oil analysis or trending “With the new contract and the
when the contract started, and we’re the information. new program, we had to change or
looking forward to continuously “We wanted to first get a list of adjust that culture,” Hollis noted.
improving throughout the rest of critical assets,” Hollis recalled. “We “The resolution was partnering
the contract,” Hollis said. wanted to have a list of when samples with the system engineers to resolve
When Jacobs arrived on the scene were taken and when samples were issues and concerns. Instead of just
at the Kennedy Space Center five required before major operations. dropping a report on their desk and
years ago, company personnel began We also wanted to be able to estab- saying this is what we are finding,
sorting through all the different lish sample frequencies on a routine we had a conversation about it.
contract requirements, regulations basis, which required updating job That really showed ownership of
and executive orders that would need plan procedures.” the problem and allowed the system
to align with NASA’s guidelines. The previous program had been engineers to have a say in what we
They found that assets requiring oil providing inconsistent results without were finding in the oil analysis.”
analysis were not clearly defined. The identifying root causes. It was discov- With each department doing
operations department was focused ered that system engineers were just things a little differently, Jacobs
on ensuring that the space shuttle filing away oil analysis reports because consolidated the various procedures
was launched and not necessarily on they didn’t trust the results. into easy, simple instructions. They

46 | July - August 2018 |


standardized the way samples were the top, especially having a strong • • Lubrication management
being taken while verifying that director and program manager by •
• Oil analysis methods and
everyone was using clean sample you, made the team really shine.”
bottles and that everything was
labelled properly. Gill Award Criteria • • Use of information technology
The number of like oils was also Designed to motivate compa- • • Continuous improvement
consolidated, resulting in a drastic nies to improve machine reliability
reduction in shop-stocked oils. In and maintenance quality through Both the Augustus H. Gill and
addition, compatibility testing was the application of oil analysis, the John R. Battle awards are open to
implemented to ensure proper lubri- Augustus H. Gill Award has specific organizations worldwide indepen-
cant selection. dent of any involvement with ICML.
criteria for potential recipients.
Although still a work in prog- To avoid bias, ICML has chosen a
These include:
ress, the oil analysis program has policy by which it does not nominate
• • Commitment to education
been a huge success. As more equip- companies. Instead, nominations
ment arrives at the Kennedy Space • Maintenance culture and
• must come from the companies
Center for the Space Launch System management support directly via an application.
program, the oil analysis program will •
• Performance measurements If you know of any organizations
need to expand to accommodate the used that deserve to be recognized for their
space and fire- suppression system machinery lubrication or oil analysis
required to store oils and greases. • • Proactive/predictive maintenance programs, encourage them to apply
“We knew that this was going to • • Use of standardized procedures for an ICML award. To submit a
be a journey,” Hollis added. “Being nomination for one of ICML’s recog-
• • Technology integration
able to essentially preach the gospel nition of excellence awards, visit
from the bottom all the way to • • Contamination control ML

Recent Recipients of ICML Certifications

The International Council for Machinery Lubrication (ICML) continues to provide skill certi-
fication testing for professionals in the areas of oil analysis and machinery lubrication.
The organization offers three certifications: Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA), Machine
Lubrication Technician (MLT) and Laboratory Lubricant Analyst (LLA). ICML congratu-
lates the following individuals who recently achieved certified status in one of the three
certification areas.

Ahmed Magdy Mosbah, MLA II Compañia Minera Chungar Fuchs Egypt Kiel Warwick, MLT I
Christopher Lopez Perez, MLA II Oscar Ccaccya Anca, MLA II Mohamed Jamal Abd-El-Sadek, Tyler Bergene, MLT I
Mark Smyth, MLA I MLA II
Taha Paracha, MLA I Confipetrol Andina Jordan Bromine Co.
Dustin Rojas Casas, MLA II Georgia-Pacific Salameh Alabed, MLA I
Aecom Maintenance William Ever Siesquen Inga, Brandon Creasey, MLT I
Contractors Kellogg
MLA II Chester Collins, MLT I
Zahid Javed, MLT I Robert Gillis, MLT I
David Wray, MLT I
Continental Building Tom Peeters, MLT I
George Minnick, MLT I
Aecon Products
Justin Sayers, MLT I
Jacob Lovik, MLT I Koch Industries
Joey Mullins, MLT II Joseph Crawley, MLT I Chris Pickering, MLT I
Alberta Pacific Forest Dow Chemical Logan Rhoads, MLT I Derek Dronberger, MLT I
Industries Randy Howard, MLT I Don Rice, MLT I
Kyle Grantham, MLT I
Ross Whieldon, MLT I Robert Brooks, MLT I Eric Sharpshair, MLT I
Egyptian Maintenance Co. Robert Hudson, MLT I Jason Rees, MLT I
Ardent Mills Mohamed Gamal Shaaban Ashry Steven Haupt, MLT I Mitchel Bruss, MLT I
Kyle Weber, MLT I
Need to take Atlantic Power
Gheith, MLA I Glencore
Jeff Lilko, MLA I
Entergy Anthony Vilar Roque, MLA I
an exam? Jason Tyrrell, MLA I Aaron Davis, MLA I Goodyear Jose Luis Malaga Alarco, MLA II
Charles Clayton, MLA I
ICML regularly holds Berry Global
Dean Kelley, MLA I
Favio Rodriguez Tejeda, MLA II Lube-Tech & Partners
exam sessions throughout Matthew Hagen, MLT I Brooke Jaunich, MLT I
Phillip Harrison, MLT I Derek Duplessis, MLA I Hellenic Petroleum
Daryl Andersen, MLT I
the United States and the Douglas Deloach, MLA I Ioannis Binikos, MLA I
Boise Cascade Honore Templet, MLA I Ioannis Spyrou, MLA I Lubrication Engineers
world. Upcoming dates Brandon Poag-Crozier, MLT I Jacob Loving, MLA I Konstantinos Pagonis, MLA I Alan Lich, MLT I
and locations for ICML James Coyle, MLA I Marcus Vichert, MLA I Dan Gentry, MLT I
British University in Egypt
exams can be found at Sherif Elsoudy, MLA I
James D’Antono, MLA I Theofanis Stavrou, MLA I Patrick Schwindaman, MLT I
Jarrett Morris, MLA I Vassileios Bouras, MLA I Thomas Bjellos, MLT I Jonathan Odonnell, MLT I
Bureau Veritas Hormel Foods Corp. Lubrimor
Justin Alsdorf, MLA I
Andres Avelino Caceres Lara, Carl Benttine, MLT I
Kyle Temple, MLA I Alejandro Jose Moreno, MLA I
MLT I Connor Moore, MLT I
Mannanseh Price, MLA I
Dominique Dawson, MLT I Mehtanex
C&W Services Melissa Franco, MLA I
Philip (Eugene) Begley, MLA I Jordan Riemann, MLT I Mohamed Hafez Metwally, MLA II
Andrew Ashenfelter, MLT I
Ryan Peters, MLA I Kayum Ayinde, MLT I
Brian Beam, MLT I Michelin
ICML Certifications Donald Lindly II, MLT I Stephen Maciasz, MLA I Kevin Kendrick, MLT I
Nicholas Bjerke, MLT I
Jonathan Schofield, MLT & MLT II
Kenneth Hinsley, MLT I Thomas Collins, MLT I
Rodney Bogle, MLT I Vance Kirk, MLA I Opeyemi Ajaiyeoba, MLT I Mosaic Co.
LLA I Shane Burgher, MLT I
Sherveen Masghati, MLT I Angel Suarez, MLT I
Terry McCarthy, MLT I Cody Alvarez, MLT I
L aboratory Lubricant Cargill Amir Basyouni, MLA II Zachary Fadness, MLT I Dale Thompson, MLT I
A nalyst Level I Cody Dreaden, MLT I Joe Diaz, MLT I
ExxonMobil Hudbay
Louis Kitt, MLT I Joseph Farabaugh, MLT I
Jonathan Urbach, MLT I Erick Jorge Pachas Quispe, MLA II
MLA I Catalyst Paper Paul Griffin, MLT I
Kelly Byrd, MLT I
M achine Lubricant I-care Deutschland
Clayton Bujotzek, MLT I MVS Acmei Technologies
Finning Leon Cornelius Pollmeier, MLT I
A nalyst Level I Cenovus Energy Sheldon Esau, MLA I
Bijay Kumar Singh, MLA II
Shawn Oles, MLT I & MLA I Noria Corp.
MLA II Cia Minera Ares
First Quantum Minerals
Ben Ngoshe, MLA I
Robin Davis, MLT I
Devin Jarrett, MLT II
M achine Lubricant Besh Muleya, MLA I Industrial Oils Unlimited OG&E Energy Corp.
Carlos Salazar Franco, MLA II
A nalyst Level II Bright Malumbwa, MLA I Dillon Evans, MLT I & MLA I
Keith Massar, MLA I
Circor Reliability Services/ Chama Chilumba, MLA I Kenneth Stinson, MLA I
COT-Puritech & LSC Orange County Sanitation
MLA III Cole Jolly, MLA II
Gerald Zambika, MLA I
Maxmillan Shamakumba, MLA I
Ingredion District
Carl Carlton, MLT I
M achine Lubricant Darryl Kinsey, MLA II Michael Simukoko, MLA I Rodney Hendricks, MLT I
Brian Tafolla, MLT I
A nalyst Level III Dean Ingram, MLA II Misheck Koni, MLA I Brian Terrell, MLT I
Harold Lloyd, MLA II Ron Haboush, MLT I
Moses Mukanda, MLA I Cory Mayne, MLT I
Keith Spoonmore, MLA II Pavious Mulenga, MLA I International Paper Gilbert Padilla, MLT I
MLT I Kendall Tompkins, MLA II Wasa Kampamba, MLA I Donald Godin, MLT II Jesse Freeman, MLT I
M achine Lubrication Levi Sanders, MLA II Robert Brandt, MLT I
Peter Mattes, MLA II Flint Hills Resources Intertek Santiago Escobar, MLT I
Technician Level I Robert Kent, MLA II Dan Gerten, MLA I Rahul Venkiteswaran, MLA II Trung Tan Nguyen, MLA I
Jonathan Leland, MLT I Victor Gonzalez, MLT I
Compañía de Galletas Noel Jennie-O Turkey Store
MLT II Carlos Andres García Osorio, Fluid Life Corp. Adam Krych, MLT I Osceola Foods
M achine Lubrication MLA I Rob Shepherd, MLA I AJ Walsh Brenizer, MLT I Andrew Smith, MLT I
Technician Level II

MLA II Saputo Jose Guilherme Macedo Silva, MLT I

START YOUR Plains Midstream Canada Jude Fernando, MLA II Kallyw Pedrosa Sousa, MLT I

FREE SUBSCRIPTION Dan Bellefleur, MLT I Saudi Aramco

Husain Mohammed Al-Shaqhab,
Rafael Ramos da Silva, MLT I
Thyago da Silva Sousa, MLT I R&G Laboratories MLA I
Evan Montgomery, MLT I Tamko Building Products
Saudi Electricity Co. John Enlow, MLT I
R&R Lubricants Raja Alhajri, MLT I
Oscar Eduardo Castro Serna, MLA I John Kopp, MLT I
Simmons Foods Mark Donaldson, MLT I
Reliability Expert Center James Mckee, MLT I Paxton Shaffner, MLT I
Ali Alkhuraimi, MLT I
Sociedad Minera el Brocal Wayne Ambush, MLT I
Rio Tinto Jose Alberto Moscoso Rivadeneira,
David Burrows, MLA II
Dean Rowland, MLA II Elabbas Nasr Abbas Mohammed
Joe Wayne Platt, MLA I Soltrak Farrag, MLA II
Owens Corning Tom Grove, MLA I Jhon Alex Yauri Amaro, MLT I
Victor Edwin, MLT I Richard Molloy, MLA II
Alton Mann, MLT I Jose Alberto Bernui Vilchez, MLA II Textron Aviation
Andrew Parrott, MLT I Parker Hannifin Industrial Rochelle Foods Juan Antonio Vela Vasquez, MLA II Curtis Beard, MLT I
Dennis Lykins, MLT I Parth Akoliya, MLT I Liz Deysi Huincho Espesa, MLA II
Ryan Chew Kar Men, MLA III Jacob Marney, MLT I
Jace Landthrip, MLT I Loander Lozano Gonzales, MLA II
James Gitahi, MLT I Pembina Roseburg Forest Products Luis Gustavo Solis Broncano,
Justin Sandoval, MLT I
Tinker Air Force Base
Jared Scott Coil, MLT I Albert Mausolf, MLA I MLA II
Joey Smith, MLT I Manuel Abraham Cuya Seguin, Stevan Stapleton, MLT I
Lawrence Bishop, MLA I Petrolabs RYR Lubricants MLT I
Venumadhav Panakanti, MLA II Vanessa Estephania Arismendy Unified Lubricants Co.
Michael Rawlins, MLT I
Rincon, MLA I SRL Abdalrahman Hamid, MLT II
Nathan Stevens, MLT I Petrolink USA Vladimir Elías Gonzalez Ballesteros, Elizabeth Galindo Gomez, MLA II
Paul Routhier, MLT I Jeffrey Carder, MLA I
Quentin Griffin, MLT I MLA I Paul Yataco Salazar, MLA II Verso
Robert Caldwell, MLT I Petronas Suzano Papel e Celulose Kurt Schanen, MLT I
Roger Story, MLT II Mohd Zafuan Bin Mohd Zainal, Khalid Ahmed Al-Zowayed, MLA I Artur Peixoto da Silva, MLT I
Ryan Thompson, MLT I MLA III
Flavio Henrique Medeiros da
Thomas Griffin, MLT I Norshahida Yahaya, MLA III Sadara Chemical Co. Rocha, MLT I Jaber Mohammed Alelyani, MLA I
Timothy Cushing, MLA I Shahiffudin Bin Khamis Abd Hamid, Hamsatun Bin Abdul Ghani, MLT I Gladison Dias, MLT I Majed Alrefai, MLA I

Global Training Calendar

Denver, USA • August 28 – 30, 2018 Point Lisas, Trinidad • September 11 – 13, 2018
OIL ANALYSIS LEVEL II Denver, USA • August 28 – 30, 2018 Monterrey, Mexico • September 17 – 18, 2018
Cartagena Colombia • August 14 – 16, 2018
Woodmead, South Africa • August 20 – 24, 2018 Monterrey, Mexico • September 17 – 20, 2018
Buenos Aires, Argentina • September 4 – 7, 2018
Hohehot Municipal, China • August 22 – 24, 2018 Santiago, Chile • September 4 – 6, 2018 Eibar, Spain • September 18 – 20, 2018


Daegu, South Korea • August 27 – 30, 2018 Daegu, South Korea • September 10 – 13, 2018 Eibar, Spain • September 18 – 20, 2018

ICML certification testing is available for most of the courses listed.

Visit for certification information and test dates. For updated dates and locations visit
Wes Cash | Noria Corporation


Best Practices for

Wheel-end Lubricants

"Wheel While much thought

is given to major auto-
ends should motive lubricants like
engine oil and trans-
be properly mission fluid, there are many other
lubricated components in a vehicle that have
specific lubrication requirements.
for the One such component is the hub
assembly, where what are known as
performance wheel-end lubricants are commonly
used. Hub assemblies can be oiled
of the vehicle or greased, and just like motors
as well as the and transmissions, the lubricant
and lubrication practices will have
safety of the a considerable impact on their life
expectancy and operation. The better
public." you take care of these components,
the longer they will last.

How Hub
Assemblies Work
The majority of hub assemblies
utilize a rolling-element bearing on
the spindle to allow the wheel to rotate
freely. These typically are tapered
element bearings to help support loads
in multiple directions. They are often
installed in pairs on steering wheels.
For wheels that don’t steer, known
periodically to enable maximum life Lubricant Selection
of the assembly. This raises the ques- Oils have been employed in
as drive or idle wheels, you may find
traditional ball bearings. Although tion as to which lubricant should be many hub assemblies with good
these bearings can reduce the amount used to lubricate, protect and ensure results. When using an oil bath to
of friction between the moving parts, the bearing will provide trouble-free lubricate the wheel ends, there is
the bearings must be lubricated service for an extended period of time. generally less drag on the bearings

50 | July - August 2018 |


when compared to grease lubrication. designations are considered inactive For wheel ends that share a sump
The oil is applied either directly to the and usually are not recommended with the rest of the axle assembly,
hub via a fill port or supplied inter- in these applications. Breaking the you may need to pull the level plug
nally from the differential utilizing mold is the MT-1 designation, which from the differential or gear assembly
a piping mechanism. In both cases, is frequently employed in non-syn- to verify that the oil is at the appro-
maintaining the correct oil level and chronized manual transmissions. priate operating level. Ideally, you
selecting the appropriate oil are key to These oils are more specialized, should check these levels when the
preserving the bearing and ensuring and care should be taken to prevent vehicle is on level ground, as the
that the hub functions properly. accidentally mixing these with slope of the surface could impact the
Bearings that share oil from other fluids. oil level and give you a false reading.
the differential will commonly In order for a lubricant to meet Remember, having too high of an oil
be lubricated with gear oil. Even these specifications, there must be a level can be just as dangerous and
hubs that are splash lubricated in healthy dose of additives to fortify destructive as having an oil level that
their own individual bath may be the base oil. The most common is too low.
lubricated with an approved gear additives in these types of fluids
oil. While most people may be are antioxidants, viscosity index Grease Lubrication
familiar with gear oils, the ones improvers and extreme-pressure The vast majority of wheel ends
used in automotive applications (EP) additives. Some EP additives are grease lubricated. Unlike oil,
are slightly different than those contain active sulfur phosphorus, grease does a better job of staying
for industrial applications, which which can be corrosive to softer in place within the bearing and
have their own designations and metals, so always check your equip- housing. It also can resist breaking
viscosity grade systems. Gear oils ment manual before selecting and down while in service better than a
for these applications should meet using any oil for your particular traditional oil. The downside is that
the specifications of the American application. grease can be difficult to replace,
Petroleum Institute (API). For drive In addition to the oil designa- and overgreasing is common in
wheel ends, where the oil is shared tion, you must also choose the proper many applications.
between the hub and the axle, this oil viscosity to replace or refill the Passenger-car wheel bearings are
becomes very important, as the oil system. The viscosity will be denoted typically grease lubricated and sealed
will be lubricating a gear set as well by the SAE viscosity grade and typi- for life, which means the lubricant
as a bearing set. cally will be listed in the same place can’t be replaced. Not only must
Be sure to consult the original as the oil designation. Many auto- the in-service grease provide the
equipment manufacturer’s recom- motive applications utilize a 75W-90 same lubricating properties as oil,
mendations to see which gear oil viscosity oil in these applications, but but it also must be able to resist the
designation is preferred. The most it is not uncommon to find some temperatures present in the wheel
current and widely used is GL-5. viscosities higher than SAE 140. end to avoid excessive bleeding
This designation is employed with The higher viscosities are often used of oil from the thickener. This is
most hypoid gear sets and has stan- for higher loads and higher torque very important in applications that
dard performance levels listed in the applications or for those experiencing require frequent braking, as the fric-
ASTM D7450 specification. Much higher temperatures. tion in the brakes is often transferred
of this specification is dedicated into the wheel bearings.
to testing the lubricant’s ability to Oil Levels When selecting a grease for a
reduce wear on gear components. When using oil to lubricate wheel bearing, start by considering
Other tested parameters include a wheel end, the oil level will be the recommended lubricant or the

foam stability, rust protection, and critical to the system’s health and grease that is already in use within
thermal and oxidative stability. overall performance. If the wheel the bearing. Greases are known
The full range of gear oil desig- end has its own individual reser- to have compatibility issues when
nations span from GL-1 through voir, there likely will be a sight glass different types are mixed. This risk
GL-6. The only active designations which can be used to monitor the is greatly minimized if you can fully
are GL-4 and GL-5. GL-4 is utilized oil level. Depending on the type of replace the grease charge by cleaning of lubrication professionals
consider wheel-end
in many manual transmissions and wheel end, the oil level can vary, so out all remnants of the old lubricant. lubrication during normal
transaxles. These tend to be used be sure to check the sight glass for Some research into the grease’s maintenance of their vehicles,
more at lower speeds and loads the “full” mark and not simply look thickener and base oil can shed light according to a recent survey
when compared to GL-5. The other for signs of oil in the glass. on whether the new grease will be at | July - August 2018 | 51


able to mix with the in-service tests. Additional testing for corro- malfunction. Also, if lubricant is
grease. When in doubt or if there sion protection, water resistance, no longer present, the bearing may
are compatibility concerns, try to leakage, high-temperature life, heat up and cause a fire. The wheel
perform as thorough of a grease wear protection and elastomer could even become unattached
changeout as possible. compatibility is performed for GB and result in damage or harm to
Automotive greases have and GC greases. The GC greases other motorists.
performance specifications that are tested for extreme-pressure Therefore, wheel ends should be
are similar to the gear designations performance as well. properly maintained for the perfor-
of oils. These specifications, which During installation, grease is mance of the vehicle as well as the
were originally classified by NLGI, often packed into these bearings safety of the public. Their lubrica-
follow a testing protocol outlined by hand. Not only should grease tion doesn’t need to be mysterious
by ASTM International. The clas- be packed into the bearing, but and can often be performed during
sifications for automotive greases some grease should be applied to normal maintenance of your vehicle.
fall into two categories: chassis the housing and on the wheel end’s If you take your vehicle to a repair
and wheel bearings. Some greases inside surfaces where the bearing shop, be sure the principles outlined
that pass both testing protocols sits. This will help prevent corrosion. here are followed so you will be set
may bear the dual-service mark. The housing should also have some for your next road trip. ML
Chassis greases are classified as grease in the cavity surrounding
“LA” for light duty and “LB” for the bearing, but it should not be
severe duty. Wheel bearing greases ASTM D7450-13 Standard Specifica-
filled. This space in the cavity will
have three classifications: GA, GB tion for Performance of Rear Axle Gear
permit grease to be spun out of the
Lubricants Intended for API Category
and GC. Like the chassis classi- bearing as well as provide room for
GL-5 Service, ASTM International 2018
fications, the main difference is thermal expansion of the lubricant.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards
how robust the grease is and how If the cavity is completely filled,
ASTM D4950-14 Standard Classifi-
severe the driving conditions are. grease churning and excessive heat
cation and Specification for Automotive
They range from mild duty (GA), will result.
Service Greases, ASTM International
to moderate duty (GB) and severe Certain wheel ends have
2018 Annual Book of ASTM Standards
duty (GC). The regreasing frequen- grease fittings that enable peri-
Fitch, J.C., Scott, R., & Leugner, L.
cies follow the same pattern, with odic regreasing of the bearing. If
(2012). “The Practical Handbook of
more frequent relubrication for regreasing these with a grease gun,
Machinery Lubrication - Fourth Edition.”
GA to less frequent with GC. be sure to apply grease slowly and
Pirro, D.M. & Wessol, A.A. (2001).
Most greases employed in automo- stop if abnormal back-pressure is
“Lubrication Fundamentals - Second
tive applications tend to hold the experienced. Keep in mind that a
Edition, Revised and Expanded.”
dual-service mark, which includes grease gun can generate enough
LB and GC. pressure to blow out seals and create About the Author
The GA-GC wheel bearing an opening that will allow contam- Wes Cash is the director of
classifications have similar testing inants to enter and oil to bleed out. technical services for Noria Corpora-
performed per the specification, tion. He serves as a senior technical
but the protocol varies based on Key Considerations consultant for Lubrication Program
the classification. All wheel bearing When lubricated correctly, Development projects and as a senior
classifications are subjected to wheel ends should meet or exceed instructor for Noria’s Oil Analysis
consistency, dropping point and their estimated design life. The key II and Machinery Lubrication I
low-temperature performance items to consider include main- and II training courses. Wes holds
tests. They also all have the same taining the oil level, regreasing at a Machine Lubrication Technician
criteria for consistency, which puts the proper frequency, using the (MLT) Level II certification and a
them in the NLGI consistency right specification for oils and Machine Lubricant Analyst (MLA)
range of 1-3. The most common greases, and routinely monitoring Level III certification through the
grease consistency is NLGI 2. For the wheel assembly for any signs of International Council for Machinery
the other two tests, the acceptance leakage. If the seals are leaking and Lubrication (ICML). Contact Wes at
limits change according to the the lubricant is allowed to be flung to learn how Noria
classification, with GC requiring out of the housing, it may reach can help you choose the right lubri-
higher values in most of the other the brakes, which could lead to a cants for your application.

52 | July - August 2018 |


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Go to for more videos.
Hear Case Studies and Learn From Industry Leaders:
>> Error-proof your lubrication program with best practices >> Use KPIs and metrics for lubrication program success
>> Deploy artificial intelligence and IoT technologies >> Improve diagnostic success with oil analysis reports BROUGHT TO YOU BY

The 2018 Machinery Lubrication Conference & Exhibition is a gathering of TO ATTEND
people driving change in the lubrication and oil analysis industry. Machinery
Lubrication 2018 provides a platform for industry professionals to gain and 1. Discover solutions that you
share knowledge, network with fellow professionals, exchange ideas, and can implement immediately:
discover new products and services. Get up close and personal
with innovative technologies
For 20 years, Noria has established itself as the global, trusted authority in and services designed to
machinery lubrication. Our decades of lubrication training experience, coupled improve your facility.
with more than 15 years of publishing Machinery Lubrication magazine, have
created a greater need for a conference solely dedicated to the lubrication and 2. Put your facility on the path
oil analysis industry. That’s where this conference comes in. to lubrication excellence:
Learn about lubrication best
As the only U.S.-based conference solely dedicated to lubrication and practices to sustain your
oil analysis, Machinery Lubrication 2018 is a magnet for drawing industry facility’s lubrication and oil
professionals at every level: lubrication analysts and managers, oil analysis analysis program.
technicians, predictive maintenance technicians, reliability engineers,
maintenance managers and more. The conference will also feature a 3. Expand your network: Grow
10,000-square-foot exhibit hall inside the Houston Marriott Westchase where powerful connections that
vendors will showcase their latest technologies, products and services allow you to share ideas and
designed to give you solutions to your industry problems. best practices.

Whether you are entry-level or a seasoned professional, Machinery Lubrication 4. Encounter new vendors and
is the place for you. Join lubrication and reliability professionals from services: Keep our industry
industries such as petrochemical, power generation, pulp and paper, food thriving by staying current
processing, manufacturing, fleet and off-highway. Start driving change in your with the latest technologies
facility and join us in Houston for Machinery Lubrication 2018. and information.

5. Become more valuable to

your company: Learn
processes to reduce downtime and increase
return on investment.
Tuesday, Nov. 6
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m........................................Onsite Registration
7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m................................... Continental Breakfast

8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m..........................Pre-Conference Workshops

4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m......... Meet & Greet Reception in Exhibit Hall
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m...........................................Exhibition Hours

Wednesday, Nov. 7
7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m........................................Onsite Registration WHY ATTEND?
7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m................................... Continental Breakfast Machinery Lubrication 2018 covers every facet of the
8:00 a.m. – 8:50 a.m............................................Opening Keynote lubrication and oil analysis industry. In Houston, you
9:00 a.m. – 9:35 a.m......................................... Learning Sessions will hear how industry leaders, such as Simmons Feed,
9:35 a.m. – 10:40 a.m..........................Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall Aleris and Owens Corning, put their facilities on the path
10:40 a.m. – 11:15 a.m........................................ Learning Sessions to excellence. Realize immediate bottom-line results by
obtaining real-world information and processes that you
11:25 a.m. – 12:00 p.m....................................... Learning Sessions
can put into practice as soon as you return home.
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.............................................................Lunch
1:30 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions
2:15 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions
2:50 p.m. – 3:50 p.m................ Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall As a machinery lubrication and oil analysis professional,
3:50 p.m. – 4:25 p.m......................................... Learning Sessions you value best practices to ensure bottom-line results.
Whether you’re entry-level or a seasoned professional,
4:35 p.m. – 5:10 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions
you’ll benefit from the comprehensive schedule of
5:10 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.............Networking Reception in Exhibit Hall learning sessions, case studies and colleague interaction.
___________________________________________________________ Make plans now to attend Machinery Lubrication 2018 to
_9:00 a.m. – 6:30 p.m..........................................Exhibition Hours network with and gather information from the following
Thursday, Nov. 8 CBM Professionals Mechanical Engineers
7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m........................................Onsite Registration
Engineers & Engineering Operations Managers
7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m............Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall Managers
8:00 a.m. – 8:35 a.m......................................... Learning Sessions PdM Analysts and Specialists
Facility Managers
8:45 a.m. – 9:20 a.m......................................... Learning Sessions Plant Managers & Engineers
9:20 a.m. – 9:55 a.m...........................Coffee Break in Exhibit Hall Hydraulic Specialists
Quality Managers
9:55 a.m. – 10:30 a.m........................................ Learning Sessions Lab Managers
Reliability Coordinators
10:40 a.m. – 11:15 a.m........................................ Learning Sessions Lube Analysts
11:25 a.m. – 12:00 p.m....................................... Learning Sessions Reliability Engineers
Lubricant Industry
12:00 p.m. – 1:30 p.m.............................................................Lunch Professionals Reliability Team Leaders
1:30 p.m. – 2:05 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions Lubrication Technicians Reliability Technicians
2:15 p.m. – 2:50 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions & Specialists Safety Managers & Directors
3:00 p.m. – 3:35 p.m......................................... Learning Sessions Machinery Engineers Senior Reliability Engineers
3:35 p.m. – 4:15 p.m................. Refreshment Break in Exhibit Hall
Maintenance Engineers TPM Coordinators & Facilitators
4:15 p.m. – 4:50 p.m.......................................... Learning Sessions & Managers
5:00 p.m..................................................Giveaways in Exhibit Hall … and more
Maintenance Planners
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m...........................................Exhibition Hours Managers of Maintenance
and Reliability

Jim Fitch
Wednesday, Nov. 7
8:00 – 8:50 a.m.
Lubrication is going through
transformational change powered
by both internal and external forces.
These include Industry 4.0, the
technology clusters of condition-
based maintenance, the industrial
internet of things, standardization
of asset management systems,
globalization and low-wage
economies, environmental
protection, energy conservation, risk
and reliability management, value-
chain alignment, etc.

Tomorrow’s smart factories will

depend on decentralized cyber-
physical systems to interactively
monitor the state of machine health.
Industry will still ride on a film of
oil, but the demands on lubricants
and lubrication have changed.
Lubrication must be enabled to
meet these demands. This keynote
address will explore these trends and
gamechangers in the context of the
opportunities they represent to both
suppliers and user organizations in
the years ahead.

TUESDAY, NOV. 6 | 8 – 11:30 A.M. TUESDAY, NOV. 6 | 1 – 4:30 P.M.

Lubrication Excellence Essentials Compressors and Centrifugal
for Leaders Pumps: Achieving Superior
Jim Fitch, Noria Corporation Reliability Through Modern
There’s a revolution occurring. Lubrication Practices
Managers who once desired Heinz Bloch, Mechanical
machine reliability now demand Engineering Authority
it. It’s a matter of corporate Contrary to conventional wisdom,
survival in the global economy, and few industrial facilities have
effective machinery lubrication is optimized their lubrication
an essential enabler to success. This movement has led practices for pumps and compressors. Some are
companies in all industries to take control of reliability outsourcing lube management to the lowest bidder, while
by reinventing their lubrication programs. Those who are others are assigning lubrication tasks to the newest
responding to the challenge are seeing amazing results or perhaps willing — but often inexperienced — worker.
– on the bottom line, where it counts most. The change Unlike some other sessions or short training courses,
goes beyond simply using better lubricants. The leaders this workshop assumes that you have heard all the
are employing technologies, empowering employees and maintenance philosophies and buzzwords you care to
building ultramodern new practices – creating a new and hear. It will describe the lube selection strategies, cost
energized reliability culture. justifications and application methods that best assure
you of high equipment reliability and profitability. You will
Early Fault Detection in Rotating learn how a handful of the most successful and profitable
Equipment with Oil Analysis companies have systematically upgraded the lube area of
Alejandro Meza, Noria most of the compressors and pumps at their respective
Corporation facilities.
Effective oil analysis for rotating
equipment must go beyond simply Turn Your Lube Room into a Cost-
using routine tests as a predictive Savings Machine
tool. A comprehensive oil analysis Bennett Fitch, Noria Corporation
program can provide an early The lubricant is arguably
indication of problems and even eliminate potential the most important part of a
machine failures. This workshop will discuss how to use machine. From the quality upon
your available resources to properly design and implement delivery to the many sources of
a successful oil analysis program for rotating equipment contaminants, the way you store
that is based on the equipment’s criticality and typical and handle lubricants ultimately
failure modes. Come get practical tips for correctly plays a major role in the longevity of your machines. In
defining the goals of your oil analysis program, selecting this workshop, Noria’s Bennett Fitch will describe the
the appropriate tests, interpreting the results and reasons why a world-class lube room should be the
employing other predictive technologies for confirmation. focus of your lubrication program. You will learn how a
lube room includes not just the physical structure and
installed hardware but also the procedures, training,
management and key performance indicators that drive
your lubrication program to excellence. Examples of
world-class lube rooms will be presented along with how
their implementation has turned lubrication programs into
cost-saving machines.

For more information, call 1-800-597-5460 or visit




= Case Studies

Case Study: How a Proper Lubrication Program all your maintenance efforts on installation, alignment
Can Cut Downtime by 50 Percent and balancing but get lubrication wrong. Learn the best
Tim Newman - Maintenance Manager, and William Hada practices for centrifugal pump lubrication, including how
- Director of Maintenance Services, Simmons Feed to select the right lubricant, additives and viscosity, as
Ingredients well as other factors that affect a pump’s operation. By
understanding these key issues, you can increase the
This case-study presentation will explain how the lifespan of your centrifugal pumps.
Simmons Feed Ingredients plant in Southwest City,
Missouri, was able to reduce equipment breakdowns by
How to Cost Justify a Lubrication Program
more than 50 percent and achieve an annual cost savings
Thomas Kurtz - Director of Business Development, Noria
of nearly $1 million once the organization decided to put
more of an emphasis on lubrication. Attendees not only
will hear how the plant made a complete transformation in Plain common sense says that lubrication programs
its lubricant storage and handling practices but also see need support from plant and corporate-level managers
how it changed its culture through employee training and to succeed. Is a lack of support from management
certification, allowing the company to focus on predictive restraining your lubrication initiatives? In this session,
and proactive maintenance rather than just reactive work. you’ll learn how to confidently cost justify, explain and
defend your lubrication project. You’ll also learn how
Steps for Successful Change: Leading Your Team to calculate lubrication program ROI, stop lubrication
into the Future program budgets from getting slashed, and help
Chris Christenson - Director of Education, Noria Corporation management understand the impact of an effective
lubrication program on maintenance and reliability.
One of the biggest hurdles when trying to implement
a lubrication program is that people naturally choose How to Calculate Grease Quantity and Frequency for
the path of least resistance or effort. This principle can
be a powerful influence. At times, it will inspire those
Bennett Fitch - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria
involved to create innovative solutions that unleash great
efficiencies. However, it can also be a force that holds your
team in old habits, ruining attempts by leadership to move One of the most fundamental roles of a lubrication
to new processes. This presentation will offer examples of technician is to ensure that all grease points are
the challenges leaders face when implementing change as relubricated when necessary. As fundamental as this
well as some of the key steps that you can take to convert task may be, knowing exactly how much grease to apply
resistance into a successful project implementation. and how often to regrease is not as straightforward as
it might seem. This presentation will provide answers
Boosting Centrifugal Pump Reliability Through Lubrication to these common questions as well as offer advice on
which feedback mechanisms can reduce the influence
Best Practices
of unknown variables. Attendees will walk away with the
Terry Harris - President, Reliable Process Solutions
knowledge to finally be able to remove the uncertainty
Centrifugal pumps are among the most prevalent types from these fundamental lubrication practices.
of industrial equipment, with many facilities employing
hundreds or even thousands of these machines. KPIs and Metrics for Lubrication Program Success
Frequently, redundant backup pumps are kept on hand, Alejandro Meza - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria
which can lead to a lack of concern about emergency Corporation
breakdowns. However, significant costs can still be
incurred if a pump fails. This presentation will explain Key performance indicators (KPIs) are essential for
why a pump failure is unavoidable if you concentrate measuring the progress of any project or initiative. A
successful lubrication program implementation is no items that are essential for any organization involved
exception. This presentation will discuss the importance in food processing. Attendees may be shocked to learn
of measuring relevant parameters for a comprehensive how far the FSMA reaches and what all it encompasses.
lube program in a facility or fleet, from lubricant selection Discover what this act means for your organization and
to storage, handling, application and disposal. Attendees lubrication program.
will learn critical KPIs that can be implemented across any
lubrication management system to monitor the success of Error-proof Your Lubrication Program with Visual
their programs. Lubrication Best Practices
Bennett Fitch - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria
Basic Lubrication: What Every Lubrication Professional Corporation
Should Know In the world of reliability-centered maintenance, every
Wes Cash - Director of Technical Services, Noria opportunity to prevent a mistake from an unintentional
Corporation error should be considered. Many practices surrounding
Lubrication is the cornerstone of any reliability program, the requirements for machinery lubrication are often
yet few truly understand what all lubrication entails. It challenging to get right. Even when correct procedures
doesn’t have to be a foreign language to you any longer. are understood, human error can still be a factor. This
In this session, Noria’s Wes Cash will explain the basics of can lead to unnecessary and inadvertent mistakes, which
lubrication along with the key terms that will further your contribute to catastrophic failures and downtime. This
understanding and ability to help drive your lube program session aims to help error-proof your lubrication program
to success. by reviewing the many visual and often simple-to-
implement proactive opportunities at your plant.
Food Processing Lubrication: 7 Critical Items for Success
Loren Green - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria Using Single-Point Lessons for Improving Lubrication Task
Corporation Training
The lack of knowledge regarding the Food Safety Chris Christenson - Director of Education, Noria Corporation
Modernization Act (FSMA) and ISO 21469 is truly Training is an investment in your team. Its ultimate goal
astounding, especially considering that violations of is often to align your efforts in order to make a positive
this important legislation not only can lead to fines but impact on your lubrication program. But what is required
also jail time for those involved and the boardroom-level to ensure that your training is retained? How can you verify
leadership. This presentation will outline seven critical that new knowledge is converted into applicable skills? In
Attendees will leave this session with thought-provoking
ideas for how they can better monitor their machines and
have real-time data relating to the current condition of
those critical assets.

Using Drones for Remote Oil Sampling

Michael Holloway - Strategic Accounts & External Training,
ALS Tribology
Oil sampling can be challenging in certain environments
due to the location of the machinery. However, unmanned
aerial vehicles or drones can accomplish tasks that would
be difficult if not impossible for people. This presentation
will detail the latest advances in drone technology that
have made oil sampling easier in remote and hard-to-
reach access points. Attendees will discover how drones
can be used to sample oil from a variety of assets like
wind turbines, where normally it would be expensive if not
prohibitive for typical sampling protocols, as well as when
the combination of oil sampling and unmanned aerial
vehicles are a perfect match.
this session, Noria’s Chris Christenson will provide some
quick strategies that you can employ to guarantee your Oil Analysis Reports: How to Improve Your Diagnostic
training investment pays off. Success
Wes Cash - Director of Technical Services, Noria
Opportunities and Challenges for AI-driven Fluid Quality
Jeremy Drury - Vice President, IoT Diagnostics and Jon Equipment seldom fails without the oil knowing about it
Prescott - CEO, Scante first. How in tune are you with your oil analysis reports to
catch incipient failures? In this session, Noria’s Wes Cash
Artificial intelligence (AI), the internet of things (IoT),
will show you how the professionals diagnose lubricant
machine learning and predictive maintenance are all
and machine failures from data you likely are already
newer concepts influencing the future of plant operations,
collecting. Find out how to hone your skills in reading oil
and yet it’s no secret that the digital revolution has made
analysis reports and catch equipment failures before they
it difficult to determine any true return on investment. It’s
become catastrophic.
time for that to change. This presentation will focus on the
“ready-now” opportunities for improving oil quality through
AI and the IoT. Join Jeremy Drury and Jon Prescott as Ultrasound-assisted Lubrication: 3 Approaches to Improving
they review simple sensor setup, connectivity and the Bearing Lubrication Practices
power of leveraging key data points to avoid “death-by- Adrian Messer - Manager of U.S. Operations, UE Systems
data” overload. Attendees will gain a better understanding The problem with most bearing relubrication practices
of the barriers of implementing connected devices in is that they are time-based instead of condition-based.
petrochemical and power generation facilities, with proper This means a bearing may be lubricated without taking
mitigation strategies and feedback from the field. into consideration whether it even needs grease. This
presentation will explore a new approach to bearing
How the IIoT Is Changing Oil Analysis lubrication with three simple ways to improve equipment
Matt Spurlock - Reliability-Centered Lubrication Platform reliability and reduce premature bearing failures. You
Leader, Allied Reliability Group will learn the concept of ultrasound-assisted lubrication,
The industrial internet of things (IIoT) is in full swing and including how ultrasound works, the source of ultrasound
moving quickly. End users can take advantage of this for bearing inspections, and what you can expect to see
exciting advancement by understanding how the IIoT and hear when using ultrasound for bearing relubrication.
can benefit them. This presentation will contrast today’s Case studies and audio examples of bearings being
current approach to oil analysis with the sensors and lubricated will also be provided.
machine learning capabilities offered through the IIoT.

The Power of Correlating Lubrication, Vibration and Infrared your lubricants and equipment not only can enhance
Analysis Results the reliability of your plant but can also significantly
Matt Adams - Technical Consultant, Noria Corporation improve the environmental sustainability of your
operation. This presentation will review several case
Although each individual predictive maintenance studies illustrating the increasingly important role that
(PdM) technology can function properly alone, these oil condition monitoring plays in improving an operation’s
tools truly flourish when working in unison. Utilizing sustainability efforts.
lubrication, vibration or infrared as a second and third
form of verification can often help identify and resolve
equipment reliability issues. This session will investigate When and Why to Choose Synthetic Lubricants: Making the
several common component failures and how each Financial and Reliability Case
technology has a role to play in the detection process. Alejandro Meza - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria
Attendees will acquire a better understanding of several Corporation
PdM technologies and how they must work together to Synthetic lubricants offer the opportunity to solve many
minimize equipment downtime. of the challenges related to lubrication. The benefits
can be estimated in terms of energy savings, extended
Using Oil Condition Monitoring to Improve Environmental lubricant life, enhanced machine performance and life, and
Sustainability ultimately cost reduction. This presentation will provide an
Greg Livingstone - Executive Vice President, Fluitec overview of common synthetics, including their properties,
performance and the value that can be achieved through
Monitoring and trending the health of your lubricants is their use, so you can determine whether these lubricants
an essential part of a predictive maintenance program. are the right solution for your application.
Taking appropriate actions based on the condition of
I know the you will continue to experience unplanned downtime due
to lubrication issues.

reputation of The Benefits of Transforming Your Lube Room:

A Case Study

Noria and when

Roger Story - Reliability Engineer, Owens Corning
Lubrication excellence can be the inflection point

I saw the email, I

of change in a plant’s maintenance culture. The
implementation costs can be relatively low in comparison
to predictive technologies, and the results can be

decided to go.”
immediate and measurable. The crown jewel of any
lubrication excellence program is often a world-class lube
room. This case-study presentation will detail the lube
– Mark Hogrefe, Maintenance Manager, room transformation at the Owens Corning composites
PolyOne Corporation plant in Aiken, South Carolina, including the processes,
lessons learned and benefits of having world-class
practices on display. Hear how an upgraded lube room led
to measurable gains on the company’s bottom line.
So You Want a World-class Lube Room?
Prepare to Justify, Educate and Communicate How to Inspect and Analyze New Oil Deliveries
David Williams - Manager of AOS Asset Reliability North Loren Green - Senior Technical Consultant, Noria
America, and Glenn Delaney - Corporate Reliability Manager, Corporation
Aleris While numerous organizations test lubricants upon
The transformation to a world-class lubrication room receipt, many others do not, which is unfortunate and even
is a journey that requires engagement of the entire dangerous. Several studies have shown that, on average,
workforce as well as management to be successful. This 3.6 percent of lubricants on the market are mislabeled or
case-study presentation will explain how the Aleris plant off-specification. Therefore, at the very least, you should
in Clayton, New Jersey, was able to achieve buy-in from be checking the viscosity of your incoming lubricants.
both management and maintenance teams to achieve This presentation will outline what else you should be
a world-class lube room. Attendees will hear how the looking for and why, as well as the proper procedures for
facility transformed a 40-plus-year-old culture of various receiving and accepting new lubricant deliveries, including
satellite storage areas and poor handling practices into a the required testing, decontamination, stock rotation and
state-of-the-art operation. In addition, you will learn how storage methods.
the facility sold the business case for capital expense,
educated its workforce to change the culture and Understanding Oil Filter Ratings and Why They Matter
developed processes to sustain the results. Eric Krause - Technical Specialist, Pall Corp.
Although anyone who uses an oil filter on a regular basis
Garbage in, Garbage out: How Lubricant Storage should understand the difference between beta values
Can Make or Break Your Lube Program and micron ratings, confusion often exists over what
Alan Knight - Senior Reliability Leader, Mueller Co. these numbers mean. This presentation will explain filter
More and more maintenance professionals are waking ratings and discuss why beta values truly matter. It will
up to the fact that lubrication issues are a crucial factor also provide important information on the applicable
in rotating equipment failures. Some reports estimate test methods and presentation of the results. Attendees
that as many as 40 percent of all bearing failures in these will hear about the various filter rating methods and why
assets can be attributed to lubrication-related issues. higher beta ratings can equal better reliability.
This case-study presentation will detail how Mueller
Co. had implemented a dedicated oil program but was
overlooking a foundational element – storage conditions.
Attendees will learn that regardless of the brand of
lubricants you use, if this single factor is overlooked, your
lube program will not produce the results you desire, and

117 Refreshments/ 418 Tuesday, Nov. 6 | 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Reception Area Wednesday, Nov. 7 | 9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 8 | 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Machinery Lubrication 2018
113 114 213 314 413 414 showcases advanced technologies
and products in an interactive
event that drives lasting business
111 112 211 212 311 312 411 412
connections. The Machinery
Lubrication 2018 audience is high-
110 209 210 309 310 409 level and solutions-driven, and they
visit the exhibition hall to gain the
107 108 207 208 307 308 407 408 insight needed to excel in lubrication
and oil analysis.
105 106 205 206 305 306 405 406 Meet face-to-face with a diverse
group of industry leaders at
104 203 204 303 304 403 Machinery Lubrication 2018.

101 ENTRANCE 402


Allied Reliability Group – #406 Monroe Infrared Technology – #204
Bekaworld LP – #402 MP Filtri USA – #205
Bureau Veritas – Oil Analysis – #408 MRT Laboratories – #412
C.C. Jensen, Inc. – #114 Noria Corporation – #309
Esco Products, Inc. – #203 PRUFTECHNIK, Inc. – #305
Filtration Group – #310 Simatec - #308
Generation Systems – #105 Specialty Manufacturing, Inc. – #306
Harvard Corporation – #403 Sun Coast Resources, Inc. – #307
Hilco Filtration Systems - #210 Swift Filters, Inc. – #303
Hy-Pro Filtration – #411 TestOil – #104
Ludeca, Inc. – #213 TTI – Todd Technologies Inc – #312
Luneta, LLC – #304 UE Systems, Inc. – #206
Midland Manufacturing - #211

For more information, call 1-800-597-5460 or visit



HALL PREVIEW I always get
Tuesday, Nov. 6, 4:30-6:30 pm
Kick off Machinery Lubrication 2018 with a Meet & Greet
recharged at
Reception held inside the exhibit hall. Get a sneak peek
of exhibitors and begin networking with your peers while conferences
like this. It’s
enjoying a variety of refreshments.
>> Appetizers and bars

important to keep
>> Open to all Machinery Lubrication 2018 attendees
and exhibitors

NETWORKING RECEPTION from getting beat

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 5:10-6:30 pm
Join us for an unforgettable night of networking and fun
down and falling
inside the exhibit hall.
>> Appetizers and bars back to reactive
>> Open to all Machinery Lubrication 2018 attendees
and exhibitors ways.”
– Doug Smith, Pinnacle Foods


As the most populous city in Texas, Houston possesses
a broad industrial base in energy, manufacturing,
aeronautics and transportation, and is home to the second
largest concentration of Fortune 1,000 companies in the
country. It is also home to Johnson Space Center, the
training base for the United States’ astronauts and the site
of Mission Control. In fact, “Houston” was the first word
spoken from the moon in 1969. Learn more about Houston


1. Experience the life of an astronaut, complete with
Marriott Westchase Houston - Houston, TX 400 artifacts, at the Space Center Houston, the
Official Visitor Center of NASA Johnson Space

HOST HOTEL 2. Check out Minute Maid Park, home to the Houston
Machinery Lubrication 2018 will be held at the Astros.
Houston Marriott Westchase in Houston, Texas. 3. Enjoy Discovery Green, an urban oasis where you
Noria has made arrangements for attendees to can listen to local musicians or explore local
receive a $155 discounted room rate. You can take craftsmen at monthly markets.
advantage of these discounted rates by booking
your room(s) directly with the Houston Marriott 4. View African, Byzantine and Native American art
Westchase using the group code ML18 at the time at the Menil Collection.
of your reservation. Availability is limited, so you
are encouraged to make reservations early. 5. Visit the Art Car Museum (aka “Garage Mahal”)
where you can see the Roachster up close and
Houston Marriott Westchase personal.
2900 Briarpark Dr.
Houston, TX 77042 6. Witness 250,000 bats emerge at dusk under the
1-800-452-5110 Waugh Drive Bridge along the Buffalo Bayou.

7. Spend time at the Houston Museum of Natural

>> Call toll-free 1-800-452-5110 to reserve your Science where you can see 60 large skeleton
room by October 15, 2018 mounts, including four Tyrannosaurus Rex.
>> Single occupancy is $155
8. Encounter more than 6,000 animals from 900
>> Use group code: ML18 species at the 55-acre Houston Zoo.
>> Make all hotel reservations and cancellations
directly with your hotel 9. Wander around The Galleria, a massive shopping
center that covers 2.4 million square feet with
>> Visit 400+ stores.
for a shortcut to your hotel registration site
10. Marvel at the 200+ species of aquatic life from
around the world at the Downtown Aquarium.

For more information, call 1-800-597-5460 or visit



Individual Group (3-9) Group (10+)

$795 $695 $595


Add a Workshop $245 REGULARLY $295

Register online at Call (M-F, 8-5 p.m. CDT) Fax your registration form to: 918-392-5038 918-746-0925

Full-Conference Registration Includes:
>> Admission to all conference sessions
>> Conference proceedings
>> Opening general session and keynote address
>> Exhibition hall access
>> Daily meals and refreshments
>> Networking receptions

Workshop Registration Includes: BRING THE CREW, GET DISCOUNTS.

>> Course materials
3 to 9 attendees: Get three or more full-conference
>> Refreshment breaks registrations for only $795 each.
>> Opening general session (Tuesday only) 10 or more attendees: Get 10 or more full-conference
>> Exhibition hall access registrations for only $695 each.


It’s not too late to consider a sponsorship. Sponsorship Prime booth locations go fast, so reserve your exhibition
packages are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. A few space now! Spending two days on the Machinery Lubrication
premier sponsorships remain. Increase your visibility and put 2018 exhibit hall floor is equivalent to months of travel and
your marketing dollars to work for your company by joining our hours of phone calls and meetings. Machinery Lubrication 2018
prestigious group of Machinery Lubrication 2018 sponsors. For will provide the perfect setting for prospective customers to
more information, email come to you. For more information, email

Register online at Call (M-F, 8-5 p.m. CST) Fax your registration form to: 918-392-5038 918-746-0925


Please print your name clearly. Your name and company will appear
on your badge. Please photocopy this form for additional registrants. INDIVIDUALS
Name _____________________________________________________ Full-Conference Registration (until August 15, 2018)
 Full-Conference Registration..............................$795

Company __________________________________________________ 1-Day Registration (until August 15, 2018)

 Individual 1-Day....................................................$495
Address 1 _________________________________________________

Address 2 _________________________________________________ GROUPS

Groups must be purchased at the same time.
City _________________________ State/Province ______________ (Save until August 15, 2018)

Zip/Postal Code ______________ Country _____________________ ____ (Qty.) 3-9 Full-Conference Registrations... $695 each

E-mail (required)____________________________________________ ____ (Qty.) 10+ Full-Conference Registrations.... $595 each

Phone # (required) __________________________________________ PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (Limited Availability)..... $245 each

____ (Qty.) 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Lubrication Excellence Essentials for Leaders
Full payment due upon receipt of invoice and prior to conference. ____ (Qty.) 8:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Customers outside the U.S.: We accept checks drawn on U.S. Early Fault Detection in Rotating Equipment
banks in U.S. dollars.
with Oil Analysis
Check: Check # _________________ is enclosed or will be mailed.
Please make check payable to: Noria Corporation ____ (Qty.) 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Credit Card:  Visa  MasterCard  AmEx  Discover Compressors and Centrifugal Pumps: Achieving
Noria Corporation is authorized to charge the credit card below Superior Reliability Through Modern Lubrication
for my conference registration fees in the amount indicated on Practices
this form.

Card # _________________________________________ Exp. _________ ____ (Qty.) 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Turn Your Lube Room into a Cost-Savings Machine
Name on Card _________________________________________________

Cardholder’s Signature ________________________________________

Bill Me/Company: P.O. # ______________________________________

(Please send a copy of the P.O. to

Total number of people registering:___________________________

TOTAL PAYMENT DUE: $_________________________________________

Registrations canceled before Oct. 5, 2018, will receive a full refund. Cancellations made after Oct. 5, 2018, are subject to a $75
administrative fee. Cancellations after Oct. 23, 2018, are not eligible for refunds. However, you may send a colleague in your place. If
you are unable to send a colleague, the entire registration fee will be forfeited.
1328 E. 43rd Ct. | Tulsa, OK 74105 | 800-597-5460

>> 10,000-square-foot Exhibit Hall
>> 45+ Learning Sessions
>> 7+ Networking Events
>> 4 Pre-conference Workshops
>> Plus much more!

Attend and Learn How To:
>> Significantly Reduce Maintenance Costs
>> Get Out of the Cycle of Recurring Failures
>> Prevent Costly Reliability Problems
>> Detect Early Stage Equipment Failures


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