AIATS Medical-2018 - Test-2 - (Code-C & D) - Solution (Merged)

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Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

TEST - 2 (Code-C)
Test Date : 06-11-2016 ANSWERS
1. (3) 37. (3) 73. (2) 109. (2) 145. (3)
2. (4) 38. (1) 74. (3) 110. (4) 146. (1)
3. (4) 39. (4) 75. (3) 111. (4) 147. (4)
4. (3) 40. (4) 76. (3) 112. (3) 148. (4)
5. (4) 41. (1) 77. (1) 113. (2) 149. (2)
6. (4) 42. (3) 78. (2) 114. (2) 150. (3)
7. (2) 43. (2) 79. (1) 115. (3) 151. (2)
8. (2) 44. (1) 80. (2) 116. (4) 152. (2)
9. (4) 45. (4) 81. (2) 117. (2) 153. (2)
10. (4) 46. (4) 82. (4) 118. (2) 154. (2)
11. (1) 47. (2) 83. (3) 119. (4) 155. (4)
12. (4) 48. (3) 84. (3) 120. (2) 156. (2)
13. (1) 49. (4) 85. (3) 121. (3) 157. (4)
14. (4) 50. (2) 86. (1) 122. (3) 158. (2)
15. (1) 51. (2) 87. (2) 123. (2) 159. (2)
16. (3) 52. (2) 88. (1) 124. (4) 160. (3)
17. (1) 53. (1) 89. (3) 125. (3) 161. (4)
18. (2) 54. (1) 90. (4) 126. (3) 162. (3)
19. (4) 55. (2) 91. (2) 127. (4) 163. (1)
20. (2) 56. (4) 92. (3) 128. (2) 164. (3)
21. (2) 57. (1) 93. (3) 129. (4) 165. (4)
22. (3) 58. (1) 94. (4) 130. (3) 166. (2)
23. (4) 59. (2) 95. (3) 131. (4) 167. (1)
24. (2) 60. (3) 96. (4) 132. (3) 168. (4)
25. (1) 61. (4) 97. (2) 133. (4) 169. (1)
26. (4) 62. (4) 98. (3) 134. (4) 170. (4)
27. (2) 63. (2) 99. (3) 135. (4) 171. (3)
28. (3) 64. (2) 100. (4) 136. (3) 172. (1)
29. (3) 65. (4) 101. (2) 137. (4) 173. (2)
30. (1) 66. (Deleted) 102. (4) 138. (3) 174. (1)
31. (1) 67. (2) 103. (2) 139. (2) 175. (4)
32. (4) 68. (3) 104. (3) 140. (1) 176. (3)
33. (1) 69. (2) 105. (2) 141. (3) 177. (2)
34. (3) 70. (3) 106. (2) 142. (2) 178. (3)
35. (4) 71. (3) 107. (3) 143. (4) 179. (4)
36. (2) 72. (3) 108. (4) 144. (1) 180. (3)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints)

Hints to Selected Questions

1. Answer (3) BE  EC  BC
20 N 20 sin60° BD  DC  BC
   ⎛ BA AC ⎞
120° 20 cos60° BE  DC  2BC  ⎜  ⎟
10 N = 10 N ⎝ 2 2 ⎠
120° 30 cos60° 
   BC 3 
BE  DC  2BC   BC
30 N 30 sin60° 2 2
15 N 8. Answer (2)
= Y

R 5 3N
aj aj
2 2 X
R  15  (5 3)  10 3 N O A
2. Answer (4) 
   OP  aiˆ  ajˆ
| a  b  c |  |3iˆ  4 ˆj  12kˆ |  13 
   AB  ajˆ  aiˆ
| a |  | b |  | c |  3  4  12  19 9. Answer (4)
3. Answer (4) 10. Answer (4)

 11. Answer (1)

3 3
  cos   
A –B 3 1 2
  12. Answer (4)
135° A–BRA+B
13. Answer (1)
4. Answer (3)
5. Answer (4)
b bi

 5/6 /6  
–a a R  biˆ  ajˆ
6. Answer (4)
tan  
 b
4a 2  4a 2  2(2a )(2a )cos   4a cos
2 a
Y  X
7. Answer (2) b
A 14. Answer (4)

c  2a cos [a  c  1]
D E 2
 
B C 3

Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

15. Answer (1) 27. Answer (2)


10 N
  
tan = tan + tan
[Here,  =  = 45°]
P < Q, tan 60  28. Answer (3)
 P = 10 tan 60° = 10 3 N 29. Answer (3)

16. Answer (3) u 2 sin2 

40 
17. Answer (1) 2g
30. Answer (1)
18. Answer (2)
(0.4)2 + (0.8)2 + c2 = 1 100 2v y

25 g
19. Answer (4)
31. Answer (1)
20. Answer (2)
21. Answer (2) tan   ,   30
Y = 0, X = R
32. Answer (4)
 33. Answer (1)

5 X
sin   2m
10 –4i
22. Answer (3)
4H (4)2
tan   a
R 2
23. Answer (4) 34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (4)
1 x2
y g 2
2 u 1 2
  0 t  t
24. Answer (2) 2
36. Answer (2)
R tan   gT 2 v = tan60°t
25. Answer (1) v  3t
u at 
 3
g sin  dt

26. Answer (4) v2

ac 
u2 u 2 cos2 
 , min 
g cos  g a  at2  ac2

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints)

37. Answer (3)

vr  X 2  u2
38. Answer (1)
dX dY tan30 
 5,  4X X
dt dt
X = 5t, dY = 4(5t)dt 42. Answer (3)

X = 5t, Y = 10t2   1
r  ut  at 2
39. Answer (4) 2
u cos v  u  at

43. Answer (2)
P(a, b)
s 15 2 cm
 v av    2 cm s1
O t 15 s

44. Answer (1)

u cos  ua
  2 vA cos = vB cos(90° – )
OP a  b2
40. Answer (4) 45. Answer (4)

a  at2  ac2 v2
41. Answer (1) v dmin

v1 a
vm=u 30°
u 2u vBA = v, v sin = v2
vrm vr vr
30° X dmin =  sin

u u av 2
2u v

46. Answer (4) 48. Answer (3)
n  P + e+ N has 7 electrons and hence there are seven values
of spin quantum number (i.e., each electron has one
Mass number = 23 (mass of proton and neutron value of spin quantum number).
nearly same)
49. Answer (4)
Atomic number = 12
23 50. Answer (2)
Thus, ratio =
12 51. Answer (2)
47. Answer (2) h
Ground state electronic configuration of Ne = mv
1s22s22p6 6.626  1034
Excited state electronic configuration of Ne = 9.1 10 31  3  102
1s22s22p53s1 = 0.0243 ms–1

Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

52. Answer (2) KE = E – BE

53. Answer (1) = (7.83 × 10–19) – (7.15 × 10–19)
Half-filled subshells have more stability due to more
= 0.68 × 10–19 J
symmetry and high exchange energy.
54. Answer (1) Percentage energy converted into KE

z 0.68  10 19
= × 100
7.83  10 19
= 8.68%

63. Answer (2)

55. Answer (2) KE of 3rd orbit = 6.04 eV

x z ET = KE + PE

= KE – 2KE
ET = –KE = –6.04 eV

dx2 – y2 dz2 RH Z2
ET = 
56. Answer (4)
57. Answer (1) –6.04 = –13.6 × Z2

58. Answer (1) 6.04  9

 Z2
59. Answer (2) 13.6

s-orbitals are spherically symmetrical. 54.36

Z2 
60. Answer (3)
61. Answer (4) Z2 = 4

PE = 2(E) Z=2

RH Z2 r0n2
and E   r
n2 Z
62. Answer (4)
0.53  9
r  2.3805 Å
Dissociation energy for H – H bond 2

430.53  103 Area = r2

= J/molecule
6.023  1023 = 3.14 × (2.3805)2 × 10–8 × 10–8
= 7.15 × 10–19 J
= 17.79 × 10–16 cm2
Energy of one photon = 64. Answer (2)

Number of waves = n
6.626  10 34  3  108
253.7  10 9 65. Answer (4)
= 7.83 × 10–19 J
66. Deleted

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints)

67. Answer (2) 76. Answer (3)

E = E2 – E1 E = E3 – E2 l=4
⎡1 1⎤ ⎡1 1⎤ Number of degenerate orbitals = 2l + 1 = 9
E  RH Z2 ⎢ 2  2 ⎥ E  RH Z2 ⎢ 2  2 ⎥
⎣ 1 n2⎦ n
⎣ 1 n2⎦
 (S) maximum total spins = 9 
⎡ 1 1⎤ ⎡ 1 1⎤ 2
E  ⎢ 2  ⎥ E  ⎢  ⎥
⎣1 4 ⎦ ⎣4 9⎦ Maximum multiplicity = 2S + 1
3 5
E  E  ⎛9⎞
4 36 = 2⎜ ⎟  1
E 3 36 27 = 10
   
E 4 5 5
68. Answer (3)  (S) minimum total spins =
T2  R3
Minimum multiplicity = 2(S) + 1
2 3
⎛ T1 ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ ⎛ 1⎞
⎜ T ⎟  ⎜⎝ 4R ⎟⎠ = 2⎜ ⎟  1
⎝ 2⎠ ⎝2⎠
2 =2
⎛ T1 ⎞ 1
⎜ T ⎟  64 77. Answer (1)
⎝ 2⎠

T1 Factual.
1 1
 
T2 64 8 78. Answer (2)
 1:8
RH Z2 13.6  (2)2
69. Answer (2) IE    54.4 eV
n2 (1)2
70. Answer (3)
For 2NA atoms,
71. Answer (3)
54.4 × 2NA = 108.8 eV
79. Answer (1)
Total spin = (n) = 2, where n = number of h
x =
unpaired electrons. m v  4 
72. Answer (3) 6.626  1034
73. Answer (2) 10 13  10 14  4  3.14

r n2 = 0.525 × 107
Radius of H-atom = 0 = r0
1 80. Answer (2)
r0 (2) 4 81. Answer (2)
Radius of Li2+ =  r0
3 3
1 1 1
74. Answer (3)  
 1  2
Higher (n + l) value means higher energy for same
1 1   2
value of (n + l), higher value of n means higher 
energy.  1 2

75. Answer (3) 1 2

or 
Degenerate orbitals means same energy orbitals. 1   2

Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

82. Answer (4) 88. Answer (1)

h Factual.
p 
2mp eV 89. Answer (3)

h IE = 275 kJ mol–1
Be3  =
2  3 eV m Be3  EA = 1450 kJ mol–1

h Electronegativity,
2  3 eV  9mp
Pauling =
Be3  2 eV mp 193  2.8
Hence, =
p 2  3 eV  9mp
1 541
3 3 275  1450
83. Answer (3) =
Fluorine has less EA than chlorine due to more = 3.19
interelectronic repulsions.
90. Answer (4)
84. Answer (3)
I. 1 st period starts with hydrogen which is a
85. Answer (3)
If electron is added up into an anion, energy will be
absorbed. II. Cs and Ga are low melting solids, whereas Hg
is only metal which is liquid at room
86. Answer (1) temperature.
87. Answer (2) III. Elements upto atomic number 92 occur in
In a group as the size increases, therefore, IE nature but two elements 43Tc and 61Pm are
decreases. synthetic elements.

91. Answer (2) 98. Answer (3)
Flagellated spores and non-chitinous cell wall. Sex organ formation in basidiomycetes is absent.
92. Answer (3) 99. Answer (3)
Dictyostelium form pseudoplasmodium. PSTD, Chrysanthemum stunt – Viroids
93. Answer (3) Scrapie, Kuru, Jacob – Prions
94. Answer (4) Late blight, Powdery mildew, Red rot – Fungi
Chitnous in Agaricus. Cellulosic in Oomycetes. 100. Answer (4)
95. Answer (3) Helminthosporium – Fungi
Basidiomycetes 101. Answer (2)
96. Answer (4) Viroids
Delayed karyogamy 102. Answer (4)
97. Answer (2) Oxalic and carbonic acid.
Ascus 103. Answer (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints)

104. Answer (3) 125. Answer (3)

Rhizines are present. Mycobiont dominant partner. Agaricus, Neurospora, Rhizopus
105. Answer (2) 126. Answer (3)
No flagella. Red tide by dinoflagellates. 127. Answer (4)
106. Answer (2) 128. Answer (2)
Mesokaryon, Saxitoxin, Pusule, Cellulosic cell wall. 129. Answer (4)
107. Answer (3) Endomycorrhiza
Non-photosynthetic, spore formation. 130. Answer (3)
108. Answer (4) Gullet
109. Answer (2) 131. Answer (4)
Intracellular growth in endomycorrhiza. Conidia
110. Answer (4) 132. Answer (3)

111. Answer (4) 133. Answer (4)

Sporangia formation and saprophytic nutrition. Radiolarians

112. Answer (3) 134. Answer (4)

Ectomycorrhiza 135. Answer (4)

113. Answer (2) 136. Answer (3)

Poisonous mushroom Myxine is hermaphrodite or bisexual.

114. Answer (2) 137. Answer (4)

Aplanospores Ascidia has indirect development.

115. Answer (3) 138. Answer (3)

Viruses CNS is dorsal hollow and single in earthworm only.

116. Answer (4) 139. Answer (2)

ds DNA Retrogressive metamorphosis is present in

117. Answer (2)
140. Answer (1)
Given animal is Petromyzon.
118. Answer (2)
141. Answer (3)
119. Answer (4)
Lateral line system in fishes consists neuromast
Aspergillus sp. organ which acts as rheoreceptor.
120. Answer (2) 142. Answer (2)
121. Answer (3) Ciona is a urochordata.
TMV 143. Answer (4)
122. Answer (3) 144. Answer (1)
123. Answer (2) All mammals respire through lungs.
Proteinaceous pellicle 145. Answer (3)
124. Answer (4) 146. Answer (1)
Slime moulds Cloaca is present in amphibians, reptiles and birds.

Test - 2 (Code-C) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

147. Answer (4) 163. Answer (1)

148. Answer (4) Intercalated disc are present in cardiac muscle.
a – four pairs, b – operculum 164. Answer (3)
149. Answer (2) 165. Answer (4)

Calotes – Garden lizard Calcium salts and collagen fibres give bone its
150. Answer (3)
166. Answer (2)
151. Answer (2)
Connective tissue originates from mesoderm.
152. Answer (2)
167. Answer (1)
Given animal is Scoliodon.
168. Answer (4)
153. Answer (2)
169. Answer (1)
154. Answer (2) 170. Answer (4)
Mammals have dicondylic skull and direct Blood lacks fibres.
171. Answer (3)
155. Answer (4)
172. Answer (1)
Both Pristis and Pterophyllum have two chambered
heart. 173. Answer (2)
Epithelial tissue is avascular.
156. Answer (2)
174. Answer (1)
157. Answer (4)
Germinal epithelium is cuboidal epithelium.
Hippocampus – Sea horse
175. Answer (4)
158. Answer (2)
176. Answer (3)
Petromyzon has cartilaginous endoskeleton.
Hyaline cartilage is most abundant cartilage.
159. Answer (2)
177. Answer (2)
160. Answer (3)
178. Answer (3)
Glass snake is a limbless lizard.
179. Answer (4)
161. Answer (4)
Simple epithelium is composed of single layer of
Neuroglial cell cells.
162. Answer (3) 180. Answer (3)


Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

TEST - 2 (Code-D)
Test Date : 06-11-2016 ANSWERS
1. (2) 37. (2) 73. (4) 109. (4) 145. (3)
2. (3) 38. (4) 74. (2) 110. (2) 146. (2)
3. (4) 39. (4) 75. (2) 111. (1) 147. (3)
4. (1) 40. (2) 76. (1) 112. (2) 148. (2)
5. (3) 41. (2) 77. (4) 113. (4) 149. (3)
6. (2) 42. (3) 78. (3) 114. (1) 150. (2)
7. (2) 43. (2) 79. (3) 115. (4) 151. (4)
8. (3) 44. (2) 80. (2) 116. (2) 152. (1)
9. (1) 45. (1) 81. (4) 117. (4) 153. (3)
10. (4) 46. (2) 82. (3) 118. (2) 154. (1)
11. (2) 47. (1) 83. (3) 119. (1) 155. (2)
12. (1) 48. (3) 84. (4) 120. (4) 156. (1)
13. (3) 49. (4) 85. (4) 121. (4) 157. (4)
14. (4) 50. (3) 86. (4) 122. (3) 158. (4)
15. (3) 51. (1) 87. (2) 123. (4) 159. (2)
16. (3) 52. (1) 88. (1) 124. (4) 160. (4)
17. (1) 53. (1) 89. (4) 125. (4) 161. (4)
18. (1) 54. (2) 90. (2) 126. (2) 162. (4)
19. (4) 55. (4) 91. (2) 127. (1) 163. (4)
20. (2) 56. (4) 92. (4) 128. (1) 164. (2)
21. (3) 57. (3) 93. (2) 129. (4) 165. (4)
22. (4) 58. (4) 94. (3) 130. (2) 166. (1)
23. (2) 59. (3) 95. (2) 131. (1) 167. (2)
24. (1) 60. (1) 96. (3) 132. (2) 168. (2)
25. (4) 61. (1) 97. (4) 133. (1) 169. (2)
26. (2) 62. (1) 98. (4) 134. (1) 170. (3)
27. (2) 63. (4) 99. (4) 135. (4) 171. (1)
28. (4) 64. (1) 100. (3) 136. (1) 172. (3)
29. (3) 65. (1) 101. (1) 137. (2) 173. (2)
30. (1) 66. (1) 102. (4) 138. (1) 174. (4)
31. (3) 67. (4) 103. (4) 139. (4) 175. (1)
32. (2) 68. (1) 104. (1) 140. (1) 176. (3)
33. (3) 69. (4) 105. (1) 141. (2) 177. (4)
34. (2) 70. (Deleted) 106. (4) 142. (3) 178. (1)
35. (3) 71. (2) 107. (2) 143. (4) 179. (2)
36. (2) 72. (4) 108. (4) 144. (3) 180. (1)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints)

Hints to Selected Questions

1. Answer (2) 7. Answer (2)

v2 u cos u

v dmin
P(a, b)

B A 
v1 a
vBA = v, v sin = v2

dmin =  sin u cos  ua

  2
OP a  b2
av 2 8. Answer (3)
dX dY
 5,  4X
2. Answer (3) dt dt
vA cos = vB cos(90° – ) X = 5t, dY = 4(5t)dt
X = 5t, Y = 10t2
3. Answer (4)
9. Answer (1)
s 15 2 cm
v av    2 cm s1 10. Answer (4)
t 15 s
v = tan60°t
4. Answer (1)
v  3t
  1 dv
r  ut  at 2 at   3
2 dt
v  u  at v2
ac 
5. Answer (3)
a  at2  ac2
11. Answer (2)
vm=u 30° 1 2
u 2u   0 t  t
vrm vr vr
30° X 12. Answer (1)
u u 13. Answer (3)

2u Y

vr  X 2  u2
u –4i
tan30 
6. Answer (2) (4)2
a  at2  ac2 14. Answer (4)

Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

15. Answer (3) 26. Answer (2)

1 27. Answer (2)
tan   ,   30
3 28. Answer (4)
Y = 0, X = R
(0.4)2 + (0.8)2 + c2 = 1
16. Answer (3)
29. Answer (3)
100 2v y
 30. Answer (1)
25 g
17. Answer (1) 31. Answer (3)

u 2 sin2 
40 
2g 60°

10 N
18. Answer (1) Q
19. Answer (4) 150°
u P
P < Q, tan 60 
   10
tan = tan + tan  P = 10 tan 60° = 10 3 N
[Here,  =  = 45°]
32. Answer (2)
20. Answer (2)

u2 u 2 cos2  c  2a cos [a  c  1]
 , min  2
g cos  g
21. Answer (3)  
t 33. Answer (3)
g sin 
22. Answer (4) aj

R tan   gT 2
2 
23. Answer (2)
1 x2 
y g R  biˆ  ajˆ
2 u2
24. Answer (1) a
tan  
4H b
tan  
R a
Y  X
25. Answer (4) b
N 34. Answer (2)

 35. Answer (3)

W E 3 3
cos   
3 1 2
36. Answer (2)
sin  
10 37. Answer (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints)

38. Answer (4) 42. Answer (3)

 43. Answer (2)

aj aj B
O ai A A –B
OP  aiˆ  ajˆ A–B
AB  ajˆ  aiˆ
39. Answer (4)
A 44. Answer (2)
D E | a  b  c |  |3iˆ  4 ˆj  12kˆ |  13
| a |  | b |  | c |  3  4  12  19
BE  EC  BC 45. Answer (1)
BD  DC  BC
  20 N 20 sin60°
   ⎛ BA AC ⎞
BE  DC  2BC  ⎜  ⎟
⎝ 2 2 ⎠ 120° 20 cos60°
 10 N = 10 N
   BC 3  120°
BE  DC  2BC   BC 30 cos60°
2 2
40. Answer (2) 30 N 30 sin60°
 15 N
4a 2  4a 2  2(2a )(2a )cos   4a cos =
41. Answer (2)
 R 5 3N
 5/6 /6  R  152  (5 3)2  10 3 N
–a a

46. Answer (2) Electronegativity,
I. 1 st
period starts with hydrogen which is a
non-metal. Pauling =
193  2.8
II. Cs and Ga are low melting solids, whereas Hg
is only metal which is liquid at room IE  EA
temperature. 541
III. Elements upto atomic number 92 occur in
275  1450
nature but two elements 43Tc and 61Pm are =
synthetic elements. 540

47. Answer (1) = 3.19

IE = 275 kJ mol–1 48. Answer (3)
EA = 1450 kJ mol–1 Factual.

Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

49. Answer (4) For 2NA atoms,

In a group as the size increases, therefore, IE 54.4 × 2NA = 108.8 eV
59. Answer (3)
50. Answer (3)
51. Answer (1)
60. Answer (1)
If electron is added up into an anion, energy will be
absorbed. l=4
52. Answer (1) Number of degenerate orbitals = 2l + 1 = 9
53. Answer (1) 1
 (S) maximum total spins = 9 
Fluorine has less EA than chlorine due to more 2
interelectronic repulsions. Maximum multiplicity = 2S + 1
54. Answer (2)
h = 2⎜ ⎟  1
p  ⎝2⎠
2mp eV = 10
h 1
Be3  =  (S) minimum total spins =
3 2
2  3 eV m Be
Minimum multiplicity = 2(S) + 1
2  3 eV  9mp ⎛ 1⎞
= 2⎜ ⎟  1
Be3  2 eV mp ⎝2⎠
Hence, = =2
p 2  3 eV  9mp
61. Answer (1)
= Degenerate orbitals means same energy orbitals.
3 3
55. Answer (4) 62. Answer (1)
1 1 1 Higher (n + l) value means higher energy for same
 
 1  2 value of (n + l), higher value of n means higher
1 1   2
 63. Answer (4)
 1 2

 r0n2
or   1 2 Radius of H-atom = = r0
1   2 1
56. Answer (4) r0 (2)2 4
Radius of Li2+ =  r0
57. Answer (3) 3 3

h 64. Answer (1)

x =
m v  4  65. Answer (1)
6.626  10 34
10 13  10 14  4  3.14
= 0.525 × 107 Total spin = (n) = 2, where n = number of
58. Answer (4) unpaired electrons.

RH Z2 13.6  (2)2 66. Answer (1)

IE    54.4 eV
n2 (1)2 67. Answer (4)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints)

68. Answer (1) Z2 = 4

T2  R3 Z=2
2 3
⎛ T1 ⎞ ⎛ R ⎞ r0n2
⎜ T ⎟  ⎜⎝ 4R ⎟⎠ r
⎝ 2⎠ Z
2 0.53  9
⎛ T1 ⎞ 1 r  2.3805 Å
⎜ T ⎟  64 2
⎝ 2⎠
Area = r2
T1 1 1
  = 3.14 × (2.3805)2 × 10–8 × 10–8
T2 64 8

 1:8 = 17.79 × 10–16 cm2

69. Answer (4) 74. Answer (2)

E = E2 – E1 E = E3 – E2 Dissociation energy for H – H bond

⎡1 1⎤ ⎡1 1⎤ 430.53  103
E  RH Z2 ⎢ 2  2 ⎥ E  RH Z2 ⎢ 2  2 ⎥ = J/molecule
⎣ n1 n2 ⎦ ⎣ n1 n2 ⎦ 6.023  1023

⎡ 1 1⎤ ⎡ 1 1⎤ = 7.15 × 10–19 J
E  ⎢ 2  ⎥ E  ⎢  ⎥
⎣1 4 ⎦ ⎣4 9⎦
3 5 Energy of one photon =
E  E  
4 36

E 3 36 27 6.626  1034  3  108

    =
253.7  10 9
E 4 5 5
70. Deleted = 7.83 × 10–19 J
71. Answer (2) KE = E – BE
72. Answer (4) = (7.83 × 10–19) – (7.15 × 10–19)
Number of waves = n = 0.68 × 10–19 J
73. Answer (4)
Percentage energy converted into KE
KE of 3rd orbit = 6.04 eV
0.68  1019
ET = KE + PE = × 100
7.83  1019
= KE – 2KE
= 8.68%
ET = –KE = –6.04 eV
75. Answer (2)
ET =  PE = 2(E)
–6.04 = –13.6 × Z2 RH Z2
and E  
6.04  9
 Z2
13.6 76. Answer (1)

54.36 77. Answer (4)

Z2 
s-orbitals are spherically symmetrical.

Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

78. Answer (3) h

79. Answer (3) mv
6.626  1034
80. Answer (2) =
9.1 10 31  3  102
81. Answer (4) = 0.0243 ms–1
x z 86. Answer (4)
87. Answer (2)
y Factual.
88. Answer (1)
N has 7 electrons and hence there are seven values
dx2 – y2 dz2
of spin quantum number (i.e., each electron has one
82. Answer (3) value of spin quantum number).
89. Answer (4)
Ground state electronic configuration of Ne =
xy-plane Excited state electronic configuration of Ne =
90. Answer (2)
83. Answer (3) n  P + e+

Half-filled subshells have more stability due to more Mass number = 23 (mass of proton and neutron
symmetry and high exchange energy. nearly same)
Atomic number = 12
84. Answer (4)
85. Answer (4) Thus, ratio =


91. Answer (2) 99. Answer (4)

92. Answer (4) 100. Answer (3)
93. Answer (2) 101. Answer (1)
Radiolarians Agaricus, Neurospora, Rhizopus
94. Answer (3) 102. Answer (4)
95. Answer (2) Slime moulds
Conidia 103. Answer (4)
96. Answer (3) Proteinaceous pellicle
Gullet 104. Answer (1)
97. Answer (4) 105. Answer (1)
Endomycorrhiza TMV
98. Answer (4) 106. Answer (4)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018 Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints)

107. Answer (2) 127. Answer (1)

Aspergillus sp. PSTD, Chrysanthemum stunt – Viroids
108. Answer (4) Scrapie, Kuru, Jacob – Prions
109. Answer (4) Late blight, Powdery mildew, Red rot – Fungi
Trypanasoma 128. Answer (1)
110. Answer (2) Sex organ formation in basidiomycetes is absent.

ds DNA 129. Answer (4)

111. Answer (1) Ascus

Viruses 130. Answer (2)

112. Answer (2) Delayed karyogamy

Aplanospores 131. Answer (1)

113. Answer (4) Basidiomycetes

Poisonous mushroom 132. Answer (2)

114. Answer (1) Chitnous in Agaricus. Cellulosic in Oomycetes.

Ectomycorrhiza 133. Answer (1)

134. Answer (1)
115. Answer (4)
Dictyostelium form pseudoplasmodium.
Sporangia formation and saprophytic nutrition.
135. Answer (4)
116. Answer (2)
Flagellated spores and non-chitinous cell wall.
117. Answer (4)
136. Answer (1)
Intracellular growth in endomycorrhiza.
137. Answer (2)
118. Answer (2)
Simple epithelium is composed of single layer of
119. Answer (1)
Non-photosynthetic, spore formation. 138. Answer (1)
120. Answer (4) 139. Answer (4)
Mesokaryon, Saxitoxin, Pusule, Cellulosic cell wall. 140. Answer (1)
121. Answer (4) Hyaline cartilage is most abundant cartilage.
No flagella. Red tide by dinoflagellates. 141. Answer (2)
122. Answer (3) 142. Answer (3)
Rhizines are present. Mycobiont dominant partner. Germinal epithelium is cuboidal epithelium.
123. Answer (4) 143. Answer (4)
124. Answer (4) Epithelial tissue is avascular.
Oxalic and carbonic acid. 144. Answer (3)
125. Answer (4) 145. Answer (3)
Viroids 146. Answer (2)
126. Answer (2) Blood lacks fibres.
Helminthosporium – Fungi 147. Answer (3)

Test - 2 (Code-D) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2018

148. Answer (2) 165. Answer (4)

149. Answer (3) 166. Answer (1)
150. Answer (2) 167. Answer (2)
Connective tissue originates from mesoderm. Calotes – Garden lizard
151. Answer (4) 168. Answer (2)
Calcium salts and collagen fibres give bone its a – four pairs, b – operculum
169. Answer (2)
152. Answer (1)
170. Answer (3)
153. Answer (3)
Cloaca is present in amphibians, reptiles and birds.
Intercalated disc are present in cardiac muscle.
171. Answer (1)
154. Answer (1)
172. Answer (3)
155. Answer (2)
All mammals respire through lungs.
Neuroglial cell
173. Answer (2)
156. Answer (1)
174. Answer (4)
Glass snake is a limbless lizard.
Ciona is a urochordata.
157. Answer (4)
158. Answer (4) 175. Answer (1)

Petromyzon has cartilaginous endoskeleton. Lateral line system in fishes consists neuromast
organ which acts as rheoreceptor.
159. Answer (2)
176. Answer (3)
Hippocampus – Sea horse
Given animal is Petromyzon.
160. Answer (4)
177. Answer (4)
161. Answer (4)
Retrogressive metamorphosis is present in
Both Pristis and Pterophyllum have two chambered urochordates.
178. Answer (1)
162. Answer (4)
CNS is dorsal hollow and single in earthworm only.
Mammals have dicondylic skull and direct
development. 179. Answer (2)
163. Answer (4) Ascidia has indirect development.
164. Answer (2) 180. Answer (1)
Given animal is Scoliodon. Myxine is hermaphrodite or bisexual.



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