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General Luna Road, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:

Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________

Section: ______________________________ Score: _______________

Digestive System Module

1. Describe the general functions of digestive system histology (include liver and pancreas, too).

2. Name the four layers of the GI tract from deep to superficial


3. What is the function of the enteric nervous system?


4. What is the function of pancreatic enzymes and bicarbonate?


5. Describe the primary function of large intestine mucosa.


6. What is the function of large intestine mucus?


7. What is the function of bile?


8. What is the function of the muscularis layers of the esophagus?


9. What is the primary function of the small intestine?


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