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Name of Applicant

Applicant's Age (Years)

Name of Co Applicant - 1
Name of Co Applicant - 2 ( if any )
Name of Co Applicant - 3 ( if any )
Name of Co Applicant - 4 ( if any )

Applicant Type

Name of Business Entity

% Share of Applicant in Business Entity


Normal Case / Presumptive Income Case



Loan Applied for

Tenor of Loan

Maximum Tenor Allowable based on Applicant's age

Rate of Interest applicable

EMI factor for relevant Rate of Interest & Tenor


Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Personal Loan
Other Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Personal Loan
Other Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Personal Loan
Other Loan


Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Personal Loan
Other Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Vehicle Loan
Personal Loan
Other Loan


TOTAL EMI ( A + B + C + D + E )



For Applicant
Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)
Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data
Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 1

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 2 ( if any )

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 3 ( if any )

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount
For Co- Applicant 4 ( if any )
Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

Has Applicant or Co Applicant ever stood as guarantor

Amount of Guarantee

Residence Verification Report

Business Verification Report

Tele Verification Report

Personal Discussion Report

Income Tax Verification Report

Bank Verification Report


To be filled only when income of minor is considered

Name of Minor

Minor's Age (Years)

Balance Minority left (Years)

Balance Minority to tenor of loan


Business Vintage

Constitution of the Entity

No of Years Applicant is associated with Concern


Type of collateral offered

Value of collateral offered

Additional Collateral Security given

Type of collateral offered

Value of collateral offered



Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance
reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month


Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 2 ( if any )

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 3 ( if any )
Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 4 ( if any )

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month


Normal Case


Rs. ( Thousands )

No. of Years

No of Years

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )


hese categories
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

hese categories
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

hese categories
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

hese categories
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
hese categories
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Yes / No

Rs. ( Thousands )

Positive / Negative

Positive / Negative

Positive / Negative

Positive / Negative

Correct / Incorrect

Correct / Incorrect



No of years


No of years

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Current Account


Current Account

Current Account
Current Account

Current Account






Savings Account
Savings Account

Savings Account
Savings Account

Savings Account
If the case falls under Presumptive Eligibility, please do not fill up P&L and Balance Sh


Rs. ( Tho

1st Year

Gross Sales & Other Regular Receipts

Sales / Gross Receipts

A Sales Turnover -

Sales Turnover Growth 0%

B Gross Income to be considered for -

Profitability ratios

Other Receipts reflected in P & L account

not considered as Business Income

Interest on IT Refund
Agriculture Income
Profit on sale of Shares ( Capital Gain )
House Property Rental Income
Do not enter this dataNot con


Cost of goods produced

Raw Material, WIP & Finished Goods

Opening Stock
Add : Purchases
Less : Closing Stock

Raw Material Consumed, WIP & Finished Goods -

C Consumption -

Trading Expenses

Carriage Inward, Freight Inward, Transport Expenses

D Total Trading Expenses -

E Cost of Production ( C + D ) -

F Gross Profit ( B - E ) -
Administrative Expenses

Accounting Charges

Bad debts -

G Total Administrative Expenses -

Selling & Marketing Expenses

Bonus to Salesman

H Total Selling and Marketing Expenses -

I Total Operating Cost excluding Interest -

and Depreciation ( G + H )

J Net Profit Before Interest, Depreciation, Taxes ( F - I ) -

Interest & Finance Charges

Interest on Bank Funding

K Total Interest & Finance Charges -

L Profit after Interest but -
Before Depreciation, Taxes ( J - K )

M Depreciation -

Share of Depreciation to be added back as per policy

Max Depreciation add back limited to x% of Average Profit

Average Monthly Depreciation

N Net Profit Before tax ( L - M ) -

Taxes Debited to P& L account

Current Tax

O Total Taxes -

P Net Profit After Taxes ( N - O ) -

Average Monthly Net Profit After Taxes ( P / 12 )


1st Year

I Operating margin ratio ( J / B )% N.A.

II Net profit before tax to Turnover ratio ( N / B )% N.A.

III Net profit after tax to Turnover ratio ( P / B )% N.A.

IV Interest coverage ratio ( J / K ) 1000

V Debtors collection period

(Average Debtors/Turnover*365)

VI Inventory to turnover ratio

VII Turnover to current assets ratio

Average Debtors

Current Assets
ll up P&L and Balance Sheet worksheets

Rs. ( Thousands )
Average of
2nd year 3rd Year 3 years

- - -

N.A. N.A.

- - -

ter this dataNot considered for eligibilityClick Here

- -
- -

- -

- -

- - -
- -

- -

- -

- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -



- - -

- - -

- - -

Average of
2nd year 3rd Year 3 years

N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A. N.A.

1000 1000 1,000


Note :-

Profit as per P&L account

Add : Income reported in published P&L account but not considered in Excel P&

Rental Income
Interest Receipts from Bank
Interest on Bonds
Interest on PPF
Interest on FDR
Other Interest Receipt
Interest on IT Refund
Interest on NSC
Agriculture Income
Sale of Flat
Sale of Shares
Profit on sale of Flat ( Capital Gain )
Profit on sale of Shares ( Capital Gain )
Profit on sale of Mutual Fund


Add : Expenses considered in Excel P&L account but not in published P&L accou

Less : Income reported in Excel P&L account but not considered in published P&
Less : Expenses considered in published P&L account but not in Excel P&L acco

Profit as per Recon (calculated from above)

Profit as per P&L Account provided by Applicant


Please make sure that Recon matches in all 3 years. If it does not matc

Rs. ( Thousands )

1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

Excel P&L

- - -

P&L account

blished P&L account

P&L account

- - -

- - -

- - -

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

not match, there is some mistake which needs to be addressed

If the case falls under Presumptive Eligibility, please do not fill up P&L and Balance Sheet worksheet


Rs ( Thousands )
LIABILITIES 1st Year 2nd year

Net Worth

Share Capital

A Total Capital - -

Partners Current Account


B Total Current Account - -

Reserves & Surplus

Revaluation Reserve

C Total of Reserves & Surplus - -

D Total Net Worth ( A + B + C ) - -

Term Loans
Secured Loans

Loan against Fixed Deposit

Loan Secured by Stock
Car Loan

E Total Secured Loans - -

Unsecured Loans

Personal Loan

F Total Unsecured Loans - -

G Total Loans ( E + F ) - -

Current Liabilities & Provisions

Short Term Borrowings

From Banks
From Others

H Total Short Term Borrowings - -

Current Liabilities & Provisions

Interest Accrued on above

Sundry Creditors - Expenses
Sundry Creditors - Trade
Current Account Overdraft
Liability for Leased Assets
Interest accrued but not due on loans
Sundry Creditors - Expenses
Current Liabilities
Liability for Leased Assets

I Total Sundry Creditors, Provision for Taxation - -

& Other Liabilities

J Total Current Liabilities ( H + I ) - -

K Total Outside Liabilities ( G + J ) - -

L Deferred Tax Liability


Fixed Assets
Gross Block
Less : Depreciation

N Net Block - -

O Capital Work - in - Progress - -

Long Term Investments
Government and other Securities - Unquoted
Government and other Securities - Quoted

Short Term Investments

Investments in Preference Shares

P Total Investments - -

Current Assets

Cash Balance

Bank A/c -1
Bank A/c -2
Bank A/c -3

Sundry Debtors - -

Bills Receivable

Fixed Deposits with Banks

Closing Stock

Q Total Current Assets - -

Loans & Advances

Advances recoverable in cash or in kind or for value to be received
Deposits, loans and advances to corporates and others

R Total Loans and Advances - -

S Total Current Assets & Loans & Advances - -


Other Assets
Profit/Loss A/c (Dr balance) -
Miscellaneous / Preliminary Expenditure

T Total Other Assets - -

U TOTAL ASSETS ( N + O + P + S + U ) - -

#DIV/0! #DIV/0!

1st Year 2nd year

I Net Working Capital ( S - J ) - -

II Current Ratio ( S / J ) 1,000.00 1,000.00

III Total Outside Liabilities / Total Net Worth N.A. N.A.


IV Liquidity Ratio { ( S - Closing Stock ) / J } 1,000.00 1,000.00

V Total Debt to Net Cash Accruals N.A. N.A.

( G / [ Q { P&L } + Depreciation ] )

VI Return on Capital Employed N.A. N.A.

( K { P&L } / { N + U } )

VII Bad Debt To Debtors 0% 0%

Cash in excess of 5% on Sales Average Cash

5% of sales

% Differece with sales
nd Balance Sheet worksheets

Rs ( Thousands )
3rd Year Average

- -

- -

- -

- -
- -

- -

- -

- -
- -

- -

- -

- -

- -
- -

- -

- -
- -

- -

- -

3rd Year Average of
3 years

- -

1,000.00 1,000

N.A. N.A.

1,000.00 1,000

N.A. N.A.

N.A. N.A.

0% 0%

Average Cash -
5% of sales -

Difference -
% Differece with sales 0.00%












Please fill up this worksheet only if the case falls under Presumptive E


Loan Applied for

Tenor of Loan

Maximum Tenor Allowable

Rate of Interest applicable

EMI factor for relevant Rate of Interest & Tenor


Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Other Loan
Personal Loan
Vehicle Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Other Loan
Personal Loan
Vehicle Loan


Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Other Loan
Personal Loan
Vehicle Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Other Loan
Personal Loan
Vehicle Loan



Commercial Loan
Equipment Loan
Housing Loan
Other Loan
Personal Loan
Vehicle Loan

TOTAL EMI ( A + B + C + D + E )



For Applicant
Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 1

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 2 ( if any )

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 3 ( if any )

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

For Co- Applicant 4 ( if any )

Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories
Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off
Sub Standard (SUB)
Doubtful (DBT)
Loss (LSS)

Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report
If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

Has Applicant or Co Applicant ever stood as guarantor

Amount of Guarantee

Residence Verification Report

Business Verification Report

Tele Verification Report

Personal Discussion Report

Income Tax Verification Report

Bank Verification Report


To be filled only when income of minor is considered

Name of Minor

Minor's Age (Years)

Balance Minority left (Years)

Balance Minority to tenor of loan


Business Vintage

Constitution of the Entity

No of Years Applicant is associated with Concern


Type of collateral offered

Value of collateral offered

Additional Collateral Security given

Type of collateral offered

Value of collateral offered



Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 2 ( if any )

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 3 ( if any )

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month

CO-APPLICANT 4 ( if any )

Average Bank Balance for Last Six Months

No of Cheques Bounces during last Six months

No of Times Minimum Bank Balance

reflected in last Six Months

Average No Transactions Per Month



Sales Growth

Go ahead / Do not Go ahead

Sales as per Bank Statement

(To be filled for the latest financial year)

Sales reflected in Bank Statement during FY

( At least 80% of Actual Sales)

Go ahead / Do not Go ahead

TDS Claim in ITR's

TDS Rate

Sales as per TDS

(To be filled for the latest financial year)

Minimum Sales Through TDS

( At least 80% of Actual Sales)

Go ahead / Do not Go ahead


Profit Margin ( Flat % )

large/Medium Businessman ( 5% )

Average Net Profit

Average Monthly Net Profit


Income From Salary

Net Salary


Net Income From House property

Rental Income ( Ist Property )

Rental Income ( IInd Property )
Rental Income ( IIIrd Property )
Rental Income ( IVth Property )


Income From Other Secondary Business / Profession

Net Profit

Net Income From Other Sources from Computation of Income

Interest on FDR's
Interest on Bonds
Interest on Saving Account
Interest on PPF
Interest form Others
Interest on NSC
Interest from Applicant Business
Commission Income

Agriculture Income

Agriculture Income to be considered to the extent of Average profit

Sub Total of above Part B Incomes



Interest Paid to Relatives

Income of Minor as clubbed in Income Tax Return

Minor income to be considered

Income From H.U.F.

Rental Income other than those disclosed in ITR

Rent on the basis of Lease Agreement

Proposed Rent

Notional Rent


Income From Salary



Income From House property

Rent Received ( Ist Property )

Rent Received ( IInd Property )
Rent Received ( IIIrd Property )
Rent Received ( IVth Property )


Income From Business / Profession

Net Profit

Income From Other Sources

Commission Income
Interest form Others
Interest on Bonds
Interest on FDR's
Interest on NSC
Interest on PPF
Interest on Saving Account

Agriculture Income

Share of Profit from Partnership

Total Income before Tax

( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6 )

Total Tax Liability

Total Income After Tax ( 8 - 7 )


Income From Salary



Income From House property

Rent Received ( Ist Property )

Rent Received ( IInd Property )
Rent Received ( IIIrd Property )
Rent Received ( IVth Property )


Income From Business / Profession

Net Profit

Income From Other Sources

Commission Income
Interest form Others
Interest on Bonds
Interest on FDR's
Interest on NSC
Interest on PPF
Interest on Saving Account


Agriculture Income

Share of Profit from Partnership

Total Income before Tax

( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6 )

Total Tax Liability

Total Income After Tax ( 8 - 7 )


Income From Salary



Income From House property

Rent Received ( Ist Property )

Rent Received ( IInd Property )
Rent Received ( IIIrd Property )
Rent Received ( IVth Property )


Income From Business / Profession

Net Profit

Income From Other Sources

Commission Income
Interest form Others
Interest on Bonds
Interest on FDR's
Interest on NSC
Interest on PPF
Interest on Saving Account


Agriculture Income

Share of Profit from Partnership

Total Income before Tax
( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6 )

Total Tax Liability

Total Income After Tax ( 8 - 7 )


Income From Salary



Income From House property

Rent Received ( Ist Property )

Rent Received ( IInd Property )
Rent Received ( IIIrd Property )
Rent Received ( IVth Property )


Income From Business / Profession

Net Profit

Income From Other Sources

Commission Income
Interest form Others
Interest on Bonds
Interest on FDR's
Interest on NSC
Interest on PPF
Interest on Saving Account


Agriculture Income

Share of Profit from Partnership

Total Income before Tax

( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6 )

Total Tax Liability

Total Income After Tax ( 8 - 7 )

e Eligibility criteria

Rs. ( Thousands ) -

No. of Years

No of Years -

Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )
Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) Yes
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No

Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) Yes

Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) Yes
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) No
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) 0

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) 0

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) 0

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) 0

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Rs. ( Thousands ) 0

Yes / No No
Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Positive / Negative Positive

Positive / Negative Positive

Positive / Negative Positive

Positive / Negative Positive

Correct / Incorrect Correct

Correct / Incorrect Correct



% #DIV/0!

No of years

Type 5

No of years
Residential real estate

Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Surrender Value of Policy

Rs. ( Thousands )

Current Account Savings Account

- -

- -

- -

Current Account Savings Account

- -

- -

- -

Current Account Savings Account

- -

- -

- -

Current Account Savings Account

- -

- -

- -
Current Account Savings Account

- -

- -

- -

Units 1st Year 2nd Year

Rs. ( Thousands ) - -

% 0% #DIV/0!


Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )
Go ahead

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )

Rs. ( Thousands )


Rs. ( Thousands ) - -

Rs. ( Thousands ) - -


1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -

- - -

Metro Cities
- -

1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -


1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -


1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -


1st Year 2nd year 3rd Year

- - -

- - -

- - -
- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -
Share of Applicant in Business Entity 0%

Applicant Type 0

Loan Applied for -



Units Value
1 Latest years details

Sales Turnover Rs. ( Thousands ) N.A.

Sales Turnover Growth % over last year N.A.
Operating Margin (PBDIT/TO) % N.A.
Interest Coverage Ratio N.A.
PBT / Turnover % N.A.
PAT / Turnover % N.A.
Debtors Collection period Days N.A.
Inventory to turnover ratio Ratio N.A.
Turnover to Average current assets ratio Ratio N.A.

2 On the basis of Last 3 years Average data

Average Sales Turnover Rs. ( Thousands ) N.A.

Average Operating Margin (PBDIT/TO) % N.A.
Average Interest Coverage Ratio N.A.
Average PBT / Turnover % N.A.
Average PAT / Average Turnover % N.A.

Multiplier Total

Business Income Eligible / Not Eligible Business Income Not Eligible


Latest years Details

Total debt to net cash accruals Ratio N.A.

Tangible Net worth Rs. ( Thousands ) N.A.
TOL/TNW ( Capital ) Ratio N.A.
Current Ratio Ratio N.A.
Liquidity Ratio Ratio N.A.
Return on Capital Employed Ratio N.A.

On the basis of Last 3 years Average data

Average Total debt to net cash accruals Ratio N.A.

Average Tangible Net worth Rs. ( Thousands ) N.A.
Average TOL/TNW ( Capital ) Ratio N.A.
Average Current Ratio Ratio N.A.
Average Liquidity Ratio Ratio N.A.
Average Return on Capital Employed Ratio N.A.
Average Bad debts to Debtors Ratio N.A.

Multiplier Total

Business Income Eligible /Not Eligible Business Income Not Eligible



Individual Account

Average 6 months Bank Balance Rs. ( Thousands ) -

No of times Bank account reflects Minimum balance Ratio -
Average No Transactions Per Month No of Times -

Business Account

Average 6 months Bank Balance Rs. ( Thousands ) -

No of times Bank account reflects Minimum balance Ratio -
Average No Transactions Per Month No of Times -

Cheques Bounces

No of Outward Cheques Bounces in Individual Account No of Times -

No of Outward Cheques Bounces in Business Account No of Times -

Multiplier Total

Go ahead / Do not Go ahead Go ahead


Business Vintage No of years N.A.

Constitution of the Entity Type N.A.
No of Years Applicant is associated with Concern No of years N.A.

Multiplier Total



Suit Filed / Wilful Default / Written Off Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Sub Standard (SUB) Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Doubtful (DBT) Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Loss (LSS) Rs. ( Thousands ) -
If Loans as per CIBIL report are higher than Applicant's data, then variation amountRs. ( Thousands ) -
Residence Verification Report 0
Business Verification Report 0
Tele Verification Report 0
Personal Discussion Report 0
IT Verification Report 0
Bank Verification Report 0

Go ahead / Do not Go ahead Go ahead

Restriction if No Go ahead appears at any stage


Average Other Income derived in Part C Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Average Interest Paid to Relatives Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Average Income of Minor Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Average Income From H.U.F Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Rental Income other than those disclosed in ITR

Lease Agreement Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Proposed Rent Rs. ( Thousands ) -
Notional Rent Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Total Other Income Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Average Gross Total Income of Co Applicant Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Average Monthly PAT of last 3 years Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Eligibility Limited to Ranking % 0.16

PAT available on Eligibility Rs. ( Thousands ) 0.00

Average Monthly Other Income ( Avg other Income / 12 ) Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Depreciation on Fixed Assets Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Average Monthly Gross Total Income of Co Applicants -

Total Monthly Income -

Monthly EMI payments currently running Rs. ( Thousands ) 0.00

Net Monthly Income to be considered for MLSC 0.00

Considered for Funding before Excess Cash adjustment Rs. ( Thousands ) -

% Reduction in MLSC due to Excess Cash Balance 0.00%

Considered for Funding after Excess Cash adjustment -

ROI Applicable 0.00%

Tenor of Loan Applied No of Years 70

EMI factor for relevant ROI & Tenor 0

A Loan on the basis of above Rs. ( Thousands )


Type of collateral offered 0

Value of collateral offered Rs. ( Thousands ) -

a Collateral value to be considered Rs. ( Thousands ) -

Additional Collateral Security given Rs. ( Thousands )

Type of collateral offered 0

Value of collateral offered Rs. ( Thousands ) -

b Collateral value to be considered Rs. ( Thousands ) -


Eligibility as per Total Income ( A ) #DIV/0!

Eligible value of Additional Collateral Security ( b ) -

c Total Eligibility #DIV/0!

Total Eligible Loan { Least of ( a ) and ( c ) } #DIV/0!



Score WeightMultiple Deviations Maximum


N.A. 6% 0 Yes 0.2

N.A. 6% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 5% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 4% 0 No 0.2
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 1% 0 Yes 0.05

N.A. 6% 0 Yes 0.2

N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 5% 0 No 0.2
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2

57% 0.00 2.45

1 10

N.A. 4% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 2% 0 Yes 0.1
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2

N.A. 4% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 2% 0 Yes 0.1
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 2% 0 No 0.1
N.A. 4% 0 Yes 0.2
N.A. 1% 0 No 0.05

37% 0.00 1.65

1 6
1 1% 0.01 0.05
5 2% 0.1 0.1
0 1% 0 0.05

0 1% 0 0.05
5 2% 0.1 0.1
0 1% 0 0.05

5 6% 0.3 0.18
5 6% 0.3 0.18

20% 0.81 0.75

N.A. 2% 0 0.05
N.A. 2% 0 0.05
N.A. 2% 0 0.05

6% 0.00 0.15

120% 0.81 5.00


0 0

Guidance Note on Evaluation

In the evaluation all the figures are considered in thousand

1 Financial Ratios Analysis

2 Scores and weights

3 Director as self employed

4 Consideration of other EMI payments

Colours Given

Dark Green


Dark Red


Dark Blue


Basic Info

5 Name of Applicant

6 Applicant's Age (Years)

7 Name of Co Applicant - 1
8 More than 1 Co Applicant

9 Name of Co Applicant - 2, 3, 4 ( if any )

10 Name of Business Entity

11 Share of Applicant in Business Entity

12 Share in Business Entity

For Proprietorship
For Partnership

For Private Limited Company

13 Normal Case / Presumptive Income Case

14 Loan Applied For

15 Applicant Type

Large/Medium Businessman

Small Businessman

16 Rate of Interest applicable

17 Tenor of loan

18 Maximum Tenor Allowable

19 EMI factor for relevant Rate of Interest & Tenor

20 Current EMI Running of Applicant & Co Applicants

21 Commercial/Business Loan

22 Equipment Loan

23 Housing Loan

24 Vehicle Loan

25 Personal Loan

26 Other Loan

27 CIBIL Report Default Related Information

28 Outstanding amount of Loans under these categories

29 Suit Filed / Willful Default / Written Off (SF/WD/WO)

30 Sub Standard (SUB)

31 Doubtful (DBT)

32 Loss (LSS)

33 Loans outstanding as per Applicant's data

34 Loans outstanding as per CIBIL report

35 If CIBIL report is higher, then variation amount

36 Has Applicant or Co Applicant ever stood as guarantor

37 Amount of Guarantee

38 Business Verification Report

Positive / Negative
39 Residence Verification Report
Positive / Negative
40 Tele Verification Report
Positive / Negative
41 Personal Discussion Report
Positive / Negative
42 Income tax Verification Report
Correct / Incorrect
43 Bank Verification Report
Correct / Incorrect
44 Information about Minor

45 Name of Minor

46 Minor's Age (Years)

47 Balance Minority left (Years)

48 Balance Minority to tenor of loan

49 Business Vintage

50 Constitution of the Entity

51 No of Years Applicant is associated with Concern

52 Type of collateral offered

53 Value of collateral security considered

54 Additional Collateral Security given

55 Value of additional collateral security considered

Applicant's Bank Details

56 Individual Account ( Saving Account )

57 Business Account ( Current Account )

58 Average six months Bank Balance

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

59 Average No Transactions Per Month

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

60 No of Outward Cheques Bounces

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

61 Minimum Balance in Bank Account

62 No of times Bank account reflects Minimum balance

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business account ( Current account )

63 Co Applicant's - 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 Bank Details

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

64 Average six months Bank Balance

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

65 Average No Transactions Per Month

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

66 No of Outward Cheques Bounces

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business Account ( Current Account )

67 Minimum Balance in Bank Account

68 No of times Bank account reflects Minimum balance

Individual Account ( Saving Account )

Business account ( Current account )

69 P&L
70 P & L Recon

71 Balance Sheet
72 Presumptive case

73 Evaluation
74 Score

75 Weight

76 Multiple

77 Deviations

78 Maximum Multiplier

79 Applicant's Profitability Performance

80 Applicant's Performance on the basis of Balance Sheet

81 Applicant's Performance on the basis of Banking Transactions

82 About Concern

83 Applicant's Performance on the basis of other Information

84 Latest year details

85 Average Details

86 Sales Turnover

87 Average Sales Turnover

88 Sales Turnover Growth

89 Operating Margin
90 Average Operating Margin

91 Interest Coverage

92 Average Interest Coverage

93 PBT / Turnover

94 Average PBT / Turnover

95 PAT / Turnover

96 Average PBT / Turnover

97 Debtors Collection period

98 Inventory to turnover ratio

99 Turnover to Average current assets ratio

100 Total Debt To Net Cash Accruals

101 Average Total Debt To Net Cash Accruals

102 Tangible Net worth

103 Average Tangible Net worth


105 Average TOL/TNW

106 Current Ratio

107 Average Current Ratio

108 Liquidity Ratio

109 Average Liquidity Ratio

110 Return on Capital Employed

111 Average Return on Capital Employed

112 Average Bad debts to Debtors

113 Other Income of Applicant to be Considered

114 Interest Received from Relatives

115 Average Income From H.U.F

116 Average Income of Minor

117 Average Agriculture Income

118 Average Interest Paid to Relatives

119 Average Monthly PAT of last 3 years

120 Average Monthly Other Income

121 Monthly EMI payments currently running

122 Eligibility Limited to Ranking

123 Gross Total Income of Co Applicant

124 Depreciation on Fixed Assets

125 Monthly Income to be considered for MLSC

126 Consider for MLSC (funding)

127 Eligibility as per Profitability

128 Eligible value of Additional Collateral Security

129 Total Eligibility

130 Maximum Permissible Funding Eligibility

131 Presumptive Eligibility

Additional points as per our discussion and Exe

Net worth

Share Capital

Share in Business
a. Applicant

b. Co-Applicant

c. Other Partners

Reserves and Surplus

Revaluation reserve

General Reserve

Surplus in P&L A/c

Term Loan

Car Loan

Loan Secured by Stock

Loan against Fixed Deposit

Commercial Vehicle Loan

Housing / Home Loan

Personal Loan

Applicant (HUF)

Co - Applicant

From Relatives


Short Term Borrowing

From Banks

From others

Sundry creditors ( Trade )

Sundry creditors ( Expense )

Income Tax

Fringe Benefit Tax

Bills Payable

T.D.S. Payable

VAT Payable
Outstanding Liabilities


Cash Credit

Fixed Assets

Gross Block


Net Block

Capital Work - in - Progress


In Shares

In Mutual Funds


Total Investments

Current Assets

Cash balance
Bank Balance

Fixed Deposits with Banks

Cheque / Draft in Hand

Sundry Debtors

Closing Stock / Inventories

Advances Against Purchases

Bills Receivable

Prepaid Expenses

Advance Tax

Security Deposits

Sales Tax Receivable / VAT

Income Tax

Co - Applicant

Gross Sales

Other income
Cost of Goods Produced

Raw Material


Finished goods

Trading Expenses

Carriage Inwards

Freight Inward


Factory Expenses

Generator Rent & Expenses

Hamali Charges

Machinery Hire Charges

Octroi Duty

Oil & Lubricants

Power & Fuel

Sales Tax / VAT

Wages, Labor Charges

Administrative Expenses

Accounting Charges

Agency Charges

Allowance to Staff

Architect Fees

Audit Fees

Bank Commission & Charges


Books & Periodicals

Charity & Donation

Computer Expenses

Conference Expenses

Consultancy Charges

Conveyance Expenses

Directors Remuneration

Diwali Expenses

Electricity Expenses

Entertainment Expenses
Freight Outward, Carriage Outward

Generator Rent & Expenses

Gifts & Prizes


Guaranty Fees

Hire Charges

Insurance Expenses

Laundry Expenses

Legal Expenses & Govt.Fees

License Fees

Loading & Unloading Expenses

Lodging & Boarding

Loss on Sale of Equipment

Medical charges

Membership & Subscription

Miscellaneous Expenses

Municipal Tax

Newspaper & Magazines

Office & Shop Expenses

Office Maintenance
Penalty Charges

Petrol & Diesel Expenses

Pooja Expenses

Postage & Courier Charges

Printing & Stationery , Xerox Charges

Processing Fees Charges

Professional Tax

Provident Fund

Rates & Taxes

Registration Charges


Repairs & Maintenance


Security Expense

Service Charges

Staff Welfare & Mess Expenses

Stamp Duty

Tax Consultant Fees

Telephone & Mobile Expenses

Toll Charges
Transportation Expenses

Traveling Expenses

Vehicle Maintenance Expenses


Agency Commission

Bad debts

Bonus to Salesman

Business Promotion Expenses

Discount & Rebate


Samples Distribution Expenses

Interest on Bank Funding

Interest on Other Funding

Interest to Partners

Interest to Relatives
Definition of Relatives

Other Finance charges

Current Tax

Income Tax


Deferred Tax
Income From Salary

Income From House Property

Tallied Formula in Balance Sheet

re considered in thousands. Kindly enter all the amount in thousands

Our evaluation technique deals with a comprehensive set of financial ratios derived from pro
This ratios directly impact the computation of the eligible loan amount. Different classes of ra
for various level of importance (weights) and the score play an significant role in evaluation

An elaborate evaluation system is wholly structured on the basis of ratios calculated. Maximu
weights are allocated to the various ratios as per the importance of the ratios. Weights are a
if an applicant scores excellent in all the criteria, Excellent scores will entitle a high loan eligi

Evaluation technique considers directors owning a company on the same footing as a partne

We suggest that the same methodology be applied for all loans. In our template the MLSC is
EMI payments from average monthly income of the applicant

Descriptipn of Colours

Text statements

Totals, Sub-totals and numerical cells which are computed automatically

Manually entered figures

Message appearing on some condition

Evaluation Text

Data other than Evaluation text and Warning message

This is the first sheet containing relevant basic information

Applicant name should be in format as given in the application form. Surname, first name, m

Applicant's age as filled in the application form.

Co Applicant name should be in same format as filled for the Applicant. Surname, first name,
If there are more than one Co Applicants, information about other Co Applicants should also

Other Co Applicants' names should be in same format as the Applicant. Surname, first name,

The name of the business entity of Applicant as given in the application form

The share of business entity that is owned / held by the applicant

In our suggested evaluation the average net profit from business is taken in proportion of the
applicant in business for determining the loan amount. For example : if the applicant's share
net profit in business is Rs 2 lakhs, then the relevant income will be considered as Rs 2 lakhs

Proprietorship means the whole concern is owned by a single person. Share in Business will b
Partnership is carried on by two or more persons. Share in business is the profit sharing ratio
the partners. It will be provided in the Partnership Deed
A Private Limited Company is a separate legal entity. The name of private limited company e
Share of Applicant in private limited company is the percentage shareholding in the company
Proof of such shareholding should be available in the Annual Return filed with the Registrar o
This document can be searched through the Internet independently (without reference to the

The case in which the profit shown by the Applicant in the profit and loss account is significan
for large/medium businessman, 3% for small businessman,10% for professional) is termed as
The case can be categorized as Presumptive Case (where above margins are presumed) if tu
can be supported by bank statements and / or TDS certificates.

The amount which the Applicant has asked for

Applicant's occupation has to be entered here. It is divided into three categories-

Person who has a qualified degree from a recognized institution. Example Doctor, Chartered
Person who owns a business or has a share in partnership business or a shareholding in priva
with turnover over Rs Twenty five lakhs in the last financial year

Turnover less than Rs Twenty five lakhs in the last financial year

Rate of interest as applicable to the loan

Tenor as asked for by the applicant

Maximum Tenor of loan is limited to twenty years. Maximum age of the Applicant is consider
Maximum tenor is defined as lower of (a) twenty years (b) sixty minus age of applicant

The EMI factor corresponding to the rate of interest and the maximum tenor of loan as given

If the Applicant And Co Applicant are paying any current EMI for other loans, the EMI paymen

Commercial/Business Loan is loan taken for business purpose. It can be for purchase of land
Machinery, Furniture etc.

Equipment Loan is loan taken for purchase of various business tools and equipments

Housing loan is loan taken for the purchase or construction of house, plot, flat etc

Vehicle loan is loan taken for purchase of two wheeler or four wheeler vehicle.

Personal loan is loan taken for any personal purpose.

Any loan other than Commercial/Business loan, Equipment loan, housing loan, Vehicle loan, p

If the information in the CIBIL report shows any default for the below points, that information

The various amount of loan outstanding under the Categories given below is to collected from

Amount in this category as per CIBIL report

Amount in this category as per CIBIL report

Amount in this category as per CIBIL report

Amount in this category as per CIBIL report

Total loans outstanding as per information provided by applicant

Total loans outstanding as per information in CIBIL report

If the difference between the loan outstanding as per the CIBIL report and the Applicant's da
than it will have a negative impact on the ranking of the Applicant

If the Applicant or Co Applicant has provided Guarantees for any loans, that information is to
The total amount of guarantee provided by the Applicant and Co Applicant is to be filled

Observation and comments given in Business Verification Report by verification agency shall

Observation and comments given in Residence Verification Report by verification agency sha

Observation and comments given in Tele Verification Report by verification agency shall be c

Observation and comments given in Personal Discussion Report by verification agency shall b

Observation and comments given in Income Tax Verification Report by verification agency sh

Observation and comments given in Bank Verification Report by verification agency shall be

Person below the age of eighteen years is considered to be minor. Information about Minor is
minor is clubbed with the Applicant or Co Applicant and shown in tax returns of Applicant or

Minor name should be in format as filled for the Applicant and Co Applicant Surname, first na

Minor's Age to be filled

The difference between eighteen years and the age of minor filled above - will be computed

It is ratio of balance minority to tenor of loan expressed in percentage. - will be computed (no

Business vintage means for how many years Applicants business is running

It is the type of entity the Applicant is running such as public limited company, private limite
partnership, sole proprietorship

Applicant's involvement with the business since how many years

Collateral security offered by Applicant is classified into three catergories.i.e..commercial rea

residential real estate, other property

Commercial real estate – 90%, Residential property – 80%, Other Property 80%

Additional Collateral security offered by Applicant is classified into three categories, viz LIC p
Fixed deposits, other assets
Surrender value of LIC policy -95%, Fixed deposits - 80% , other assets - 60%

Current and Savings Accounts details to be filled in

This is the personal bank account in the name of Applicant

This is the bank account in the name of concern.Business transaction are carried in this acco

This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months
sum of closing balance for six months divided by six months

This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months for saving account
This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months for current account

Applicants average number of transaction for latest six months

sum of number of transaction for six months divided by six months

This is the average number of transaction for latest six months for saving account
This is the average number of transaction for latest six months for current account

Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months

This is an important parameter for ranking. Maximum Cheque bounce is 12

Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months in the saving account
Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months in the current account

Minimum Balance is the amount which the Applicant must have in his account as decided by
If the Applicant has minimum balance most of the time, the implication is that he could be sh

It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance

It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance in the saving account
It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance in the current account

Co-Applicants Savings and Current Account details

This is the personal bank account in the name of Co Applicant

This is the bank account in the name of concern.Business transaction are carried in this acco
This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months
sum of closing balance for six months divided by six months

This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months for saving account
This is the average of closing bank balance for latest six months for current account

Co Applicants average number of transaction for latest six months

sum of number of transaction for six months divided by six months

This is the average number of transaction for latest six months for saving account
This is the average number of transaction for latest six months for current account

Co Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months

This is an important parameter for ranking. Maximum Cheque bounce is 12

Co Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months in the saving account
Co Applicants number of cheque dishonored for the last six months in the current account

Minimum Balance is the amount which the Co Applicant must have in his account as decided
If the Co Applicant has minimum balance most of the time, the implication is that he could be

It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance

It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance in the saving account
It is the number of times the bank account shows minimum balance in the current account

This worksheet contains Profit & Loss Account, Ratios computed based on numbers in Profit &
Income details of Applicant
This worksheet also contains Income details of CoApplicants which are filled up from their Inc
This worksheet calculates sub total of items automatically like sales turnover, trading expens
administrative expense, selling and marketing expense, operating cost excluding interest an
interest and finance charges, taxes.
Sales turnover is the total of various kind of sales according to type of applicant.
Consumption is sum of opening stock and purchase less closing stock
Total Trading expense is sum of all the trading expenses mentioned in P&L worksheet.
Cost of production is the sum of consumption and total trading expense
Total administrative expense is sum of all the administrative expenses mentioned in P&L wor
Total selling and marketing expense is sum of all the selling and marketing expenses mentio
Operating cost is the sum of total administrative and total selling and marketing expense exc
interest and finance charges and depreciation
Total interest and finance charges is the sum of all interest payments and finance charges m
Total taxes is the sum of tax paid during the year mentioned in P&L worksheet.If tax amount
the amount should be picked from he computation of income of applicant business.
Gross profit is sales minus consumption and total trading expense
Net Profit Before Interest, Depreciation, Taxes is Gross profit minus Operating cost
Profit after Interest but Before Depreciation, Taxes is Net Profit Before Interest, Depreciation,
total interest and finance charges
Net Profit Before tax is Profit after Interest but Before Depreciation minus depreciation
Net Profit After Taxes is Net profit before tax minus total taxes

A detailed explanation of Ratios is provided in this worksheet (items 82 to 108)

Applicants Income from secondary business or profession and incomes other than business in
of P&L worksheet
Sub Total of Part C Incomes is the sum of income from salary, income from secondary busine
income from other sources and maximum limit of agriculture income

Applicant additional income based on Additional information consist of interest paid to relativ
basis of lease agreement,notional rent, proposed rent

A detailed explanation of Depreciation income, Average monthly PAT, Average interest paid t
agriculture income, Average HUF income, Average minor income is provided in this workshe

Rent on the basis of lease agreement , notional rent and proposed rent are calculated as per

Co applicant Income is considered from their computation of income.

Total income after tax of co applicant is the total of income from salary, income from house p
and income from other sources and deducting tax paid

The basic rationale of this worksheet is to avoid data entry errors and detect such errors if an
The worksheet starts with Profit as per P&L as reported by applicant and ends with profit as p
It seeks to capture all those items of incomes and expenses which appear in the P&L but not
If the reconciliation does not match, then there is some data entry error and you should not m

This is fourth sheet containing balance sheet of the Applicant business. Ratios related to Bala

Total capital includes share capital, partner's capital and proprietor's capital. Capital accordin
Total current account is the total of applicant, co applicant and other's current account.
Total reserves and surplus is the sum of reserve and surplus mentioned in the balance shee
Total net worth is the sum of capital account, current account and reserves and surplus
Total secured loans is the sum of all the secured loans mentioned in the balance sheet work
Total unsecured loans is the sum of all the unsecured loans mentioned in the balance sheet w
Total loan is the sum of total secured and unsecured loans
Total Short Term Borrowings is the sum of short term borrowing from banks and others
Total Sundry Creditors, Provision for Taxation & Other Liabilities is the sum of sundry credito
other liabilities
Total Current Liabilities is the sum of total short term borrowings and total sundry creditors, p
Total Outside Liabilities is the sum of total loan and total current liabilities
Total liabilities is the sum of liability side of balance sheet
Net block is the difference between gross block of fixed assets and accumulated depreciation
Total Investments is the sum of all type of investment mentioned in balance sheet workshee
Total Current Assets is the total of all the items of current assets mentioned in balance sheet
Total loans and advances is the total of all the items of loans and advances mentioned in bal
Total current asset and loans and advances is the sum of total current asset and total loans a
Total asset is the sum of asset side of balance sheet

A detailed explanation of Ratios is provided in this worksheet (items 82 to 108)

This is the fifth sheet to be filled only when the applicant falls under the presumptive eligibili

Applicants Income from secondary business or profession and incomes other than business in
of Presumptive case worksheet
Sub Total of Part B Incomes is the sum of income from salary, income from secondary busine
income from other sources and maximum income limit of agriculture income

Applicant additional income based on Additional information consist of interest paid to relativ
basis of lease agreement,notional rent, proposed rent

Co applicant Income is considered from their computation of income.

Total income after tax of co applicant is the total of income from salary, income from house p
and income from other sources and deducting tax paid

A detailed explanation of average interest paid to relatives, average agriculture income, ave
average minor income is provided in this worksheet (items 111 to 114)

This worksheet will automatically work out the eligibility of loan for the applicant.
The evaluation is divided in two parts. first part describes the loan amount for the Normal ca
amount for Presumptive case
For a detailed write up on Evaluation methodology, ranking, criteria, refer our detailed Repor
Maximum Score for all the parameters is 5 and minimum score for all the parameters is 0

For each parameter, weights are assigned based on importance of the parameter

Multiple is the multiplication of score and weights which the Applicant

will achieve according to his financials

Deviations seek to measure qualitative factors while scores seek to measure quantitative pa
The responses can be either 'Yes' or 'No'. 'Yes' implies there is a deviation
No' means there is no deviation for the particular parameter

Maximum multiplier is the maximum score multiplied by concerned weights (the max score a

It is Part I of the Evaluation. Applicants profit & loss account and various ratios calculation is

It is Part II of the Evaluation. Applicants Balance sheet and various ratios calculation is consid

It is Part III of the Evaluation. Applicants and Co Applicants Current account and Saving acco

It is Part IV of the Evaluation. Applicants various business details are considered

It is Part V of the Evaluation. This includes Cibil Report, various verification report like income
verification, personal verification, tele verification, personal discussion, bank verification.

Applicants latest year financials ( computation, profit & loss account and balance sheet ) det

This is the average of last 3 years financials ( computation, profit & loss and balance sheet )

This is the Gross Receipts or Sales Turnover as per the applicant's latest year profit & loss ac

This is the average of last 3 years gross receipts or sales turnover

Sum of last 3 years sales divided by 3.

It is the growth in the latest year over the previous year sales turnover or the gross receipts

This is the ratio of Profit Before Depreciation, Interest and Tax to the Sales Turnover
It indicates the profit efficiency of a concern before taking its depreciation, interest and tax p
the higher is the Applicant's operating margin
This is the average ratio for last 3 years operating margin
Sum of last three years operating margin divided by 3

This is the ratio of Profit Before Interest and Tax divided by Interest Expense (to bank and oth
The interest coverage ratio is a measurement of the number of times Applicant could make i
interest payments with its earnings before interest and taxes; the lower the ratio, the higher
Applicant’s debt burden
If Interest Expense is zero, then technically the Interest Coverage Ratio is infinity. However, t
computation, we have set a level of 1000 here (a very large number) to take care of such sit

This is the average ratio for last 3 years interest coverage

Sum of last three years interest coverage divided by 3

This is ratio of Profit Before Tax to Sales Turnover. This ratio is the margin to the total sales t
Higher the ratio, higher is the Applicant profit before tax margin

This is the average ratio for last 3 years profit before tax to sales turnover.

It is ratio of profit after tax to sales turnover. This ratio is the margin to the total sales turnov
Higher the ratio, higher is the Applicant profit after tax margin

This is the average ratio for last 3 years profit after tax to sales turnover.

This is Average Debtors divided by Sales per day (i.e. Sales divided by 365)
It represents an approximation of days taken by customers to pay the applicant
Higher the Debtor collection period, higher is the time taken to convert debtors into cash
(lower is the financial flexibility of the Applicant)

It is the ratio of sales turnover to average stocks [ ( opening stock+ closing stock )/2 ]
Higher the ratio, faster the movement of inventory in the Applicant's business. Lower the rat
of inventory (and indicates a lower flexibility of the Applicant)

This is the ratio of Sales to Current Assets. A higher ratio indicates a faster movement of Cur
level of efficiency in working capital management (and vice versa)

It is ratio of total loans (secured + unsecured) to profit after tax but before depreciation. High
the higher is he Applicant's debt burden

It is average ratio of total loans to profit after tax including depreciation for the last 3 years
This is the capital of the Applicant in business including reserves

This is the average capital of the Applicant in business including reserves for the last 3 years

This is the ratio of total outside liabilities (secured loans + unsecured loans + other liabilities
Total outside liabilities comprise of secured loan and unsecured loan and other liabilities like
A high ratio indicates a higher dependence on outside liabilities and indicates a higher level o

This is the average ratio of total outside liabilities to tangible net worth for the last 3 years

This is the ratio of current asset to current liabilities. Higher the ratio, higher the proportion o
A higher ratio indicates a better liquidity position
If Current Liabilities is zero, then technically the Current Ratio is infinity. However, to enable
computation, we have set a level of 1000 here (a very large number) to take care of such sit

This is the average ratio of current asset to current liabilities for the last 3 years

This is the ratio of current asset except stock (current asset - stock) to current liabilities This
A higher ratio indicates a better liquidity position
If Current Liabilities is zero, then technically the Liquidity Ratio is infinity. However, to enable
computation, we have set a level of 1000 here (a very large number) to take care of such sit

This is the average ratio of current asset except stock (current asset - stock) to current liabili

This is ratio of profit before tax to total assets ( fixed assets + working capital )
This ratio, measures the profitability of a company by the pre-tax profit achieved on a compa
Higher the ratio, higher is the return on the capital invested by the Applicant

This is average ratio of profit before tax to total asset ( fixed asset + working capital ) for the

This is the average ratio of bad debt to debtors for the last 3 years
Higher the ratio, higher is the proportion of bad debt.

If the Applicant earns income from any other sources, all such income will be considered as i
This income include salary income, income from house property, income from business other
his primary business (as the income of primary business will be considered separately ), inco
other sources, income from minor, income from agriculture income. This income will be avail
filed with tax returns

Any interest received from relatives is not considered as other income of the Applicant (and i
Income from HUF can be considered as Applicant's income for the purpose of computing elig
the Applicant is the karta of the HUF (b) only his share of the HUF income is considered (c ) h
depends on the number of members in his HUF as per information provided by the Applicant
For example, if HUF income is Rs 2 lakhs and there are 4 members, then his share will be Rs
For this purpose, minors are also to be included as members of HUF

Income of minors is considered as eligible income and considered as Applicant's income for p
conditions as follows : (a) The income should have been declared in the Applicant's tax retur
(b) Age of the minor is an important parameter. The percentage of balance minority left to th
is multiplied with the Average Minor income of 3 years. If the percentage is more than 50%,
than 100% of minor income is eligible. If it is less than 25% but more than 50%,than 50% of m
is eligible and if it is less than 25%, then income of minor is ignored
For example, if minor's income is Rs 50,000 and his age is 8 and tenor of loan is 15 years
Balance minority left is 10 years and 10/15 is 67% (more than 50%). The entire income of Rs
for Applicant eligibility computation.

Agriculture income is the income earned by the Applicant from agricultural activities.
Minimum of Average agriculture income for 3 years subject to a maximum level of 30% of Av
added to Applicants income. Agriculture income must be declared in the tax returns by the A

Interest paid to relative is interest expense incurred by the Applicant's business and appearin
paid for 3 years can be added to Applicants income. If the P&L account does not provide this
will have these details reported along with amount paid to each relative.

Profit after tax is the profit left after paying tax liability. Tax amount if not available in P&L m
computation of income of the business. Tax will consist of Tds,advance tax, self assessment
Average profit after tax for 3 years is considered.

Average other income of the Applicant divided by 12

Current EMI payments of other loan of the Applicants should be entered here.

This is the score of the Applicant based on his quantitative criteria, weights and performance
This score divided by maximum possible score will decide his eligible income from business

Income of the co Applicant is taken as per his/her computation of income

Minimum of Average monthly depreciation for the 3 years multiplied by 75% and Average mo
multiplied by 50% is considered for the income of Applicant

The total monthly income of the applicant and the Co Applicant including other incomes and
reducing it with EMI payments of any other loans

Net monthly income for professional is considered at 60%, for Large/Medium businessman at
for Small businessman at 50%

The loan amount is computed based on above income multiplied by EMI factor (based on ten

This is based on additional collateral offered by the applicant

This is the total of eligibility as per profitability and eligible value of additional collateral secu

It is the maximum amount which can be funded to the Applicant as per his eligibility from
total eligibility and the value of collateral security considered

This computation applies to special cases of presumptive computation - the purpose is to len
tax returns do not show high income levels, but it is believed that their business is healthier

The bank statement for the latest financial period (1st April to 31st March) of the business fo
which tax return has been filed should be verified to check the genuineness of sales reflected
Collections as per bank statement should be at least 80% of Sales as per P&L
In cases where the business is subject to TDS, the gross amounts covered by TDS certificates
at least 80% of Sales as per P&L
If this condition is not satisfied, the case does not qualify for special treatment under presum
be processed as a regular case

The sales growth for the last 2 years (as per P&L) should be at least 10% per annum

If these conditions, are satisfied, profit from business will be presumed as under:

Professional – 10 %
Businessmen - 5 %
Others ( Small Businessmen) - 3 %

In this case Applicants total income will include his Business Profits as derived on presumptiv
Other Income, Co-Applicant's income will be considered as per general principles discussed a
Accordingly, his loan eligibility will be computed.
discussion and Executive summary,not reveiwed b

Total assets minus total liabilities is Net worth

For individual, the value of a person's) assets, including cash, minus all liabilities is Net worth

Share capital refers to portion of a company's equity that has been obtained (or will be
obtained) by trading stock to a shareholder for cash or equivalent item of capital

In Case of partnership firm, the amount of capital invested by applicant in the firm.

In case of partnership firm , the amount of capital invested by Co-applicant should be

filled here

Apart from applicant and co-applicant if applicant is in partnership with other person
then detail of capital of other partner should be mentioned in the balance sheet
partnership firm, the amount of capital invested by that patner(s) is to be filled here

A valuation reserve from retained earnings to cover anticipated future payments.

Reserve account that records the surplus created when assets are revalued (see
revaluation). It is a 'paper' or unrealized reserve.

It is a reserve created by transferring certain amount of undistributed profit for

funding expansion, acquisition, paying dividends, discharging of liabilities, writing off
extraordinary and/or contingent losses ,buyback and/or redemption of securities.

The profit earned by the firm during the year is transferred to reserve and surplus account

The loan which is taken for more then one year is termed as term loan

The loan which is taken for the purchase of the car is termed as car loan

Loan which are secured by the Stock / Raw Material of the company
The loan which is taken against fixed deposit is loan against fixed deposit

The loan taken for the purchase of vehicle which will be used for the business

Loan against purchase of residential flat, property, plot etc

The loan which is taken for the personal purpose is personal Loan

The loan taken from the applicants HUF

Loan taken from the co-applicant

If loan is taken from the relative of applicant is considered as loan from relative

The loan which is taken from the person other then specified above can be termed as loan from others.

Short term borrowing can be defined as the loan which will get pay-back within a year

The loan taken from the bank for a year is considered as short term borrowing from bank

The borrowing which is taken from the other person, bodies and institutions other then bank for a year.

Purchase of goods, raw material on credit basis for the further production of the goods is termed as
creditors related to trade purpose.

Expense incurred for the normal running of the business and that material is purchased on credit then
that creditor is considered as the creditor for the expenses.

Annual tax levied by the Federal government, most states, and some local governments, on an individual's or
corporation's net profit.

Benefits by an employer to his employees, in addition to the cash salary or wages paid, the taxation of
such perquisites is known as Fringe Benefit Tax

Trade obligations of a firm, such as a trade acceptance or Banker's Acceptance payable at maturity.

The amount of TDS deducted within and payment was not made till the end of the financial year then the
balance amount is considered as the TDS Payable

The VAT which is outstanding at the end of the financial year is considered as the VAT payable
The liabilities outstanding at the end of the year is considered as the O/s Liabilities.

Funds placed into an account at a depository institution to increase the credit balance of the account,
OR Down payment given in advance to support the intention to complete a
commercial transaction.

Cash credit, an account with a bank by which a person or

house, having given security for repayment, draws at
pleasure upon the bank to the extent of an amount agreed upon

those tangible assets, such as office buildings, furniture, fixtures, and equipment, used in the operation of a
business, that have a relatively long life and are not intended to be sold in the normal process of the

The total value of all of the assets that a company owns. Value is determined by the amount it cost to
acquire these assets, and it is not decreased to take into account the effects of depreciation.

A noncash expense that reduces the value of an asset as a result of wear and tear, age, or obsolescence.

The total value of all of the assets that a company owns. Value is determined by the amount it cost to
acquire these assets, and it is decreased to take into account the effects of depreciation.

Work that has not been completed but has already incurred a capital investment from the company

The purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns.

Investment made by person(s) to have one unit of ownership in a corporation, or limited partnership

Investment made by person(s)in mutual fund

Investment made by person(s) other then in mutual fund and in shares will be written under other

Sum of all investment made by person(s)

Any balance sheet item which equals the sum of cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, inventory,
marketable securities, prepaid expenses, and other assets that could be converted to cash in less than one yea

Being cash balance plus cash receipt minus cash disbursements

The amount of money in an account, equal to the net of credits and debits at that point in time for that account
also called account balance.

Money placed with bank, merchant bank, building society, credit union for a fixed term at a fixed rate of interest which remains uncha

The cheque/ draft which is not cleared or deposited till the end of financial year

It is the opposite of a Creditor who is someone to whom you owe money. It can be more then six
months or and debtors can be less then six month. The items will go accordingly the head in the
profit and loss account.

A Business's remaining stock at the end of an accounting period. It includes finished the products, raw
materials, or work in progress and is deducted from the period's costs in balance sheets.

Advance given against purchase of the raw material, goods to the creditors.

BILLS RECEIVABLE, in merchant accounts, are all promissory notes, bills of holds, exchange,
bonds, and other evidences or securities which a merchant or trader and which are payable to him.

Costs such as rent, interest, insurance premium, etc., that are paid in advance of actually incurring them and (a
opposed to deferred charges) are regularly recurring in the normal course of a firm's business

Tax paid in advance is called advance tax

Money paid in advance of a transaction to protect a seller or renter against damage or non-payment.

A tax levied by a state or city on the retail price of an item.

Annual tax levied by the Federal government, most states, and some local governments, on an individual's or
corporation's net profit.

The loan and advances given to co-applicant.

Different business has different type of sales

In manufacturing company the sales is expressed as sales turnover, For a professional sale can be
professional receipts or consultancy fees, for a traveling business sale can be hire charges etc
The main source of income should be considered as Sales

There are many supplementary income earned by a individual other than regular receipts. It may be in form of
Salary income, Interest income etc. This income might be visible in applicants Profit & Loss A/c as well as His/H
Hence this income should be considered in applicants Other Income - Part C of Evaluation. as it is not taken in P
There are some other items appearing in Income side of applicant like Profit on sale of Asset/Investment. This t
incomes which are actually not received during the year. So this income are excluded from the total income of
But if this income are not entered in the Profit & Loss A/c, Profit as per the printed Profit & Loss A/c will not Tally
income should be filled in the Profit & Loss Reconciliation

Cost of goods produced shall consist of Material Consumed, Direct Wages and Salaries, Direct Expenses, Works
Control cost, Research and Development Cost , Packing cost, Administrative Overheads relating to production

Unfinished goods consumed by a manufacturer in providing finished goods

Work-In-Progress consist of goods and services that are partially completed

Finished goods are goods that have completed the manufacturing process but have not yet been sold or distrib

Trading Expenses are expenses that can be directly traced to producing specific goods or services. Trading Exp
include all Factory Expenses such as Freight charges, Wages, Power & fuel, Transportation Expenses

Carriage Inwards are delivery expenses incurred during the purchase of goods

Freight Inward is Transportation charge the company pays when it receives goods from a supplier

Any item, which participates in or is required for a manufacturing process, but does not necessarily form part o

The expenditure incurred by the manufacturing section of an organization

Expenses incurred for generator such as rental expense, diesel charges, Generator maintenance etc

Loading & unloading charges incurred during Transportation

Expenses incurred for hiring of machineries.

Octroi Duty is a municipal levy, which is levied on entry of goods into a municipal/ local
area for use, consumption or sale.

Expenses incurred for grease, lubricants, petrol, diesel etc

Expenses incurred for Electricity and petrol Diesel.

Sales Tax is a tax levied on the retail price of merchandise

VAT is a consumption tax which is levied at each stage of production based on the value added to the product a

wages and Labor charges are a compensation, workers receive in exchange for their labor

Expenses that are not as easily associated with a specific function as are direct costs of manufacturing
and selling. It typically includes expenses of the head office and branch office

It is a fees paid to an accountant for preparing accounts.

The costs inherently associated with using an agent

Allowance are funds allocated to staff periodically for a stated purpose

Fees given to architect for providing consultancy.

The amount payable to an auditor for an audit;

Amount paid to bank for services availed from the Bank

A sum of money or an equivalent given to an employee in addition to the employee's usual compensation

Amount incurred for purchased of Books, Journals and Newsletters for business purpose.

Sum of money given as gift, grant, fund to a charity or social institution

Expenses incurred for maintenance of computers, printers, scanners, fax machine etc

Expenses incurred for arranging of meetings, seminars, training for employees

Amount paid to a business or agency for offering expert or professional advice.

Amount paid to employees for local traveling and conveyance expenses

The fees or remuneration paid to director for services provided to the company.

Amount paid to employees on occasion of Diwali celebration or any other festival.

Electricity expenses are expense paid for electricity used every month/quarter for office.

Amount incurred for employees entertainment such as party expenses

Freight Outward is expense incurred for transportation of finished goods to manufacturer or retailer
Carriage Outward is expense incurred for delivery expenses

Expenses incurred for generator such as rental expense, diesel charges, Generator maintenance etc

Amount given as gift or prizes to employees for his good performance

A voluntary payment given to employees in appreciation for the service rendered

A sum paid as a guarantee.

Amount incurred for hiring of car, employees, professional etc for business purpose

Insurance policy taken by company for their employees

Amount paid for Laundry charges of employees

Amount paid as legal fees for legal counseling and service.

A fee paid to the government for the privilege of being licensed to do something

Amount incurred for loading and unloading of goods during marketing of goods

Expense incurred for employees stay in hotels for business visit.

Loss incurred during sale of asset at price lower than WDV or purchase cost.

Medical reimbursement paid to employees as a allowance.

Amount paid to become a member of business related group or institution

These are expenses of miscellaneous nature incurred by employees

Operational Expenses include all Office Expenses, Marketing Expenses and Financial Charges.

A payment for consecutive issues of a newspaper or magazine for a given period of time

Expenses of general nature incurred for office

Expenses incurred for maintenance of office like painting, repair.

Penalty paid for late payment to local authorities, creditors or bankers

Amount paid for petrol & diesel charges of vehicle

Amount incurred on occasion of Pooja.

Amount paid for postage or courier bill for the business

Amount paid for purchasing of various stationery items and xerox copy charges for business.

A fee charged by a public official to accept a document for processing

Tax paid by the company on occasion of profession

Contribution made by company in provident fund for employees from business

Various taxes such as municipal tax, state tax etc paid by business are included in this categories

Amount paid for registration fees to government authorities

Regular payment by a tenant to an owner for the use of his/her land or buildings

Expenses incurred for repair and maintenance of office or assets for improving the condition.

A salary is a form of periodic payment from an employer to an employee, which is specified in an employment c

Amount incurred for security guard for the company.

Amount paid for service provided by various professionals or experts

Expenses incurred for welfare of employees in form of perquisites.

Stamp duty is a form of tax that is levied on documents

Amount paid as a consultancy fees for tax matters.

Amount incurred for telephone and mobile expenses of employees and business.

Amount paid by vehicles in toll naka

Amount paid to transporters for carrying goods

Amount paid for traveling of employees for business visits

Expenses incurred for maintenance of vehicle like purchase of tubes & tyres, repairs.

Amount spent for promoting the business.Eg Newspapers ads, Catalogs etc

Commission or brokerage paid to agents for selling the goods

Amount not recoverable from debtors

An incentive given to salesman for bringing good business

Amount spent for promoting the business.Eg 1buy 1 Free offer

Reduction in price of goods to promote sale

This term is similar to advertising. Publicity is in form of Painting on Bus & Trains

Amount spent for promoting the business.Eg Free sample distribution to public

Interest charges on Bank loan or credit taken by Bank for the business

Interest charges on Bank loan or credit taken by outsiders for the business

Interest paid to partners for any amount given as loan to the partnership firm

Interest charges on loan or credit taken by Relatives for the business

Relatives means the husband, wife, mother, father, brother, sister, or any lineal ascendant or descendant of the

Any other bank charges incurred for any banking services

Tax paid for the current year by business.

Tax paid

Fringe Benefit Tax is tax paid for providing the various benefits to employees

Deferred Tax is term used for the timing difference of calculating depreciation as per companies Act and Incom
This Income is taken from the individual computation of the Applicants
Salary/Pension received by the applicant from business other than his business

This Income is taken from the individual computation of the Applicants

Rental Income earned by the applicant giving his property on rent

While filling Balance sheet amount in thousands a difference may arise due to rounding off of the amount to
nearly rupee. A Formula of Tallied or Not Tallied is given for this purpose.
The formula will explain whether asset & liability side of Balance sheet is Tallied or Not.
The criteria for this formula is adjusted to 2% meaning if asset or liability
side is greater or less than 2% by each other than it will show Not Tallied otherwise Tallied
nd loss account and balance sheet.

core is five and minimum score is zero

ted in such a manner that

a Partnership firm

ulated after deducting

dle name
ddle name

business is 40% and

with the words "Pvt.Ltd.".

on the date of application

bove 5%
rmal case
ver of twelve months

countant, Engineer, Lawyer

ublic limited company

t sixty years
he LIC EMI chart is to be filled

those loans should be entered

building for business,

onal loan of the Applicant

e collected and filled below

BIL report and filled

more than two lacs


e considered.


be considered.

be filled only if the income of


middle name

to be filled)

be filled)
ort of funds

ss Account and Other

e Tax Computations
ost of production

in P&L worksheet.

oned in P&L worksheet

ot present in P&L account then

es minus

mes are considered in Part C

income from house property,

minor income, rent on the

latives, Average
tems 109 to 116, 120)

s of LIC housing finance limited

erty, income from business

Excel sheet
xcel P&L and vice versa
e forward until you correct the error

Sheet are computed automatically.

o entity of applicant has to be filled

rovision for tax and

ision for tax and other liabilities

such asset

e sheet work sheet


iteria as described in point 9.

mes are considered in Part B

income from house property,

minor income, rent on the

erty, income from business

HUF income,

nd the second part describes the loan

applicant can achieve)

details are considered

ments. Higher the ratio,

nable easier

ver before tax payments

fter tax payments

ower the movement

Assets and higher

tangible net worth
plies payables

rrent asset with the Applicant

urely cash ratio

for the last 3 years

capital employed.

me from other sources

in the computation of income

y of loan, provided (a)
hare is clearly known - this

ical purposes subject to

nd clubbed with his income
nor of loan

or income

000 will be considered

ge annual profit is

n the P&L. Average interest

ail, the tax audit report

be taken from

ly profit of 3 years

reciation after
nd interest rate)

such applicants whose


the bank statement.

e channel and should

during the period of deposit.
erheads, Quality

to the end user


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