Complexity of Articulation Planning in Apraxia of Speech: The Limits of Phoneme-Based Approaches

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Cognitive Neuropsychology

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Complexity of articulation planning in apraxia of

speech: The limits of phoneme-based approaches

Wolfram Ziegler

To cite this article: Wolfram Ziegler (2017) Complexity of articulation planning in apraxia of
speech: The limits of phoneme-based approaches, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 34:7-8, 482-487,
DOI: 10.1080/02643294.2017.1421148

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Published online: 18 Feb 2018.

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VOL. 34, NOS. 7–8, 482–487


Complexity of articulation planning in apraxia of speech: The limits of

phoneme-based approaches
Wolfram Ziegler
EKN–Clinical Neuropsychology Research Group, Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany

This report presents evidence suggesting that the phoneme-based approach taken by Romani, Apraxia of speech;
Galuzzi, Guariglia, and Goslin (Comparing phoneme frequency, age of acquisition, and loss in articulatory gesture;
aphasia: Implications for phonological universals. Cognitive Neuropsychology, this issue) falls short markedness; metrical foot;
of capturing the complexity of articulation planning in patients with apraxia of speech. Empirical
and modelling data are reported to demonstrate that the apraxic pathomechanism resides in the
hierarchical architecture of phonological words rather than in the context-independent
properties of phonemes. Because the factors determining complexity of articulation planning are
interlaced between gestural, syllabic, and metrical levels, they cannot be captured by
markedness rankings limited to any of these levels.

Introduction utterance, this does not necessarily imply that pho-

nemes are actually the carriers of the apraxic mechan-
In their target article, Romani, Galuzzi, Guariglia, and
ism. Hence, reflections on phonological universals
Goslin (henceforth referred to as RGGG) have collected
bearing on AOS as a clinical model of articulatory com-
an impressive amount of evidence to throw light on
plexity might benefit from a perspective that transcends
the role of phonological universals in speech pro-
the phoneme-based account emphasized by RGGG.
duction. In an unprecedented synopsis of phoneme
frequency distributions, age of acquisition data, and
clinical data from apraxic speakers, they address long-
Phoneme errors in AOS: Tips of an iceberg?
standing questions of complexity in linguistic typol-
ogy, language acquisition, and language disorders. As an illustration of the problem, (1) lists a collection of
As one of their major outcomes the authors suggest speech samples produced by apraxic speakers in a
that the concept of phonological markedness is essen- word repetition task. The target is the German word
tially grounded in articulatory principles. Their argu- /fʁɔʃ/ (engl. frog):
ment is mainly based on the finding that patients
with apraxia of speech (AOS)—a syndrome generally (1) /fʁɔʃ/ → [fɔʃ, ʁɔʃ, fɔx, fəʁɔʃ, fʁɔs, pʁɔʃ, ʃʁɔʃ, fʁɔts,
considered to result from impaired speech motor fʁɔxs, fʁɔfʃ, fʁɔxʃ, ʃfʁɔx, pfʁɔxʃ]1
planning—make more errors on phonemes with
marked than with unmarked feature values. The examples are drawn from a study reported in
I agree with the idea that phonological markedness is Ziegler and Aichert (2015), in which 66 samples of
an epiphenomenon of phonetic principles, although I /fʁɔʃ/ (along with 135 other words) were collected
wonder how far arguments based on phonemes can from a large group of AOS patients. The list provides
take us on this issue. In particular, one may ask an illustration of how the sound pattern of /fʁɔʃ/ can
whether the mechanisms underlying AOS are actually be ruined in speakers with AOS, not including more
rooted in phonemes with their context-independent devastating breakdowns like word fragments,
properties. While it is obvious that the perceived aborted attempts, or null reactions.
speech errors of patients suffering from AOS can, on Are error patterns like those listed in (1) ascribable
the surface, often be allocated to the phonemes of an to a “loss” of phonemes with high markedness ranks,

CONTACT Wolfram Ziegler

© 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

as suggested by RGGG, or is it rather the overall pho- vs. coda), a metrical foot (head vs. tail), or a phonolo-
nological structure of an utterance, including its sylla- gical word (e.g., in an upbeat syllable), and by consid-
bic and metrical pattern, that triggers such errors? ering its coordination and synchronization with other
From the perspective taken in RGGG, the errors in (1) gestures within the same syllable constituent, either
arise because the consonants of /fʁɔʃ/ have rather sequentially, as in a consonant cluster, or in synchrony
unfavourable markedness values. Accordingly, the with a glottal or velar opening gesture. The NLG model
fact that /f/, /ʁ/ and /ʃ/ are often omitted or substituted represents phoneme markedness only indirectly by
by other phonemes in (1) may suggest that the three distinguishing between two constriction types—that
typologically complex consonants are indeed the is, complete closure (in plosives and nasals) versus
trouble spots of the apraxic pathomechanism. In incomplete closure (in fricatives, approximants, and
short: If /ʃ/ is omitted or replaced, /ʃ/ must be the liquids).
error source. The NLG account considers speech errors on a pass-
However, other observations challenge this view: fail basis—that is, no distinction is made between
Claiming, for instance, that /ʃ/ is intrinsically error locations, error types, and different degrees of
complex, why should an apraxic speaker re-duplicate distortion. The model thereby accounts for the possi-
it, as in [ʃʁɔʃ], or substitute it by a still more marked fri- bility that an apraxic dysfunction caused by some par-
cative, as in [fɔx]? Why should apraxic patients add ticular property of a word’s gestural score may
further consonants with high markedness values to propagate across the whole word and crop up at not
make the word even more complex, as in [pfʁɔxʃ] or necessarily predictable places along the word’s
[fʁɔxs]? phoneme sequence. Referring to the examples listed
In the explanation outlined here, the phoneme in (1), a single mechanism—at most varying by
additions, deletions, and substitutions observed in degree, but not by type—is considered to create the
apraxia of speech may merely represent the perceived different error variants of /fʁɔʃ/. This approach differs
surface phenomena of some deeper underlying dys- from the phoneme-based account of the RGGG
function, namely one that is rooted in the hierarchical study, in which segments are conceived as both the
architecture of the gestural patterns of phonological source and the target of speech motor planning errors.
words. Trained on error data from large samples of apraxic
speech, the NLG-model provides numerical estimates
of how gesture production accuracy is influenced
Nonlinear gestural model
across the hierarchical levels of a word’s gestural
The observation that accuracy in apraxia of speech is score (Ziegler, 2009; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015).
influenced by several mutually interacting factors In the following, several interacting factors influen-
such as phoneme and syllable number, syllable type cing accuracy of articulation in AOS will be discussed
and complexity, or metrical structure has led us to on the background of phoneme-based versus hier-
develop a hierarchical model of apraxic impairment archical accounts, by referring to complexity estimates
(Ziegler, 2009; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015; Ziegler, obtained from the NLG model.
Aichert, & Staiger, 2017). In this nonlinear gestural
(NLG) model, the basic motor planning unit is the
articulatory gesture as conceptualized, for instance, in Error sources in AOS
articulatory phonology (Goldstein, Pouplier, Chen,
Phoneme number
Saltzman, & Byrd, 2007). During articulation planning,
appropriate gestures must be selected and integrated Any phoneme-based account of apraxic impairment
into larger co-ordinated structures (Tilsen, 2016). predicts that the vulnerability of a word is a function
In the NLG model, apraxic errors are considered to of its number of phonemes, or, considering the
arise because one or more gestures in a word go examples listed in (1), its number of consonants. In a
wrong. Notably, the likelihood that a gesture is per- linear account of consonant-based apraxic errors (i.e.,
formed accurately is not conceptualized as a one in which each consonant is considered as an inde-
context-independent magnitude, but rather as a func- pendent error source), word production accuracy
tion of the gesture’s position within a syllable (onset would be predicted to decrease by power-law with

increasing numbers of consonants. Figure 1 (dotted as conceptualized in the NLG model, overrides the
line) depicts the predicted accuracy values of words influence of phonemes on word production accuracy
comprising between one and eight consonants. The in AOS.
starting value, p1, is an empirical accuracy estimate
based on 120 samples of six single-consonant words
Onset versus coda
(4 CV, 2 VCV, where C = consonant, V = vowel) pro-
duced by patients with AOS (Ziegler, 2009). Across While phoneme markedness is context independent, a
all 720 productions, 63.9% were correct. Considering phoneme’s vulnerability to apraxic failure depends on
this number as an estimate of the likelihood of accu- its position in a syllable: Pre- and post-vocalic conso-
rate consonant production, the likelihood of accurate nants are not the same for apraxic speakers (cf.
production of an n-consonant word is .639n, if each Croot, 2002; Schoor, Aichert, & Ziegler, 2012). There-
consonant is a separate error source. If n = 8, for fore, any markedness approach to AOS should also
instance, this amounts to a predicted accuracy of consider syllable markedness theories. Extending the
only .028 for an 8-consonant word. account discussed in RGGG to syllable types, one
The solid line in Figure 1 represents the observed would predict that for AOS patients CV syllables are
accuracy values of words with increasing numbers of less error prone than VC syllables, because the
consonants, showing that the actual accuracy rates former are less marked than the latter (Clements &
in multi-consonant words were much higher than a Keyser, 1983; Romani & Calabrese, 1998). However,
purely consonant-based model would predict.2 This several reports suggest that the reverse is true
suggests that there must be motor planning mechan- (Aichert & Ziegler, 2013; Croot, 2002). While this con-
isms by which segmental units are integrated into suc- flict is interesting in itself, the question to be answered
cessively larger constituents. The NLG model with its here is how phoneme-related complexity is traded off
hierarchical architecture yields a considerably better against syllable type complexity in AOS.
fit of the observed data (dashed line), suggesting Figure 2 (left panel) plots accuracy values of the
that the syllabic and prosodic embedding of gestures, German words /te:/ (tea), /fe:/ ( fairy) and /aɪt/ (oath),
averaged over 66 samples spoken by patients with
AOS (Ziegler & Aichert, 2015). The three words have
equal numbers of consonants, but /te:/ vs. /fe:/ differ
in the markedness ranks of their consonants, /te:/ vs.
/aɪt/ in syllable markedness, and /fe:/ vs. /aɪt/ in
both. Markedness considerations predict that both
/fe:/ and /aɪt/ are more difficult than /te:/, but there
is no straightforward prediction across the two con-
flicting contrasts—that is, whether /fe:/ or /aɪt/ is
more demanding in terms of articulation planning.
The NLG model allows for computations of accu-
racy estimates for each word based on the word’s hier-
archically structured gestural score. The coefficients
used here were derived from a corpus of 136 different
words spoken 66 times each by apraxic patients
Figure 1. Word production accuracy in apraxia of speech (AOS) (Ziegler & Aichert, 2015, Table 4). According to this
as a function of word length (in numbers of consonants). Pass– model and consistent with markedness consider-
fail accuracy values were averaged across 120 samples of 96 ations, /fe:/ is more difficult than /te:/ by a factor of
words and nonwords spoken by 40 apraxic patients (from
Ziegler, 2009). Item numbers per word length were 6, 17, 23, 0.90. Yet—against markedness arguments—/aɪt/ is
21, 10, 11, 6, and 2, respectively. Solid line: observed accuracies. 1.09 times easier than /te:/. While the cross-dimen-
Dashed line: accuracies predicted by the nonlinear gestural (NLG) sional relationship between /fe:/ and /aɪt/ escapes
model. Dotted line: accuracies predicted by a model based on
any straightforward markedness ranking consider-
consonants as independent error sources. Starting value of the
consonant model is the estimated likelihood that single-conso- ations, the NLG model predicts an advantage of /aɪt/
nant words are produced accurately—that is, p1 = .639. over /fe:/ by a factor of 1.21. The observed accuracies

Figure 2. Word production accuracy as a function of phoneme versus syllable markedness (left), consonant deletion versus schwa inser-
tion (middle), and metrical versus segmental complexity (right). Solid lines: empirical data for selected word triple examples (averaged
across 66 samples from apraxia of speech, AOS, speakers; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015). Dashed lines: accuracy values predicted by the non-
linear gestural (NLG) model, based on 66 samples each of 136 words. Numbers indicate the extent to which a factor facilitates or inhibits
speech motor planning in the NLG model, relative to the reference word in the middle. *p < .01.

(solid lines in Figure 2) fitted these estimates quite less marked structures (for a discussion see Goldrick &
closely. Daland, 2009).
Yet, an issue that has escaped notice so far is that
insertion of a vowel between two consonants alters
Onset clusters and markedness asymmetry in
the metrical structure of a word. If, for instance, /klo:n/
speech errors
(clone) is changed into /kə’lo:n/ (Cologne; Buchwald
A markedness issue heavily discussed in the aphasia et al., 2007), a monosyllable is changed into an iambic
and AOS literature relates to consonant clusters. It disyllable, with a concomitant markedness increase at
has frequently been reported—by the RGGG group the metrical level (Féry, 1998). Hence, in vowel epenth-
and by others—that complex syllables are more esis the complexity of a cluster is reduced at the
prone to apraxic and phonological impairment than expense of increased metrical complexity.
syllables containing only singleton consonants The middle panel of Figure 2 illustrates how the two
(Galluzzi, Bureca, Guariglia, & Romani, 2015; Romani conflicting complexity dimensions are negotiated in
& Galluzzi, 2005; Staiger & Ziegler, 2008). This finding AOS. The cluster word /glʏk/ (engl. luck), taken from
is in agreement with markedness accounts of syllable the corpus of Ziegler and Aichert (2015), is compared
structure (Romani & Calabrese, 1998). with two nonwords resulting from the two alternative
A much debated observation in speakers with AOS error types through which the word-initial cluster is
(and in patients with aphasic phonological impair- dissolved—that is, consonant deletion (/glʏk/
ment, likewise) is that they often reduce the complex- → /gʏk/), and vowel epenthesis (/glʏk/ → /gə’lʏk/).
ity of a consonant cluster by either introducing a The data represented by dashed lines in Figure 2 are
schwa between the two consonants or deleting one NLG estimates of their ease of articulation planning.
of them. Both error types are considered to resolve As predicted by markedness considerations, conso-
the complexity of consonant clusters by reducing nant deletion is associated with a considerable
markedness at the syllable level, to the detriment of decrease of complexity in the NLG model (factor
faithfulness of the realized surface form. In Optimality 1.24). However, contrary to prevalent assumptions,
Theory based accounts this is taken as evidence that vowel epenthesis in onset clusters leads to an increase
markedness principles play a role at both the phonetic of complexity, due to the formation of iambic forms
and the phonological processing level in speech pro- (factor 0.84; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015, Table 3, Figure 4).
duction (Buchwald, Rapp, & Stone, 2007; Miozzo & Since, for obvious reasons, no empirical data were
Buchwald, 2013). By extension of the markedness available for the two nonwords /gʏk/ and /gə’lʏk/,
approach pursued in RGGG, such accounts claim mark- the two closest word-matches available in our
edness asymmetry—that is, that errors tend to result in corpus were chosen to test whether the NLG estimates

fitted empirical accuracy values. To this end, /gʏk/ was the phoneme and the syllable levels, but less complex
represented by a CVC word from the corpus—that is, at the metrical level. Motor planning hierarchies associ-
/buːx/ (engl. book)—and /gə’lʏk/ by a structurally ated with such conflicting contrasts are not directly
comparable iambic word—that is, /ga’lɔp/ (engl. amenable to markedness considerations. However,
gallop). The observed accuracy scores of these two the NLG model renders the three complexity levels com-
words across 66 samples (solid lines in Figure 2) mensurable: According to NLG coefficients, the accu-
were fairly close to the NLG estimates of their corre- racy estimate of the complex trochee is considerably
sponding nonwords. lower than that of its simple counterpart (factor 0.71;
Against expectations, therefore, monosyllabic onset dashed line in Figure 2), but is almost on a par with
cluster words are less complex than their disyllabic the segmentally less complex iamb. The observed accu-
vowel epenthesis cognates. Hence, by inserting a racy values of the three words (solid lines in Figure 2)
schwa between the two consonants of a cluster, correspond fairly well with their NLG estimates.
speakers with AOS or with phonological impairment
offend faithfulness and markedness constraints at
the same time. As a consequence, explanations of
vowel epenthesis errors in AOS and aphasia based The perspective of this commentary differs fundamen-
on the markedness asymmetry principle should be tally from the approach taken by Romani and col-
treated with caution, because they ignore the proso- leagues in their target article: In the view outlined
dic consequences of this error type. here, speech motor planning requirements involve
the selection of appropriate articulatory gestures and
their coordination within and across syllable and
Metrical versus syllabic complexity
metrical constituents, rather than a planning of separ-
German-speaking apraxic patients make more errors on ate phonemes with context-independent properties
iambic than on trochaic words (Aichert, Späth, & Ziegler, such as higher or lower markedness values.
2016; Ziegler & Aichert, 2015). The effect conforms to The motor routines by which gestures are selected
markedness properties (Féry, 1998). Notably, the and meshed together to form words are considered to
iambic pattern elicits higher proportions of segmental be language-particular. They are learned during
errors—that is, errors allocated to individual phonemes. speech acquisition (Tilsen, 2016). In speakers with
This finding provides strong evidence for a hierarchical AOS, gesture selection and coordination fail as a con-
organization of motor planning and for the idea that the sequence of their lesions in the left posterior inferior
locus of a perceived error (i.e., the phoneme) is not frontal cortex. Such failures can be triggered at any
necessarily also the locus of its underlying mechanism. place within a word’s gestural score, but structures
The right panel of Figure 2 gives a computational that are more frequent in the patient’s language and
account of the trochee-effect in AOS. It displays, as are exercised more often, such as the trochaic metre
an example, accuracy values of /’padəl/ (engl. paddle) in German, are more resilient, because they are more
vs. /pe’da:l/ (engl. pedal) taken from the database of strongly wired in the speaker’s brain.
Ziegler and Aichert (2015). The observed accuracy of How can the phoneme markedness effects
the iambic /pe’da:l/ was considerably lower than that described in RGGG be explained from this perspective?
of the trochaic /’padəl/, although the two words com- Certain parameters, such as the delicate aerodynamics
prise the same consonants (solid line). Computation- of fricative noise generation or of obstruent voicing,
ally, the NLG account rewards gestures in the tails of may be particularly sensitive to even minor malfunc-
metrical feet and punishes extrametrical gestures tions arising at any fracture point within the gestural
(Ziegler & Aichert, 2015; Figure 4), resulting in a signifi- architecture of a word. The observation that apraxic dis-
cant advantage of trochees over segmentally similar turbances tend to surface more often on fricatives than
iambs by a factor of 0.74 (Figure 2, dashed line). on plosives, or on voiced than on unvoiced obstruents,
More importantly here, the figure also illustrates how may therefore be explainable by the perceptual sal-
metrical complexity interacts with syllable structure. It ience of even small aerodynamic disruptions caused
includes, as an example, the German word /’vaxtəl/ anywhere within a word containing such segments.
(engl. quail), which is more marked than /pe’da:l/ at Such articulatory-to-acoustic instabilities may also be

causative in rendering these phoneme classes typolo- Croot, K. (2002). Diagnosis of AOS: Definition and criteria.
gically less prevalent than others. Seminars in Speech and Language, 23(4), 267–280.
Féry, C. (1998). German word stress in optimality theory. Journal
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Notes Galuzzi, C., Bureca, I., Guariglia, C., & Romani, C. (2015).
Phonological simplifications, apraxia of speech and the inter-
1. The 13 samples were produced by 13 different patients.
action between phonological and phonetic processing.
Any diacritics describing the gradual phoneme distortions
Neuropsychologia, 71, 64–83.
and awkward phoneme transitions that were also present
Goldrick, M., & Daland, R. (2009). Linking speech errors and pho-
in most of them were omitted in the transcripts in (1),
nological grammars: Insights from harmonic grammar net-
leaving only errors by which, on the surface, phonemes
works. Phonology, 26, 147–185.
were added, deleted, or substituted by other phonemes.
Goldstein, L., Pouplier, M., Chen, L., Saltzman, E., & Byrd, D.
2. The higher than predicted accuracies of longer words
(2007). Dynamic action units slip in speech production
cannot be explained by lower markedness ranks of
errors. Cognition, 103, 386–412.
their consonants, because the empirical starting value
Miozzo, M., & Buchwald, A. (2013). On the nature of sonority in
of the consonant model was obtained from words
spoken word production: Evidence from neuropsychology.
whose consonants (all plosives) already had considerably
Cognition, 128(3), 287–301.
low markedness ranks.
Romani, C., & Calabrese, A. (1998). Syllabic constraints in the
phonological errors of an aphasic patient. Brain and
Language, 64(1), 83–121.
Romani, C., & Galuzzi, C. (2005). Effects of syllabic complexity in
I am grateful to Ingrid Aichert and Anja Staiger for longstanding predicting accuracy of repetition and direction of errors in
collaboration on this topic. patients with articulatory and phonological difficulties.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 22(7), 817–850.
Romani, C., Galuzzi, C., Guariglia, C., & Goslin, J. (2018).
Disclosure statement Comparing phoneme frequency, age of acquisition and
loss in aphasia: Implications for phonological universals.
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.
Cognitive Neuropsychology. doi:10.1080/02643294.2017.
Funding Schoor, A., Aichert, I., & Ziegler, W. (2012). A motor learning per-
spective on phonetic syllable kinships: How training effects
The work referenced here was supported by the German transfer from learned to new syllables in severe apraxia of
Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft,
speech. Aphasiology, 26(7), 880–894.
DFG) [grant number ZI 469/9-1/9-2/14-1/14-2];
Staiger, A., & Ziegler, W. (2008). Syllable frequency and syllable
structure in the spontaneous speech production of patients
with apraxia of speech. Aphasiology, 22, 1201–1215.
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