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Flipboard UX Assessment

Prepared By
Daniel Camargo

Dec 14th 2017

Table of Contents
Summary.... 1

Flipboard iPad.... 2

Flipboard iPhone.... 4

Usability Study.... 6

Persona...... 7

Defining the problem.... 8

UX Test Scenario.... 9

Prototype & Test Results.... 10 - 12

The purpose of this assessment is to follow a User Experience
evaluation study on the Application Flipboard. I will review
the app and conduct, Assessment, Study, Test, and Prototype.
Flipboard is used by millions of users across multiple plat-
forms. Flipboard was originally released in 2010 for the Apple
iPad and since then has been distributed to iPhone, Android,
Windows, Windows Phone.

Flipboard UX Assessment | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 1

Flipboard - ipad
(Figure 1)
I’m a new user to Flipboard and have only just recently
used it. From what I understand is, Flipboard is a
curated app that collects and organizes articles based
on subject and, content.

The user interface is designed for flipping which

hence the name Flipboard”. Allowing an intuitive and
familiar way to turn through pages. It almost feels like
a digital magazine flipping from page to page.

However, when I first opened the app on my iPad I was

greeted with an intriguing article that I wanted to read
right away. (Figure 1) I tapped the screen and nothing
happens. I tap around seeing if I need to tap a button to
open the article. Nothing. I soon discovered I can turn
the page and find myself in, “Cover Stories”

Flipboard UX Assessment | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 2

Flipboard - ipad
Steps to find Article
1 2 3 4

These are the steps that I followed in order to open, and When the latest articles are released they’re showcased
finally read the article. This seemed like a hassle at first in (figure 1) when you open the app as a full-fledged ar-
but, I can see why this particular design was chosen. The ticle. This is sort of a preview for when you a user opens
type of content that you subscribe to will be featured in the app. This is confusing at first. However, by using the
(figure 2) app this is quickly learned.

Flipboard UX Assessment | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 3

Flipboard - Iphone
I wanted to see how Flipboard would work on a smaller
screen such as a phone. Navigating through the applica-
tion can become confusing moving from iPhone to iPad.
To flip through articles on the phone version Flipboard
navigates from top to bottom as the iPad navigates from
left to right. This inconsistency made navigating and
reading articles on the iPhone a new learning curve.

However, this design decision does make sense for the

phone. Flipping a screen that is 375 x 667 Top to bottom
compared to the left to right. The screen isn’t as wide as
the average iPad, so aesthetically it would look better to
flip top center.

Flipboard UX Assessment | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 4

Flipboard - Iphone
375 x 667 375 x 667
Here is a simple wireframe on how the
navigating on the phone could look if it
were to be the same as the iPad. (Figure 1)
Is currently how Flipboard flips through
articles. (Figure 2) If it were to follow the
same consistency. In (figure 2) it would
appear as if the page is being folded in half
rather than flipped. With only a screen
width of x 367 on average flipping through
(figure 2) would not make sense. I find the
design decision justified.

New Article

Figure 1 Figure 2

New Article

Flipboard UX Assessment | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo

Usability Study
Usabilty Study
This section will go over a usability study. The average
user for Flipboard is middle class with a salary of just
over 60K a year. I will create a persona that matches the
target audience of Flipboard and then find people to use
for a usability eye tracking test similar to my persona.

Flipboard UX Usability Study | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 6

• Discover new cooking recipes
• Parental tips on how to take care of a new born
• Find the latest news in technology to become better at programmer

• Familiar with technology and dislikes inconsistency in design
• Life has become very busy for him and is trying to adjust to his new life

Name: Tom comacho
Tom has just recently become a father and husband. Tom is trying to im-
Occupation: Programmer
Age: 28 prove his quality of life for his new family through new information he can
Salary: $90,0000 find. Tom would like to see what he can learn from the vast amount of infor-
Marital status: Married mation that he can gather from Flipboard.

Flipboard UX Usability Study | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 7

Defining the Problem

The problem with the design on the phone version I found is

accidentally flipping to the next article as I’m reading whats
in front of me. I’m so used to reading news and other arti-
cles on a web browser, that requires scrolling up. This intu-
ition that is learned from using many different applications
that use this method of seeing more on pages. Bringing that
learned habit has caused me to flip and not tap the article to
read more.

I will create a usability test scenario for new users to Flip-

board and see if they come across the same problem. I will
When finished give them a set of tasks and not tell them what specifically I
reading I often
scroll up to read am looking for.

Flipboard UX Usability Study | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 8

UX test scenario
Requires tap to
read more.

The UX test scenario will be a study of

how users choose to read a full page
articles. In the examples I have found
the same article on iphone and ipad. I
have found based on my own test when
wanting to read more on the iphone
version, I read the title then the head-
line, once I have finish reading the first
couple sentences of the article I swipe
up on the phone layout, thus taking me
out of the article completely and to the
next article. I will see if this is a prob-
lem by conducting a usability study to
see how many user make the same
mistake as myself. I will not make
them aware of what I’m testing for.
Also requires a tap to read more. However, based on
intuition it feels as if I should swipe up.

Flipboard UX Usability Study | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 9

Test Results
Usability Test
During my usability study, I discovered that my hypnosis was
false and the design flaw did not actually confuse the user to
scroll up to open articles. However, this was a Micro test with
only three users to test with.

There is still the possibility given different circumstances that

this design could possibly be a potential problem. It could be
that the test environment may have had the testers more hy-
per-aware of what they were doing in the app., Instead of ca-
sually going through Flipboard

Click Here to see the usability eye tracking video

Prototype | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 10

Flipboard Prototype - Wireframe

Despite the test result, I’ve come up with

a simple solution to nudge the user to tap
the article rather than scrolling up on the

Placing a Read More, See More,Open
button/icon will help I believe to fix the
design flaw.

Click Here to visit the Adobe XD proto-

1 type. There are a few different versions to
test new ideas on tapping to open full

If link does not work try opening in Safari

Simple design reminding how the reader can navigate

Prototype | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 11

Flipboard is well designed and design decisions that I don’t
necessarily agree with are justified in their own right. I do be-
lieve that with the simple prototype that I have created, add-
ing those simple gestures and icons could give a better overall
user experience. However, this would also need to be tested
and see if it creates any new problems or if it entirely solves
the problem originally stated.

Prototype | Utah Valley University | Daniel Camargo 12

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