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Clayton with girlfriend Tanya

Posted on September 25, 2010 12:00 PM, Filed under Straight Couples

I haven't written any stories before, so excuse me if my style or grammar or narration is not up to
the Par, For obvious reasons I cannot disclose my identity so excuse me again, I'm 27 Years old
and I am slim and slightly muscular, average looking guy and always been timid when I am
around girls, Even after having the following escapades with my girl friend, I still am timid. Call
me Clayton (name changed).

It was 4 years back when I had my first girl friend. Actually I was so silly, that I always thought I
am going to marry the girl who proposed me when I was 10 years old and waited for her until I
was 22, to meet this stunning girl that I am talking about now. I fell in love with this simple and
delicate girl,

For names sake let's call her Tanya( her real name is very beautiful and I don't prefer to disclose
it here..Lol).Tanya was a cute petite girl from the sub urban of Delhi. A very fair complexion,
looking like a just maturing kid, She had just Turned 19 and was blossoming in the right parts,
and at that time,

I being a novice didn't know where to look for when you are looking at a Girl and so I can't recall
the specifics..I'm sorry…, I only looked at her eyes. I still remember her eyes even after so many
years of breakup. If I see her today I can describe her appearance accurately. I am going to
narrate a couple of incidents that happened that gave me a better perspective of life with a
woman you love or lust around with.

I knew fairly something about sex, intercourse, but never seen even a breast of woman until I
was 22,I used to search for books that would raise your libido fair enough to wank off your
winky, from the school library, hopelessly searching for pictures but never got to see one. I never
had friends who were exposed to all those stuffs……

Pictures from India time's magazines could give me boner that lasted for 2 days……..South Cine
magazines used to make me jack off 10 times staring at just the cleavage of some hot
actress………..Learning how to wank off from a classmate while he was describing it to other
friends, i overheard the conversation and I learned how to Jack off.

All this could explain, How much I was out of girls in my life. And when Tanya came into my
life, I had no idea how to react. We started talking; she started making gestures of her need for
me after a couple of months. Then after a month, maybe in the 5th month of knowing each other,
we started calling intimate pet names for each other, share our intimate thoughts and also started
talking about sex.

Trust me I never knew what penetration was. I used to think, man and woman sleeping together
is called sex. Kissing in the mouth is sex. Playing around the Navel and sleeping naked together
is called sex……When I explained that to her, one fine day, after long hours of her effort to
make me open up on this topic with her, her efforts paved way.

I had established a trust with her. I knew she is going to be my wife one day. So I told her what I
thought about sex and she was stunned at my innocence and admired me for it. Later she
respected me or it was just my imagination, but I felt stupid. But mind you, I well knew, the
feeling of nerves stretching, endorphins kicking in, legs heaving,

that complete minded…… feeling of fullness, that starts from the tip of your penis and stretches
to the base and heads up rushing to your head for a full 5 seconds. And I was dying for it. Most
of our talks were on the phone. Family being orthodox, being with a girl was considered as a
blemish to the family name,was well known in the family I come from.

Raised in a very strict world, going to a movie was considered odd. With nothing to get, so
desperate, SO began my secret adventure with this Girl. Starting with simple conversations and
gradually moving on to…. “What are you wearing ?” …… yeah ?....” ok then ……inside…..
What are you wearing inside?” These questions became a frequent conversation.

We start with simple, organic, formal talks and when we spoke for about 20 minutes we would
have picked up on talks of intimacy. I now know she was a horny girl too. I found myself,I was
staring at her, it was our first date out ….. it started drizzling and We had come out secretly
without telling either of our families………….she was blushing,

She looked stunning and I took her to a small cafe ……….and I saw that her boobs weren't there
at all. Mind you, that was my mind telling me. She asked me to sip my cola and then she sipped
the same glass from the same place where I put my lips…. I didn't understand any of it back

She held my hands, caressed it several times.. and after a hour talking we left and she sat behind
me again. It was the first time I had ever taken a Girl behind me on my bike…. She must have
been high on hormones that day. The musk perfume that I was wearing on my neck, would force
her to come closer and inhale that masculine aroma. maybe she was turned on.

It was around 5 pm I guess. It was bright. She didn't mind. Like magnets clamping on to each
other, she just plugged herself to my back. That's the way I can put it. She held me so tight, I
don't think any inch of her front body that couldn't have touched my entire back. Normally I
wear very thin Linen shirts and its almost next to wearing nothing at all…..

so I could really feel her contour in my back…………… It was her first boyfriend, she was my
love and we were so much in love and of course lust. My judgment about her breast was wrong. I
could feel the soft spongy yet well defined breasts pressing on my back. She let deep breaths on
my neck.

I think her nipples may have had its attention by just rubbing it against my back……… Dumb
me, I only knew it was her boobs, But I had no sensation in me or in-between my legs. But I was
nervous. Didn't want anyone to see me around with a girl… But the thrill sure was enticing. She
arched her pelvic region several times.

I didn't know what she was doing but obviously she was rubbing her entire bottom region in-
between her legs on my lower back..She was pleasuring herself in the pillion seat in public by
rubbing her woman hood on my bum from behind in broad daylight when I was riding at 40
KMpH. Imagine how horny she must have been.

She readjusted herself when I turned back to ask her if she is not able to sit properly or should I
ride slowly. I dropped her at some place and made sure she took a public transport to her way
back home. That day is so fresh in me. And I remember Jacking off, remembering that a Girl had
her pussy rubbing on my bum.

That thought made my boner remain harder even after wanking a couple of times and I woke up
with a strong boner the next day..And for a couple of days later. We were sitting in the back row
of a movie theater. She had made me go to a theater for the first time in my life and here I was
watching some movie that I had no idea about.

We had just had dinner and her hormones again were too high that day, She said to me, “ Kiss
me Please “,,,,” please kiss me “ “ do you want to see my stomach…. Do you want to touch
it….and she said as though she was about to cry………….. I could see how much she wanted
me..But I was so bloody timid in this restaurant…I quietly ignored her.

After much thought, I sat closed to her and put my arms around her waist and touched it with my
fingertips. With the short nails I have, I had a butterfly touch with my nails and dragged around
her hip lightly. She wimped……She moaned out my name… I tortured her. I brought my hand
around her waist. We were sitting next to each other on the same side of the table.

She slightly lifted her polo barely exposing her midriff. She had a slim figure.Looked like a 14
year old budding Brazilian except she was very fair. Her navel had short folds when she sat and
looked flat when she stood up… hip must have been some 27 size…..I dragged my nails around
on her skin and landed my finger right inside her navel. She jumped up.
People who were two tables around, noticed her and me and murmured something, as she sat
down again to yield herself to the Guilt enticing public attention to her privates she was getting.
She said “Clayton I love you …please kiss me…” I quickly brazed her and landed a nippy perk
on her lip and quickly turned around to see if anyone saw me and everyone were enjoying their

She asked me that she wants to go to a movie and I reluctantly agreed because I had promised
myself I will never go to theaters even once in my life and I was about to break that promise and
I Did. SO here we are in the movie theater at the back row and she covered herself with a shawl
that she swung around her and she held my hand.

She whispered in my ear, do you want to touch something. MY head spun. I never heard
anything like that before from a girl, and my heart raced. It felt like eternity when my hand
landed on a curve. It was her rack. It was a dream, it was a fantasy and it was not real. but my
senses restored and I knew I had touched something for the first time.

Millions of thoughts raced in my head. But the softness invited me back over and over again.
Now my mind settled down on the soft spongy melons. “Put your fingers inside and touch it “I
dropped my hand on her lap. She pulled it up again and said “honey please touch it na ……
please “I traced my hand up, right in-between her rack and inside.

She impulsively let out a small moan; she arched her breasts out and licked her lips with her
tongue. It was like watching a B- Grade Movie when she bit her lower lip, then suddenly she
looked beautiful,not a woman of lust….In a moment …My thinking had changed …. I had shed
all inhibition and intuition had kicked in. Instinct took over.

My fingers had a mind of their own..They were on a treasure hunt …searching for that treasure
called nipple ….the one that I have seen on cows but never a humans'!!!! …Lol ….. and
imagined for long years how it felt in hand or in mouth….”there …There..yes circle now “ …. I
was not listening….I was not worried about people behind me or the movie in front of me….

Just trying to imagine what my fingers were feeling….Again my judgment about Boobs were
wrong……To look at,it was like she didn't have any boobs at all. But When I felt it,was more
than a handful. Like holding a cigar, I took her nipples in between my fore and middle finger.
My right hand was working on her left breast.

She was sitting to my left, and it was easy to run my right hand all around the front side of her
body. Her nipple was elegant in feel, hardening under my finger, stretching out a bit, and felt
awesome. I did not have a hard on then…but when I write it now I have a hard on….it was so
erotic… She arched over and over…… my hands traced from her left to right and then right to

I made movement Like walking…. And my fingers were walking all over her front top…… she
squirmed… she called out honey..honey….maybe she was having an orgasm I never got to
know………… but I worked on her top. rolled her nipples… pulled it softly ……..pinched it
softly….squeezed it softly …turned it … tapped it..flicked it ….

Then roughened it ….and I felt something come out of it…. I whispered in her ear…. “ I got
some milk “ she whispered back….” Shut up and continue …its not milk………” …. I tried to
argue but she never agreed….maybe it was blood … but I never knew….I did nothing more than
touching her nipples that day.

She enjoyed …as much as I did…. We had fun. We came out and it was late and she asked me
drop home because it was 10 pm and she had to get home before her family could back home…
We talked on phone that night about the experience and she said “You made it red man and the
skin had come off “……….I said.

” you made me do it …… asked to make it harder every time I did it softly “……She had
some beer. This was again when we had gone out officially; we had some time together for the
whole day. She was horny as ever, and she saw me half naked that day in the swimming area and
She wanted me badly. When I had the chance, I smooched her.
For the second time it was. Lips met with passion. I could smell the beer in her mouth and it was
repulsive because I don't drink,nor do I smoke. But I kissed her. I bit her tongue and rolled my
tongue into her mouth touching her insides of the mouth thoroughly. We broke the kiss when we
saw people closing in…. the whole day was desperate.

That evening while returning I traced my hand on her thigh for the first time…my hand was
shivering…“Do you know what you are touching “… I don't know ……” You are close to my
pussy “ …..Yeah … but that's only your inner thigh na honey! ……….” No Clayton …..u just
touched my pussy…..” I mustered all courage …….

Yeah honey now I will touch your pussy…wait … and I sighed and directly touched her pussy
now ….without playing around….. she looked deep in my eyes when my hand went down
there….she has a very beautiful smile…. A smile I can't ever forget ….and said “ Yes!!!! “..and
closed her eyes half way…slowly………….no one had to teach my fingers what to do………..

I traced over her salwar kameez, in between her legs. It was late in the night and we were
returning back home…and this happened as we were returning….. I traced my fingers to that
imagination of pussy I have and I scratched that area with all my fingers ultra lightly… It must
have felt like a Polythene bag (Plastic Bag) falling on her pussy….

Or maybe a feather being dragged on her pussy……… she let out a very load moan………the
driver turned back,looked for a moment wondering what was happening behind but then, turned
his attention to driving again…maybe he understood what maybe happening behind…..but we
didn't care ……Adrenalin pumping…….high level of endorphins….

Such high state of libido ………..would it let us care about who was around and all that? ……. I
breathed closer to her ears…… With every breath inside her ears, my finger would slide up and
down the trace of her slit. Right under her Vagina slowly up to the top …..pausing and pressing
her clit and back again and again slowly from near her perinium back up to her clit….

each time pushing deeper and pressing a bit more….. she arched her pelvis up every time I
touched her clit…..she spread her legs a little bit each time…..I Pressed flat and held my palm as
though I am going to slap her vulva and I slapped her vulva softly….I made a thudding
sound……..I was wondering…how did I know all this…………how come I am doing all

Maybe all that eavesdropping when my classmates talked has educated me……….. just listening
to a bunch of guys talk can teach you all these things….suddenly her legs came together…I came
back from thinking all that …. Now my attention was on my darling who was enjoying the treat I
was giving her… she began to breathe fast….her legs closed in

she began to tighten her legs….it was hard for me to move with her holding so tight….but I
worked my way up and down her slit. Increasing the pace…she let out a few gasps…she began
trembling.. she left shudders after shudders……her legs just clamped tight my hand between her
legs….she held it like that for a couple of seconds…

and I diligently was rubbing her pussy….i felt moistness… then my finger tip was a bit warm
and then it became wet and moist….I thought she had pissed…. Later I Understood it was her
cum……She had just enjoyed a body shattering, wave splashing Orgasmic encounter between
her legs and she smiled, tired, and gave a “ used up smile “ at me.

She dropped her head on my shoulders and said, “Take you hand away please “, and closed her
eyes. She rested her head on my shoulder for the rest of the journey and slept. When we had
reached her place. I held her hand and helped her out of the vehicle…

She was not able to walk……..she was so spent……she was tired….she just wanted to sleep
near my naked body…. But I had sworn we cant do that until we get married….stupid me…..I
left her at her doorstep and I went to my home expecting her call and I never received a call from
her that evening.

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