Ensayo Personas Sin Hogar

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Ilioska Vargas XII B

You have had a class discussion about homelessness. Now your teacher has asked
you to write an essay suggesting ways to deal with the problem. Write your essay
(140-190 words).

Write about: >donating money to charities >job training schemes >…… (you own

Those who suffer from homelessness usually have no home (usually sleeps on the
street or in a shelter) and depends on state aid or solidarity to subsist. These people
live a situation of social marginalization because of extreme poverty.

 For those who fall into the situation of indigents due to alcoholism or drug
should be treated as patient’s subject to rehabilitation, interned in special
houses and qualified personnel to treat this type of patients.

 For those who are out of work and homeless to provide shelter for them to be
out of any danger and give them opportunity for them to emerge by means of
seed capital programs to create their own business, partial local cleaning jobs

 Not only can we help them to take them to organizations but also take some
time and talk with a homeless person in a friendly and respectful way, you
can give a great sense of urbanity and dignity and with just being friendly, we
deliver a weapon to fight Against loneliness, depression and paranoia that
many homeless people face daily.

We as people who really want to help a homeless person can enroll as a volunteer
in a local shelter, helping to carry ideas on projects of these in the city hall to get us
all together we are well.

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