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Shambhavi IV - Activation of 3rd Eye & Clairvoyance

● Instructions below have been stipulated by Babaji, and will be applicable to a ​ ll

● You are requested to read them carefully, and register O​ NLY​ if you are willing to abide
by them.
● Organisers reserve the right to modify these instructions based on information from

1. Application eligibility criteria

1. Applicants ​MUST​ have attended either:
a. Shambhavi 1, 2, 3
b. Shiv Yog Cosmic Healing Through Activation of 3rd Eye (with Babaji)
c. Registered to attend ​Shiv Yog cosmic healing through activation of 3rd eye with

2. Only those applicants who ​DO NOT​ consume alcohol or red meat are eligible to apply.

3. All applications will be subject to a stringent selection process stipulated by Babaji.

N.B.​ Organisers do not have visibility or any information on the selection process. They
will not be able to respond to queries relating to the selection process.

2. Dietary Requirements
1. A light vegetarian meal which may include fruits, salads, soups and lentils will be served.
2. Outside the shivir premises, attendees are expected to follow a similar vegetarian diet
and refrain from consumption of wheat, caffeine and other stimulants.
3. Special dietary requirements are not catered for. Food may contain dairy, nuts and other
allergens. In case of special dietary requirements and allergies, attendees are strongly
advised to bring their own food.

3. Security Checks
1. The following will be required for badge collection
a. Passport size photo
b. Official photo ID (eg. passport, driving licence) for verification
2. Every sadhak is required to collect their own badge in person. Badges cannot be
collected on behalf of anyone else.

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3. All sadhaks will be subject to security check before entry to sadhna hall. This includes
entry after the breaks and mid-sessions.
4. Security check includes full body search and screening of belongings.
5. Metal detectors may be used at security checkpoints.
6. In addition to the above checks, organisers reserve the right to carry out random spot
checks without prejudice.
7. Sadhna hall and other areas (except toilets) on premises will be monitored by CCTV

4. Prohibited Items
Following items will be strictly prohibited in the sadhna hall

1. Smart phones, tablets, digital watches, digital music players and all other forms of digital
and recording devices are strictly prohibited in the sadhna hall.
Please note:​ All prohibited devices brought into the sadhna hall will be confiscated and
returned only at the end of the 8 day shivir.
2. Plastic bags and wrappers are prohibited.
3. Only approved carry bags are permitted in the sadhna hall (more details will be sent in
due course). All other bags are prohibited.
Please note:​ You are advised to not bring any valuables to the shivir. You may carry
money & cards in a small wallet. The organisers will not be responsible for any loss.
4. All food and drinks (except water bottles) are prohibited in the sadhna.
5. External footwear is prohibited in the sadhna hall. Attendees are required to remove their
shoes outside the hall in designated areas.
6. Audio and video recording, including photography in sadhna hall is s​ trictly prohibited​.

5. Sadhna Hall Etiquette

Sadhna hall is a sacred space. Higher energies are invoked and energy levels are built up over
the course of the shivir to help. Many sadhaks wish to continue meditating during breaks in this
divine space. All attendees are required to respect the sanctity of the space and practise
complete silence in the sadhna hall at all times (except when chanting!).

6. Medical Disclaimer
Shiv Yog ​DOES NOT​ :
● Diagnose medical, psychological or other health conditions.
● Prescribe treatment or cure for medical, psychological or other conditions
● Provide rehabilitation facilities
Shiv Yog courses may include optional physical and breathing exercises as well as suggested
dietary restrictions. Please consult your medical practitioner prior to attending the course and making
changes to your diet.

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Shiv Yog is an ancient Eastern practice, which includes exercises, meditation and chanting
techniques for physical, emotional and mental well being. Continued practice over a period of time
will bring about a positive change to the practitioner’s life.

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