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Nick Ice

Accounting Major
Bowling Green State University’s Business Administration
(419) 386-6650 |

Student writer with knowledge and skills in writing thesis statements, writing topic and transition
sentences, writing argumentative essays, conducting academic/scholarly research, citing in APA and
MLA formats, writing annotated bibliographies, and using synthesis and rhetoric.


BGP Learning Outcomes


Formulate effective I successfully demonstrated this BGP through conducting effective

written and/or oral academic research on credible sources that were relevant to my topic.
arguments which are Examples:
based upon Research paper-
appropriate, credible “According to Walz and Bleuer (2015) and Lee (2013) the two leading
research: causes of school shootings are bullying at 87% and the non-compliance or
side effects from psychiatric drugs at 12%. School shooters who were
subjected to intense bullying experienced emotions like humiliation,
depression, and anger. After long sprees of bullying these emotions can
lead someone to contemplate suicide or even revenge. The other cause is
related to a perpetrator not taking their prescribed medication (non-
compliance) or abnormal side effects from medications. About 10% of
shooters that were prescribed medication showed non-compliance. Several
of the shooters experienced extreme side effects from the drugs they were
prescribed. Some of these side effects include mania, hostility, violence,
and homicidal ideations (Walz & Bleuer, 2015). These medication
discrepancies with mentally unstable individuals caused at least 27 school
shootings which resulted in the casualties of 162 wounded and 72 killed
students and teachers (Walz & Bleuer, 2015).”

“The majority of shooters (73%) planned to target certain individuals (Lee,

2013; Kellner, 2012). However, other students at the school, who were not
targeted were injured or killed as well. Over half of the victims (57%)
were non-targeted students and 39% were faculty (Lee, 2013). Sixty
percent of victims were between the ages of 10 and 19 and 34% were 20+
years old (Lee, 2013). In almost ¾ of the incidents, the perpetrator killed
one or more students or school administrators at the school (Walz and
Bleuer, 2015). The perpetrator mainly used three different categories of
firearms to harm their victims. The most commonly used weapons were
pistols (60%), rifles (27%), and shotguns (10%) (Lee, 2013).”
Construct materials I successfully demonstrated this BGP by defining certain methods and
which respond describing their uses
effectively to the needs Example:
of a variety of Research paper-
audiences, with an “Threat assessment teams within a school are tasked in identifying
emphasis upon dangerous persons with the use of information provided by other students,
academic audiences: social media accounts, and parents. According to Gold and Simon (2016),
threat assessment teams are a type of secondary prevention effort that
focuses on the perpetrators within their planning stage. The planning stage
is a crucial moment for a threat assessment team because most shooters
tend to be very thorough in their planning (Madfis, 2016). As stated by
Madfis (2016) in his extensive research on thwarted school shootings,
“Some of this planning included hit lists and even do not kill lists, suicide
notes, maps of the school with attack plans drawn on them, daily planners
and journals describing the desired targets, methods, and outcomes, supply
shopping lists, discussions about the plots on social media websites, and
internet searches relating to research on how to execute an attack.” This
amount of planning requires a substantial amount of time and effort which
is why threat assessment teams have a window of opportunity during this

Analyze how the I successfully demonstrated this BGP by using pathos, logos, and
principles of rhetoric kairos within my research paper.
work together to Examples:
promote effective Research paper-
communication. “Imagine being a senior in high school only months away from graduating
on to achieve bigger and better things. Nicholas Dworet was a successful
swimmer during his high school career and even earned a full swimming
scholarship to the University of Indianapolis. Nick had goals set to
become an Olympic swimmer by 2020. However, his dreams were
crushed when a deranged student tore through the school and killed Nick
with an AR-15 in a senseless act of violence (Dahmen, 2018). School
massacres are on the rise within the United States (Lee, 2013; Walz and
Bleuer, 2015). Students and teachers deserve to feel safe within what is
supposed to be a productive learning environment. Also, parents should
not have to worry about their kids being killed or injured during school. To
create this sense of security, something must be done to stop the deaths of
innocent young lives.”

“These necessary mental health resources can be integrated with the use of
psychosocial counseling groups that can specifically focus on an area a
student is having trouble with (Walz & Bleuer, 2015). Some examples of
these different counseling groups include groups for addressing bullying,
grief and loss, self-esteem, conflict resolution, and coping skills (Walz &
Bleuer, 2015). These groups allow counselors to become proactive instead
of reactive when it comes to identifying a school shooter. Another positive
outcome of these groups is that they require no outside funding to
accomplish so they are cost effective. The only requirement is that the
counselor puts in the work to make the groups effective and a stable
learning environment for struggling students.”

Utilize rhetorical I successfully demonstrated this BGP through determining when it

strategies that are well- was appropriate to use a certain rhetorical strategy
suited to the rhetorical Examples:
situation, including Research paper-
appropriate voice, tone, “In review, perpetrators consist of current male students between the
and levels or formality. ages of 10 and 19 who typically suffer from some type of mental
illness from bullying. Students who are bullied or isolated from the
rest of the student population have a higher tendency to commit a
crime like this due to mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and
OCD. The victims fall within the same age group as the perpetrators
in the 10-19 age range. Also when a school shooting occurred, there
was often more than 1 victim killed. Something needs to change
within our schooling system to try and help these kids before it is too
late for them. Since the beginning of 2018 we have already seen
some of the worst shootings in history in just seven months. In the
last 20 years there have been very minimal changes to policies
within the federal government that would prevent massacres like
these. “

Demonstrate critical I successfully demonstrated this BGP by synthesizing multiple authors

thinking, reading, and points of view.
writing strategies when Examples:
crafting arguments that Research paper-
synthesize multiple “There has been much debate as to what could be done to solve this
points of view. problem. One of these possible solutions is to increase the amount of
screening and mental health resources for students in grades K-12 (Walz &
Bleuer 2015; Lee, 2013; Gold & Simon, 2016). Most school shooters
(78%) displayed a history of suicide attempts or suicidal thoughts at some
point prior to their attack and over half of the school shooters (61%) had a
history of depression (Lee, 2013). These necessary mental health
resources can be integrated with the use of psychosocial counseling groups
that can specifically focus on an area a student is having trouble with
(Walz & Bleuer, 2015). Some examples of these different counseling
groups include groups for addressing bullying, grief and loss, self-esteem,
conflict resolution, and coping skills (Walz & Bleuer, 2015). These
groups allow counselors to become proactive instead of reactive when it
comes to identifying a school shooter. Another positive outcome of these
groups is that they require no outside funding to accomplish so they are
cost effective. The only requirement is that the counselor puts in the work
to make the groups effective and a stable learning environment for
struggling students. However, Gold and Simon (2016) states that with the
availability of these resources, predicting who is more likely to become a
perpetrator is still a challenge. The odds of a school shooter being present
within a certain school population is rare. This makes it difficult in
identifying the resentful students that may commit such a crime. The
rebuttal to this counter argument is that even though the likelihood of
identifying a school shooter from these groups is low, the overall student
population will benefit from these services (Walz & Bleuer, 2015; Gold &
Simon, 2016; Price, 2016).”


Essay #1: GSW 1120, Grade Received: 72


Essay #2: GSW 1120, Grade Received: 88

Background and

Essay #3: Review GSW 1120, Grade Received: 98

of Literature and

Final Essay:
Research Paper GSW 1120, Grade Received: 100

Multimodal GSW 1120, Grade Received: 89



August 2014- Ohio University

December 2014

January 2018- Bowling Green State University

(Expected time of
completion: May

2014 English 1510, Grade received: 95
2018 GSW 1110, Grade received: 90
2018 GSW 1120, Grade projected: 97


I have shown leadership skills within discussion boards and peer reviews by providing useful
information and feedback to my peers.


 Dawn Hubbell-Staeble asked to use my final research essay as an example for future classes in
GSW 1120.
 There was no need to rewrite essays because of a failing grade.
 I received a 110 on the final research essay about school shootings.

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