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NPS Gifted Goals Staffing

Frontiers will be staffed by faculty currently in

• To increase the number each school. Teachers wishing to participate
of students identified will submit a course proposal. Student interest
gifted across all subgroups surveys will drive enrichment course content.
• To ensure that identified
students receive the
Each school’s gifted resource teacher GRT will
serve as liaison between the school and the
services needed to reach
An Enrichment Program for
Gifted Education department. The GRT will
Gifted and High-Ability Students
their full potential work with a committee comprised of multiple
• To increase the stakeholders to approve courses (based on
percentage of gifted student interest and choice) and create
students scoring passed schedules.
advanced on the SOLs by
10% during the 2017-
2018 school year Plucker, J., Glynn, J., Healey, G., & Dettmer,
• To increase the A. (2018). Equal talents, unequal
percentage of gifted opportunity: A report card on state
students scoring greater support for academically talented low-
than 3 on the Advance income students. Lansdowne, VA: Jack
Placement exams in all Kent Cooke Foundation.
subjects of the College Renzulli, J. S., & Reis, S. M. (1985). The
Board assessment schoolwide enrichment model: A
comprehensive plan for educational
excellence. Mansfield Center, CT: Creative
Learning Press.

Patty Costis, PhD
Newtown Public Schools Patty Costis, PhD
Program Overview Funding Target Audience
Frontiers is an extended-day enrichment Frontiers will be made possible through a
Frontiers is designed for gifted and high
program designed to meet the needs of Gates Foundation Networks for School
ability/high achieving students.
high-achieving students in a culturally and Improvement Grant. Grant requirements
Students in grades 2-12 who are
economically diverse southeastern Virginia mandate a program to include at least 10 performing in the top 15% of their
school district. Modeled after the schools. Newtown Public Schools serves respective grade levels will be invited to
Schoolwide Enrichment Program (Renzulli, 44 schools eligible to participate in the apply for Frontiers. For elementary and

1985), Frontiers offers gifted and high Frontiers program. The NSI grant is middle school students, benchmark tests,

targeted at improving schools serving student work and recommendations

ability students access to challenging
determine acceptance. For students in
curricula in their areas of interest, as well minority and economically disadvantaged
grades 9-12, overall GPA will be used to
as much-needed time with their intellectual students. The grant proposal requires the
determine the top 15% of each grade level.
peers. cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic
In addition, student work and
make-up of the student population,
recommendations will round out the
benchmark and standardized test scores, application process.
and projections of student outcomes.
Virginia is ranked 47th in closing the Budget
excellence gap (Plucker, Glynn, Healey, &
Economically Disadvantaged
Dettmer 2018). Similar to the achievement The Frontiers operating is commensurate with Population Comparison
Gates NSI Grant funding.
gap, excellence gaps refer to gaps between
80 70.3
groups at high levels of achievement. Category Cost 60 37.9
Frontiers is proposed as one way to close Payroll- teachers $287,784 40
the excellence gap, and measure student 20
Payroll- Gifted Liaisons $63,312 0
growth in terms of excellence rather than Federal Tax $26,858 Percentage of Economically
proficiency. Disadvantaged Students
Transportation $113,400
Using local norms and an expanded view of Professional Development $546 NPS Total Population
giftedness, each school will offer a unique Instructional Supplies $3,000 VA Total Population
set of course offerings, tailored to meet the Assessment/Data $100 VA Gifted Population
academic needs and interests of its gifted (SY2016-2017)
Total $495,000
and high ability students.

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