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Paisley Landry Module 8 EDIT 5370

Distance Education Policy and Procedure Manual

Midway ISD is a district in the Central Texas area with nationally-recognized teachers, cutting-
edge curricula, and a supportive community involvement. Midway’s curriculum focuses on
providing a learner-centered environment to engage and challenge students. Staff and students
utilize advanced technology and distance learning every day with the district’s progressive 1:1
technology initiative. Midway students are work and college-ready through nationally-
renowned programs, AP and Dual Credit courses, and CTE programs. Midway’s goal is to
maximize students’ individual potential within a learner-centered and digital environment to
prepare students to excel in a global 21st Century society.

My current position at Midway ISD is an Instructional Technology Representative for the Spring
Valley campus. My goal in this position is to support classroom teachers as they integrate and
implement new technological programs in their distance instruction. The following is the policy
and procedure manual for distance education classes offered through Midway Independent
School District.

Midway ISD and Spring Valley’s Policy and Procedural Manual

This policy and procedure manual will address the following subsystem areas: Regulatory,
Course, Student, Logistical, and Accessibility.

Regulatory Subsystem
1. The ITR (Instructional Technology Representative) will work diligently with
administration and classroom teachers to develop and implement a distance learning
course(s) that will accommodate each student’s individual needs and learning goals.
2. At the beginning of each semester, the students will be required to complete a data and
assessment survey that will allow the ITR, administration, and teacher to create a course
that focuses on the student’s individual needs and learning goals for that time period.
3. At the end of each semester, the ITR, administration, and teacher will evaluate, assess
and review the course data based on Midway ISD’s criteria to determine if the student’s
individual needs and goals have been met.

Course Subsystem
1. The ITR (Instructional Technology Representative) will ensure proper software licenses
needed for the digital online learning courses are maintained, reviewed, and up to date
for the use of teachers and students.
2. The ITR will develop a technical support team that will be available to ensure the
distance learning course is maintained and working efficiently. The teachers will have
access to a direct line to the ITR technical support team to help when technological
problems arise. Students can access the ITR technical support team through the
provided email.

Paisley Landry Module 8 EDIT 5370

3. The ITR technical support team will adhere to best practices for managing coursework.
The Superintendent and administration will provide course evaluations to the students
at the end of each semester to ensure the ITR and teacher are meeting the student’s

Student Subsystem
1. Students enrolled in courses delivered through the distance learning platform will
receive the same or greater academic quality as those delivered in the traditional
2. Students will receive developed coursework that is tailored and designed to fit the
individual’s needs to ensure the student’s learning goals are being met.
3. The ITR will check in weekly with the teachers and students and record the progress of
the online course. ITR, administration, and the teacher will assess the data and program
to ensure excellence is being met by the students.

Logistical Subsystem
1. To maintain instructional quality, the teachers will be observed and evaluated over the
course of the year. ITR and administration will review the evaluation with the teacher at
the end of each school year.
2. All teachers and staff members will receive proper training at the beginning of each
school year during Professional Development days. The goal of the training is to keep
the teachers and staff informed of any changes or modifications made to ensure quality
instruction is being met.
3. Midway ISD will provide the equipment needed for the distance learning courses to
each campus. This equipment will be accessible to the students throughout the school

Accessibility Subsystem
1. The ITR (Instructional Technology Representative), administration, and teachers will
ensure that curriculum, media, and standard assistive technologies are accessible for
students with disabilities. All accommodations or modifications that are provided in a
traditional classroom will be given to those enrolled in the distance learning courses.
2. All students enrolled in the distance learning courses will be given access to any
synchronous courses provided by Midway ISD only during the scheduled school hours
(8:00 am -3:30 pm).
3. All students needing to access any asynchronous course work outside of school hours
will be able to access the course through MyLocker on Midway ISD’s webpage.

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