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dry-forage seasons observations Herbage samples simulating GORDON, AARON AND ARTHUR W.
diet on fertilized range indicated SAMPSON. 1939. Composition of
were made of steer grazing
common California foothill plants
habits and the steers’ diet was higher crude protein, phosphor- as a factor in range management.
simulated by sampling. us, and calcium. This was re- Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 627,
Cattle on fertilized range fleeted in greater daily steer 95 PP.
grazed more as a group, wan- gains. TALBOT, M. W. AND H. H. BISWELL,
dered less, took bigger bites, 1942. The forage crop and its man-
picked up fewer acorns, and sat- LITERATURE CITED agement. In: Hutchinson, C. B. and
isfied themselves in less grazing E. I. Kotok, The San Joaquin Ex-
BENTLEY,J. R. 1946. Range fertiliza- perimental Range. Calif. Agr. Exp.
time. On fertilized range the
tion - one means of improving Sta. Bul. 663. 143 pp.
abundant clover was grazed, and range forage. Calif. Cattleman.
then grass dominated the diet. Sept. 1946. WAGNON, K. A. 1941. Grazing habits
On unfertilized range, grass of range cattle. Western Livestock
BENTLEY, J. R. AND M. W. TALBOT. Journal. December 15, 1941.
dominated throughout the dry
1951. Efficient use of annual plants
forage season. One abundant WAGNON,K. A. 1946. Acorns as range
on cattle ranges in the California
cattle feed. Calif. Cattleman. Nov.
plant, broadleaf filaree, was dis- foothills. U. S. Dept. of Agr. Cir. 1946.
criminated against. ,Fertilization 870. 52 pp.
reduced the proportion of this WAGNON, K. A., J. R. BENTLY, AND
GUILBERT, H. R. AND G. H. HART. L. R. GREEN. 1958. Steer gains on
and other weedy plants, and thus 1951. California beef production. annual-plant range pastures fer-
improved the composition of Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Manual 2. tilized with sulfur. Jour. Range
range vegetation. 156 pp. Mangt. 11: 177-182.

portant factor in overcoming this

hazard. Most of the past studies
Effect of Gibberellic Acid, 2,4-D, and Indole- have not taken into considera-
Acetic Acid on Seed Germination and Epicotyl tion the vigor of root elongation.
This could also be correlated
and Radicle Growth of Intermediate and with seed size. A study of this
relationship is now underway at
Pubescent Wheatgrass the Wyoming Agricultural Ex-
JOHN N. BAKER periment Station. The present
studies, however, are concerned
Senior Student in Range Management, University of with the effect of certain hor-
Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming mone-type chemicals on the
rapidity of germination and
elongation of both the epicotyl
Improvement of seedling vigor seed size and emergence of and radicle in grasses.
is considered one of the impor- seedlings from deeper seedings
tant objectives in most grass with crested wheatgrass. Knee- Literature
breeding programs. Grasses, in bone (1956) and Kneebone and Investigations on the effect of
general, are slow to establish Cremer (1955)) working with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid
even under the most ideal en- some of the native species of the on forage grasses mostly have
vironmental conditions. Increas- Southern Great Plains, found been concerned with its effect
ed vigor becomes even more im- that the larger seed within a lot on seed produced on sprayed
portant in establishment under emerged faster and grew at a plants. Bass and Sylwester
the generally adverse environ- faster rate than smaller seed. (1956) indicated that 2,4-D ap-
mental conditions of the North- These studies also indicate that plications on Kentucky blue-
ern Great Plains. the potential for improvement of grass, when in the boot stage,
Several investigations have in- this characteristic is much great- markedly affected viability of
dicated that increased seed size er in certain species than in the seed produced. Mitchell and
within certain species produced others. Marth (1945) found that 2,4-D at
more vigorous seedlings. Rogler Soil moisture is usually the rates equivalent to 3/4, I%, 2l/4
(1954) indicated a very close re- limiting factor in establishment and 3 pounds of the acid per
lationship between seed size and under dryland conditions, there- acre sprayed on seeded seedbeds
seedling vigor, as well as a high fore, early and rapid root elon- reduced emergence of redtop by
positive correlation between gation would appear to be an im- 28, 83, 83 and 95 percent respec-

FIGCJRE1. Jntermediate wheatgrass, check. FIGURE 2. Intermediate wheatgrass germinated in a 100 ppm so-
lution of gibberellic acid.

tively. Rates equivalent to 3/4 in total germination or rate of grasses or grass seed apparently
and 1% pounds of acid per acre germination. There appeared to has not been investigated.
increased emergence in red be some increase in the
fescue, while heavier applica- rate of elongation of the seed- Materials and Methods
tions of 2% to 3 pounds per acre lings from certain concentra- This study involved the effect
reduced emergence by 10 and tions; however, measurements of various concentrations of
17 percent. On soil sprayed at a were not made. Whaley and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid,
rate of 3/4 pound per acre, a 14 Kephart (1957)) working with Beta-indole-acetic acid, and gib-
percent increase in emergence of excised apical segments of both berellic acid on germination and
Kentucky bluegrass occurred. primary and adventitious semi- on radicle and epicotyl elonga-
The heavier application, how- nal roots of maize, found that the tion of intermediate wheatgrass
ever, reduced emergence of blue- root growth in certain genotypes (Agropyron intermedium) and
grass by as much as 32 percent. of maize is significantly stimu- pubescent wheatgrass (Agropy-
A reduction in growth of all lated by gibberellic acid. ran tricophorun) . The chemical
species occurred for a short per- Beta-indole-acetic acid has solutions were used as wetting
iod after emergence. This reduc- been known for many years for media on germination blotters.
tion was of a temporary nature. its growth promoting and in- Gibberellic acid and Beta-indole-
Marth et al. (1948) found that hibiting characteristics. The ef- acetic acid were used at concen-
2,4-D (acid form) sprayed on fect of indole-acetic on seedling trations of 50, 100 and 200 ppm.,
grasses, even when seed was ma-
turing, had no effect on germina- Table 1. Effecf of gibberellic acid, 2,4-D, and indole-acetic acid on growth
tion of sound seed produced. of radicle and germinafion of infermediafe and pubescenf wheatgrass
Gibberellic acid, a relatively four days affer seeding.
_____-______ _
new growth-promoting chemical Intermediate Pubescent
has received considerable atten- -
Mean Mean
tion during the past few years. Germi- growth Germi-
It has been suggested as a pos- Treatment in nation in nation
sible means of replacing the cold milli- percent milli- percent
or vernalization requirement for meters meters
flowering in certain biennials
Gibberellic acid
(5). The ability of gibberellic 200 ppm. 6.98 78.33 6.46 81.67
acid in promoting faster and 100 ppm. 7.35 85.00 7.27 81.67
greater growth on many plant 50 ppm. 8.68 76.67 9.32 81.67
species, including grasses, has Indole-acetic acid
been demonstrated by various 200 ppm. 1.28 78.33 1.19 55.00
workers in recent years (Leben 100 ppm. 1.25 65.00 1.29 66.67
and Barton, 1957; Wittwer and 50 ppm. 1.29 70.00 1.23 75.00
Bukovac, 1957). Bass, 1957, in 2,4-D
studies conducted on the effect, 10 ppm. 4.93 81.67 6.99 81.67
5 ppm. 6.38 88.33 6.21 85.00
of gibberellic acid on germina-
.5 ppm. 8.26 80.00 7.23 86.67
tion of Kentucky bluegrass,
Check 7.45 86.67 7.99 83.33
Merion bluegrass and western
wheatgrass, found no increase LSD 0.05 1.60 1.60

while 2-4-dichlorophenoxyacetic Table 2. Effect of gibberellic acid, 2,4-D, and indole-acetic acid on epicofyl,
acid was used at .5,5 and 10 ppm. radicle growth and germination of intermediate and pubescent wheat-
All chemicals were dissolved in grass twelve days after seeding.
_ _ _~ _ ~__ .-_____^_z:z_____-_ _ -_--
_ -_____ ___- -
a small quantity of ethyl alcohol Intermediate Pubescent
along with a few drops of deter-
Mean Mean Germi- Mean Mean Germi-
gent before preparing final di- epicotyl nation
radicle epicotyl radicle nation
lutions. The same dilution of al- Treatment growth growth per- growth growth per-
cohol and detergent were used in in mm. in mm. cent in mm. in mm. cent
.-__ ~_______.
the check treatments to make
Gibberellic acid
them comparable to the chem-
200 ppm. 46.72 28.23 93.33 50.74 40.85 91.67
ical treatments. 100 ppm. 73.40 32.34 90.00 54.40 43.10 95.00
Twenty-five ml. of a given so- 50 ppm. 56.31 34.51 86.67 61.46 46.09 96.67
lution was placed in a four inch Indole-acetic acid
square germination dish contain- 200 ppm. 10.73 1.18 91.67 20.97 1.30 86.67
100 ppm. 12.68 1.43 83.33 21.17 1.43 95.00
ing three ordinary germination
50 ppm. 18.18 6.39 85.00 19.10 2.11 95.00
blotters. Twenty seeds of a given
species were evenly spaced in
10 ppm. 31.48 8.25 86.67 51.16 16.49 96.67
each dish. Treatments were re- 49.38
5 ppm. 11.25 96.67 55.70 21.19 95.00
plicated three times. Seed was .5 ppm. 49.38 24.63 95.00 55.55 41.22 95.00
germinated in constant tempera- Check 26.86 32.75 95.00 46.37 47.30 96.67
_____ __ -__ ____ ___- .-____ - __ ---_ -_____--__-
ture chambers at 20” C. The
LSD 0.05 12.91 5.23 12.91 5.23
chambers were lighted for a per- __ _._-_ -_
iod of eight hours with sixteen
hours of darkness. Measurements the indole-acetic acid solutions tion of multiple and branched
of radicle and epicotyl were showed no radicle growth, other primary radicles at all concen-
made on the fourth and twelfth than a short bud one to two milli- trations of 2,4-D. Measurement
days after seed was placed in the meters long. None of the chem- in the experiment was made of
germinators. ical treatments induced radicle only the longest single radicle.
elongation significantly greater It is now felt that if total length
Results and Discussion than that of the checks in either had been taken into considera-
Results of the measurements species. Since gibberellic acid at tion, the 2,4-D treatments would
of radicle and epicotyl elonga- 50 ppm. approached significance have shown considerably more
tion are presented in Tables 1 over the checks, and since a grad- growth than any other treat-
and 2. On the fourth day no ual increase in elongation takes ment, including the checks. As
measurable epicotyl growth had place as concentration decreases, many as five branched radicles
taken place. Indole-acetic acid, at it may indicate that optimum were produced by some of the
all concentrations, reduced rad- concentration for root elongation 2,4-D treatments.
icle elongation significantly be- had not been reached. Germination percentage was
low that of any other treatment, A factor of considerable inter- reduced slightly by all concen-
including the checks. In both est, in both the first and second trations of indole-acetic acid at
species the seeds germinated in measurements, was the produc- the first measurement. This dif-

FIGURE 3. Pubescent wheatgrass germinated in a 2,4-D solution Figure 4. Pubescent wheatgrass germinated in an indole-acetic
at a concentration of 0.5 ppm. Note the multiple radicle on many acid solution at a concentration of 50 ppm. Note that no radicle
of the germinated seeds. growth was made.

ference was not evident at the Germination of either species cation of 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T, and DDT
second measurement. was not affected by any of the on Kentucky bluegrass seed germi-
nation and pasture weed popula-
The second measurement, chemicals used. tions. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 63:
made twelve days after seeding, 233-246.
showed no appreciable increase
The effects of gibberellic acid, KNEEBONE,WILLIAM R. 1956. Breed-
in length of the radicles of the ing for seedling vigor in sand blue-
seed treatments of indole-acetic 2,4-D, and indole-acetic acid on stem (Andropogon hallii, Hack.)
acid. The average length of the germination of seed and on rad- and other native grasses. Agron.
radicle in all three concentra- icle and epicotyl growth of in- Jour. 48: 37-40.
tions was two to four milli- termediate and pubescent wheat- KNEEBONE,WILLIAM R. AND CARLOS
meters. The epicotyl growth of grass were tested. L. CREMER. 1955. The relationship
Germination of the seed of of seed size to seedling vigor in
the indole-acetic acid treatments
some native grass species. Agron.
was significantly less than that of the grasses was not affected by Jour. 47: 472-477.
the other treatments, including any of the chemicals at the con-
LANG, ANTON. 1956. Induction of
the checks. centrations used.
flower formation in biennial
Gibberellic acid decreased rad- None of the chemical treat- Hyoscyamus by treatment with
icle elongation only at the high- ments increased radicle elonga- gibberellin. Die Naturwiss. 43:
est concentration of 200 ppm. tion significantly over that of the 284-285.
Growth at this concentration checks. Indole-acetic at all con- LEBEN, CURT AND LELA V. BARTON.
was less than either the check centrations reduced radicle elon- 1957. Effects of gibberellic acid on
growth of Kentucky bluegrass.
or the two lower concentrations gation. All concentrations of
Science 125: 494-495.
in both species. 24-D resulted in the production
Epicotyl elongation of inter- of multiple and branched pri- MARTH, PAUL C., EBEN H. TOOLEAND
VIVIAN K. TOOLE. 1948. Effect of
mediate wheatgrass responded mary radicles. Gibberellic acid 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on
differently to gibberellic acid reduced radicle elongation only seed development and germination
concentration than did pubescent at the highest concentration in certain cereal and grass crops.
wheatgrass. All concentrations on used, 200 ppm. Jour. Amer. Sot. Agron. 40:916-
intermediate gave significantly Epicotyl elongation in inter-
greater growth than the checks, mediate wheatgrass was in- MITCHELL, JOHN W. AND PAUL C.
MARTH. 1945. Effects of 2,4-di-
with 100 ppm. being higher than creased by gibberellic acid and chlorophenoxyacetic acid on the
either 200 or 50 ppm. There was 2,4-D and inhibited by indole- growth of grass plants. Bot. Gaz.
no apparent difference in re- acetic. Epicotyl growth in pubes- 107: 276-284,
sponse of pubescent to the three cent wheatgrass was not af- ROGLER, GEORGEA. 1954. Seed size
concentrations. A concentration fected by gibberellic acid or and seedling vigor in crested
of 50 ppm. was slightly higher 2,4-D, but was inhibited by in- wheatgrass. Agron. Jour. 46: 216-
than the check. dole-acetic acid. 220.
2,4-D decreased elongation of WHALLEY, W. G. AND J. KEPHART.
the radicle at all concentrations LITERATURE CITED 1957. Effect of gibberellic acid on
in both species. Epicotyl elonga- growth of maize roots. Science
BASS, L. N. 1957. The effect of vari- 125: 234.
tion was increased at all concen-
ous concentrations of gibberellic
trations except 10 ppm. in in- acid upon germination of common WITTWER, S. H. AND M. J. BUKOVAC.
termediate wheatgrass. There Kentucky bluegrass seed. Agron- 1957. Gibberellin and higher
omy Abstracts 76. plants: V. Promotion of growth
was no appreciable effect on epi- in grass at low temperatures.
cotyl elongation of pubescent BASS, L. N. AND E. P. SYLWESTER. Mich. State Univ. Quart. Bul. 39:
wheatgrass. 1956. Influence of time of appli- 682-686.


DR. HOMER L. SHANTZ died of a research grant from the Office

heart attack on June 23, while of Naval Research. This was a
on a botany field trip near Rapid re-survey of areas previously
City, South Dakota. At the time studied in the period 1908-1923.
of his death DR. SHANTZ was A memorial statement on DR.
studying vegetation changes in SHANTZ will be published in a
the Northern Great Plains on a later issue of the Journal.

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