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In line with the campaign of the Department of Education (DepEd) in equipping the students
with the knowledge, proper attitude and skills on what to do in case of a natural disasters like
earthquake and fire. Our school conducted its 2st quarterly Nationwide Simultaneous
Earthquake Drill in the school last June 21, 2018 at exactly 2:00 in the afternoon. The Officer-
In-Charge led the activity as well as the teachers and their respective classes.

The DRRM School Coordinator gave the instructions before the siren rang at 2:00 PM. On
June 21, a loud sound of bell blurted for one minute as a signal that an earthquake is currently
happening. Everybody in their respective classes ducked, covered and hold themselves under
their armchairs and tables. After the second bell they convened at the designated evacuation
area. The students from the northern part of the school assembled at an open area, while the
students at the southern part assembled in front of the administration building. Moreover, the
Senior High School students assembled in an open area at the northern part of the building.
Then, all classroom teachers did a headcount to make sure that all students are accounted
for., the school DRRMC Coordinator tallied the headcount result for the record. There were
401 students and 19 teachers who actively participated in the said drill.

The students as well as the teachers remain at the evacuation sites for evaluation.

After carrying out the said scenario, the drill was efficiently ended and classes were resumed.

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