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Jemilla: Alright gang, we have a lot of new discoveries that need to be made..

a lot of//
nuts and berries that need to be gathered--

Zazzalil- (sarcastic) Uh- um Jemilla! yeah, Jemilla, um, we just worked yesterday, and
the day before that, oh! and// the day before that, maybe we could just take a day off?
Do some singing and dancing... Keeri JUST invented dancing!

Keeri(Adaeze): *sticks up leg* its dancing (like a child who thinks what they made is rly

Jemilla: Oh, that does look amazing Keeri but I'm sorry. you know theres only so much
light in the day before the darkness comes and then we have to get back to the cave,
I'm sorry.

We go work to do



All: With the gift of a stronger mind.

Jemilla: Emberly!

Emberly: MmHmm!

Jemilla: You know those bushes we were talking about?

Emberly: The ones with the great big thorns all over them?

Jemilla; Yeah... (nonchalant) could you eat those?

Emberly: Oh, ("duh what do you think?") Definitely.

Jemilla: Let us know what you think okay? You're the best! Smellyballs!

SB: (unfocused) yah

Jemilla: Listen if you're stumped on grass why don't you move on to something else,
like- Why don't you figure out where the sun goes at night?

SB: The sun? The sun... is... a man.... a cowardly man! I and scare him away at the end
of every day by screaming at him like this- aaAAAAAAAAAH!

Jemilla: (during the scream) Oh- oh- ok- smellyballs- okay.

SB: (look back at sun, "oh you think you're gonna come back??") AAH!

Jemilla: Okay. (pat back)

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