Το Ψέμα Chapter 1-10 Questions

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Chapter 1: Η Χριστίνα στην Αθήνα

Write a summary of this chapter.

1. « Θε μου, κάνε με να μην κλάψω.» (page 9)

Why is Christina feeling this way?

She didn’t know where Uncle George was and was scared about what she would do
if he didn’t turn up.

3. What are Christina’s first impressions of Athens?

A wide road, opposite, a massive concrete wall and behind, a chimney without
smoke, Low houses, people in a hurry, worried. Women with small children, a child

4. Write a description of Christina.

Straight, brown hair above her shoulders.

5. Describe uncle George.

A tall man, about 50yrs old. Glasses, deep scar on his right cheek.

6. Who is Rea?

Uncle George’s daughter

7. «Πολύ κακομαθημένη την έχει η ξαδέρφη μου.»

What prompts her uncle to think the above statement?

Christina got angry at an innocent comment, unconcerned about how beautiful the
city is.

8. What new disappointment is Christina facing at the end of this chapter? Explain.

The fact that her Mum and her will be living in the basement.

Κεφάλαιο 2 : Το θυρωρείο
Write a summary of this chapter.

1. Describe in detail Christina’s new home.

Quite empty. A table with a white tablecloth, in the middle a vase with yellow flowers.
A buffet with a photo of Christina on top, in a silver frame. On the other side, a couch
with multicoloured pillows, some chairs. Paved floor.

2. What are some of the things mentioned that would make Christina not like her
new home?

Her bedroom. A narrow storeroom with a small window. Hearing people passing by
her window all the time.

3. Who is “Χριστινάκι”? (page 17)

Christina’s diary.

4. «Η δουλειά δεν είναι ντροπή." (page 17, last line)

Why did the mother say the above statement?

She’s a cleaner and she is not embarrassed.

6. Write a description of κυρία Ελευθερία.

Short blonde hair. Blue eyes. Looks like a child.

7. How does the mother feel at the end of this chapter?

Happy that she has found a reason for her sadness, being tired from her trip.

Chapter 3: Το ημερολόγιο της Χριστίνας


1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. What’s on Christina’s mind at the start of this chapter?

Her empty home back in Thessaloniki. Who bought it? Which foreigner put their
things in her room. She feels alone.

3. What prompts Christina to start writing a diary?

She thinks that it is her diary, it is herself. She can talk to her.

4. Describe Christina’s life in Thessaloniki.

Happy, yr 9 at school, liked lessons, the teachers, her fellow students. At lunchtime,
she would return home by foot.

5. Describe Christina’s parents.

Mum was always at home with a smile. Her Father was an insurer in a large German
company. He worked morning and afternoon. She saw him only on Sundays, when
they went for trips, walks, to the cinema.

6. Why was the mother forced to sell their house in Thessaloniki?

Her Father wanted to go to Germany, he had been offered a good job, but her
Mother disagreed, she wanted to stay in Greece. One night her Dad left for
Germany, since her Mother wasn’t educated, she moved to a concierge as a

7. What are Christina’s feelings towards her father?

She was angry at leaving them alone, abandoning them.

8. “Με πνίγει η σκέψη πως η μητέρα θα’ναι θυρωρός.” (last line, page
Explain Christina’s feelings in this line.

She thinks it is a very low job and an embarrassment.

9. Why would Christina attend a private school in Athens and not pay
any school fees?

Her Uncle is a friend of the Principal and a Maths Teacher there.

10. What did “θείο Γιώργο” advise Christina’s mum?

He said he would speak with the Principal and wouldn’t say anything about their new
home so that she wouldn’t face any difficulties with the other students.

11. What solution did Christina think of in order for her and her mother to
stay in Thessaloniki?

Her Mum finding another job, her going to school and working at the same time.

Chapter 4: Το ψέμα

1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. Describe the school playground on the 1st of October.

Everyone is dressed in their good clothes for the agiasmos. They talked, laughed,
giving hugs, talking about the holidays. Small kids were at the swings

3. “και που σε παγώνουν.” (page 26) Why did Rea think this way?
She thinks this because Christina appears hostile and not keen to talk or make

4. What instructions did Rea’s mother give to Rea?

To make friends with Christina since she is her cousin and knows no one in Athens.

5. List all of Christina’s classmates and provide a description of each


Alexis – talks a lot

Petros – short,


Sophie – also from Thessaloniki

Lina – sister of Sophie

6. Comment on Lina’s behaviour.

She is a lively child, says things as it is.

7. What prompted Christina to say her first lie?

She is upset and annoyed by all their questioning.

8. What impression did the classmates form of Christina by the end of

this chapter?

They think she is stuck up and rich with a bad character.

Chapter 5

1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. Compare Christina’s house in Athens to the one in Thessaloniki.
3. How different is Christina’s first day at school this year?
4. “το σήμερα έχει μια πικρή γεύση.” (page 34)

Discuss this phrase in context of this chapter.

5. What suggestion did “θείος Γιώργος” make to Christina? (page 35)

6. Provide a description of Christina’s new school.
7. What impression did the new classmates leave on Christina?
8. Who is Maria Pavlou?
Chapter 6: Η κύρια Ελευθερία
Write a summary of this chapter.

1. What is “κυρία Ελευθερία” trying to do at the start of this chapter?

She is tidying up the house and thinking about how Christina’s day was.

2. “Μια κακή ώρα να σου τύχει και τι γίνεται;” (page 40)

What is “κυρία Ελευθερία” implying with this?

One bad moment and she gets bad luck.

4. How is “κυρία Ελευθερία” planning to get an extra income?

By sewing for others.

5. According to “κυρία Ελευθερία” what is the cause of the breakup of her marriage?

Her husband wanted more money, his pay was never enough for him.

6. Explain the ways that “κυρία Ελευθερία” is trying to make living in this apartment

Buying small bottles of cold water for Christina

7. Discuss Christina’s altercation with her mother.

She is upset that all the kids are stuck up and she blames her mum for sending her
to the school.

8. What surprised “κυρία Ελευθερία”?

That Christina wants tutoring to start learning German.

Chapter 7

1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. Give a detailed description of Maria Pavlou.
Freckles, sat in the same seat as Christina. Didn’t study a lot. Smallest in the class
with a good character.
3. What are Christina’s feelings towards Maria Pavlou and why?
She feels a liking even though she is a bit careless. She is very joyful and smart.
4. What are Maria’s views about being an only child?
She wishes she had siblings.
5. How did Maria describe Tania and why?

6. Why didn’t the students go on their break?

7. What were the principal’s requests?
8. What are the views of the other students about Christina?
9. What was the lie that Christina was forced to say to her fellow students?
10. How does Christina feel about her new school in this chapter? Explain your

Chapter 8: Το ημερολόγιο της Χριστίνας


1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. What is the mother doing to make more money?
3. Why doesn’t Christina want to have spare time?
4. What was the terrible thing that happened today?
5. Why does Maria consider Christina lucky?
6. What lies was Christina forced to say?
7. How did uncle George keep his word?
8. How did Alexis almost find out the truth? Explain.

Κεφάλαιο 9: Οδιαγωνισμός

1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. What did Alex write in his letter?

3. What is happening today in class?

4. What information do we find out about the relationship between Rea and her father?

5. Why did the Maths teacher look worried at the start of the test?

6. How did the students feel about their performance in the Geometry test?

Κεφάλαιο 10: Η Τετάρτη γυμνασίου αναστατώνεται

1. Write a summary of this chapter.

2. What puzzled the students at the start of this chapter?

3. Why was the excursion cancelled for their class?

4. What would make the students go on the excursion?

5. How did the students try to find the culprit?

6. Why was Maria Pavlou the prime suspect?

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