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Summer Internship‐2010 

Guidelines for Project Report for MBA 2008 II-Year Students

Time Frame: April-May2010


To expose students to the working of any organization and managers. To relate the
concepts learnt by the students to the working of the organization.

To work on a problem identified by the organization / student and thus understand the
practical aspects of the working of an organization.


1. The compulsory project work shall be for a period of minimum of 45 days.

2. The subject code of the project report shall be MBA-PRJW and shall be compulsory
for all students.

3. The student shall submit 3 copies of project reports after the completion of the
project work within a week.

4. The student shall seek the guidance of the internal guide on a continuous basis,
and the guide shall give a certificate to the effect that the candidate has worked
satisfactorily under his/her guidance.

5. On completion of the project work, student shall prepare a report with the
following format.

6. The project report shall be prepared using word processor Viz., MS Word, Times
New Roman 14 or Ariel 12.

7. All the reports shall be printed in the A4 size 1” margin on all sides, 1.5 line

8. The report shall be hard bound facing sheet (only white colour) indicating the title
of college and month and year of admission (Spiral binding not permitted).

9. A certificate by the guide, HOD and Head of the institution indicating the bonafide
performance of project by the student to be enclosed.

10. An undertaking by the student to the effect that the work is independently carried
out by him.

11. The certificate from the organization.

Summer Internship‐2010 
Project Report Format



Executive Summary – should contain a brief explanation of the project.

Introduction to the concept

Industry profile,

Company profile

Background and inception of the company

Nature of the business carried

Vision, Mission and Quality Policy

Product/Services Profile

Area of Operation – Global/National/Regional

Ownership Pattern

Competitors Information

Infrastructural facilities

Achievement Award if any

Workflow model (end to end)

PLC Model as applicable to that organization.


Overall organization structure details – Board of Directors/functional head etc.

Substructure dealing with each functional discipline.


Classification of skill – detail the steps taken to impart necessary skills – on the job/off
the job training.

Summer Internship‐2010 
Project Report Format


Top down / Bottom up

Authoritarian / Participative

Any one decision making parameter should be studied pertaining to day-to-day

operation, to conclude the style of functioning.


Any one strategy adopted by the company should be considered to explain, “How it is
implemented” e.g. – pricing/waste elimination etc.


System followed in any one department in the organization should be detailed.

Inventory control system / order execution system / Merit rating system etc.


Classification / Duties and responsibility of various groups of staff.

Eg.: Technical / Supervisory / Clerical.

Shared Value:

Study of implementing shared value in the company by an illustration, where the

company has implemented its stated objective.

The SWOT Analysis.

Summer Internship‐2010 
Project Report Format

Research Methodology:

Title of the Project

Statement of the problem


Operational definitions

Data collection

Statistical Tools used for research

Sampling Technique – Sampling Unit, Sample Size and Sampling method.

Plan of Analysis

Limitations to the study

Data Analysis and interpretation

Summary of findings


Conclusions – Future Growth

Learning Experience


Financial Statements





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