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A Research Paraphrased Review Presented to the Faculty of Graduate School

of Saint Joseph Institute of Technology, Butuan City


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree

Master in Management major in Public Service Management



September 12, 2016


This paper reviews the research which was conducted on the level of anxiety of

sexually abused children in Butuan City before and after group therapy which is a

comparative study. The researcher employ descriptive survey design in the study

choosing 30 sexually abused children in Butuan City as the respondents of the study.

Mean and T-test were used in treating the data.

The findings of the study disclosed as follows; the level of anxiety of sexually

abused children in Butuan City before the group therapy was moderate while the result

after the therapy is low and there was a significant difference between the two.

The significance of the research was conducted to aid in the implementation of

different capability building activities for social workers doing casework method for the

victim survivors of sexual abuse. It also aims to provide an idea for the Department of

Social Welfare and Development to provide additional facilities and equipment for

group therapy to rehabilitate sexually abuse children to have a positive outlook in life.

For the social workers, the study serves as the basis to conduct group therapy

to sexually abused children and other members of the family to gain more knowledge

on the dynamics of the survivors to effectively help them to face the future with positive

attitude. And for the survivors, it will serve as basis to become determined in facing the

reality of life and discard the ugliness of their of their experience and positively face

the future with the help of the social workers and family members.

Lastly, for the future researchers, it will further the study on the problems

encountered by the Social Workers in conducting group therapy among sexually

abused children.

The research disclosed that there is a significant difference on the level of

anxiety of sexual abused children in Butuan city before and after the therapy. It

revealed further that the group therapy conducted is effective considering the decrease

of the anxiety level of the sexually abused after the therapy.

Small Group Theory LeCroy (2008) emphasized that individuals having

problems can be helped through a group. One of this ins instilling hope in each member
of the group. This cannot be attained if the social workers process a sexually abused

child individually, but when they are in a group, hope is instilled as they provide support

to one another.

In conclusion, the researcher recommended that LGUs should assess the

needs of the sexually abused children in every locality and capacitate the Local Council

for the Protection of Children. The social workers should also undergo more trainings

and seminars on counselling and group therapy for a more competent and effective

therapist in handling sexually abused children. The future researcher may conduct a

study on the problems encountered by Social Workers in conducting group therapy

which can be the basis for commissioning of special unit solely responsible for

therapeutic treatment of sexually abused children.


Group work and case work varies its effectiveness in the rehabilitation of a

sexually abused children. Casework follows a one on one therapeutic activities

between the social worker and the sexually abused child. Counselling activities such

suicidal prevention and life enrichment counselling.

While in the group work, series of activities such as play therapy, dance, and

expressive arts therapy where sexually abused children can interact with each other

and may share the same views that would encourage them to have a positive outlook

of like.

With regards to the recommendation of the researcher on the functionality of

the LCPC. The government through the DSWD is currently implementing its

Administrative Order No. 11 Series of 2015 on the Guidelines on the Assessment of

the Functionality of a local social welfare and development offices (LSWDO). One of

the areas that is being assessed where an LSWDO is considered functional is the

institutionalization of the LCPC, allocation of funds for the provision of child related

programs and services.

Another area that is being assessed is the continuous trainings for professional

growth of social workers along case management. The DSWD continuously provides
technical assistance in the form of training to social workers. Recently, the DSWD

conducted a capability building for community based and center based social workers

tagged as Trauma Informed Care. It also recommended local social worker to attend

trainings organized by different organizations such as Save the Children, council for

the Welfare of Children (CWC), and alike.

Moreover, the centers and institutions and social workers are being accredited

by the department. A facility whose social worker are not trained and accredited in

handling court related cases cannot be accredited as a Social Welfare and

Development Agency (SWDA).

On the matter of commissioning a separate unit who will handle therapeutic

activities for sexually abused children, in the DSWD level the recommendation is

already installed because aside from trained social workers who will handle group work

activities, the department also hires psychologists and employs multi-disciplinary team

rehabilitation to have a comprehensive helping process.


1. Strengthen and advocate for the strong implementation of national welfare

legislations (Ra 7610, RA 10364, RA 8553) specifically on the allocation of funds

for the implementation of programs for children and the institutionalization of LCPC

in every LGU.

2. Institutionalize the yearly round of assessment of LSWDO functionality and

continuously provide technical assistance on the areas which requires

improvement especially on the handling of sexually abused children. Provide

incentive for top performing LGUs to encourage others to perform well.

3. Continuously implement the issuances of DSWD on the accreditation of social

workers handling court related cases and institutions which caters sexually abused


4. Lastly, continuous provision of capability building activities such as trainings and

alike to social workers along handling sexually abused children.

1. Morala, Susan S, (2013) Level of Anxiety of Sexual Abused Children in Butuan

City Before and After Therapy: A Comparative Study

2. Lecroy, CW (2008). Small Group Theory. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Published

Online: 15 July 2008. Retrieved December 12, 2012 from

3. Administrative Order No. 11 Series of 2007 Guidelines on the Accreditation of

Social Welfare and Development Agencies (SWDAs) and social workers


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