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I appreciate the opportunity to comment. The person who shared those screen shots was violating the
spirit of the group from which they were taken. Members are specifically asked not to do that.
Regardless, I understand that closed group or no closed group nothing said on social media is private.

Since I posted those comments, I have learned that there is, in fact, nothing I can do to effect the
decision-making process about who is awarded City contracts. It does not matter how many awful public
comments the owner or employees of a company make about the City, its staff or its elected officials. We
award construction contracts to responsive low bidders.

Attached is an example of a comment made by Dee Saale. The hypocrisy of business owners who bash
the City then take contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from the City is more than a little
galling. It's free speech though, so they can say what they want.

Julie Merritt, City Council Ward 6 Representative

(406) 207-2358

***Email to and from this account is public and may be audited at any time***

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