Number of Graduates, Master S Degree and Doctor S Degree Career Choice/Employment

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Number of Graduates,

Master s Degree and Doctor s Degree 2011

Number of Graduates
Regular Courses Correspondence Program
School / Department
2011 Total 2011 Total
Department of Buddhist Studies − 539 − 623
School of
B u d d h is m Department of Buddhist Welfare − 22 − 65
Sub Total − 561 − 688
Department of the Humanities 334 1,693 68 235
Department of Chinese 56 246 3 23
Department of English 95 391 34 162
Department of Buddhist Studies − 4,789 3 2,466
Department of History 2 4,969 − 1,695
Department of Japanese Literature − 3,427 1 1,587
Department of Japanese Language
School of and Literature
− 345 4 84
L it e r a t u r e
Department of Chinese Literature − 872 − 179
Department of Chinese Language
− 174 1 37
and Literature
Department of English Literature − 2,284 − 1,922
Department of English Language/
− 258 1 175
British and American Literatures
Department of Education − 2,456 − 3,287
Department of Social Welfare − 79 − 128
Sub Total 487 21,983 115 11,980

Department of Education 138 2,270 120 1,503

Department of Clinical Psychology 66 566

School of − 903
Ed u c a t io n Department of Social Education
Department of Lifelong Learning − 427
Sub Total 204 4,166 120 1,503

Department of Contemporary Sociology 232 1,130 12 51

Department of Public Policy 167 703 5 25

Department of Sociology − 7,733 − 1,367

School of − − 571
S o c io lo gy Department of Applied Sociology 2,246
Department of Social Welfare − 6,893 13 18,843
Department of Health Welfare − 515
Sub Total 399 19,220 30 20,857

School of Department of Social Welfare 288 1,532 109 558

S o c ia l W e lf a r e Sub Total 288 1,532 109 558
Department of Physical Therapy 34 113
School of
He a lt h Department of Occupational Therapy 30 91
S c ie n c e s Sub Total 64 204
Total 1,442 47,666 374 35,586

Number of Master s Degree and Doctor s Degree

Regular Courses Correspondence Program
Graduate Schools
2011 Total 2011 Total
Ma s t e r s Graduate School of Literature 23 921 33 383
P r o gr a m Graduate School of Education 17 330 13 164
Graduate School of Sociology 4 253 4 112
Graduate School of Social Welfare 1 16 7 26
Total 45 1,520 57 685

Regular Courses Correspondence Program

Graduate Schools 2011 Total 2011 Total
Do c t o r a l
P r o gr a m Graduate School of Literature 6 1 52 51 2 14
Graduate School of Education 1 0 7 1
Graduate School of Sociology 2 1 31 10
Graduate School of Social Welfare 0 0 2 0
Total 9 2 92 62 2 14

Honors Course/Number of Training Program for the Jodo Priesthood

Regular Courses Correspondence Program
2011 Total 2011 Total
Honors Course − 402 − 107
Training Program for the Jodo Priesthood (Special Buddhist Program) 14 494    


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