Term End Examination - May 2013 Course: HUM122 - International Economics Slot: E2 Class NBR: 1390 Time: Three Hours Max - Marks:100 PART - A (5 X 6 30 Marks) Answer Any FIVE Questions

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Term End Examination - May 2013

Course : HUM122 - International Economics Slot: E2

Class NBR : 1390

Time : Three Hours Max.Marks:100

PART – A (5 X 6 = 30 Marks)
Answer any FIVE Questions

1. Explain the factors promoting global economic integration.

2. Examine the features of FPI.

3. Explain the types of exchange rate systems.

4. What do you mean by dual citizenship? Explain.

5. Bring out the effect of change in gold and oil prices.

6. Explain the categories of economies.

7. What are the types of foreign capital inflows? Explain.

PART – B (5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer any FIVE Questions

8. Explain new international economic order.

9. Critically examine the characteristics of FDI.

10. Examine the structure of foreign exchange market.

11. Explain the factors which affect migration.

12. Analyse the reasons and effects of US economic crisis.

13. Give a brief note on trade in services

14. Critically examine consumerism.

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PART – C (20 Marks)
Compulsory Question
15. Case Study;

Why India still a developing country? The largest democratic country in the world
with second largest population and India is still struggling to move from the status
underdeveloped to developed. What to say, this group of world's second largest
population is struggling to get a medal in Olympics.

Some experts say this is a country which was ruled by mighty emperors once and the
British came and explored all its resources and left with nothing to develop ourselves.
But is that really so?

As a common man, I believe the main problem here in India is the people who rule,
which includes both the executives and legislative. And which is starting from the
clerks in a government office to the top officials and the rulers. Our economy has
shaped in its course in such a way that no one who belongs to it can work for its
development. If somebody tries to, he will be faced with consequences from all around.
As such every young Indians who wish to bring changes in this society, will forced to
be like his predecessors once he tarts his career as a public servant.

Indians are still bogged down with its age old system which does allow most of the
young minds to think creatively or to bring in something new. It just want them to
grow up and settle the life in such a way as his predecessors did. If somebody try to
change it, he will become a joker in the society and his life goes miserably.


i) Britishers exploited all our resources. Is it reason for the Indian economy to be
under developed. Explain.

ii) What are the factors which hinders the growth of the economy?

iii) Give your suggestions to develop our economy.

iv) If somebody try to change it, he will become a joker in the society and his life goes
miserably. Is this statement true? Give your comments.


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