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P1 To define conduction.

P2 Distinguish between heat and temperature.

P3 Predict the applications of heat transfer in daily life situations.

Q1. Define conduction.

Q2. Give reasons:

a. Why the outer walls of houses are painted white in hot climate areas?

b. Why do we wear woolen clothes in winter?

Q3. Distinguish between heat and temperature.

Q4. Explain the applications of conventional currents in land and sea breezes.

Q5. a. Explain the working of a mercury thermometer.

b. Describe thermos flask with the help of well labelled diagram.

Q6. Write two applications of radiation from your daily life experiences.

Q. No

1. Unable to Able to define Able to Distinguish Predict the

define conduction. describe the between heat applications
conduction. reasons and of heat
appropriately. transfer.

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