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ri Purushottam Chandrika (The narrative neglect or obscurity. The second invented edition
of Srikshetra Dham) by Bhavani Charan of the book in 2011 A. D. has made a new
Bandopadhyaya was published on 1844 addition to the historiography of Jagannath
A.D. (1251 sal or 1766 Saka era) at Samachar literature and of Odishan History.
Chandrika Yantralay (Printing Press). It is The article aims at bringing to focus the
purported to be the first full-fledged book on Lord first indigenous writing on Odisha more luminous
Jagannath and His Domain of course with special on the abode of the Lord, Puri with its theological
reference to history of Odisha written by an Indian and blessed manifestation. The Christian
author in the first half of the 19th century. It is missionaries of the period have bitterly criticized
written in Bengali with poetic style. Juggernaut (the handless and legless Deity)
Invention comes from the word ‘invent’ whose decline was only a question of time that
(to be the first to think of, make or use something). would ultimately pave the way for the collapse of
Invention in this case is the act of creating Hindu religion. But contrary to missionary
something new while reinvent is to invent expectation and zeal, the Indian minds have
something again or bring something back into exhibited strong inclination and deep-seated
existence, use or popularity after a period of penchant towards the cult of Jagannath that got

Jagannath in Literature :
Sri Purushottam Chandrika Revisited
Dr. Somarani Chand

itself expressed through literary manifestation. In

this backdrop, the pioneering attempt has been
made by Bhavani Charan in the 4th decade of
19th century.
The name Bhavani Charan
Bandopadhyay (1784-1848) may not be familiar
to the majority of Jagannath readers today. In fact,
he belongs to the first category of Indian writers,
whose writings on Odisha cover a spacious range
of geography, religion, Jagannath culture,
mythological significance of the soil with sporadic
reference to British occupation of Odisha. Above
all, Sri Kshetra, Puri forms the nucleus of Bhavani
Charan’s literary pursuit.

60 Odisha Review # July - 2015

The repercussion of 16 th century There, then is a great phenomenon in the
enlightenment coupled with fertilizing effect of inner history of a nation, over which those who
European Romanticism invested the non- would study the workings of the religious instinct
Europeans like Indians with an aura of in man’s heart will do well to pause. In order to
inquisitiveness, interrogation and exploration. The understand what Jagannath is now to the Hindus,
tendency was to probe not only in the direction it is necessary to learn what He has for Ages been.
of historical happenings of hoary past, but in the
Again Hunter has asserted that this cult
direction of society, culture, tradition, heritage,
of Jagannath has congregated all the principal
customs, religion, rites, rituals and the like.
sects of Hinduism, assimilated the tenets of other
Growing interest in Indological studies received
religions, that in due course has become the
an advantageous foothold with the establishment
national religion of the soil. He further adds of
of Asiatic Society of Bengal in 1784. Thus wrote
this religious syncreticism, Jagannath forms the
Rabindra Nath Tagore in the Preface of The
ultimate result. He has assimilated to Himself a
Bengali Book of English Verse (Ed. T.O.D.
wider range of attributes, than any of the Gods of
Dan) in 1918, I think she (Bengal) is the only
region in the Orient which has shown any distinct Rome or Greece. This national reverence for holy
indication of being thrilled by the voice of Europe places has been for ages concentrated on the city
as it came to her through literature. While other of Puri. On these inhospitable sands, Hindu
eastern countries captivated by the sight of the religion and Hindu superstition have stood at the
immense power and prosperity which Europeans bay for 18 centuries against the world. Here is
presented to us, Bengal has been stirred by the the National Temple whither the people flock to
forces of new ideas breaking upon her from the worship from every province of India.
western horizon. This shock, which roused Author Bhavani Charan born on 1784
Bengal, mainly came through literature and a great A.D. at 24 Pargana of Bengal was a Brahmin by
part of her energy followed the same channel of birth. Following two consequential battles; that is
literature for its expression …….. Bengal’s Battle of Plassey (1757) and Battle of Buxar
response through literature to the call of the west (1764), the political revolution in Bengal led to a
is something unique in the history of modern east. series of socio-economic and cultural changes.
Sri Purushottam Chandrika can be well Calcutta (Kolkata) had overtaken the older
cited as a glaring example of Bengal’s response commercial centres of Dacca or Murshidabad.
to literature in its initial phase of awakening. It is More Brahmins and Kayasthas of rural Bengal
characterised by Bengal’s enthusiastic proclivity settled in and around Calcutta, that in the long
for Jagannath (Whom they usually refer as run ushered in a free environment in ideas,
Jagannathdev, Nilachal Bihari, Niladri Nath) thoughts, apperception and appreciation. It
and intense estimation for His surroundings. Again created a new class of native elites, with deep
it can be well quoted as a sweet symbol of insight to the past, interpretation of the present
neighbourly fraternity and goodwill. with vision for future.
As a matter of fact, a glance towards the Bhavani Charan Bandopadhyay very
history of religion in Odisha, identifies itself with well belongs to this category who had with him
the history of the Lord to a great extent. In the intellectual awareness and cognizance. He had
words of William Wilson Hunter in Odisha : thoroughly mastered Sanskrit and English along

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with his mother tongue Bengali. Starting his career (1831), the translation of Bhagavat, Manu
at the tender age of 16 in a commercially concern, Samhita and Gita.
J. Docket Company, he had a long tenure of 11 Travelling constituted another striking
years service experience. Then he was secretary
feature of Bhavani Charan’s personality. He had
to Bishod Middleton at Calcutta and thereafter
visited many places throughout India. Naturally,
served as main assistant to Collector of Hoogly.
Odisha was one of his cherished spots for
His intellect proximity with administration,
religious, cultural and artistic heritage. The
commercial knowledge have made him a gifted
observation of missionary Amos Sutton seems
personality. He was no less aware of the labours
befitting to the context.
of British Orientalists like Sir William Jones (1746
– 94), Charles Wilkins (1749 – 1836), H. T. Pilgrimage to reputed holy places have
Colebrooke (1765 – 1837), H. H. Wilson (1786 been so popular in India. But no pilgrimage was
– 1860), James Prinsep (1799 – 1840), who ever so extensively practised and so generally
made serious attempts to gain greater knowledge famed as that of pilgrimage to Juggeranath. But
of the legal, cultural and religious literature of the what fortuitous circumstances that idol became
Hindus. so celebrated, it is difficult to imagine.
Alongside the Hindu history and culture Bhavani Charan has made extensive tour
there was a discernible growth in the demand for of Bhubaneswar, Jajpur, Konark though Puri is
English education. ‘They (the Hindus) have shown the most favoured and revered one. The inquisitive
the greatest desire in Calcutta to learn the English mind has goaded him to look into history, tradition
language’ as one contemporary official was to and heritage of the places he has come across.
note ‘and have gone to considerable expense for The temple chronicle Madalapanji has hastened
that purpose.’ The best known instance of such his spirit of creativity. Just four years before his
private initiative in education was Hindu college, death at a matured age of 60, he has written Sri
set up in 1817 (later renamed as Presidency Purushottam Chandrika and has published it in
College in 1855). Thus, Bengal witnessed a his own publication unit of Samachar Chandrika
meaningful transformation, better to be called as Yantralay. The book has become not only a guide
‘Bengal Renaissance’ where Raja Rammohan book for the Bengali pilgrims, but also it represents
Roy was like a father-figure. As a junior a brilliant combination of history and spiritualism.
contemporary Bhavani Charan had joined Jagannath in Tradition and Literature
Rammohan in editing Sambad Kaumudi in 1821.
Soon difference of opinion made them poles apart The holy temple town of Puri is situated
and in 1830, Bhavani set up Dharma Sabha on the eastern sea coast of India and lies within
himself being the President and Radhakanta Dev 19047’55" North latitude and 58049’5" East
as Secretary. His Bengali Daily Samachar longitude. It is famous for the acclaimed temple
Chandrika (1823) became his mouthpiece. A of Lord Jagannath and the blue sea which
creative genius of high order, the other literary provides a picturesque appearance to the place.
outputs of BhavaniCharan include Babu The great temple being at the centre, the whole
Upakhyan (1821), Kolikata Kamalalay (1823), its surroundings constitute the kshetra extending
Duti Bilas (1825), Hitopadesh (1823), about five kosas or around 16 kms as referred in
Nabababu Bilas (1825), Naba Bibir Bilas ancient scriptures. It resembles a right oriented

62 Odisha Review # July - 2015

conch-shell or Dakshinavarta Sankha for which Bhavisya Purana, Brahma Purana, Brihat
the kshetra is also called Sankha Kshetra. Vishnu Purana, Garuda Purana, Padma
Thus, antiquity of Lord Jagannath is of Purana, Skanda Purana, Vayu Purana,
remote origin. No fixed date or year can be Vishnu Purana and Narasimha Purana are
assigned in this regard. Nevertheless, the prevailing worth-quoting in this context. Brahma Yamala,
tradition, myth or legend help us to form a Vishnu Yamala, Rudra Yamala, Kapila
reasonable hypothesis on the matter. In ancient Samhita, Kshetra Mahatmya are the others in
Indian literature of Rigveda and Atharvaveda the line.
there is reference to Daru who is regarded as the Besides these mythological texts, several
symbol of Brahman. The Upanishadic literature medieval Sanskrit works throw light on
however makes mention of Purusha as the Jagannathism or Jagannath religion or its various
Creator of the Universe. It is therefore presumed aspects or in entirety. The followings are the list
that with the passage of time the Daru Upasana of few texts.
concept of Vedic Age was moulded to Purusha — Abhinav Gitagovinda, Mukti
Upasana is Upanishadic era. The Svetasvetara Chintamani, Gopalarcana Vidhi by
Upanisad (III, 19), Kaivalya Upanisad (mantra Gajapati Purushottamdev.
21) depict Purusha as one Who possesses
neither hands nor legs, Who has no eyes, but sees — Bhakti Bhaibhava Natakam by
everything, no ears but hears all and who through Jivadevacharya
unknowable knows everything. — Chandrakala Natika by Viswanath Kaviraj
ApânipadoYavanograhitâ — Gangavamsanucharita Champu by
Vasudeva Rath
TamâhurârâdhyamPurushammahântam. — Jagannath Ballav Natakam by Rai
Apânipado ham Ramananda
Ahamvijânamiviviktarupo n castivettâ mama — Gundicha Vijay Champu by Kaviraj
citsadaham. Bhagavan Brahma
It can be well deduced that this very — Mukunda Vilasa by Raghuttama Tirtha
depiction of Purusha in both the Upanisadas — Niladrinath Satakam by Nityananda
provides basis of peculiar form of Purushottam
— Purushottam Satakam by Purushottam
and His Associates.
In Uttarakanda and Kiskindakanda of
— Purushottam Tattva by Raghunandan
Ramayan and in Santi Parva of Mahabharat,
reference to Lord Jagannath are not unfamiliar — Srikrishnalila Tarangini by Narayana
which indicates the remote ancientness of the cult. Tirtha
The Puranas (mythologies) are however — Saubhagya Manjusa by Krushnananda
vociferous on their accounts regarding Brahmachari
Purushottam Kshetra and Kshetranath — Siddhanta Darpana by Samanta
(Master of the Kshetra (place), Jagannath). Chandrasekhar

July - 2015 # Odisha Review 63

The theological concept centering round — SunyaSamhita, Chayal is Patala by
the deities Jagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Achyutananda Das.
Sudarsana evolved through ages. It further — Usha Vilas, Deulatola by Sisusankar Das.
developed and got reoriented by various groups
of worshippers under different ruling dynasties of — Anakara Samhita by Nanda Das.
the state like Matharas, Early Gangas, — Chaturdha Vamana Murati by Krupasindhu
Sailodbhavas, Bhaumakaras, Somavamsis, Das.
Gangas and Suryavamsis. Leading philosophers
like Shankaracharya, Ramanuja, Narahari Tirtha — Dadhyata Bhakti by Ram Das.
and others have their laudable contributions — Kalpalata and Ramvivaha by Arjun Das.
towards the growth of the cult and conviction.
— Jagannathastakam by Gajendra Das.
Several existing sects and religions have also
exercised considerable influences in making the — Kotibrahmandasundari, Niladri Chautisa,
cult an amalgam. Kshetra Mahatmya, Rasika Harabali by
Upendra Bhanja.
This gradual absorption of heterogeneous
attributes by Jagannath have made it the melting — Jagannath Chautisa by Ratnakar Sharma.
pot of many faiths and beliefs. Irrespective of — Nilagiri Vigraha by Gopinath Singh.
individual conviction, the Lord has His universal
appeal because of the spirit of harmony and co- — Niladri Mahotsav by Loknath Vidyadhar.
existence. He epit omizes vasudhaiva The collective efforts of these writers have
kutumbakam (the world as one family), a global made the cult of the Lord a glittering one that has
vision of unified concept, the Indians have its reflection in every aspect of human life be it
unfailingly cherished since time immemorial, a religion, architecture, social custom or cultural
philosophy that goes beyond the realm of realism. heritage. It assimilates within itself the views of
Since the time of Ganga rule especially teachers, preachers, philosophers by re-
with Chodaganga, Jagannath religion better to be establishing the ultimate truth that God is one,
called as Jagannathism became more vibrant and beyond all man-made trivial narrowness and thus
reflective. In addition to His epigraphic belongs to all.
appearances, he made His presence felt in Odia With British occupation of Odisha in
literature. The followings are the glaring examples. 1803, remarkable changes were felt in socio-
— Mahabharat by Sarala Das. intellectual and religio-economic sphere. The
English people were well aware of the importance
— Amarkosa Gita, Bata Abakash, Deulatola,
of Jagannath and His all-pervading influence on
Gupta Gita, Gurubhakti Gita, Virata
Gita, Jagamohana Ramayana, Hindu life. To quote Major Thorn in his Memoir
Vedantasara Guptagita by Balaram Das. of War in India (1818) :

— Darubhakti Gita by Jagannath Das. A considerable degree of importance has

been attached to the possession of Cuttack from
— Namaratna Gita, Rasakallola, the connection which it has with the religion of
Jagamohan Chhanda by Dinakrushna Das. the Hindoos whose reverence for Temple of
— Premabhakti Gita by Jasobanta Das. Juggernath infinitely surpasses all that has ever

64 Odisha Review # July - 2015

been known in the history of ancient or modern Realising this tradition bound sentiment,
superstition of the extravagance of local sanctity. the construction of new Jagannath Road from
The celebrated structure may be said to Jaleswar to Puri began in 1812 and was
constitute the centre of Brahmanical devotion completed in 1825. The construction of a well at
absorbing all the proud and invidious distinction Atharanullah for the convenience of the pilgrims
of that extraordinary system. in 1827, erection of saraies (pilgrim shelters) at
Balasore, Akhuapada, Basta, Bhadrak and
Naturally, a wave of writings in English Rajghat near Jaleswar in 1827, plantation of
appeared that fabricated the literary appearance shady trees on roadside further encouraged the
of Jagannath more impressive. Some of the earlier pilgrims to visit Puri. As a result, Jagannath began
publications as follows : to get place in indigenous Hindi, Tamil, Telugu
— An Account of Orissa Proper or Cuttack and Bengali literature. Some earlier publications
by Andrew Stirling. can be cited in this regard.
— Ancient Geography of India by Sir Hindi
Alexander Cunningham.
— Jagannath Mahatmyabhasa by Viswanath
— A Brief History of the Rise and Progress Tripathy.
of the General Baptist Mission in Orissa
— Tirthadarpan by Shivakrishna Binani.
by James Peggs.
— Jagannath Mahatmya by Shiv Narayan
— Orissa, the Garden of Superstition and
Idolatry: Including an Account of British
Connection with Jagannath Temple by — Narapati Nala by Bisaldev Raso.
W.F.B. Lauree. — Chitravali by Usman.
— The Government Grant to Juggernath’s Telugu
Temple by James Peggs.
— Utkal Sri Jagannatham by Narasimhamurti
— History of Puri by B. K. Ghosh. Bhallamudi.
— Orissa and Its Evangelization by Amos — Nilachal Mahatyam by Tennets Seethumuti.
— Mukti Chintamani by Venkatadiya.
— Antiquities of Orissa by R. L. Mitra.
Pilgrimage to holy centres constitutes a
vital part of Hindu religion. But among various — Sri Jagannath Kshetra Kilakkam by K.
places, Puri is the most preferred one. In the S. Venkataraman.
words of Amos Sutton, In Bengali, however more number of
Orissa is to India what Jerusalem was to publications are available. In fact, the Bengalis
the land of Israel. It is the holy land of the Hindus. are the forerunners among other Indians who were
As the Israelists went up to worship at Mount either government servant or ardent Jagannath
Zion, so do the inhabitants of the various devotee or sincere Odisha lover. They were
provinces of India go on pilgrimage to the great somewhat justified in taking such a stand, frantically
temple of Juggernath. trying to present different aspects of Odishan

July - 2015 # Odisha Review 65

history, cultural heritage, religious sanctity. Some The caption of the book denotes its exclusiveness
of them are more descriptive about Puri and for Puri and Jagannath. At the same time, the
Jagannath. In spite of various limitations of their proximity of religion with contemporary politics
works, they are the harbingers of indigenous and administration, religious interference vis a vis
historical as well as religious writings on Odisha. power has been well portraited by the author.
Few among them are- The book consists of three parts. The first
— Sri Purushottam Chandrika by Bhavani part includes the colourful description of Sri
Charan Bandopadhyay. Kshetra (Puri) to Chatish Niyog (36 types of
— Niladri Madhuri by Jadabendra Adhya. servitors) of Jagannath temple with sub chapters
like Panchatirtha Vidhan, Chakratirtha,
— Utkal Tirtha by Sadananda Saraswati. Prayer (in Quartains), Pratimurti
— Sri Kshetra by Sundarananda Vidyavinod. (Representation of Image) of the Lord, the boon
to Indradyumna, Twelve Festivals (Dwadasa
— Sri Jagannath Mandir by M. M. Sadasiv Yatra), the offerings as designed by Indradyumna,
Mishra. reference to Snanayatra, Nava Yauvan
— Mandirer Katha by Gurudas Sarkar. Darshan, Car festival and list of 36 servitors. The
— Jagannath Mangal by Viswambar Das. second part of the book reflects the story of the
monarchs from Kali Yug to 4945 years of rule
— Nilachal by Chuinal Basu. from Yudhisthir till Mukundadev. The last part of
— Utkal Parva by Ramyani Viksha. the book centers round the three other religious
centres of importance- Chakra Kshetra, Gada
— Mahaprabhur Nilachal Lila by Haridas
Kshetra and Padma Kshetra.
For the portrayal of Srikshetra and other
— Govinda Deser Katha by Govinda Das ed.
main places of ecclesiastical weightiness, the
Jaygopal Goswami.
author has used Utkal Khanda (section) of
— Amader Des Orissa by Subodh Kumar Skanda Purana, Madala Panji, (Temple
Chakravarty. Chronicle), Kapila Samhita, Vayu Purana and
— Kanchi Kaveri by Rangalal Bandopadhyay. Garuda Purana as source books. In fact, the
first and third portion of the book is the Bengali
Even in the Bengali autobiographies of form of original Sanskrit version. The second part
19 century like Amar Jivan by Nabin Chandra of the book centers round the political history of
Sen, Amar Jivan Katha by Nagendra Nath Basu the state with mention of the long list of rulers and
and Keshab Janahir Atmakatha by Sharada short reference to the notable activities of some
Sudari Devi, description on Puri and Lord rulers for which Madala Panji has served the
Jagannath occupy a dominant position. base.
Sri Purushottam Chandrika : An Evaluation The initial depiction of the first part starts
The first category of Bengali writing on with deep reverence and prayer to Lord
Lord Jagannath is Sri Purushottam Chandrika Jagannath. Bhavani Charan’s precise study of the
written by Bhavani Charan Bandopadhyay. physical features of Sri Kshetra with the details
Published in 1844, it is in poetic form in Bengali. of other deities of Puri like Loknath, Asta

66 Odisha Review # July - 2015

Mahadev, Astachandi etc. with their mythological differentiating between myth and reality and
and religious significance, a rich description of paucity of data.
Jagannath temple from Meghnad Boundary wall, The concluding portion contains the
Simhadwar (entrance gate), the kitchen, the narration of Chakra Kshetra (Bhubaneswar),
bhogamandap, the Jagamohan and the Viman Gada Kshetra (Jajpur) and Padma Kshetra
is indeed a comprehensive one. The sub-chapter (Konark). It elucidates the history of Chakra
Panchatirtha Vidhan refers to take bath first at Kshetra with reference from Vayu Purana. The
lake Markandeya, darshan (view) of Jagannath emphatic mention of Brahmesvar temple,
Trio, bath at sea and Indradyumna tank. The Bhaskaresvar temple, Ramesvara temple,
importance o f Chakratirtha refers to Gokarnesvar temple, Muktesvar temple etc.
representative images (pratimurti) of Jagannath along with Ananta Vasudev temple, the scenic
like Madan Mohan, Ramakrishna, Nrusimha, beauty of the place with devotional touch makes
Dolagovinda, blessings of Almighty to king it an interesting study. For Gada Kshetra,
Indradyumna, twelve yatras (festivals) in twelve Bhavani Charan has relied upon the contents of
months, five types of bhoga (offerings) in a day Garuda Purana. The presentation is lively and
as fixed by Indradyumna, bathing festival catchy. Within a well marked boundary line, the
(SnanaYatra), Naba Youban Darsan (view of author has attributed divine importance to the
new youth), Car festival and 36 types of servitors place by mentioning numerous deities besides the
are the respective additions to first chapter. Presiding one, Goddess Viraja. The spiritual
Bhavani Charan’s account of ancient gravity of the place is very strong and distinct in
phase of political history is rather a curious one this presentation while for Padma Kshetra, he
being the admixture of mythology and legend with has devoted only a single paragraph in a prosaic
history. The contour of ancient history, he has tried manner. This again points to the dearth of sources
to reconstruct from Kali Age by utilizing for Konark temple and its surroundings.
references from Madala Panji. To maintain the Concluding Analysis
chronology of the kings, mythical, legendry heroes
along with epical heroes from Mahabharat have Raja Rammohan Roy on one occasion said;
been included, total numbering 14 over a period A day will come when my humble
of 3179 years. endeavours will be viewed with greater justice,
The saka era in the book starts from 65 perhaps acknowledged with gratitude.
A.D. From 65 saka era to 1741 saka era there The remark of Rammohan can be well
is the menion of 96 rulers with references to very applicable in case of his junior contemporary
few who has some specific achievements to his Bhavani Charan. His humble and maiden attempt
credit like constructing Markandeswar temple, of writing a book on Jagannath at the fag end
Jagannath and Konark temple or the digging of part of life (in the forth decade of 19th century) is
Atharanalla and the like. In addition, the definitely acknowledged with gratitude by the
Raktabahu episode of 245 saka era during the posterity. As mentioned earlier the medium of
reign of Sovandev, related with some miraculous expression is Bengali because it is exclusively for
incomprehensive happenings place the historical the people of Bengal to have an idea about their
description to a hodgepodge of legend with immediate neighbour with effulgent portrayal of
history. Also it indicates the inadequacy of Srikshetra and its Overlord. An inimitable

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combination of spiritualism with history has made developments. Under its broad and receptive roof,
the book quite a fascinating one. doctrines, the most divergent, find a resting place.
As mentioned earlier, the historical Jagannath is an unsectarian name. All
accounts are far from authenticity for insufficient Hindu sects worship at its shrine. The followers
source materials. But the author’s narration of of Sankaracharya, Ramananda, Kabir, Chaitanya
Srikshetra with other three Kshetras will and Nanak are to be seen paying homage to the
definitely impress any ordinary reader for lucidity great God. Even the Jains of the Digambar sects
and simplicity. The stanzas are in couplet, triplet flock to the Temple at a certain season of the year.
or quatrains form. Its poetic appeal is equally The common link of all these sects is their belief
amazing. History, Philosophy, Theology, legend in the supremacy of Jagannath.
and travelling experiences amalgamated altogether This cosmopolitanism of the Lord is
has been presented in a hearty manner that forms indeed a matter of wonder. For, when in the
further major attraction for the book. It is a brilliant second decade of 21st century, we find the
example of emerging prose and poetry style in votaries of religion have turned the world into a
Bengali literature of formative years. For the theatre of senseless violence, meaningless terror
ardent devotees of far of Bengal, the very name in the name of God, the Abode of Trinity has
and contents of the book breathe an aura of remained a trans-continental confluence of people
sacredness and purity. of all faiths with the message.
The book is 170 years old. It may not be All are equal before Almighty.
of any use to present generation of Bengali readers
as a lot of publications along with availability of This message had definitely prompted
net facilities on the subject has quenched their Bhavani Charan for writing on Jagannath to be
inquisitiveness. But for Odisha, it carries greater the forerunner in recent times.
weightage. For a proper and justified assessment Bibliography :
of Madala Panji, the book is of meaningful
Bhavani Charan Bandopadhyay, SriPurushottam
significance. Last but not the least, in the evolution Chandrika (Bengali), Calcutta, 1844, (1251 sal), Ed. G.
of regional writings on Jagannath, the book has C. Das (Odia), Bhubaneswar, 2011.
its own essentials. It has opened the gate for
Prabhat Mukherjee, The History of Medieval
others to contribute more and more on the subject Vaishnavism in Orissa, New Delhi, 1981.
to touch the grassroots level and to open new
vistas for the study Jagannath Cult. Prabhat Mukherjee, History of Jagannath Temple in
the 19th Century, Calcutta, 1977.
In 1891, the Collector of Puri, N. K. M. N. Das (Ed.), Sidelights on History and Culture of
Bose wrote in Calcutta Review. Orissa, Cuttack, 1977.
The worship of Jagannath is for the highest A. Eschmann, H. Kulke & G. C. Tripathy, (Ed.) The Cult
minds among the Hindus, a pure system of theism. of Jagannath and Regional Tradition of Orissa, Delhi,
To the polytheistic multitude, it refers the infinite 1986.
phases of divinity as objects of worship and K. C. Mishra, The Cult of Jagannath, Calcutta, 1971.
provide for their declaration, an infinite number
of rituals and ceremonials. In a word, it supplies
the spiritual requirements of different classes of Dr. Somarani Chand, Reader in History, S.B. Women’s
Hindus in different stages of their intellectual College, Cuttack - 753001.

68 Odisha Review # July - 2015

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