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Model de test

Wallaby Level
corespunde nivelului CEFR A2–B1

Cambridge English
Part 1 (5 questions)
For each question, read and choose the correct answer.

1. A) This store is going to open later than normal on Thursday

B) This store is going to close from 10 a.m. for staff training.
C) This store is going to interview new staff on Thursday

2. A) Children are warned that this water is 1.2 metres deep.

B) You should not use these slides unless you are 1.2 metres or over.
C) These water slides are only for children who are under
1.2 metres tall.

3. A) Sue can get the key from the neighbour between 5.30 p.m. and
7.00 p.m.
B) Richard would like Sue to arrive between 5.30 p.m. and
7.00 p.m.
C) Richard will be at his neighbour’s between 5.30 p.m. and
7.00 p.m.

4. A) Tim’s father is offering to fetch Tim from the airport.

B) Tim’s father wants to be picked up from the airport.
C) Tim’s father has agreed to take Tim to the airport.

5. A) Passengers cannot use the machines by themselves.

AVAILABLE FOR B) These machines are for the use of railway staff only.
PUBLIC USE BUT CAN C) Instructions for operating the machines are available from
ONLY BE OPERATED railway staff.


Part 2 (5 questions)
For each question, read and choose the correct answer.

6. I hope Andrew will get here soon.

A) I hope he hasn’t. B) He usually gets it. C) I’m sure he will.

7. John’s going to London.
A) Often? B) Yesterday? C) By train?

8. I’ll take these grapes, please.

A) Can I help you? B) They’re over there. C) Would you like a bag?

9. Can you help me with my homework?

A) I don’t understand it. B) It’s not ready. C) I can’t help it.

10. Nice to meet you, Suzanna.

A) Yes, and you. B) Yes, I have. C) I think so.

Part 3 (5 questions)
Read the text.
For each space, choose the correct answer.

11. Susan wanted to go shopping last Saturday.

Her friend Carol . . . . . . . . . . she’d like to go too.
A) said B) told C) asked

12. At the shopping centre they went up in the . . . . . . . . . to the shops on the second floor.
A) street B) stairs C) lift

13. Susan tried on some shoes but they were the . . . . . . . . . . colour.
A) bad B) wrong C) dark

14. They stopped in a café for a drink and a . . . . . . . . . . of cake.

A) part B) little C) piece

15. The café was . . . . . . . . . . but they didn’t have to wait a long time.
A) fast B) busy C) late


Part 4 (5 questions)
Read the text.
For each question, choose the correct answer.

Darcey Bussell, world-famous ballet dancer, talks to Anna Magee


I came to ballet quite late. At 11, I started at Arts Educational

School where we did acting, singing, ballet and modern dance. Then,
at 13, I was lucky enough to get a place at the Royal Ballet School.
This meant giving up acting and singing, and concentrating on ballet.
However, I’d missed two years, and I was not nearly as good as my
classmates. My jumps were fine, but I couldn’t turn or balance properly
and, although I could bend and stretch well, I wasn’t nearly strong
enough. I remember thinking I’d never be a ballerina.
At 19, I became a principal dancer. The choreographer Kenneth MacMillan saw me at school
and pushed me straight into the big roles. At the time, the only dancer to have been made principal
that young had been Margot Fonteyn in 1936, when she was 17. For a time, it upset people in the
company because I was taking the roles of well-known dancers. But as they got to know me, they
believed in me.
I got married and had children in my early thirties. I’ve got two daughters, called Phoebe and
Zoë. Most dancers stop after they have children but for me there was never any doubt that I would
But I know I won’t be able to dance forever. Since I was 17, I’ve been working without a real
break and it is hard to stay at top standard after having children. So, although I don’t think I’ll ever
leave the theatre, I am beginning to think about my future. I can’t imagine being a choreographer
or director but I quite like the idea of teaching ballet to the next generation.

16. What is the purpose of the text?

A) to explain why Darcey Bussell chose a particular career
B) to present Darcey Bussell’s advice on how to become a dancer
C) to explain how Darcey Bussell brings up her children
D) to give information about Darcey Bussell’s life and career

17. When she was 13, Darcey Bussell

A) was by far the best dancer in her class.
B) regretted her decision to change schools.
C) began to train seriously to become a dancer.
D) was very confident about her abilities.

18. What does Darcey Bussell say about becoming a principal dancer?
A) She felt she was too young to do the roles.
B) Some of her colleagues were jealous of her at first.
C) There was nothing very unusual about it.
D) It led to her meeting several famous people.


19. How does Darcey Bussell feel about her future?
A) She intends to continue dancing for many years.
B) She worries about what job she will do next.
C) She would enjoy helping other dancers.
D) She hopes to spend more time with her children.

20. Which of the following would make a good introduction to this article?

A) B)
A principal dancer while still a Darcey Bussell, the youngest
teenager, Darcey Bussell has had a person ever to have been made a
great career but feels it may soon principal dancer, talks to us about
be time to slow down. family, career and the future.
C) D)
The famous Darcey Bussell is After a long break, Darcey Bussell
at the top of her profession now, is returning to the stage. Here, she
but for many years she had to be tells us all about her childhood
happy playing small parts. and education.

Part 5 (10 questions)

Read the text.
For each space, choose the correct answer.

Pony Express
Before 1860 there was no quick way of getting mail between the east and the west of the United
States. There were no railways at that (21) ...... and most mail was sent by coach. It usually (22) ...... at
least 25 days for coaches to (23) ...... the coast. So in 1860 it (24) ...... decided to send mail by ‘Pony
Express’, which was much faster. Riders (25) ...... very fast horses were placed along the route. They were
at (26) ...... distances from each other and the mail was handed from one rider to the next. Riders were
all (27) ...... to travel between twenty and thirty kilometres (28) ...... day on very bad roads. At each stop
two minutes were (29) ...... for exchanging the mail bags, but riders were often held up by awful weather
(30)...... closed the roads. With the invention of the telegraph in 1861, the demand for the Pony Express

21. A) time B) date C) age D) season

22. A) spent B) lasted C) took D) passed
23. A) get B) arrive C) come D) reach
24. A) had B) was C) has D) is
25. A) for B) off C) with D) behind
26. A) like B) equal C) same D) level
27. A) wished B) wanted C) expected D) hoped
28. A) a B) one C) some D) any
29. A) let B) allowed C) done D) made
30. A) which B) where C) what D) when


1. Read the text below and say which statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) in the text.
It was 9 am on Monday morning and John was getting ready for work. He had woken up late that morn-
ing because he hadn’t heard the alarm. He put on his suit, went into the kitchen and grabbed his lunch,
and then picked up his car key. But when he got into the car it wouldn’t start, so he ran to the nearest

bus stop. He managed to catch bus number 89 but he was already late for work.
1. It was Thursday morning. 4. John got on a bus.
2. John woke up earlier than usual. 5. John’s car had run out of petrol.
3. John had a light breakfast.
A) F/ T/ NG/ F/ F B) F/ F/ NG/ T/ NG C) T/ F/ NG/ T/ F D) F/ T/ F/ F/ T E) F/ T/ F/ T/ NG

2. What do we call the finger between the thumb and the middle finger?
A) the ring finger B) the index finger C) the pinky D) there’s no finger there E) any finger

3. Complete sentences (1-4) with their correct ending (a-d).

1. Mary hasn’t done a. visited Bran Castle?
2. The guests have already b. wanted to be a football player.
3. Have you ever c. her homework yet.
4. My brother has always d. left the party.
A) 1d/ 2a/ 3b/ 4c B) 1d/ 2c/ 3b/ 4a C) 1b/ 2d/ 3c/ 4a D) 1c/ 2d/ 3a/ 4b E) 1a/ 2b/ 3c/ 4d

4. I forgot to wear my hat and scarf last night and I … really cold!
A) found B) fed C) felt D) flew E) fell

5. Choose the right word to complete the sentence:

The woman gave the little boy and his brother a … to play with outside.
A) bill B) boil C) bull D) bail E) ball
Read the following text and answer questions 6-9:
Yesterday I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat and the performance was an interesting one but
I did not enjoy it. Two men sitting behind me started talking loudly and I could not hear anything. When
I could not bear it any more I turned round and said: “I can’t hear a word!” “It’s none of your business.
This is a private conversation,” they replied.

6. The writer got angry because … .

A) there were people sitting behind him B) the seat was not very good
C) the play was uninteresting D) the men’s conversation was dull
E) he couldn’t hear the words of the play

7. In the text the word seat means:

A) a part of a chair you can lean on B) a part of your trousers
C) an official position D) a place where you can sit
E) a place in a car

8. If you are kind and generous, you are … .

A) good-for-nothing B) good-hearted C) a goodie D) goodish E) up to no good

9. Let’s take a … . The play is about to start.

A) seat B) sat C) set D) sit E) seal


10. Choose the right word to complete the sentence:
My mother didn’t need to cook dinner last Saturday because we ate … .
A) in B) out C) up D) on E) after

11. Even though the soldiers were losing the battle, they still shouted “Long … the King!” at the top of
their lungs.
A) Lived B) Lives C) Live D) Living E) Leave

12. The … of this lake is 22 metres.
A) strength B) height C) surface D) value E) depth

13. If you broke a window, your mother … very angry.

A) is B) was C) would be D) will be E) had been

14. … it was raining a bit, we didn’t take our umbrellas.

A) But B) Although C) Even D) However E) So

15. She … adapted to her new workplace.

A) fastly B) quickly C) real D) well E) hard

16. Choose the right word to complete the sentence: She wanted to buy him a shirt when she was in France,
but she didn’t know his … .
A) size B) seize C) measure D) height E) stature

17. What is pepper?

A) a fruit and a vegetable B) a mean person C) a job D) a vegetable and a spice E) a pet

18. When someone sneezes, it’s polite to say … .

A) Rest in peace! B) Kind regards! C) Bless you!
D) Hit the road! E) See you soon!

19. Unfortunately, things are going from bad to … .

A) better B) ill C) worst D) worse E) best

20. The opposite of a little time is:

A) a big time B) a lot of time C) a great time D) a good time E) some time

21. The English word pub is short for … .

A) public service B) public garden C) public house D) public school E) public health

22. Where is Ottawa?

A) In the USA. B) In the UK. C) In Australia. D) In Canada. E) In Russia.

23. I turned the bottle … to get the last drop out.

A) inside out B) ups and downs C) all over D) up and down E) upside down

24. Choose the right answer to complete the conversation:

Mary: I don’t like classical music.
Susan: …
A) So do I. B) Neither I don’t. C) So I do.
D) Neither I do. E) Neither do I.

25. Choose the right word to fill in the sentence: We cut paper or cloth with a pair of … .
A) binoculars B) glasses C) scissors D) knives E) hammers


26. Which of the following sounds does not describe a way of eating or drinking?
A) squeak B) crunch C) munch D) slurp E) chomp

27. Where was William Shakespeare born?

A) In Weston-super-Mare. B) In Stratford-upon-Avon. C) In Hole in the Wall.
D) In Verona. E) In Jack-in-the-Green.

28. I … English for two years when I lived abroad.

A) studied B) have studied C) study D) to study E) studying

29. Unless you …, he won’t help you.

A) didn’t ask B) won’t ask C) wouldn’t ask D) don’t ask E) ask

30. How many simple past forms can you find in the word snake?

A) ten B) twelve C) thirteen D) eleven E) fourteen

Grilă de răspunsuri
Cambridge English
1 A 6 C 11 A 16 D 21 A 26 B
2 B 7 C 12 C 17 C 22 C 27 C
3 A 8 C 13 B 18 B 23 D 28 A
4 A 9 A 14 C 19 C 24 B 29 B
5 A 10 A 15 B 20 A 25 C 30 A

1 B 6 E 11 C 16 A 21 C 26 A
2 B 7 D 12 E 17 D 22 D 27 B
3 D 8 B 13 C 18 C 23 E 28 A
4 C 9 A 14 B 19 D 24 E 29 E
5 E 10 B 15 B 20 B 25 C 30 D


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