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1.5.1 The quality control shall be exercised at three stages i.e,
(i) Selection of materials
(ii) Processing of materials and
(iii) Execution of works. SELECTION OF MATERIALS: - Selected raw materials shall only be
used in construction. In the case of manufactured articles such as steel,
cement etc. certain guarantee of the properties is already available, but
some check is still needed to ensure the quality. In the case of materials like
stone, sand, soils etc. the properties vary from place to place and selection
of right type of material depends upon proper determination of properties of
materials by conducting test in the laboratory.
Major compounds in Portland Cement: 
In all the Portland cements, there are four major compounds. the variation in
percentage composition of compounds influences the properties of cement.
These compound are given in table below:
Sl. Name of Oxide Abbreviations Approximate Function
No. Compound composition percentage
1 Tricalcium 3CaO.SiO2 C3S 45-55 % Mainly
Silicate responsible for
early strength (1
to 7 days)
2 Dicalcium 2CaO.SiO2 C2S 20-30 % Mainly
Silicate responsible for
later date
strength (7 days
and beyond)

3 Tricalcium 3CaO.Al2O3 C3A 6-10 % C3A increases
Aluminate rate of hydration
of C3S . C3A
gives flash set
in absence of
gypsum. its
contribution to
strength is low.
4 Tetracalciu 4CaO.Al2O3. C4AF 15-20 % it hydrates
m Fe2O3 rapidly but its
Aluminofer contribution to
rite strength is
uncertain and
generally very

Cement Types and Adoptability : As per the Bureau of Indian Standards ,
no cement can be marketed to the retail consumers without IS certification
mark. The Bureau of Indian Standards has issued the codes shown below:
Sl.No. IS Codes Cement Type Applicability for
1 IS 269:2013 Specification for For general civil engineering
33 Grade OPC works especially for mass
(First Revision) concrete under normal
environmental conditions.
Normally not used where high
grade of concrete viz. M-20 &
above is required.
2 IS 455: 1989 Specification for All civil engineering works but
Portland Slag has more advantage for
Cement (4th Marine and coastal
Revision) structures, Sewage disposal
and treatments works,
Underground Structures,
Water treatment plants & the
structures which are
expected to be attacked by
dissolved chlorides and
sulphate ions either in soil,
water or environment.
3 IS 1489 (Part Specification for All types of civil engineering
1):1991 Portland works & ideally suited for
Pozzolana Hydraulic Structures , Mass
Cement Part 1- concreting works, Marine
Fly ash based( structures, Masonry mortars
Third Revision) and plastering, Under
4 IS 1489 (Part Specification for aggressive Conditions.
2):1991 Portland
Cement Part 2-
Calcined clay
based ( Third
5 IS 3466 :1988 Specification for Used for Masonry mortars,
Masonry Cement stones and concrete block
(Second masonry and for rendering
Revision) and plastering works.
6 IS 6909 :1990 Specification for Marine and coastal works ,
Super Sulphated Mass concrete jobs,
Cement (First Aggressive conditions, RCC
Revision) pipes in ground water,
Chemical works where
concrete is exposed to high


      concentrations of sulphates,
Concrete sewers carrying
industrial and sulphatic
7 IS 8041 : 1990 Specification for Used for repair and
Rapid hardening rehabilitation works and
Portland Cement where speed of construction
( Second and early completion is
Revision) required due to limitations of
time, space or other reasons.
8 IS 8042 : 1989 Specification for Used for architectural
white Portland purposes such as mosaic
Cement (Second tiles, wall paintings and
Revision) special effects. Very good
quality white cement
equivalent to that of 43/53
grade OPC can be used for
structural concrete also.
9 IS 8112 : 2013 Specifications for General Civil Engineering
43 Grade construction works, RCC
Ordinary works( Preferably where
Portland Cement grade of concrete is up to M-
(First Revision) 30), Precast items such as
blocks, tiles, pipes etc,
Asbestos products such as
sheets and pipes & non
structural works such as
masonry mortars, plastering ,
flooring etc.
10 IS 12269:2013 Specification for RCC works( Preferably where
53 Grade grade of concrete is M-25
Ordinary and above), Precast
Portland Cement concrete items such as
(First Revision) paving blocks, tiles, building
blocks etc, Pre-stressed
concrete components,
Runways, concrete roads,
bridges etc. Multi- storey
buildings and tall structures,
11 IS 12600 : 1989 Specification for it is particularly suited for
low heat Portland making concrete for dams
Cement and many other types of
water retaining structure,
bridge abutments, massive
retaining walls. piers and flat
slabs etc PROCESSING OF MATERIALS: - The raw materials required for
construction shall be processed before execution of works. For certain
process there are no tests to check that processing is being done properly. It
is only the properties of final product that reveal the inadequacies of
processing. EXECUTION OF WORKS:- Checking the properties of final product
helps in different ways i.e.
(i) In determining whether quality control has been exercised fully, properly
and according to the specifications.
(ii) In rejecting the defective product in time and replacing it, by a proper one
(iii) In knowing whether design assumptions are being fulfilled or
any modifications are required in design itself.
1.6.1 The quality control shall be done by (i) Testing of Materials, (ii) Supervision
during execution and (iii) Analysis and interpretation of the test results. TESTING: Testing shall be done for determining the properties of materials
which helps in their selection as well as in ascertaining the quality of the
product. The standard type of equipments or apparatus shall be used for
conducting tests. SUPERVISION: - The officers responsible for construction shall supervise
the work during construction for ensuring the quality of works by frequent
inspections and shall issue inspection notes for follow up action. COMPILATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF TEST
RESULTS: Compilation, analysis and interpretations of test results shall be
done systematically considering the specifications and design, every month.
The analysis and interpretation shall be based on sufficient data of test



4.1.1 Various types of materials are used in construction of different works. The
quality of the works would depend upon the quality of the materials used.
The testing of materials of construction is therefore, an important activity to
be taken up much before the construction starts. Even during process of
construction of earthen dam, mortar and concrete made of tested ingredients
have to be tested for their quality to ascertain correctness of the procedures
of batching, mixing, placing, compaction and the net results. Thus, testing of
materials and quality control go hand in hand. They are of great importance
to check and ensure the expected results of all the efforts and money spent
in building the structure.
4.2.1 CONCRETE & MASONRY WORK:- TESTING OF WATER: Natural or treated water used for mixing and curing
shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts,
sugar, organic materials or other substances that may be deleterious to
concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for
mixing concrete.
In case of doubt regarding development of strength, the suitability of water
for making concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and
the initial setting time tests specified in para & of IS 456,
2000. Following tests are mainly conducted before the water is used for
construction work. pH (HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION): (IS: 3025: PART 11:1986)
Measurement of ph is one of the most important and frequently used tests in
water chemistry. Practically every phase of water supply and waste water
treatment e.g. acid base neutralization, water softening, precipitation,
coagulation, disinfection and corrosion control is ph dependent. At a given
temperature the intensity of the acidic or basic character of a solution is
indicated by ph or hydrogen ion concentration .  For concrete work, the pH
value of water shall be not less than 6. HARDNESS: (IS: 3025: 2009):
Total hardness of water is the sum of the concentration of all the metallic cat
ions other then cat ions of the alkali metals, expressed as equivalent calcium
carbonate concentration. In most waters, nearly all the hardness is due to
calcium and Magnesium ions. It is determine by the reaction of calcium and
magnesium salts with standard E.D.T.A (Ethylene Di amine Tetra acetic
acid) solution. TURBIDITY: (IS: 3025 Part : 1986)
Turbidity in water is caused by suspended matter, such as clay silt, finely
dissolved organic and inorganic matter, soluble colored organic compounds
and plankton and other microscopic organism. Turbidity is an expression of
the optical property that causes lights to be scattered and absorbed rather
than transmitted in straight line through the sample. TOTAL SOLIDS: (IS: 3025 Part 15:1986)
A well mixed sample is evaporated in a weighted dish and dried to constant
weight in oven at 103o C to 105o C. The increase in weight over that of empty
dish represents the total solids. Test Procedures for suitability of water for making concrete (see Para
5.4 of IS: 456) TESTING OF AGGREGATES:- Various tests are carried out on aggregate to assess their quality. I.S.
Specifications have grouped the test in eight parts. It may not be always
necessary to assess all the qualities of aggregates for particular work/
purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to know the purpose for which the

aggregate is to be tested. Aggregates larger than 4.75 mm are termed
coarse and those passing through 4.75 mm are termed fine (Sand). Though a number of tests have been specified by I.S. codes the Sieve
analysis, Water absorption, Specific gravity, Crushing value, Abrasion value,
Impact value generally give fairly good idea about the quality of aggregates. Aggregates to be used for concrete should conform to I.S. 383-1963. Which
lays down the following tests on aggregates [(I.S. 2386-1963) Part- I to VIII]:- DELETERIOUS MATERIALS: Aggregates (fine & coarse) shall not contain
any harmful material such as pyrites, coal, lignite, mica, shale or similar
laminated material, clay, alkali, soft fragments, sea shells and organic
impurities in such quantity as to affect the strength or durability of concrete.
Aggregate to be used for reinforced concrete shall not contain any material
liable to attack the steel reinforcement. Limits of deleterious materials are
given in table 1 of IS: 383. UNIT WEIGHT OR BULK DENSITY: This test is conducted on coarse and
fine aggregates for deciding whether, specified range of value are satisfied
by the aggregates being tested. This laboratory test is useful for comparing
properties of aggregates available from different locations. This is also useful
for conversion of weight batching to volumetric batching of fine and coarse
aggregates for production of concrete/mortar. WATER ABSORPTION AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATES: The
test is intended to assist in assessing the quality of aggregates. It is a quick
indicator of suitability of an aggregate (fine & coarse). Low specific gravity
frequently indicates porous, weak and absorbable material and high specific
gravity indicates good quality of material. Accurate knowledge of specific
gravity of the aggregate is important for use in initial air entrained mix
designs computations and in the determination of air content and actual field
quantity of each material in the batch. The values of these tests are needed
for the proper proportioning of the concrete mixes. The value of absorption of
moisture is necessary to adjust the water content during mixing. SURFACE MOISTURE OF AGGREGATE (HOT PLATE METHOD) (Ref
USBR MANUAL Designation 11): It is approximate method for determining
the surface (free) moisture of sand and coarse aggregate. In field it is easily
conducted and useful for applying correction in quantity of water in mix
proportion of concrete/ mortar. TESTING OF FINE AGGREGATES:- SILT PERCENTAGE (USBR Concrete manual, Designation 15):- This is a
quick method for finding the silt percentage in sand and easily conducted in
laboratory as well as in field. SIEVE ANALYSIS: The test is performed to determine the grading zone of
sand which is an important factor contributing to the quality of concrete. The
grading zone of sand or fineness modules must be known. Higher the
grading zone, sand is coarser. (I.S. 2386-1963). This test is important for
design of concrete mix by different methods. NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT FOR BULKING (FIELD METHOD) [IS 2386
(PARTIII) 1963 Reaffirmed 2011]:- Presence of moisture below saturation
increases the volume (bulkage) of sand. There is no bulkage when sand is
dry or saturated. The purpose of this test is to determine the excess volume
of the moisture in sand which can be accounted for volumetric batching of
concrete or cement sand mortar and make correction in the moisture for
maintaining water cement ratio. Finer the sand the more is the bulkage. Also
correction in sand volume should be made equal to excess volume of
moisture for maintaining the proper quantity of sand. MORTAR MAKING PROPERTIES OF FINE AGGREGATE: This test is
performed for comparing compressive strength of fine aggregates with that
of standard sand, whether that is within the specified limits. SURFACE MOISTURE FIELD METHOD: [IS 2386 (Part III) 1963
Reaffirmed 2011]:- It is approximate method for determining the surface
(free) moisture of fine aggregate. In field it is easily conducted and useful for
applying correction in quantity of water in mix proportion of concrete/ mortar. TESTING OF COARSE AGGREGATE:- SIEVE ANALYSIS: The test is performed to determine the grading of the
aggregate, which is an important factor contributing to the quality of
concrete. Grading limits of coarse aggregates for different maximum size of
aggregates should be as per IS 383. COMBINED FLAKINESS AND ELONGATION INDEX: Flakiness and
elongation shall be determined in accordance with IS 2386 (Part 1) on the

same sample. After carrying out the flakiness index test, the flaky material
shall be removed from sample and the remaining portion shall be used for
carrying out elongation index. Indices so worked out shall be added
numerically to give combined flakiness and elongation index. The combined
flakiness and elongation index so obtained shall not exceed 40 % for
uncrushed or crushed aggregate. However, the engineer-in-charge at his
discretion, may relax the limit keeping in view the requirement, and
availability of aggregates and performance based on tests on concrete. ABRASION VALUE: The test determines the loss due to abrasion of
aggregates. This test is conducted to assess the quality of aggregates with
respect to hardness and toughness of the aggregates against abrasion. AGGREGATE IMPACT-VALUE: This test gives a relative measure of the
resistance of aggregates against impact. CRUSHING VALUE: This test gives a relative measure of the resistance of
an aggregate to crushing under a gradually compressive load. ALKALI AGGREGATE REACTIVITY [Ref: IS:2386 (Part VII)] Some
aggregates containing particular varieties of silica may be susceptible to
attack by alkalis ( Na2O & K2O) originating from cement and other sources,
producing an expansive reaction which can cause cracking and disruption of
concrete. Damage to concrete from this reaction will normally only occurs
when all the following are present together:
A ) A high moisture level within the concrete;
B) A cement with high alkali content, or another sources of alkali; and
C) Aggregate containing an alkali reactive constituent. PETROGRAPHIC EXAMINATION [Ref: IS:2386 (Part VIII)] Petrographic
Examination is made for the following purposes:
A) To determine the physical and chemical properties of the material that
may be observed by petro graphic methods and that have a bearing on
the quality of the material for its intended use,
B) To describe and classify the constituents of the samples; and
C) To determine the relative amounts of the constituents of the sample,
which is essential for proper evaluation of the sample when the
constituents differ significantly in properties that have a bearing on the
quality of the material for its intended use. TESTING OF CEMENT: The two main things must essentially follow at the time of use of cement
(i) Cement older than 90 days should not be used at any place without
(ii)  Cement older than 180 days should not be used in any important
structure. For suitability of use of the cement standard methods of its various tests
have been adopted to acquire the requisite specification as referred by I.S.
codes 4031, certain methods of tests are as given below: FINENESS BY SIEVING: [IS 4031 (Part I) 1996, Reaffirmed 2005]: To
check the fineness with the standard specifications prescribed by I.S. code.
This method describe in part I, covers the procedure for determining the
fineness of cement by dry sieving as represented by the mass of residue left
(Part II)1999, Reaffirmed 2004]:- This method describe in IS 4031 (Part 2)
covers the procedure for determining by Blaine air permeability apparatus,
the fineness of cement as represented by specific surface expressed as total
surface area in cm2/g. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: (IS 1727-1967 Reaffirmed 2004): This test is
necessary for designing the concrete mixes of rarest types of structure. CONSISTENCY: The object of conducting this test is to determine the
quantity of water for the completion of various tests of cement such as initial
setting time, final setting time as well as compression strength of cement. SETTING TIME [IS 4031 (Part V) 1988, Reaffirmed 2005]: This test is
performed to confirm the quality of cement. The term setting is used to
describe the stiffening of the cement paste and the terms “Initial Set” and
“Final Set” are used to describe arbitrary chosen stages of setting. SOUNDNESS TEST BY LE- CHATELIER’S METHOD [IS 4031 (Part III )
1988, Reaffirmed 2005]:-: Due to presence of free lime in the cement,

sometime expansion is caused and hence the cracks develop. This test is
conducted to determine the expansion of the cement. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH [IS 4031 (Part VI) 1988, Reaffirmed 2005]:-:
This test shall be conducted to confirm about the quality of cement.
Compressive strength of cement is an important parameter for design of
concrete mixes of various structures. Cement older than 90 days should be
necessarily tested for compressive strength before use. TESTING OF ADMIXTURES: Mineral Admixtures (IS456: 2000): Pozzolanas:-
Pozzolanic materials conforming to relevant Indian Standards may be
used with the permission of the engineer- in- charge, provided uniform
blending with cement is ensured. Some of them are:-
i. Fly Ash (Pulverized fuel ash): Fly ash conforming to IS:3812 (part I)
used as part replacement of ordinary Portland cement provided
uniform blending with cement is ensured and IS 3812 part 2 use as
admixture in cement, mortar and concrete.
ii. Silica Fume: Silica fume conforming to IS : 15388 may be used as
part replacement of cement provided uniform blending with the
cement is ensured. Various tests are therefore need to be conducted as described below:
i. FINENESS (IS 1727): This test is conducted to determine the
suitability of pozzolanas. Fineness is an important property as finer
the material the greater is the reactivity.
(a) SPECIFIC SURFACE: This test is conducted to know the
fineness for checking with the standard specifications. By Blaine‟s
permeability method.
(b) BY SIEVING: This test is conducted using 45 micron IS
ii. SOUNDNESS TEST (IS 1727): This test is conducted by Autoclave
test in which expansion of specimen is to be find out in percent.
(IS 1727): This test is conducted for determination of quality of the
material and is to be compared with the compressive strength of the
iv. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: This test is conducted by “LeChaterlier Flask”
method given as for cement in IS 1727. Which is useful for designing
of concrete/ mortar mixes. TESTING OF CONCRETE & MORTAR: Concrete is made with cement, sand, coarse aggregate and water but
admixture can also be used for modifying and improving the properties of
concrete. The science of proportioning of concrete is mainly concentrated on
the principal of obtaining a durable and strong concrete at the most
economical rate possessing a good workability. SLUMP TEST OF CONCRETE (IS: 1199): This test is conducted to
determine the consistency of concrete and hence workability. Workability
means the ease with which concrete can be handled, transported and
1959(for concrete),IS: 2250 (for mortar), IS:1199 & TC No.57 memo no.
3484002/BODHI/Specifications /TC Date 23.10.2013 and IS:2250 & TC
No. 23 memo no. 123/BODHI/R & C/TC/11/88 Dated 31.08.1989):-
Concrete/ Mortar are a variable material. The quality of these are usually
assessed from the results of crushing strength test on concrete/mortar cubes
This test is of particular significance in structures which are intended to retain
water or which come in contact with water. It is intimately related with
durability of structure. Hence it is of considerable importance. RAPID ESTIMATION OF CEMENT IN MORTAR AND CONCRETE ( IS:
1199): This test is conducted to analyze the mortar/ concrete with respect to

their proportions of the mixed ingredients in the mortar/ concrete. This test is
based on the calcium content in the mortar, cement and sand. DENSITY AND AIR CONTENT OF FRESH CONCRETE (IS: 1199): It is used
to determine the entrapped air percentage in fresh concrete. NON DESTRUCTIVE TEST ON HARDENED CONCRETE: A number of techniques are available for conducting in situ tests on the
hardened concrete laid in the structure, which causes either no damage at all
or involve only insignificant invasion. These are very convenient for general
monitoring of the quality and its uniformity or detecting local zones of
weakness or inadequate workmanship. Although these are indirect and
essentially qualitative test, they can provide quantitative assessment of the
concrete strength if calibrated against works test specimens or cores from
the concrete actually being used. The two main non destructive test are
pulse velocity meter and rebound hammer test (Ref: IS :13311 Part 1 & 2,
The ultrasonic pulse velocity method could be used to establish:
(i) The homogeneity of the concrete
(ii) The presence of crakes, voids and other imperfections.
(iii) Changes in the structure of the concrete which may occur with time.
(iv) The quality of the concrete in relations to standards requirements.
(v) The quality of one element of concrete in relation to another, and
(vi) The values of dynamic elastic modulus of the concrete.
(Detailed procedure are given in IS: 13311, (Part 1), 1992 REBOUND HAMMER:
The Rebound Hammer could be used for:
(i) Assessing the likely compressive strength of concrete with the help of
suitable co-relation between rebound index and compressive strength.
(ii) Assessing the uniformity of concrete.
(iii) Assessing the quality of the concrete in relation to standard
requirements and
(iv)  Assessing the quality of one element of concrete in relation to

(Detailed procedure are given in IS: 13311, (Part 2), 1992. TESTING OF FLEXURAL STRENGTH OF TILES: (IS10646:1991):-
When tested according to the method as per referred IS, minimum breaking
load per cm weight of tile shall not less than41 kg for 60 mm, 29 kg for 50
mm and 18 kg for 40 mm tiles thickness for M-15 grade concrete tiles. TESTING OF CORE SPECIMEN FROM HARDENED
CONCRETE (IS:516, IS:457 & TC No. 57 Memo No. 3484002
/BODHI/Specifications/TC Date 23.10.2013): It includes criteria and
requirement of test specimen and acceptance criteria for hardened concrete. DESIGN OF CONCRETE MIX: The proportion of cement, fine and
coarse aggregate & admixtures will be given after tests are carried out in the
laboratories in accordance with the specifications laid down. It should be
done as per the Guidelines given in IS: 456, IS:10262 and IS: 457 for
different types of structures according to field conditions. Other methods of
mix design can be used for designing concrete mixes. DESIGN OF MORTAR MIX (IS: 2250):- The proportion of cement and
fine aggregate will be given after the tests are carried out in the laboratory in
accordance with the specifications laid down. TESTING OF BOULDER OR RUBBLE (NATURAL BUILDING
STONE): COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH: For assessing the suitability of stone, this test
is conducted for the selection of the material to be utilized for its satisfactory
performance. WHEATHERING: A good building stone should possess better weathering
qualities; it should be capable of withstanding adverse effects of various
atmospheric and external agencies such as rain, frost, wind etc. This
standard lays down the procedure for testing weathering of natural building
stones used for constructional purposes. TOUGHNESS: The property of toughness of stone is resistance to failure
under impact, stones of low toughness are apt to fail when exposed to rough
usage, as occurs on steps, flooring of factories, stories, warehouses,
godown etc. for calculation of toughness impact test is to be carried out.

BUILDING STONE: these tests conform to the properties of the natural
building stones. The suitability of the natural building stone is known and
hence the quality is assessed DURABILITY: A good building stone should be durable. Various factors
contributing to durability of a stone are its chemical composition , texture,
resistance to atmospheric and other influences, locations in structure etc. for
making stones durable, their natural bed should be carefully noted. Stones
should be arranged in a structure that natural bed is perpendicular or nearly
so to the direction of pressure. TESTING OF BRICKS: The brick is the oldest and the most extensively used building material. It is
essentially a local building material. Hence there is considerable variation in
the quality and size of the material. To maintain some standard of the common building brick material with
regard to its quality and dimensions, B.I.S. has recommended certain
methods of test and requirement of the properties. Some of these tests are
given below: TEST OF BURNT CLAY BUILDING BRICKS: WATER ABSORPTION (IS 3495 part 1): This test conforms to the quality of
bricks for the recognition of the standard of the material. A brick is taken and
it is weighted dry. It is then immersed in water for a period of 16 hours. It is
weighted again and the difference in weight indicates the amount of water
absorbed by the brick. It should not, in any case, exceed 20 percent of
weight of dry brick. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (IS 3495 part 1): To assess the quality by
comparing with the specified strength. TESTING OF LDPE FILM (TC No. 3 Memo No.
107/BODHI/R&C/TC/11/88 Date 31.12.88): Introduction of plastic sheets in
the form of LDPE film below the hard cover lining is effective in, reducing

seepage losses and improving water tightness of lining. The LDPE film may
be used in canal lining with sub grade soils in one of the following ways;
I. Under hard lining such as concrete, tiles, stones slabs, bricks etc.
II. Buried under earth cover. TESTING OF REINFORCEMENT BARS: Reinforcement used shall
be confirmed to the requirements of IS 432 “Specification of mild steel and
medium tensile steel bars” IS 1786 “Specification for high strength deformed
steel bars” for concrete reinforcement characteristics strength ultimate
tensile stress and elongation percentage test should be conducted. Hard
drawn steel wire fabrics shall be manufactured and have the properties in
accordance with the requirement of IS 1566-1982 and shall be used for floor
slabs (hollow block, ribbed), for secondary reinforcement in developing fire
resistance and in some precast concrete products like pipes.
4.3.1 SOIL IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION VISUAL SOIL CLASSIFICATION:- Before testing a soil, the sample has to be examined and data obtained from
visual inspection is to be noted in the proforma given in Annexure 40 of Vol.
II, this includes noting of the color, odour, presence of minerals, presence of
organic and foreign matter and geological history as may be often evident
from visual inspection. The visual inspection aids the development of a feel
soil behavior and it helps in interpretation of the results obtained. A possible
error in samples numbering will also be detected in case the visual
inspection does not tally with actual results in the laboratories. An
experienced technician can predict the behavior of a soil with sufficient
accuracy by working it in his hand and inspecting it carefully. At the
conclusion of a test, the laboratory technician should check to see that the
results are in agreement with what was expected from his visual
classification. The soil is fine-grained if it contains 50 percent or more fines and the soil is
coarse grained if it contains less than 50 percent fines (Ref: (Ref: Bureau of
Reclamation, USBR 5000[1] & 5005 [2] “Engineering Classification and
Description of soil (Field Manual, Chapter 3) PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR VISUAL
Reclamation, USBR 5000[1] & 5005 [2] “Engineering Classification and
Description of soil (Field Manual, Chapter 3)
Select a representative sample of the material for examination and remove
particles larger than the No. 40 sieve (medium sand and larger) until a
specimen equivalent to about a handful of representative material is
available. Use this specimen for performing the identifications tests. IDENTIFICATION CRITERIA FOR FINE GRAINED SOILS:
The tests for identifying properties of fines are:
i. Dry strength,
ii. Dilatency,
iii. Toughness
iv. Plasticity Dry Strength (Crushing Characteristics): Select from the specimen enough
material to mold into a ball about 1 inch (25 mm) in diameter. Mold or work
the material until it has the consistency of putty, adding water if necessary.
From them molded material, make at least three test specimens. Each test
specimen should be a ball of material about ½ inch (12 mm) in diameter.
Allow the test specimens to dry in air or sun, or dry by artificial means, as
long as the temperature does not exceed 60 degrees centigrade (EC). In
most cases, it will be necessary to prepared specimens and allows them to
dry overnight. If the test specimen contains natural dry lumps, those that are
about ½ inch (12 mm) in diameter may be used in place of molded balls.
(The process of molding & drying usually produces higher strength than are
found in natural dry lumps of soil). Test the strength of the dry balls or lumps
by crushing them between the fingers and note the strength as none, low,
medium , high, or very high according to the criteria in given table. If natural
dry lumps are used, do not use the results of any of the lumps that are found
to contain particles of coarse sand.
Table:4 Criteria for describing dry strength
None The dry specimen crumbles with mere pressure of handling
Low The dry specimen crumbles with some finger pressure.
Medium The dry specimen breaks into pieces or crumbles with
considerable finger pressure.
High The dry specimen cannot be broken with finger pressure.
Specimen will break into pieces between thumb and a hard
Very High The dry specimen cannot be broken between thumb and a
hard surface Dilatancy (Reaction to Shaking): Select enough material from the specimen
to mold into a ball about ½ inch (12 mm) in diameter. Mould the material,
adding water if necessary, until it has a soft, but not sticky, consistency.
Smooth the soil ball in the palm of one hand with the blade of a knife or
spatual. Shank horizontally (the soil ball), striking the side of the hand
vigorously against the other hand several times. Note the reaction of the
water appearing on the surface of the soil. Squeeze the sample by closing
the hand or pinching the soil between the fingers and note reaction as none,
slow, or rapid according to the criteria given in table. The reaction criteria are
the speeds with which water appears while shaking and disappears while
Table:5 Criteria for describing dilatancy
None No visible change in the specimen.
Slow Water slowly appears on the surface of the specimen during
shaking and does not disappear or disappear slowly upon
Rapid Water quickly appears on the surface of the specimen
during shaking and disappears upon squeezing. Toughness (Consistency near Plastic Limit): Following completion of the
dilatancy test, the specimen is shaped into an elongated pat and rolled by
hand on a smooth surface or between the palms into a thread about C in (3
mm) diameter. (if the sample is too wet to roll easily, spread the sample out
into a thin layer and allow some water loss by evaporation). Fold the sample
threads and reroll repeatedly until the thread crumbles at a diameter of about
C in (3 mm) when the soil is near the plastic limit . Note the time required to
reroll the thread to reach the plastic limit. Note the pressure required to roll
the thread near the plastic limit. Also , note the strength of the thread. After
the thread crumbles, the pieces should be lumped together and kneaded
until the lump crumbles. Note the toughness of the material during kneading.
Describe the toughness of the thread and lumps as low, medium, or high
according to the criteria given in table below;
Table : 6 Criteria for describing toughness
Low Only slight pressure is required to roll the thread near the
plastic limit. The thread and the lump are weak and soft
Medium Medium pressure is required to roll the thread to near the


  plastic limit. The thread and the lump have medium stiffness.
High Considerable pressure is required to roll the thread to near
the plastic limit. The thread and the lump have very high
stiffness. Plasticity: On the basis of observations made during the toughness test,
describe the plasticity of the material according to the criteria given in table
Table :7 Criteria for describing Plasticity
Non Plastic A 3 mm thread cannot be rolled at any water content.
Low The thread can barely be rolled, and the lump cannot be
formed when drier than the plastic limit.
Medium The thread is easy to roll, and not much times is required to
reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot be rolled after
reaching the plastic limit. The lump crumbles when drier
than the plastic limit.
High It takes considerable time rolling and kneading to reach the
plastic limit. The thread can be rolled several times after
reaching the plastic limit. The lumps can be formed without
crumbling when drier than the plastic limit.
After the dry strength, dilatancy, toughness and plasticity tests have been
performed; decide on whether the soil is an organic or an inorganic fine
grained soil. DISPERSION TEST: A small quantity of soil is dispersed with water in a
glass cylinder or test tube and then allowed to settle. The coarser particles
will settle first and the finest particles remain in the suspension longest.
Normally, sand settles in 30-60 seconds, silts in 15 to 60 minutes while clay
remains in suspension for hours. PROCEDURES AND CRITERIA FOR VISUAL
Reclamation, USBR 5000[1] & 5005 [2] “Engineering Classification and
Description of soil (Field Manual, Chapter 3): A representative sample containing less than 50 percent fines is identified as
a coarse-grained soil. The soil is a gravel if the percentage by weight of gravel is estimated to be
more than the percentage of sand. The soil is a sand if the percentage by weight of sand is estimated to be
more than the percentage of gravel. The soil is a clean gravel or clean sand if the percentages of fines are
visually estimated to be 5 percent or less. A clean gravel or sand is further
classified by grain size distribution. The soil is classified as a WELL GRADED GRAVEL (GW), or as a WELL
GRADED SAND (SW), if a wide range of particles sizes are present. The soil
is classified as a POORLY GRADED GRAVEL (GP) or as a POORLY
GRADED SAND (SP) if the material is predominantly one size (uniformly
graded) or the soil has a wide range of sizes with some intermediate sizes
obviously missing (gap or skip graded). The soil is identified as either gravel with fines or sand with fines if the
percentage of fines is visually estimated to be 15 percent or more. Classify the soil as a CLAYEY GRAVEL (GC) or a CLAYEY SAND (SC) if
the fines are clayey as determined by the procedures for fine-grained soil
identification. Identify the soil SILTY GRAVEL (GM) or a SILTY SAND (SM) if the fines are
silty as determined by the procedures for fine grained soil identification. If the soil is visually estimated to contain 10 percent fines, give the soil a dual
classification using two group symbols. The first group symbol should
correspond to a clean gravel or sand (GW, GP, SW, SP), and the second
symbol should correspond to a gravel or sand with fines (GC, GM, SC, SM).
The typical name is the first group symbol plus “with clay” or “with silt” to
indicate the plasticity characteristics of the fines. For example, WELL
SILT (SP-SM). If the specimen is predominantly sand or gravel but contains an estimated 15
percent or more of the other coarse-grained constituent, the words “with
gravel” or “with sand” are added to the group name. for example POORLY
GRADED GRAVEL WITH SAND (GP); CLAYEY SAND WITH GRAVEL(SC). If the field sample contained any cobbles and / or boulders, the words “with
cobbles” or “with cobbles and boulders” are added to the group name, for
example, SILTY GRAVEL WITH COBBLES (GM). VISUAL TEST PROCEDURES: Examine each unknown soil and
records against their corresponding numbers on the data sheets the
following information:- Colour :if colour is dark brown, dark grey or black indicate if it has an organic
odour. Describe texture as:
i. Coarse- grained (mostly sand and gravel)
ii. Fine-grained (mostly sand and clay ), or
iii. Mixed- grained For coarse- grained soils, or coarse-grained fraction of mixed grained soils
Classify as: gravel, coarse sand, medium sand, fine sand or appropriate
Describe grading as: well graded fairly well graded, fairly uniform, uniform or
poorly graded.
Describe particle shape as: angular, sub- angular, sub rounded, or well
rounded. For fine grained soils or fine grained fraction of mixed grained soils:
Describe dry strength as: very low, low, medium, high or very high.
Describe reaction to shaking test (dilatency) as: rapid, sluggish or
Describe condition of plastic thread as: weak and soft medium, stiff, very stiff
or tough.
Classify as: silt, clayey silt, silty clay, or clay. If organic:
Indicated under texture what plant remains are visible and state of
Classify as: peat, muck, organic sand, organic silt, or organic clay. STORAGE OF SAMPLES: The Soil samples have to be inspected and
tested soon after their arrival at the laboratory. If testing is likely to be
delayed, proper storing has to be ensured by providing adequate space and

proper containers. The samples have to be labeled properly as per standard
form (Name of Projects, Date, Marked Locations, R.D., R.L. Off Set etc).
Following table:8 show the quantity of samples to be sent for testing of
various materials:
S.No. Purpose Quantity IS Code No. Special Remarks
Specifications Information‟s if
for sampling any
1 Suitability of 20 Kg 3535-1966 To be sent in  
cement sealed tins
2 Suitability of Max. size in 2426 To be sent in  
Aggregate substantial double gunny
quantity 50 bages to avoid
mm and loss of fines
above 150
kg. below
50 mm 100
3 Mix Design Cement 3535-1961 Instructions  


  of Concrete 100 Kg   against each  

sand 500 item to be
Kg followed
Coarse 2430 ---do---  
1000 kg
  3535-1966 ---do---  
(if any) 200
4 Mix Design Same as S. 3535-1966 ---do---  
of mortar No. 4
5 Suitability of 50 Bricks 2430 By random  
Bricks Selection
6 Suitability of 50 Kg 1727 To be Sent in  
Pozzolanas sealed tins
7 Natural 50 mm, 75 ---- To be sent  
Building mm and according to
Stone 100 MM test
cubes or requirement
so that
height is
double the
diameter or
samples to
yield above
8 Tiles 50 Tiles 3367-1965 By Random  
Suitability Selection
9 Soil Cement 100 kg soil 4322- part-I- To be sent in  
block 1967 double gunny
Suitability bags to avoid
loss of fines
10 Tiles ( for 10 tiles 4969- 1968 By Random  
lining ) Selection
and flexural
11 Shear Soil - In core well  
Strength C samples 3 sealed
and Ø cores of


  Values of each      
soil samples location
for various
test with
12 Permeability ---do--- - ---do---  
test of soil
13 Swell Disturbed - Representative  
Pressure soil sample Sample in
Test one gunny Gunny Bags
14 Permeability As per - ---do---  
test of S.No. 3 & 4
concrete and above ( For
mortar mix Design
samples )
15 Classification Disturbed - ---do---  
limits & soil
suitability of samples in
soils etc. one gunny
16 Compaction Undisturbed - ---do---  
test of Soil soil sample
17 Permeability ---do--- - ---do---  
test of Soil
18 Embankment As per - -  
test section appendix
No. 1
19 Filter design As per - -  
and layers Appendix
laid No. II
20 Compaction As per - -  
efficiency Appendix
permeability No. III and
of IV enclosed
earth fill
21 Field As per - -  
moisture and appendix
dry density No. V
of sites enclosed
22 Hydraulic Estimate - Funds and  


  Model and models   Data to be  

testing on 2 prepared by supplied by
D and 3 D Laboratory Field
models Formation
4.5.1 For proper designing and execution purpose, results of “True Representative
Samples” are must. Methods for taking true representative samples are
given in different IS codes/ Technical Circulars. Details of methods of various
materials are given in volume II. Methods as per IS Codes/TCs should be
followed strictly so that purpose of execution is fulfilled perfectly and no
complication arise in future. Sampling of aggregates (IS 2430 :1986) and
methods of sampling for identification of expansive soil in sub grade and
Identification of CNS material also given in Volume II.
4.6.1 Following test may be carried out in the field laboratory
I. Field moisture and natural dry density of soils.
II. Compaction efficiency of compacted earth fill.
4.6.2 Following Tests may be conducted in the Project site
i. Suitability of cement, fine & coarse aggregates, bricks , pozzolanas,
building stone, tiles for lining
ii. Shear strength and permeability of soils
iii. Mix Design of concrete and Mortar and permeability of the same.
iv. Classifications, limits and suitability of soils
v. Swelling pressure of soils
vi. Compaction test of soils
vii. Embankment test section.
viii. Filter design and layers of filter laid.
ix. Rolled fill of earth dam
x. Free swell Index of soil

Following test may be got done in Soil and Material testing

Test To be Conducted in Soil and Material Testing Lab  

S.n Item.    
o No. Name of Test IS Codes Remarks

Soil Testing
  (IS: 2720PTIV) Reaffirmed in  
1 4201
Grain Size Analysis 2010
Apparent specific gravity IS: 2720-Pt-III and sec I and  
2 4202
test sec-ii
    Liquid,Plastic Limit &  
3 4203 Plasticity Index ( Atterberg (IS: 2720/Pt.V&VI) Reaffirmed
limit) in 2010
4 4203 Srinkage Limit (IS: 2720/Pt.V&VI)  
    Standard (Light    
5 4204 Compaction test/relative (IS: 2720Pt.VII&VIII)
density test Reaffirmed in 2011
Laboratory Permeability (IS: 2720PtXVII). Reaffirmed in  
6 4205 test 2011
    Effective Shear  
parameters by  
consolidated undrained  
7 4206
test byTriaxial Shear  
machine on 37.5 mm dia ( IS: 2720 Pt XII) Reaffirmed in
sample 2011
    Determination of In-Situ  
Moisture content and  
8 4207
density of Undisturbed  
Sample ( IS: 2720 Pt- XXIX)
    Shear parameters by quick  
saturated test(Q sat) by  
9 4208
Triaxial machine on  
undisturbed samples (IS: 2720Pt. XI)
  Shear parameters by quick  
    test on sample at OMC  
10 4209 &MDD or NMC &NDD by  
Triaxial machine on 37.5  
mm dia sample (IS :2720 Pt.XI.).


    Consolidation Test on    
11 4211 Disturbed or undisturbed  
Samples (IS: 2720 Pt XV)
Swelling Pressure Test- (a) (IS: 2720 Pt. XL). up on
12 4217
(a) Free Swell (b) (IS:2720 nature of
(b)Swelling Pressure Pt.XLI).Reaffirmed in 2011 soil
    Field Permeability Test-    
(in- situ)  
13 4220
(a) Pumping in Test (a) IS: 5529 Pt I
(b) pumping out test (b) IS: 2720 Pt II
Chemical Tests on Soils- IS: 2720 Pt-xxi Reaffirmed in  
14 4214
(I) Soluble salts test 2010
Material Testing
Test on Cement
15 4234 Consistency Test (IS: 4031)  
Test for Setting  
16 4235
Time (IS: 4031)  
    Fineness test    
    (a)By Sieving  
method sample   Suitability
17 4233
(b) By Specific   of
Surface i.e.   Cement
Permeability   required
Apparatus (IS: 4031) 10
Specific Gravity working
18 4236
Test (IS: 4031) Days to
19 4238 Soundness Test (IS: 4031) Complete
20 4240
strength of cement IS 4031
Coarse Aggregate
Unit Weight of Bulk  
21 4242 Total
density (IS: 2386 Pt- III)
22 4241 Seive Analysis (IS: 2386 Pt- I)
of Coarse
    Absorption and   Aggregat
23 4244 Specific Gravity  
e required
Test (IS:2386 Pt-III)
Aggregate Impact working
24 4248
Test (IS:2386 Pt-IV) Days to
Aggregate Crusing Complete
25 4250
Value (IS:2386 Pt-IV)


Abrasion Test by
    any of Following  
    (a) Deval Abrasion   
26 4249 Test  
(b) By Los Angelas  
( C.) By Derry'es  
Abrasion Test (IS:2386 pt-IV)
  Flakiness and  
Elongation Index
28   Soundness Test (IS:2386 Pt- V)
Fine Aggregate
Unit Weight or Bulk  
29 4242  
density (IS:2386 Pt- III)  
30 4241 Sieve Analysis (IS:2386 Pt- I)  
    Absorption and   Total
31 4244 Specific Gravity   Suitability
Test (IS:2386 pt-III) of Fine
    Soundness Test Aggregat
(a)10Cycles/Sampl   e required
32 4247
e   10
(b) 5Cycles/Sample (IS:2386 Pt- V) working
    Test of Finding out   Days to
33 4246 Percentage of Clay,   Complete
Silt and Fine Dust (IS:2386 Pt-II)
  Determination of
Moisture content (IS:2386 Pt-III)
    Water Absorption of    
35 4264 burnt Clay bricks  
(Five Specimen) (IS:3495 Pt-2)
Strength of Bricks  
36 4265
(a) Five No.  
(b) One No. (IS:3495)
  Determination of    
Stone and Rock
38 4275 Strength Test of  
Stone Specimen (IS: 1121 Pt- I)
    Water Absorbtion    
39 4278 Test 24 Hours
Immersion and 5


    hours Boiling Test    

Specific Gravity and  
40 4277
Porosity Test (IS: 1122 )
  Slake Durability  
Test IS; 10050
    (a) Water    
Absorbtion Test
42 4284
(b) Determination of    
Flexural Strength
    Determination of    
Flexural Strength of
43 4259
(a) Preparing
Concrete beam of
Size 10X10X50 cm
Mix Design
44   Mix Design IS -10262 &456  
    strength of Cube  
    Specimen of Size  
    15 Cm  
45 4255 (a) Preparing Cube  
including Curing for  
Specified Time  
(minimum For 6  
Specimen) (IS: 516 )
    strength of Cube  
    Specimen of Size  
10 Cm  
46 4256 (a) Preparing Cube  
including Curing for  
Specified Time  
(minimum For 6  
Specimen) (IS: 516 )
47 4263 Slump Test (IS:1199)  
    Determination of    
48 4262 permeability of  
Concrete (IS:3085)
Non Destructive Test of Concrete

    (a) Pulse Velocity    
    Meter minimum no.
    of Specimen Three
49 4260 (b) Rebound    
Hammer minimum
no. of Specimen
Tensile Strength of LDPE
    Tensile strength of  
50 LDPE Film IS :3395 1997
Chemical Testing
    Chemical Test on    
(a) Lime content
51 4214  
(b) Soluble Salt (a) IS: 2720 Pt XXIII
Test (b) IS: 2720 Pt XXI
    Chemical test for    
52 4215 water suitability for
irrigation use
  Alkali aggregate  
    reactivity test As  
53 4253 Per ASTM  
(Reduction of Alkali  
Silica release test) IS: 2386 Pt VII
    Potential alkali    
54 4254 aggregate reactivity  
test IS: 2386 Pt VII
Water Testing For Drinking and irrigation Purpose
55   Ph Value IS: 10500  
56   Total Hardness IS: 3025  
57   Calcium Hardness IS: 3025  
Hardness IS: 3025
59   Alkalinity    
  Total Dissolved  
Solids IS: 10500
    Dissolved Solids    
61 And Suspended  
Solids IS: 10501
62   Turbidity IS: 10502  
63   Conductivity IS: 10503  
Water Testing by spectrophotometer


64   Fluoride IS : 3025 Pt-60  

65   Chlorine IS : 3025 Pt-26  
66   Nitrate IS : 3025 Pt-34  
67   Nitrite IS ASTM D 3867-09  
68   Phosphate ASTM F 1088-049  
69   Iron IS : 3025 Pt-53  
70   Chloride IS : 3025 Pt-32  
71   Sulphate IS : 3025 F 1088-049  
72   Silica ASTM D 859-10  
Determination of Mix proportion by Chemical Analysis
73   Publication E In C -25 year Nov-
Concrete 1981 page No. 95
74   Publication E In C -25 year Nov-
Mortar 1981 page No. 96
Test & Study To be Conducted in Hydraulic 
Laboratory, Hathaikheda, Bhopal 
Hydraulic Model Testing on 2D and 3 D models of major and medium projects spillways
4.7.1 Okay is the approval given by either Quality Control Unit or field officers. On
the basis of this okay or approval the construction of the work advances.
Therefore all these Okays and approvals shall be properly kept in the record.
4.7.2 The okay cards should be prepared in 4 copies viz. one copy with Quality
Control unit, Second copy A.E. Works, Third copy with Executive Engineer
(works) and fourth copy with work site.
4.7.3 Okay card should be kept in file in the same order date wise as per progress
of construction.
4.7.4 Okay cards should be maintained job-wise as per 4.10.3 above.

4.7.5 A register showing the Okays given by the Quality Control unit should be
maintained in the proforma given in Annexure -40 and kept in the Quality
Control Division.
4.7.6 Quality Control staff should not write in the site order book when the work of
the contract as in progress.
4.7.7 Quality Control Staff should avoid unnecessary correspondence.
4.7.8 For each major project, the whole working season, a seasonal report based
on tests performed for various items of quality control work shall be prepared
by the Executive Engineer, Quality Control during monsoon period and
submitted to Executive Engineer (construction), Superintending Engineer
and Chief Engineer in September of each year & properly kept in the
4.7.9 Manufacturer tests certificate for each material duly tallying with Batch No.,
Site Inspection Report of Higher officers & Change orders for Design,
materials etc. shall be kept in records.
4.11.1 Three test specimens shall be made for each sample for testing at 28 days.
Additional specimen may be required for various purposes such as to
determine the strength of concrete at 7 days or at the time of stripping the
formwork, or to determine the duration of curing, or to check the testing error.
Additional specimen may also be required for testing specimens cured by
accelerated methods as described in IS: 9013. The specimen shall be tested
as described in IS: 516. The test results of the sample shall be average of
the strength of three specimens. The individual variation should not be more
than ± 15 % of the average. If more, the test results of the samples are
invalid. In all cases the 28 days compressive strength specified shall alone
be the criterion for acceptance or rejection of the concrete in accordance
with the following:-
4.11.2 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA: (IS 456: 2000):- Compressive Strength: The concrete shall be deemed to comply with the
strength requirements when both the following conditions are met:
a. The mean strength determined from any group of four non-
overlapping consecutive test results complies with the appropriate
limits in Column 2 of Table 10 below.

b. Any individual test result complies with the appropriate limits in
column 3 of Table 10 below . Flexural Strength: When both the following conditions are met, the concrete
complies with the specifies flexural strength.
The mean strength determined from any group of four consecutive test
results exceeds the specified characteristics strength by at least 0.3 N/mm 2.
The strength determined from any test results is not less than the specified
characteristics strength less 0.3 N/mm2.
4.11.3 Concrete of each grade shall be assessed separately.
4.11.4 Concrete is liable to be rejected if it is porous or honey – combed , its placing
has been interrupted without providing a proper construction joint, the
reinforcement has been displaced beyond the tolerances specified , or
construction tolerances have not been met. However, the hardened concrete
may be accepted after carrying out suitable remedial measures to the
satisfaction of the engineer- in charge.
Table:10: Characteristics Compressive Strength Compliance
Requirement ( Clauses to
Specified Grade Mean of the Group of 4 Non-Overlapping Individual Test
Consecutive Test Results in N/ mm2 Results
(1) (2) (3)
M 15 and above ≥ f ck + 0.825X established standard ≥ fck -3 N/mm2
deviation (rounded off to nearest 0.5 N/mm2 )
f ck + 3 N/mm2 , whichever is greater
NOTE: 1. In the absence of established value of standard deviation, the values given
in Table 8 of IS:456 may be assumed, and attempt should be made to
obtain results of 30 samples as early as possible to establish the value of
Standard deviation.
2. For concrete of quantity up to 30 m3 (where the number of samples to be
taken is less than four as per the frequency of sampling, the mean of test
results of all such samples shall be f ck + 4 N/ mm2, minimum and the
requirement of minimum individual test results shall be f ck - 2 N/ mm2,
minimum, however , when the number is only one as per frequency of
sampling, the requirements shall be f ck + 4 N/ mm2, minimum.

NON-DESTRUCTIVE TESTS): In case of doubt regarding the grade of
concrete used, this procedure should adopted for assessing the quality of
4.12.1 Immediately after stripping the formwork, all concrete shall be carefully
inspected and any defective work or small defects either removed or made
good before concrete has thoroughly hardened.
4.12.2 The compression test on cubes /cylinders cast at the construction site from a
batch of concrete indicates the potential strength of the concrete placed in
the element of the structure since the strength of such specimens depends
on many variables such as shape, proportion of the mix and size of the
specimens. The strength also depends on the procedures followed while
preparing the test specimens at site, such as compaction, curing, storage
and handling before being subjected to the actual test. The conditions of
placement of concrete also vary in respect of transportation, placing,
compaction and curing compared to ideal conditions prescribed for making
the test specimens.
4.12.3 All these factors contribute to variations in the compression test results of the
specimens. If the test results are below the specified minimum then the
actual concrete in the structure could be too weak, or else the specimens are
not truly representative of the concrete in the structure. This can give rise to
disputes on the acceptance or otherwise of a doubtful portion of a structure.
4.12.4 In case of doubt regarding the grade of concrete used, either due to poor
workmanship or based on the results of cube strength tests (do not satisfied
the acceptance criteria), Compressive strength tests of concrete, core
specimen and or load test may be carried out. Cores may also be taken to
assess the actual potential strength of a structure at a later date to decide on
its suitability for modifications such as the construction of additional floors, or
changes in the loading pattern etc.
4.12.5 In case the core test results do not satisfy the acceptance criteria as per
Para 17.4.3 of IS 456 or where such tests have not been done, load tests
may be resorted to. Load test should be carried out as soon as possible after
expiry of 28 days from the time of placing of concrete.

4.12.6 There are occasions when the various performance characteristics i.e.
overall quality / uniformity etc of concrete in structure, other than the
compressive strength are required to be assessed. The various methods that
can be adopted for in-situ assessment of strength properties of concrete in
question. i.e., if the load carrying capacity of structural ensemble is to be
assed, carrying out a full-scale load test, as per IS: 456 or IS: 1343, is the
most direct way; On the other hand when the actual compressive strength of
a concrete in the structure is to be measured, core testing as per IS: 516/457
is more reliable. However both these methods are relatively cumbersome
and the later methods may leave the structure damaged locally in some
cases. Use is, therefore, made of suitable non-destructive tests, which not
only provide an estimate of the relative strength and overall quality of
concrete in the structure, but also help in deciding whether more rigorous
test like load testing or core drilling at selected locations are required.
4.12.7 The methods adopted include Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (IS: 13311 part I)
and rebound hammer (IS: 13311 Part II), Probe penetration, Pullout and
maturity. These test methods can supplement the data obtained from a
limited number of cores.
4.12.8 Non-destructive tests are at best indirect methods of monitoring the
particular characteristics of concrete and the measurements are influenced
by materials, mix and environmental factors proper interpretations of the
results calls for certain degree of expertise. It is more so, when the data on
the materials and mix proportions used in the constructions are not available
as is often the case.
4.12.9 In view of the, limitations of the method for predicting the strength of
concrete in the structure, it is preferable that both ultrasonic pulse velocity as
per Part I of IS 13311 and rebound test hammer method as per Part 2 of IS
13311 are used in combination to alleviate the errors arising out of influence
of material, mix and environmental parameters on the respective
measurements. Relationship between pulse velocity, rebound number and
compressive strength of concrete are obtained by multiple regressions of the
measured values on laboratory test specimens. However, this approach has
the limitation that the correlations are valid only for the materials and mix
proportions used in the trials. The intrinsic differences between the
laboratory test specimens and in-situ concrete for example surface texture,
moisture condition, presence of reinforcement, etc, also affect the accuracy
of results. The correlation is valid only within the range of values of pulse
velocity, rebound number and compressive strength employed and any
extrapolation beyond these is open to question. The rebound hammer test is

not intended as a substitute for standard compression test, but as a method
for determining the uniformity of concrete in the structure and comparing one
concrete with another.
4.12.10 Because of the above Limitations, the combined use of these two methods is
made in another way. In this , if the quality of concrete is assessed to be “
excellent or good” by pulse velocity method, only then the compressive
strength is assessed from the rebound hammer indices, and this is taken as
indicative of strength of concrete in the entire cross –section of the concrete
member . when the quality assessed is “medium” , the estimation of
compressive strength by rebound indices is extended to the entire mass only
on the basis of other colateral measurements, for example, strength of site
concrete cubes , cement content in the concrete or core testing . When the
quality of concrete is doubtful, no assessment of concrete strength is made
from rebound indices.
4.12.11 In most of the situations, the records of the original materials or mix
proportions used in the structure are not available. Therefore , considerable
improvisations has to be done in evolving the testing scheme and use is
made of comparative measurements made on adjoining portions of the
structures or even other structures in the vicinity of the one in question. In
doing so, an approach is taken that the same materials and similar mix
proportions and level of workmanship were employed for the two situations,
any significant differences in the Ultrasonic pulse velocity or rebound indices
between them must be due to some inherent differences in the overall
quality. If the nominal grades of concrete or mix proportions are known to be
different in either case, suitable allowance is made for the same in
interpretation of results.
4.12.12 The test results on ultrasonic pulse velocity and rebound indices are
analyzed statistically and plotted as histograms and the lower fractiles or
results are taken for assessing the quality or „characteristics‟ strength of
concrete , in line with the current limit state concepts of design.
4.12.13 These methods are based on measuring a concrete properly that bears
some relationship to strength and the physical quality measured by the non
destructive tests.
4.12.14 Any of these methods (Non destructive testing viz pulse velocity test,
rebound hammer test) may be adopted, in which case the acceptance
criteria shall be agreed upon prior to testing.

4.13.1 FOR SAND: Tests for Sand: Following test may be carried out to ascertain the properties
of sand: A glass of water is taken and some quantity of sand is placed in it. It is then
vigorously shaken and allowed to settle. If clay is present in sand, its distinct
layer is formed at top of sand. For detecting the presence of organic impurities in sand, solution of sodium
hydroxide or caustic soda is added to sand and it is stirred. If colour of
solution changes to brown, it indicates the presence of organic matter. Sand is actually tested and from its taste, presence of salts is known. Sand is taken from a heap and it is rubbed against the fingers. If fingers are
stained, it indicates that sand contains earthy matters.
4.13.2 FOR CEMENT: Following field tests may be carried out to ascertain roughly the quality of
cement. Colour: The colour of cement should be uniform. It should be typical
cement colour, i.e. grey colour with a light greenish shade. Physical Properties: Cement should feel smooth when touched or rubbed
in between fingers. If it is felt rough, it indicates adulteration with sand. If
hand is inserted in a bag or heap of cement, it should feel cool. If a small
quantity of cement is thrown in a bucket of water, it should sink and should
not float on the surface. Presence of lumps: Cement should be free from any hard lumps. Such
lumps are formed by the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere. Any
bag of cement containing such lumps should be rejected. Strength: Strength of cement can roughly be ascertained by making
briquettes with a lean or weak mortar. The size of briquette may be about 75
mm X 25 mm X 12 mm. Proportion of cement and sand may be 1:6. The

briquettes are immersed in water for a period of 3 days. If cement is of sound
quality, such briquettes will not be broken easily and it will be difficult to
convert them into powder form.
requirements of a good building stone: Appearance: Stones which are to be used for face work should be decent in
appearance and they should be capable of preserving their colour uniformly
for a long time. Durability: A good building stone should be durable. Various factors
contributing to durability of a stone are its chemical composition, texture,
resistance to atmospheric and other influences, location in structure etc.
following are the important atmospheric agencies which affect durability of a
1. Alternate conditions of heat and cold due to differences in
2. Alternate conditions of wetness and dryness due to rain and
3. Chemical agencies such as dissolved gases in rain;
4. Growth of trees and creepers in joints between stones;
5. Wind with high velocity; etc.
For making stones durable, their natural bed should be carefully
noted. Stones should be so arranged in a structure that natural bed is
perpendicular or nearly so to the direction of pressure. Facility of dressing: Stones be such that they can be dressed easily and
economically. Fractures: For a good building stone, its fractures should be sharp even and
clear. Resistance of fire: Minerals composing stone should be such that shape of
stone is preserved when a fire occurs. Failure of stones in case of a fire is
due to various reasons such as rapid rise in temperature, sudden cooling,
different coefficients of liner expansions of minerals, etc. free quartz
suddenly expands at a temperature lower than 600 o C. lime stone resists fire
up to about 800oC and it then splits into CaO and CO2. Sand stone with

silicates as binding material can resist a fire in a better way. Argillaceous
stones are poor in strength. But they can resist fire quite well. Seasoning: Stones should be well seasoned before putting into use. Stones
obtained freshly from a quarry contain some moisture which is known as
quarry sap. Presence of this moisture makes the stone soft. Hence, freshly
quarried stones are easy to work. It is, therefore, desirable to do dressing,
carving, etc when stones contain quarry sap. Stones should be dried or
seasoned before they are used in structure work. Texture: A good building stone should have crystalline structure stones with
such texture are strong and durable. Weathering: A good building stone should possess better weathering
qualities. It should be capable of withstanding adverse effects of various
atmospheric and external agencies such as rain, frost, wind, etc. It should, however, be remembered that one kind of stone is not suitable in
all types of constructions. For instance, soft stones are required for carving,
light stones are required for arches and hard stones are necessary to stand
high pressures. It is, therefore, necessary to study carefully the situation in
which stones are to be used before any recommendation is made. Other
factor which affects the selection of stone are easy availability, nearness of
quarry, facility of transport, reasonable price, etc.

Various definitions of terms used are given below:
Water held on surface of a material by electro chemical forces and having
physical properties substantially different from those of absorbed water or
chemically combined water at the same temperature and pressure.
A substances which when added to concrete, mortar or grout, increase the
rate of hydration of the hydraulic cement, shortens the time of setting, or
increase the rate of hardening or strength development.
A material that is interground or blended in limited amounts into a hydraulic
cement during manufacturer either as a “Processing addition” to aid in
manufacturing and handling the cement or as a “ functional addition” to
modify the use properties of the finished product.
A material other than water aggregates and hydraulics cement used as an
ingredient of concrete or mortar and added to the batch immediately before
or during its mixing to modify one or more of the properties of concrete in the
plastic or hardened state.
Aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75 mm, IS sieve and containing
only so much of finer material, as is permitted by the specifications or
alternatively (under differing circumstances), the portion of an aggregate
retained on the 4.75 mm IS sieve.
The volume of air voids in cement paste, mortar, or concrete, exclusive of
pore space in aggregate particles, usually expressed as a percentage of total
volume of the paste, mortar or concrete.

An admixture for concrete or mortar which cause air to be incorporated in the
form of minute bubbles in the concrete or mortar during mixing, usually to
increase workability and resistance to freezing and thawing and disruptive
action of de-icing salts.
Salts of alkali metals, principally sodium and potassium specifically sodium
and potassium occurring in constituents of concrete or mortar, usually
expressed in chemical analysis as the oxides Na2O and K2O.
Chemical reaction in mortar or concrete between alkalis (Sodium and
Potassium) from Portland cement or other sources and certain constituents
of some aggregates; under certain conditions, deleterious expansion of the
concrete or mortar may result.
ALKALI REACTIVITY (of aggregate):
Susceptibility of aggregate to alkali aggregate reaction.
An operating installation of equipments including batchers and mixers as
required for batching or for batching and mixing concrete materials; also
called mixing plant when mixing equipment is included.
They are a type of expansive soil and form a major soil group in India. The
colour of black cotton soil vary from black, yellowish to grey. They are
characteristised by high shrinkage and swelling properties.
Increase in the bulk volume of a quantity of sand in a moist condition over
the volume of the same quantity, dry or completely inundated.
Clay constituents the finest and most active portion of the soil material and is
generally characterized by high to very high dry strength. Lack of reaction to
shaking test, and a plastic thread which is strong when wet and which
becomes stiff or tough as it dries.

Coarse grained soils consists of mineral fragments visible with the naked eye
and or having a gritty feel when rubbed between the fingers.
They are soils possessing the property of cohesion of varying degree and
having non-expanding type clay minerals such as illite and kaolinite and their
combination with low plasticity with liquid limit not exceeding 50.
The densification of a soil by means of Mechanical manipulation.
Compaction test of soils (Moisture density relationship) done in the
laboratory is the dry density at particular moisture content at which the
density of the soil is the maximum.
The ratio obtained by dividing the observed weight of concrete which fills a
container size and shape when allowed to fall into it under standard condition
of test by the weight of fully compacted concrete which fills the same
The relative mobility or ability of freshly mixed concrete or mortar to flow, the
usual measurement are slump for concrete and flow for mortar cement paste
or grout.
The gradual reduction in volume of a soil resulting from an increase in
compressive stress.
Fine aggregates produced by crushing hard stone.
Fine aggregates produced by crushing natural gravel.
The load per unit area at which a standard cube fails when tested in a
specified manner.

Maintenance of humidity and temperature of freshly placed concrete during
some definite period following placing, casting or finishing to assure
satisfactory hydration of the cementitious materials and proper hardening of
the concrete.
By designing the mix incorporating the various properties of ingredients to
make the most economical use of available materials to produce the mix of
required properties.
The ability of concrete to resist weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion
and other conditions of service.
Strength of concrete or mortar developed soon after placement usually
during the first 72 hours.
They are inorganic or organic clays of high plasticity with high compressibility
and liquid limit more than 50 and are characterised by shrinkage and
swelling properties.
Fine grained soils consists of mineral particles of microscopic or
submicroscopic size which have a smooth or floury feel when moistened
with water.
Compaction done in the field at the moisture content at which soil is placed.
Aggregate most of which passes 4.75 mm IS sieve & contains only so much
coarser material as permitted in concern IS codes of specifications of sand
for concrete/ mortar/ plaster.
A finely divided residue that results from the combustion of ground or
pulverized coal & is transported from boilers by flue gases & collected by

cyclone separation or electrostatic precipitation. It may be as part
replacement of O.P.C provided uniform blending with cement is ensured.
A degree of stiffening of a mixture of cement and water greater than initial
set, generally stated as an empirical value indicating the time in hours and
minutes required for a cement paste to stiffen sufficiently to resist to an
established degree, the penetration of a weighed test needle; also
application to concrete and mortar mixtures with use of suitable test
The time required for a freshly mixed cement paste, mortar or concrete to
achieved final set.
The flakiness index of an aggregate is the percentage of weight of particles
in it whose least dimensions (thickness) is less than three fifth of their mean
a) That part of form work which consists of sheeting and its immediate
supporting or stiffening members.
b) A temporary structure or mould for the support or concrete while it is
setting and gaining sufficient strength to become self supporting,
Complete system of temporary structure built to contain fresh concrete so as
to form it to the required shape and dimensions and to support it until it
hardens sufficiently to become self supporting. Form work include the
surface in contact with the concrete and all necessary supporting structures.
Slag in granulated form is used for the manufacture of hydraulic cement.
Slag is a non-metallic product consisting, essentially of glass containing
silicates and alumino silicates of lime and other bases, in the case of blast
furnace slag which is developed simultaneously with iron and blast furnace
or electric pig iron furnace. Granulated slag is obtained by further processing
a molten slag by rapidly chilling or quenching it with water or steam and air.

Mixture of cementtitious material and aggregate to which sufficient water is
added to produce pouring consistency without segregation of the
constituents, or mixtures of other compositions, such as containing PVC or
epoxy resin or sodium silicate, but of similar consistency.
The process of filling with grout.
Gravel consists of coarse grained soil particles particularly larger than 2 mm
(0.08 inch).
The physio-chemical changes observed in a mortar due to the effect of the
one or more of the following phenomena:
(a) Absorption of carbon, (b) Recrytallisation and ( c) Chemical reaction
Voids left in concrete due to failure of the mortar to effectively fill the spaces
among coarse aggregates particles.
A degree of stiffening of a mixture of cement and water less than final set,
generally stated as an empirical value indicating the time in hours and
minutes required for cement paste to stiffen sufficiently to resist to an
established degree of penetration of a weighted test needle. Also applicable
to concrete or mortar with use of suitable test procedures.
Any volume of concrete cast in place (generally as a monolithic structure
usually incorporating a high proportion of large coarse aggregate and a low
cement content) and intended to resist applied load by virtue of its mass is
distinct from other types of concrete because its dimensions are larger and
requires measures for temperature control & placing to reduce volume
Placing of reinforcement inside mass concrete for structural, temperature or
other reasons, shall not change its classification from mass concrete to
Reinforced cement concrete.

The period during which the constituents of a batch of concrete are mixed by
a mixer; for a stationary mixer, time is given in minutes from the completion
of mixer charging until the beginning of surcharge; for a truck mixer; time is
given in total minutes at a specified mixing speed or expressed in terms of
total revolutions at a specified mixing speed.
a. A device containing a cavity into which neat cement mortar or
concrete test specimens are cast; and
b. A form used in the fabrication of precast mortar or concrete units.
Muck is the name often given to well decomposed highly organic soils. It is
usually black or very dark gray in colour and has very low dry strength and a
plastic thread which is weak and soft.
Fine aggregates resulting from the natural disintegration of rock and which
have been deposited by streams or glacial agencies.
Concrete with a slump of 25 mm or less.
The nominal proportions of the constituents of a proposed concrete mix.
Organic soils are usually recognized by a dark brown or black colour and the
typical odour of decaying vegetation.
Organic silt is a combination of finely divided organic matter and silt size
mineral soil. It is black or dark or dark gray colour and is generally
characterized by low to medium dry strength, sluggish reaction to the
shaking test and a plastic thread which is medium soft to the medium stiff.
Organic clay is a combination of finely divided organic matter with a
significant amount of clay sized particles. it is black or dark gray in colour

and is generally characterized by very high dry strength lack of reaction to
the shaking test and a plastic thread which is very stiff or very tough.
Peat is the name often given to partially decomposed highly organic soil. It
is usually brown to dark brown or black colour and the typical odour of
decaying vegetation.
A protective covering of properly packed or build in materials on the earthen
surface slopes of irrigation canals, drainage channels, river banks etc. to
protect them from the action of water.
An intimately interground mixture of Portland cement clinker and granulated
slag with addition of gypsum and permitted additives or an intimate and
uniform blend of portland cement and finely ground granulated slag.
An essentially silicious material which while in itself possessing no
cementitious properties will, in finely divided form and in the presence of
water, react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperature to form
compounds possessing cementitious properties. It may be used with the
permission of the Engineer incharge, provided uniform blending with cement
is ensured.
Concrete containing no steel reinforcement or less amount of reinforcement
than specified for reinforced concrete. The co-operation of such steel being
ignored in resisting stress resultants.
Plain concrete cast in such massive dimensions as to require specific
measures to be taken to cater for generation of heat and attendant volume
change to minimize cracking is termed Mass Concrete.
A large random –shaped stone of 150 mm maximum size dropped into
freshly placed mass concrete.

Subjectively “Quality” refers to degree of goodness of a product/ structure.
Objectively it consists of set of measurable characteristics for which standard
dimensions together with small allowable departures (tolerances) up & down,
may be prescribed moreover, this quality level should be allowable at
satisfactory cost level.
Quality Control is systematic control by management of the variables in the
constructions operations that affected the goodness of the end product. This
is the administrative activities including inspection, setting of inspection
standards and prescription of procedures for adherence to them.
Rock is a natural aggregate of mineral grains connected by strong and
permanent cohesive forces.
The ratio of field density to the standard laboratory density of a soil is termed
the “Relative compaction” .
An admixture which delays the setting of cement pastes and hence of
mixtures such as mortar or concrete containing cement.
Masonry built of stones either irregular in shape as quarried or squared and
only hammer dressed and having comparatively thick joints. Stones for
rubble masonry are, as far as possible, angular.
Concrete containing steel reinforcement (non-prestressed) conforming to IS
code and of no less than the minimum amount required by the code and is a
composite material in which both materials act in co- operation to resist the
stress resultants.
(Concrete containing prestressed steel reinforced for introducing pre
compression of tensile flange of element is termed Prestressed Concrete).
(Ref: Standard specifications & Code of Practice for Road Bridges Section III

Silt (inorganic) constituents the coarse fraction of the fine grained soil
materials and is generally characterized by low to very low dry strength,
rapid reaction to the shaking test, and a plastic thread which is weak and soft
when wet and which crumble easily as it dries
Soil is defined by the Civil Engineer as natural aggregate of mineral grains,
with or without organic constituents; than can be separated by gentle
mechanical means such as agitation in water.
The Standard compaction test of soil is the test in which compaction effort is
applied by the specified compaction rammer in a specified manner which is
considered equivalent to the compaction equipments used in the field.
Very fine pozzolanic material, composed mostly of amorphous silica
produced by electric arc furnaces as a byproduct of the production of
elemential silicon or ferro- silicon alloys. It may be used as part replacement
of cement provided uniform blending with the cement is ensured.
The differential concentration of the components of mixed concrete,
aggregate, or the like, results in non-uniform proportions in the mass.
Determination of the proportions of particles lying within certain size ranges
in a granular material by separation on sieves of different size openings.
A form which moves, usually continuously during placing of the concrete.
Movement may be either horizontal or vertical.
A measure of consistency of freshly mixed concrete equal to the subsidence
measured to the nearest in mm of the moulded truncated cone immediately
after removal of the slump cone.

A mould in the form of a truncated cone with a base diameter of 20 cm, top
diameter 10 cm and height 30 cm, used to fabricate a specimen of freshly
mixed concrete for the slump test.
The procedure for measuring slump.
The freedom of a solid from cracks, flaws fissures, or variation from an
accepted standard ; in the case of cement freedom from excessive volume
change after, setting ; in the case of aggregate, the ability to withstand the
aggressive action to which concrete containing it might be exposed
particularly that due to weather.
A fragment, usually in the shape of a flake, detached from a large mass by a
blow, by the action of weather, by pressure, or by expansion within the larger
The ratio of the mass of a unit volume of a materials at a stated temperature
to the mass of the same volume of a gas free distilled water at a stated
Curing of concrete or mortar in water vapour at atmospheric or high
pressures and at temperatures between 30o and 215o Centigrade.
The soil prepared and compacted to support a structure or a pavement
system or lining of canal.
Volume increase caused by wetting or chemical changes or both; a function
of time but not of temperature or of stress due to external load.
The operation of compacting freshly placed concrete by repeated blows.

Cracking due to tensile failure, caused by temperature drop in members
subjected to external restraints or temperature differential in members
subjected to internal restraints.
The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three
specimens. The individual variation should not be more than ±15 percent of
the average.
A shallow wall constructed below the bed or floor level to provide footing for
the sloped pitching or the face of an embankment.
Uniform or poorly graded soils are composed of particles all of which are
approximately of the same size.
An oscillating machine used to agitate fresh concrete so as to eliminate
gross voids including entrapped air but not entrained air and produce
intimate contact with form surfaces and embedded materials.
Well graded soils contain a good representation of particles of several sizes
ranging continuously from coarse to fine.
The ability of mortars to retain water against suction and evaporation in
general. It is indirectly a measure of the workability of mortars. It is measured
by the flow of mortar when tested on a standard flow table before and after
application of a specified suction.
The ratio of the amount of water, exclusive only of that absorbed by the
aggregates, to the amount of cement in a concrete or mortar mixture;
preferably stated as a decimal by weight.

Change in colour, texture, strength, chemical composition or other
properties of a natural or artificial material due to the action of the weather.
That property of freshly mixed concrete or mortar which determines the
ease and homogeneity, with which it can be mixed, placed compacted, and
finished. It is the amount of energy to overcome friction and cause full
The volume of freshly mixed concrete produced from a known quantity
of ingredients; to total weight of ingredients divided by the unit weight of
the freshly mixed concrete; also the number of product units, such as
block, produced per bag of cement or per batch of concrete.




Contractor plans to achieve worker safety and health through the following:
A. Using qualified, trained personnel.
B. Making regular job site safety inspections.
C. Enforcing the use of safety equipment.
D. Following safety procedures and rules.
E. Providing on-going safety training.
F. Enforcing safety rules and using appropriate discipline.
1. After inspecting a job site, the Safety Administrator or other designated person will
identify and evaluate all potential hazards for:
A. Injury severity potential.
B. Probability of an accident.
2. This person will also appraise the skill and knowledge level of exposed workers.
3. Appropriate training will be given.
A. Hazards will be pointed out.
B. Necessary precautions will be explained.
C. The higher the hazard the more detailed will be the training.
4. Records will be maintained for all training sessions with descriptions of topics covered
and names of workers trained.


The designated superintendent will have the responsibility to provide all
employees with operation procedures, hazards and safeguards of tools and
equipment. Weekly job meetings will be provided for expanded orientation to such
The Superintendent will make daily visual inspections to insure that all unsafe or
hazardous conditions are eliminated. The superintendent will provide instructions to
each employee regarding recognition and avoidance of hazards.
The Superintendent will give instructions to each employee required to handle
known poisons, toxic materials, caustics and other harmful substances, regarding the
potential hazards, safe handling, use, personal hygiene, protective measures required
and applicable first aid procedures to be used in the event of injury.
The Superintendent will give instructions to each employee where known
harmful plants, reptiles, animals or insects are present, regarding the potential hazards,
injury avoidance and applicable first aid procedures to be used in the event of injury.
The Superintendent will give instructions to each employee required to enter a
confined space, regarding the hazards involved, injury precautions, the use of
required personal protective equipment, emergency equipment and applicable first
aid procedures to be used in the event of injury.
The Superintendent will give instructions regarding procedures to be followed in
case of an injury, accident or other emergency.

1. Protective footwear shall be worn to protect from falling objects, chemicals
or stepping on sharp objects. Athletic or canvas-type shoes shall not be
2. Use steel-toe shoes or boots whenever you are exposed to falling objects.
3. Use shoes or boots with reinforced flexible metal soles or inner soles when you
are working near puncture hazards.
4. Use boots or shoes with no metal parts and non-conductive soles when you
are working near electrical, fire, or explosion hazards.
5. Use rubber shoes or boots with rubber or synthetic soles when working on wet
6. Use wooden soles when working on hot surfaces.
7. Use easy-to-remove gaiters without laces or eyelets when working near
welding sparks or hot metal splashes.
8. Use rubber or neoprene boots to protect your feet from chemical or corrosive
Head protection will be worn on job sites when there are potentials of falling
objects, hair entanglement, burning or electrical hazards.
Choose the right kind of hat. Class A protects you from impact and penetration.
Class B hats have the same features as Class A, except they have no metal
parts to conduct electricity. Class C is made of lightweight aluminum; they
protect you from impact but not from electrical hazards. Class D is designed
for fire fighters and are fire-resistant.
Wear your hard hat throughout the day. For maximum protection, wear your hard
hat when you walk onto the job site and keep it on until you leave.
Maintain your hat. Inspect it every day to make sure the shell is not damaged. If

your hat sustains a heavy blow, get a new one. Remove and wash any
sweatbands from your hat, and don’t store the hat in a high-heat
A metallic helmet shall not be used.
A helmet that has been physically altered, painted, or damaged shall not be worn.
An employee shall not physically alter a helmet.
1. Eye protection will be worn when there are potentials of hazards from flying
objects or particles, chemicals, arcing, glare or dust.
2. Use eye protection with side shields to protect you from flying objects.
3. Use face shields plus goggles or spectacles for serious hazards.
4. Use eye and face protectors that fit snuggly.
5. Remember that ordinary prescription lenses do not provide impact
1. An employee, who handles rough, sharp-edged, abrasive materials, or
whose work subjects the hands to lacerations, punctures, burns, or bruises,
shall wear hand protection of a type suitable for the work being performed.
2. Cloth gloves shall not be worn when operating rotating equipment such as a
drill or a powered threading machine.
3. Precautions shall be taken with regard to synthetic clothing that is worn near
a source of flame, spark, a hot surface, or material that could ignite the
4. An employee shall not wear loose clothing, neckwear encircling the neck, or
exposed jewelry, such as rings and necklaces, near a machine having
reciprocating or rotating shafts or spindles or when handling material that
could catch on clothing or jewelry and cause injury. A ring shall not be worn
on the finger unless covered by a glove or tape.

5. Avoid rolled-up sleeves. Keep them buttoned at the wrist or wear short
6. Avoid shirttails hanging out. They should always be tucked inside your
7. Avoid open jackets. Zipper or button them up at least chest high.
8. A person shall wear a hat, cap or net where there is a danger of hair
entanglement in moving machinery or equipment or where there is exposure
to means of ignition. The hair enclosure shall completely enclose all loose
hair, and shall be adjustable. Material used for a hair enclosure shall be fast-
dyed and non-irritating to the skin when subject to perspiration.
9. A hair enclosure used in an area where there is a danger of ignition from
heat, flame, or chemical reaction shall be made of materials that are flame-
10. Pant legs must be short enough to prevent tripping and should have
uncuffed bottoms. Cuffs can catch on equipment or other materials,
causing you to fall. Also avoid wearing rolled-up pants.
11. Snug, close-fitting garments are best for most jobs. A one-piece coverall with
short sleeves is generally the safest. Old, torn shirts and pants make good
scrub rags, but not safe work clothes.
An employee working on a pole, tower, or other such structure, except where use
of the belt and strap creates a greater hazard, other equivalent safeguards
that do not create a greater hazard shall be used shall wear a lineman’s belt
and safety strap.
A lineman’s belt and safety strap shall be inspected before use each day and shall
be replaced or repaired if found to be defective.

Where a possibility of drowning exists, an employee working over or adjacent to
water shall wear a life jacket or buoyant work vest. The jacket shall be of a
type to roll the wearer face up, if unconscious.
Before each use, the life jacket or buoyant vest shall be inspected for defects
which might alter its strength or buoyancy. Defective units shall not be used.
A ring buoy with not less than 90 feet of safety line shall be provided and shall be
readily available for rescue operations. The distance between the buoys
shall not be more than 200 feet.
Not less than 1 lifesaving boat equipped with a method of propulsion that is
effective for the water conditions shall be available at the location where an
employee works over or adjacent to water and the possibility of drowning
Follow these safety precautions to maximize your protection against falls:
Clean up spills immediately.
Keep aisles, walkways, stairs, and work areas unobstructed and clean.
Don’t overreach on a ladder.
Pay attention to what you are doing and where your feet are.
Never use a defective ladder.
Walk, don’t run, on stairways.
Use handrails whenever they are provided.
Wear sturdy footwear with slip-resistant soles.
Adjust your footing and walking habits if it is raining, snowing, or sleeting.
Each employee on a walking/working surface (horizontal and vertical surface) with an
unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet or more above a lower level shall be protected
from falling by the use of guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest


Select the right tool for the job; only use the tool for the tasks it was intended for.
Avoid using metal ladders with an electrical tool.
Always store electric tools in a dry place.
Never carry a power tool by its cord.
Keep the work area free from anything that could catch fire from a tool spark.
Don’t wear loose shirts, jewelry, or other items that could get caught in a power
tool. Tie back and cover long hair.
Stand on a rubber mat when using power tools in damp conditions.
Keep tools lubricated and free of dust and dirt.
Never remove or bypass a machine guard.
Report defective tools right away. A tool or part of a tool with a defect that could
cause injury shall be replaced or repaired before use.
Do not use a tool other than its designed or approved use.
When a guard is provided on a tool, it shall not be made inoperative. It may be
removed only for repair, service, or setup, and it shall be replaced before the
tool is returned to use.
All means of power transmission and reciprocating and rotating parts of a tool,
such as belts, gears, sprockets, shafts, pulleys, and chains, shall be guarded if
exposed to contact.
Hand tools or portable power tools shall not be left on a scaffold, ladder, or work
platform after the completion of the work operation or day. Before the
scaffold, ladder, or work platform is moved, all tools shall be removed or
properly secured against displacement.
Racks, bins, or tool chests shall be provided for the storage of tools, and any sharp
or pointed edges shall be arranged so as not to create a hazard.
The user shall visually inspect a tool for safe operation before each daily use and,
when found defective, shall be removed from service and tagged.

A tool that is used in a potentially explosive atmosphere shall be designed and
approved for such atmosphere.
A safety device or operating control shall not be made inoperative, except for the
removal of lock-on control devices.
A hand-held powered circular saw which has a blade diameter of more than 2
inches; an electric, hydraulic, or pneumatic chain saw; and a percussion tool
without positive accessory holding means shall be equipped with a constant-
pressure switch or control that shuts off the power when the pressure is
released. A gasoline-powered; hand-operated tool shall be equipped with a
constant pressure throttle control. A throttle position lock may be provided
for starting only.
All of the following tools shall be equipped with a constant pressure switch or
control and may have a lock-on control if the tool can be turned off by a
single motion of the same finger or fingers that turn it on without release of
the grip on the tool:
A hand-held powered drill
Fastener driver.
Grinder with a wheel more than 2 inches in diameter.
Disc sander with a disc more than 2 inches in diameter.
Belt sander.
Reciprocating saw.
Saber saw.
Scroll saw.
Jigsaws with a blade shank more than a nominal ¼ inch.
Similarly operating power tool.
The lock-on control of a drill of more than 3/8-inch capacity shall not be used

when the drill is held in the hand to drill, clean, or enlarge a hole.
All of the following hand-held power tools may be equipped with either a positive
on-off control or other control as described in (2) above:
A platen sander.
Grinder with a wheel 2 inches or less in diameter.
Disc sander with discs 2 inches or less in diameter.
Laminate trimmer.
Saber saw.
Scroll saw.
Jigsaw with a blade shank of nominal ¼ inch or less.
The operating control on a hand-held power tool shall be located so as to prevent
accidental operation.
Use the right tool for a job. Never use a makeshift, or improperly fitting tool.
Use wrenches of the right size for the job. If one wrench is too small to do the job,
use a bigger wrench – not pliers.
Use only tools in good condition – do not use tools with cracked or broken handles,
without handles, or with mushroomed or broken heads.
Keep keen-edged blades sharp and store them safely when not in use.
To prevent chips from flying, avoid using a hammer with a hardened face on a
highly tempered tool such as a drill, a file, a die or a jig. Also, make sure your
hammer and mallet heads are tight on the handles so they can’t fly off.
Never apply a wrench to moving machinery. Stop the machine, and remove all
tools before starting it again. Also, always unplug an electrical tool before
changing a sanding disc, a dull bit or a blade.

Never handle any tools in such a manner that you can be injured if they slip. Think
about your movements and position your body accordingly. When you’re
using a hacksaw, nibblers, a saber saw or drills, hold the work down firmly with
clamps, vise grips or a vise. Don’t ever try to hold your work with just your
hand. Use the proper blade and saw speed for the material you’re cutting
and don’t try to force-feed the saw. When you’re drilling or using any other
rotating tool, use the right speed and put just the right amount of pressure on
the work. When you’re carrying your tools, always keep the pointed ends
down in a tool belt or pouch. Don’t carry them in your pocket.
Don’t let a tool dangle by its cord or disconnect it by yanking on the cord. Always
disconnect cords by pulling directly on the plug.
Remember that with electrical tools, even a 110-volt house current can kill you. Use
ground-fault devices for your protection. Make sure that all tool cords,
extension cords, and plugs have a proper ground on them. Under no
circumstances should the ground be removed.
If the floor is wet, or even damp, stand on something that won’t conduct electricity.
And, keep clear of water pipes, conduits, or any other metal that may make
you part of the easiest path to the ground.
If you use a wire brush, keep your face, arms and chest protected to prevent little
bits of wire that break loose from flying off and penetrating your skin.
When you’re using a portable power shear, don’t try to force the blade through the
metal, and be sure to keep the cord out of the way so you don’t
accidentally cut through it.
The construction industry calls for the use of many types of hand tools. Handle
them with care, and use them only for the purpose for which they were

Remember that acetylene and fuel gases catch fire easily. Keep them from sparks
and fire. Observer the “NO SMOKING” rule in their vicinity.
Oxygen can ignite even when no flames or sparks are around to set it off. Because
it is a real fire hazard when it comes in contact with oil or grease, you should
never handle oxygen cylinders with oily hands or gloves. Keep grease away
from the cylinders, and do not use oil or grease on cylinder attachments or
Acetylene cylinders contain a porous material impregnated with acetone.
Acetone is a chemical that dissolves acetylene and then releases it as the
pressure is released. Acetone absorbs acetylene easily under normal
temperatures, but releases it when heated. Acetylene cylinders have fusible
safety plugs that melt at around 212ºF, the boiling point of water. So if a
valve becomes frozen, thaw it by pouring warm water on the valve, not on
the cylinder. Never use flame or intense heat on acetylene cylinder valves.
Keep heat away from the cylinder.
Remember that gases are under pressure. Oxygen is supplied in cylinders at about
2,000 pounds per square inch, acetylene cylinders are at 250 pounds per
square inch, and LP gases usually are at nearly 300 pounds per square inch.
So be careful when opening valves or releasing theses gases.
Proper storage of gas cylinders is essential. Acetylene, oxygen and other gas
cylinders should be stored separately, placed in an upright position and
secured so they cannot be turned over accidentally.
Substitute fire-safe products for dangerous ones when possible. This will help reduce
fire dangers.
Beware of using gasoline, benzene, or other flammables as cleaners. Less

dangerous products that will work just as well are available.
Keep only a minimum supply of flammables and combustibles on hand. Get rid of
what you don’t need.
Store your supply away from the main building (s) where possible. A small
detached shed would be suitable. For on-premises storage, an approved
fire-resistive room or vented metal storage cabinet is needed. Do not use the
boiler room, electrical panel room, or air conditioning equipment room!
Protect against static electricity buildup when dispensing these liquids from drums
into metal containers. Ground all drums, and clip a wire between the drum
and the container being filled.
Use only “U.L.” approved safety cans for working amounts of flammables. Plunger
cans and bench cans are designed for fire safety in production areas.
Oil, grease, and solvent-soaked rags should be kept in a self-closing metal
container designed for this purpose. Change or dispose of cleaning rags
Never smoke or use an open flame where flammables or combustibles are being
used or stored.
Never drop cylinders or permit them to strike each other.
Avoid dragging or sliding cylinders – even for short distances.
Do not use cylinders as “rollers” for moving material or other equipment.
Keep cylinders in designated storage areas when not in use.
No part of a cylinder should be subjected to a temperature more than 125ºF.
Cylinders should not be permitted to come in contact with sparks, flames, electric
apparatus or circuits.
Never tamper with safety devices in valves or cylinders.
Use a regulator when connecting cylinders to systems of lower pressure ratings.
The connection of regulators to gas cylinders should be made with properly fitting
wrenches, and connections specified to be hand-tight should be made

hand-tight only.
When returning empty cylinders, close the valve to leave some positive pressure in
the cylinder, replace the protective cap and mark and label the cylinder
Do not set full and empty cylinders in the same area.
The importance of properly equipping all electric tools with approved extension
cords and means for grounding cannot be overemphasized. Inspection,
testing and maintenance of all such equipment in safe operating condition
are continuing responsibilities for everyone. Unsafe tools must be removed
from service wherever and whenever found on the job and not returned to
service until safe to use. Any cords or receptacles that are taped must be
carefully inspected to assure that the condition covered by the tape is safe.
Three-wire circuits should be available at all receptacles, and a circuit tester
can be used to make certain that the grounding circuit is properly installed
and operating.
Preventing electrocutions is a matter of grounding the case of the tool so that
whenever a short condition exists, the current is drained off by the ground
wire and not your body. A case ground, correctly installed and tested, is
absolutely essential, as is third-wire grounding of any electrical circuit. Such
circuits consist of two wires, the energized or hot lines and the neutral or
common. The neutral or common must not be used as the third-wire
independent ground. This third-wire ground acts as an independent
grounding circuit for the frames of tools, equipment and boxes of the system
itself. It should be the same size wire and current-carrying capacity as the
two-circuit wires.
Electrically powered hand tools perform many jobs. The power source for these
tools is often supplied through temporary electrical hookups. Such
installations have two basic characteristics: First, they are temporary and not
constructed for permanent use; secondly, these power supply lines and
equipment are subjected to treatment and conditions much more severe
than found in most other kinds of work. Because sheet metal workers
frequently are exposed to extremes of moisture, heat and physical contact
with their surroundings, temporary wiring systems must be in a safe and
efficient condition at all times. Frequent inspections must assure that wiring,
once set up, stays safe.
The most common electrical accident occurs when a person becomes a pathway
for electricity flowing to a ground or low energy level. This kind of electricity
flow is called ground fault. Because ground faults can kill people and
destroy equipment, ground fault circuit interrupting devices are used to
interrupt the electrical circuit to the load when a fault current-to-ground
exceeds some predetermined value that is less than that required to operate
the over current protective device of the supply circuit. It is used in addition
to normal fusing or circuit breaker protection, not as a replacement. Two
types of portable ground fault circuit interrupters exist. The plug-in type plugs
directly into the receptacle and provides an alternate receptacle to plug
into; the cord-connected type has a molded box with several protected
receptacles and a short cord and plug. Workers using a receptacle must
have ground fault circuit interrupter protection.
Adopting an assured equipment grounding conductor program is another way to
provide adequate protection from electrical hazards. This is an inspection
and maintenance program covering all cord sets, receptacles that are not
part of permanent wiring of a building or structure, and equipment
connected by cord and plug that are available for use by employees. This
program provides for periodic inspection of receptacles, flexible cord sets
(extension cords), and equipment connected by cord and plug. Where
evidence of damage exists, the damaged items are taken out of service and
tagged until the items have been tested and required repairs have been
made. All equipment-grounding conductors are tested for continuity. All

receptacles and attachment caps or plugs are tested for correct
attachment of the equipment-grounding conductor. Inspection and tests
are performed:
• Before first use.
• Before equipment is returned to service following any repairs.
• Before equipment is used after any incident which can be reasonably
suspected to have caused damage.
• At intervals not to exceed three months, except that cord sets and
receptacles which are fixed and not exposed to damage shall be tested
at intervals not exceeding six months.
Welding and burning require a high degree of skill. Care must be taken at all points to
avoid harm to yourself and to those around you.
1. A qualified person must perform wiring electric welding equipment. A diesel
or gasoline engine-driven generator must be located to avoid danger from
exhaust gases and fumes. Portable units must be firmly secured. Before
operating, be sure that all safety guards are in place and that you are using
the right size welding cable. Prevent the leads from getting wet or damaged
and avoid trip hazards.
2. Make connections to the transformer or generator with the proper plugs or
lugs. If you have to extend leads, use proper cable couplings. If you are
working in a confined space, check to see that you have adequate
ventilation. Be sure that safety precautions are taken around welding jobs to
protect other workers. When working above ground level, be sure that the
staging or scaffold is stable. Most welding jobs require the use of both hands,
so be certain that you are adequately tied off to prevent falls.
3. Wear goggles or welding shields for welding and cutting. They must have the

correct filters and be in good condition. When welding on the job site,
attach your welding shield to a hard hat. Don’t forget that those helping you
must wear eye protection and head protection as well. There is always the
possibility of electric shock when welding. Although the voltage is low, a
shock can cause you to fall or drop something. Be sure that tools are
properly restrained so they will not fall on workers below.
4. Wear the proper clothing – pants and shirt should be neither too loose nor
too tight. While burning or welding, wear close-fitting overalls without cuffs or
turn-ups to prevent sparks from falling into them. Make sure your clothing is
free from oil, grease, and other combustible substances. Because burning
and welding operations create a lot of sparks, wear protective gauntlets and
a leather apron or leather jacket, and be sure the top button of your shirt is
buttoned. Leather gauntlet gloves and strong shoes should always be worn
when performing welding and burning operations. And don’t forget, those
working with you or helping you should wear the same kinds of clothing.
5. Fire is obviously one of the main dangers from welding and cutting
operations. Always make sure that the working area is clean and free from
combustible materials of any kind, including wood and paper. Be especially
leery of oil drums and containers likely to give off combustible vapor. The
slightest spark can be explosive. If something combustible, such as a wood
floor, cannot be moved, cover it with a non-combustible blanket. Do not
allow welding cables and hoses to become strewn around the work area, as
they present perpetual hazards for others to trip over. All welding cables and
hoses should be properly coiled when not in use. Only cylinders in use should
be kept at the work area. If you must weld or cut near combustible
materials, keep a fire extinguisher at hand.
6. Many welding and cutting operations produce fumes harmful in heavy
concentrations, and good ventilation is needed to protect against this
hazard. Sometimes special ventilating equipment is necessary. If you have
any doubts about the ventilation on the job, ask your supervisor for his

7. When you have completed burning or welding, mark your work “hot” with
white chalk as a warning to others. While you are cutting, make sure the
piece you are cutting cannot fall and injure someone. When you are not
using welding equipment, always switch the equipment off to prevent others
from getting shocked. No matter where you are welding or burning, always
be certain that adequate fire-fighting equipment is available and ready for
1. Get rid of trash, oil rags, and debris promptly and properly.
2. Keep work areas and walkways clean and clear.
3. Throw away cardboard boxes, paper wrappings, and packing materials
when you unpack equipment.
4. Don’t smoke around trash containers.
5. Wipe up spills right away.
6. Get rid of food waste promptly and properly to control insect and rodent
7. Keep wood, paper, gas, and oil away from heat.
8. Keep scrap lumber with protruding nails clear from work areas.
9. Clean up throughout the day; don’t leave cleanup for the end of the day or
10. Keep flammable liquids in properly covered storage containers; place
flammable rags in a tightly closed metal container that is emptied daily.
11. Secure material, equipment, and lumber where possible to avoid it blowing
from roofs or high places during heavy winds.
12. Stack material, equipment, and lumber piles properly to prevent them from
falling or collapsing.
13. Use proper housekeeping tools, such as brooms, mops, rags, or vacuums.

14. Avoid placing strings or lines across walkways, aisles, and stairways.
1. Never use metallic ladders for electrical work.
2. Don’t set ladders on boxes or other objects to make the ladder taller.
3. Block any doors that may open toward ladders.
4. Only allow one person on a ladder at a time.
5. Never use a defective ladder.
1. Choose one that is long enough; and
2. Provides enough support for the job you need to do.
1. Look for bent or damaged parts, missing pieces, cracked rails, and loose
Make sure the ladder is on firm footing.
Use a landing if the ladder exceeds 30 feet.
Maintain 20 feet from power lines.
Face the ladder while climbing.
Use both hands and maintain three points of contact.
Never overreach when you are on the ladder.
Do not carry tools when climbing. Haul them up on a line or haul them in a sack
from a strap placed over your shoulder.
1. Maintain three points of contact, always facing the ladder.

2. Place your foot securely on the rung below before changing your handhold.
3. Don’t hurry – take it slow.
When you are not using a ladder, keep it on a rack to avoid damaging it or
weakening its supporting parts.
1. Be certain the crane’s outriggers are deployed, if necessary. The crane’s
cable and winch should be checked. The proper slings and hooks should be
selected and they should be carefully inspected before being put to use.
Attach the sling to the hook, being sure the hook has a safety clip. Attach a
guide or tag line to the load to keep it from swaying or hitting anything.
2. Only one person at a time should give signals to the crane operator, and that
person should always keep his or her eyes on the hoisted load. The signals
used should be standard signals approved by the industry. Don’t make up
signals of your own.
3. If the sling legs are vertical, they can support much more of a load than if
they are horizontal. The angle of the slings will determine the load capacity.
4. On a job site, you may use a windlass-operated hoist. Know this equipment’s
lifting capacity so that you don’t overload it. Also, try not to lift too heavy a
load too high. If the windlass is operated with a hand crank, be sure to stay
clear of the handle. That way, if the cable snaps or if the cable drum
accidentally starts to free-spool, the handle won’t smash into you.
5. Before you use a bridge crane, be sure that you thoroughly understand how
all the controls operate and how to cut all power to the crane in case of an
emergency or a malfunction. Before you hoist anything, check to see that
the upper-limit stop is working properly. When you’re hoisting or moving
materials with either a crane moving or a chain hoist, be sure the area is

clear. Afterwards, store the equipment out of everyone’s way.
6. Before you start hoisting, be sure that everybody but the hoisting crew is clear
of the immediate area. Never stand under a hoisted load or allow anyone
else to do so. Always keep your eyes on the material being hoisted. Use a
guide or tag line to control sway and to keep the load from hitting anything.
Be sure the load is clear of any electric wires.
7. To find the mechanical advantage of any block and tackle system, just
count the segments of rope supporting the load. Don’t count the fall line.
Remember that it only changes the direction of pull: it doesn’t support the
8. The average person can be expected to pull about 100 pounds safely. This
means that if the load you and one other person have to hoist weighs 900
pounds, and the system you have rigged gives a mechanical advantage of
only 3, then the system is unsafe. Each of you would have to pull 150 pounds,
which is too much. You would have to rerig for a mechanical advantage of
at least 5 – 900 pounds divided by 5 equals 180 pounds or 90 pounds per
9. The sling should be long enough so that the sling legs are closer to vertical
than horizontal. The angle the sling legs make with the horizontal changes
the amount of weight that each leg must support, even though the weight of
the load stays the same.
10. For instance, if the load weighs 1,000 pounds and if the sling legs are vertical,
each leg will have to support 500 pounds. If the legs were at a 45-degree
angle to the top of the load, each leg would have to support 707 pounds. If
the angle were 30 degrees, each leg would have to support 1,000
pounds, even though the total load still weighs only 1,000 pounds.
1. Wire rope, or wire cable, as it is also called, is made up of strands composed
of individual wires. Generally, wire rope has a hemp core. Its type is

designated by the number of strands per rope and the number of wires per
strand. For example, 6x19 cable has six strands per rope and 19 wires per
strand. As a general rule, the more wires per strand a rope has, the more
flexible it is. However, what a rope gains in flexibility by using more small wires
per strand, it loses in durability because the small wires break more easily.
2. The size of wire rope is determined by its diameter in inches. However, the
number of strands per wire does not necessarily affect the size of the
diameter. For example, 1-inch cable can be either 6x37 or 6x19.
Construction, diameter and the type of wire all affect a wire rope’s breaking
3. You can usually find the safe working load for a particular wire rope directly
from the manufacturer’s tables. But if the tables aren’t available, you can
square the diameter of the rope in inches, then multiply the results by 8 to get
the safe working load in tons. But, you also have to consider how much a
wire rope has been affected by wear and damage, and decrease the given
breaking strength accordingly.
4. Never tie a knot in a wire rope. It is unsafe and will reduce the rope’s
strength by over 75%. Always use an eye to join one rope to another or to
attach the rope to a hook or shackle.
5. When not being used, wire rope should be coiled in such a way that kinks
and loops won’t form. If the rope is long, coiling it on a spool will help
eliminate kinks. Scrape off dirt and grit as soon as possible, and remove rust
regularly with a wire brush. Coil and store wire rope and slings in a dry, well-
ventilated place. This area should be away from chemicals, acids, and their
fumes, which will corrode or damage the rope.
1. The most common type of rope used for hoisting is #1 grade Manila. Grades
2 and 3 aren’t suitable for hoisting. Neither is cotton rope because it’s too
elastic and slippery. You can recognize Manila rope by its yellowish color
and silvery luster. Number 1 Manila comes in many sizes. Each size has a

different tensile or breaking strength.
2. The industry recommends a safety factor of 10. In other words, divide the
breaking or tensile strength by 10 to get the safe working load. For example,
the new ¼-inch Manila rope has a breaking strength of 600 pounds, which,
divided by 10, provides a safe working load of 60 pounds.
3. This may sound conservative, but there are good reasons for it. If the load
bounces, it adds to the strain on the rope. It’s also possible that you’ve
underestimated the weight of the load, or the rope may be old or
deteriorated and only half as strong as it’s supposed to be. A rope that’s
slung over a hook or one that has a knot in it is 30 percent weaker than its
rated strength, even if it’s new and in good condition. If it’s bent over a
sharp corner, its strength is cut in half.
4. It’s necessary to give all ropes and slings a thorough inspection at regular
intervals. Untwist the strands slightly in several places so that you can
examine the inside. It should look as bright and clean as new.
5. The rope has been weakened by mildew if it smells musty or if the inner fibers
look dark and stained. It’s been damaged by chafing if you find dirt or
sawdust-like, powdery material inside the rope. If strands are broken or if the
rope has been seriously damaged, it’s unsafe to use it for hoisting.
6. Thousands of knots and hitches exist. You should be able to tie certain basic
ones and know when and how to use them. The endless sling is formed by
splicing the end of the rope together into a continuous loop. By passing one
end of the loop through the other, it automatically tightens and secures the
load when it’s put under strain. Another common sling is the choker sling. At
each end of the sling is an eye. You pass one eye through the other and
attach it to the hook. On some occasions, you’ll attach both eyes to the
hook, making a cradle hitch. Be sure that all eyes and splices are in good
condition and remember that, at best, they are only 80% as strong as
unspliced rope.
7. Whichever hitch or sling you select, be sure to use the proper dunnage wood

or other padding to keep the sling from being damaged by chafing or sharp
corners or edges or by bending too sharply.
8. Lay the rope out and spray it thoroughly with water. The spray should be
strong enough to remove the dirt but not so powerful that it forces the dirt
into the rope. After you finish spraying, hang the rope up to dry. Wet rope
always should be allowed to dry thoroughly and never allowed to freeze.
Large ropes should be laid out on gratings or something similar so that air can
circulate freely around them.
9. To store small ropes, coil them and hang them off the floor on pegs. There
should be a piece of at least 4-inch diameter pipe over the pegs. This will
keep sharp bends out of the rope, which weaken it.
1. No load should be lifted which exceeds the rated capacity of the crane at
the operating boom angle.
2. Standard operating signals should be agreed upon and should be used to
direct all operations.
3. Only one person should be permitted to give signals to the operator unless
the load is being transferred to a point that cannot be monitored by the
signal person. In such cases, a second signal person should be designated.
4. Slings should be adequate for the load being lifted.
5. The signal person should determine that a proper sling has been used,
and that it has been correctly applied before he or she signals for
the lift operation.
6. Slings should be kept in good condition, and inspected for kinks, excessive
wear and breaks before they are put to use.
7. Double slings should be used when hoisting two or more pieces of material
twelve feet or more in length.
8. Angles of less than 45 degrees should be avoided when using double slings.
9. If loads have sharp edges, or if sharp corners must be lifted, pads or saddles

should be used to protect the ropes.
10. Taglines should be used on loads likely to swing.
11. Taglines should be used on loads that must be guided through a restricted
1. Ropes can be either fiber or wire. However, they must be wire if you’ll be
doing any welding or soldering because sparks and acid will do serious
damage to fiber rope. Select the proper ropes and cable for the load to be
supported, and inspect all the equipment before you use it.
2. When you assemble a swing stage, take all safety precautions. The flooring
must be solid and firm. If you use planks, they must be scaffold planks, free
from damage, rot, large cracks or knots. If the scaffold is over 16 feet long,
erect center posts every 8 feet to support the guardrails. The guardrails must
be installed on both the inside and the outside of the swing stage. In most
cases, you should have guardrails at the ends. Toe boards must be used to
prevent tools or supplies from accidentally falling off the scaffold. And, wire
mesh or some other material must extend between the toe board and the
3. No matter how you anchor the swing stage to the building, be sure there is a
safety line independent of the stage and that you use your safety belt. Also,
make certain that everything is securely attached to a solid part of the
building. In many cases, eyes have been installed during construction for this
purpose. Be sure you use the proper knots and that they are secure.
4. Extend your lines and equipment far enough away from the building so they
won’t rub or chafe. Make sure the hook is in good condition and has a
spring-loaded safety clip. Before you leave the roof, double check to be
sure everything is secure.
5. On the ground, recheck all the rigging and hooks. One way to test a stage’s

load-carrying capacity is to raise it about a foot off the ground and put on
twice the weight it’s supposed to support. Before you raise the stage, make
certain the area is clear. Usually the people riding on a swing stage pull
themselves up to their work area. Pull steadily, evenly and all together.
6. To find the mechanical advantage of any tackle system, count the segments
of rope supporting the load. Don’t count the fall line. If two segments are
supporting the load, the mechanical advantage is 2; if three segments
support the load, the mechanical advantage is 3. As it is unsafe for any
person to pull more than 100 pounds, be certain that your pulley system is
designed with the proper mechanical advantage so you don’t have to pull
an excessive load.
7. While on the stage, use your safety belt and lifeline at all times. When you
reach your working level, tie off the fall lines with the proper knots or hitches
or with a friction brake or lock. To prevent the stage from swaying
dangerously, be careful how you walk and move. Also, be sure that the tools
and materials you’re using are neatly arranged and out of your way. Don’t
allow scrap, debris or personal garbage to accumulate, especially where it
might cause you to stumble. And don’t throw anything over the side.
8. Most of the same safety rules apply to the use of the boatswain’s chair. The
chair itself can be made of different materials, but the most common is a
good piece of 1-inch exterior plywood with ¾-inch fiber rope crossed
underneath the seat so that if the seat should break, the ropes would still
support the rider.
9. Check to see that everything is properly secured and anchored, and always
keep your safety belt and lifeline securely fastened.
10. Regardless of how much the rider, the chair and the equipment weigh, have
at least two people pulling the rope. Try to pull evenly and steadily, without
jerking the line – tie the line around something secure on the ground.
11. Remember, when you’re hoisting anything, stand as far to one side as
possible. Never stand directly under it, and never allow anyone else to do so.

And when you tie off the fall line, either at the chair or on the ground, be sure
you use the proper knot or hitch.
12. Be sure you’re trained in the proper use of each piece of equipment you’ll
use. The design, capacity and characteristics of special equipment like this
vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. That’s why it’s vitally important that
you be thoroughly checked out on each piece of equipment before you try
to operate it. If it gets electric power through an alternating current line, be
sure that the line is properly grounded.
13. The base the equipment stands on must be solid and level. If outriggers are
needed, they must be set firmly in place all around the base.
14. Never try to exceed the safe lifting capacity of power equipment. And
before you move this type of equipment, it should be telescoped and all
tools and materials should be secured or removed.
Accidents involving people working or walking under crane booms and buckets are
infrequent, but, when they happen, they often are fatal. Even if the crane is in
excellent condition and is being run by a first-rate operator, it still should never be
exposed needlessly. Frequently the victim is a mechanic doing an assigned job that
has nothing to do with the crane.
The rule is simple: “Don’t stand, walk or work under crane booms, buckets or
suspended loads.” A companion rule is: “Hard hats shall be worn by all persons
working in the vicinity of cranes, scaffolds, or any place where an object may fall from
In concreting operations, it is especially necessary to keep all personnel away from the
vicinity of the bucket travel. Chunks of semi-hardened concrete frequently drop from
the bucket and can produce a serious injury even if the victim is wearing a safety hat.

If the victim is not wearing any head protection, the bump may be fatal.
MiOSHA has numerous regulations for scaffolds. Here are a few of the standards:
1. A qualified person must design scaffolds.
2. Platform planks must have no more than one inch of space between units.
3. Platforms must be at least 18 inches wide.
4. Front-end loaders cannot be used to support scaffold platforms unless
specifically designed for that by the manufacturer.
5. If the platform is two feet or more above or below the point of access, a
ladder or stair system is required.
6. For more details on scaffold regulations, see Part 12, Scaffold and Scaffold
Regulations in the Construction Safety Standards.
Keep platforms fenced and securely fastened.
Keep platforms closely boarded.
Don’t stockpile material on the scaffold.
Always wear your hard hat when working on a scaffold.
Remove all materials from the scaffold at the end of the day.
Avoid working on scaffolds during storms or high winds.
1. Examine the object you are going to lift. It should be stable and shouldn’t
have any sharp nails or pieces sticking out.

2. Use good body placement. Make sure you are wearing shoes with traction
and that you have solid footing. Keep a wide stance with your legs. Don’t
hold your breath.
3. Choose your route. Where exactly will you be stepping during the carry? Is it
clear of obstacles and spills? Look for places where you can rest if necessary.
4. Don’t twist. Turn your whole body in the direction you want to move.
5. Use a safe lifting position. Bend your knees and keep the natural curve in
your back. Pay attention to your feet: they should be shoulder-width apart.
Move as close to the object as possible.
6. Use your legs. Once you have a firm grip on the object, lift with your legs,
and don’t bend your back. If you bend during the lift, you can cause disc or
vertebrae injury.
7. Move slowly. Take small steps and make sure you can see where you are
going; avoid quick, jerky movements.
8. Keep the object close to your body. If you move the object away from you,
you risk injury to your back and neck.
1. Maintain good body placement. Maintain the back’s natural curve. Flex
and bend your knees. Do not bend over the load.
2. Pay attention to your hands. Keep your fingers away from the bottom of the
3. Keep the object close to your body as you unload or release it. As with lifting,
if you stretch the object away from your body, you risk seriously injuring your
back and neck.
1. Keep heavy material stored between waist and shoulder level; the material
will then be easier to lift and set down.
2. Avoid catching thrown or falling objects that could strain your back.
3. To lift an object from the ground to above your waist level, stop halfway

through the lift and set the load down; then, adjust your grip.
4. Use your feet to pivot your body when lifting; don’t twist your back.
5. When lifting a load with a partner, try to both face front ward.
6. Maintain your body’s natural curves.
The purpose of this procedure is to assure that employees are protected from
unintended machine motion or unintended release of energy which could
cause injury.
A. Each supervisor shall train new employees and periodically instruct all of their
employees regarding provisions and requirements of this lockout procedure.
B. Each supervisor shall effectively enforce compliance of this lockout
procedure including the use of corrective disciplinary action where
C. Each supervisor shall assure that the locks and devices required for
compliance with the lockout procedure are provided to their employees.
D. Prior to setting up, adjusting, repairing, servicing, installing or performing
maintenance work on equipment, machinery, tools or processes, the
supervisor shall determine and instruct employees of the steps to be taken to
assure they are not exposed to injury due to unintended machine motion or
release of energy.
A. Employees shall comply with the lockout procedure.
B. Employees shall consult with their supervisor or other appropriate
knowledgeable management personnel whenever there are any questions

regarding their protection.
C. Employees shall obtain and care for the locks and other devices required
to comply with the lockout procedure.
A. The power source of any equipment, machine, tool or process to be set-up,
adjusted, repaired, serviced, installed, or where maintenance work is to be
performed and unintended motion or release of energy could cause
personal injury, such a power source shall be locked out by each employee
doing the work. Sources of energy, such as springs, air, hydraulic and steam
shall be evaluated in advance to determine whether to retain or relieve the
pressure prior to starting the work.
B. Safety locks are for the personal protection of the employees and are only
to be used for locking out equipment.
C. Safety locks; adapters, and “Danger Tags” can be obtained from a
D. Equipment locks and adapters can be obtained from a supervisor. The sole
purpose of the “Equipment” lock and adapter is to protect the equipment
during periods of time when work has been suspended or interrupted. The
locks are not to be used as a substitute for the employee’s personal safety
E. Personal locks shall contain a tag with employee’s name on it.
F. One key of every lock issued shall be retained by the employee to whom it
was issued and the superintendent shall retain the only other key to the lock.
G. Employees shall request assistance from their supervisor if they are unsure of
where or how to lockout equipment.
H. Any questions concerning the lockout procedure should be directed to the
employee’s supervisor.

A. Equipment, machines or processing main disconnect switches shall be
turned off and locked in the off position only after the electrical power is
shut off at the point of operator control. Failure to follow this procedure may
cause arching and possibly an explosion.
B. Equipment/tools connected to over a 110 volt source of power by a plug-in
cord shall have a locking device applied to the plug attached to the cord
leading to the machine to be considered locked out.
C. Equipment/tools connected to a 110-volt source of power by a plug-in cord
shall be considered locked out if the plug is disconnected and tagged with
a “do not start tag”.
D. After locking out the power source, the employee shall try the equipment,
machine, or process controls to ensure no unintended motion will occur; or
test the equipment, machine or process by use of appropriate test
equipment to determine that the energy isolation has been effective.
E. When two or more employees work on the same equipment, each is
responsible for attaching his/her lock. Safety locks and adapters are to be
fixed on levers, switches, valves, etc. in the nonoperative (off) position.
F. An employee who is assigned to a job and upon arrival finds an “Equipment
Lock”, “Adaptor”, and “Danger Tags” affixed to the equipment shall take
the following action:
1. Affix his/her personal lock to the “Equipment Adaptor”.
2. Determine who placed the equipment out of service and contact all
parties who have locks on the equipment to determine if the assignment
to be performed would affect their safety. The assignment will proceed
only if safe to do so with all parties involved.

3. Try the controls to ensure no unintended motion will occur before

starting work or qualified personnel shall test the equipment, or process
by use of appropriate test equipment to determine that the energy
isolation has been effective. (Such testing equipment is only to be

employed by trained qualified personnel.)


A. Power may be turned on when it is required to perform tests or adjustments.

All of the rules pertaining to removing locks and restoring power shall be
followed. The equipment or process shall again be locked out if it is
necessary to continue work after completing the test or adjustments.

B. If the employee leaves the job before it’s completion, such as job
reassignment, the employee shall remove his/her personal lock and
adaptor and replace it with an “Equipment” lock and adaptor. In addition,
the employee will prepare and attach a “Danger Tag” indicating the
reason the equipment is locked out (should more than one employee be
assigned to the job, the last employee removing his/her lock will be
responsible for affixing the “Equipment” lock, adaptor and the “Danger

C. Upon completion of the work, each employee will remove his/her lock,
rendering the machine operable when the last lock is removed.
D. The employee responsible for removing the last lock, before doing so, shall
assure that all guards have been replaced, the equipment, machine, or
process is cleared for operation, and appropriate personnel notified that
power is being restored. This employee is also responsible for removing the
“Equipment” lock and returning it to the supervisor.


A. The superintendent, or other designated management person, will be
authorized to remove an employee’s lock under the following conditions:
1. Receipt of a written request signed by the appropriate supervisor that
shall state the reason the employee is not able to remove the lock.
The supervisor is responsible for making certain all the requirements for
restoring power are followed.


No employee shall enter areas defined below without authorization:


Is large enough and so configured that a person can bodily enter into and perform
assigned work; and

Has LIMITED or RESTRICTED means for ENTRY or EXIT; and

May have a POSSIBLE HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE that may expose employees to

the risk of death, incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue caused by:

Flammable gas
Airborne combustible dust
Atmospheric oxygen concentration below 19.5 or above 23.5%
A toxic atmosphere or substance
Danger of engulfment



There shall be no unauthorized entry into a confined space by any person.

An authorized person shall examine, test and evaluate a potential entry space and
determine if it is a “NON-PERMIT SPACE” and meets the following requirements:

It does NOT contain any atmospheric hazards or dangers or engulfment

capable of causing death or serious physical harm;
The space has been PROVEN SAFE, has been VERIFIED, DOCUMENTED,
and has a CERTIFIED GUARANTEE of a safe environment.
3. If the conditions in #2 have been satisfied, the ALTERNATE ENTRY PROCEDURE
may be followed.

4. If conditions in #2 are not met and has any of the following, the PERMIT ENTRY
PROCEDURE must be followed:

Contains or has a potential to contain a HAZARDOUS ATMOSPHERE.
Contains a material that has a potential for ENGULFING an entrant.
Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could be trapped or
asphyxiated by inwardly converging wall or by a floor which slopes
downward and tapers to a smaller cross section; or
Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazard.

The following Hazard Communication Program has been established for Bloom
General Contracting, Inc. This program will be available for review by all employees.

Bloom General Contracting, Inc. will be relying on material safety data sheets
from suppliers to meet determination requirements.
When use or storage of explosives or other hazardous materials or equipment or
unusual methods are necessary for execution of the work, the Subcontractor,
Field Superintendent or employee shall exercise utmost care and carry on
such activities under the supervision of properly qualified personnel.

The Field Superintendent is responsible for seeing that all hazardous materials
coming onto the site are properly labeled, tagged or marked.
All labels should be checked for identity, hazard warning, name and address of
responsible party.
The Field Superintendent will be responsible for seeing that all portable
containers used in the work area are labeled with identity and hazard
warnings if applicable.
Piping systems shall be labeled at access points.


The Superintendent will be responsible for compiling a master MSDS file to be
kept in the job trailer.
Copies of MSDS(s) for all hazardous chemicals to which job site employees may
be exposed will be kept in a file at a central location on the job site and will
be available for review to all employees during each work shift. Copies will
be available upon request to the Superintendent.
The Field Superintendent will be provided with the required MIOSHA right-to-
know posters and postings notifying employees of new or revised MSDS(s)
within five (5) days of receipt of new or revised MSDS(s).


The Field Superintendent or Project Manager shall coordinate and maintain
records of training for Bloom General Contracting, Inc. employees.
Before starting work, or as soon as possible thereafter, each new employee will
be given information on:
Hazardous Material Safety Information
Hazardous Material Emergency Procedures
Hazardous Material Identification and Labeling
When any new hazardous chemical is introduced into the job site, each
employee will be given information in the same manner as during the
orientation. The Superintendent will be responsible for seeing that MSDS(s) on
the new chemical are available.


On any occasion that employees are required to do work in hazardous area
(e.g. confined spaces), prior to starting the work, each employee will be
given information about the hazards involved in these areas. This information
will include:
Specific Chemical Hazards
Protection/Safety Measures which can lessen the risks.
Information about ventilation, respirators, the presence of any other
employees and emergency procedures.
It is the policy of Bloom General Contracting, Inc. that no employee will begin
work in a confined space, or any non-routine task without first receiving a
safety briefing.
It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to provide the subcontractors with
the following information:
Hazardous chemicals to which they may be exposed while on the job site.
Location of all Material Safety Data Sheets as coordinated by the
The Project Manager will coordinate with the Field Superintendent to ensure that
Subcontractors are given this information prior to entering the job site.
The Project Manager and/or Superintendent will request and receive from all
Subcontractors the following information:
Subcontractor’s MSDS(s) for all hazardous chemicals they will be using on
the job site.
Hazardous chemicals other Contractors and Subcontractors may be
exposed to during their stay on the job site.
The Project Manager will coordinate with the Superintendent to ensure that all
Subcontractors have complied with the above requirements before
mobilizing on the job site.


If, at any time, Bloom General Contracting, Inc., the Owner or the Subcontractor
becomes aware of the presence of hazardous chemicals, each shall notify
the other’s designated safety representative and take whatever steps are
necessary, if any, with the other to eliminate, terminate, abate or rectify the
condition to protect people and their property from hazard.
If reasonable precautions will be inadequate to prevent foreseeable bodily
injury or death to persons resulting from a material or substance, including
but not limited to asbestos or polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB), encountered
on the site, Bloom General Contracting, Inc., the Owner or the Subcontractor
shall, upon recognizing the condition, immediately stop work in the affected
area and report the condition to the other’s designated safety
Local Emergency, Fire, and Police phone numbers shall be posted in a visible
location on the job site.
All containers of chemical materials used by the Subcontractor, including spent
materials and unused material, must be removed by the Subcontractor from
the Owner’s premises, transported by Environmental Protection Agency-
approved transporters when required, and disposed of in compliance with
the Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations including
approved disposal sites.

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