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Rubrik Penilaian untuk Guru Terbaik

Exemplary (90%- Proficient (80%- Developing (70%- Unacceptable

100%) 90%) 80%) (>70%)
Knowledge Is expert in the Knows the Is somewhat Has little
subject area, subject area and familiar with the familiarity
project and up to the project well subject and the with the
date on child and has a good project and has a subject matter
development and grasp of child few ideas of ways and the project
how students development and students develop and few ideas
learn. how students and learn. on how to
Demonstrates an learn. Demonstrates fair teach it and
excellent fluency Demonstrates capabilities and how students
and familiarity in capabilities and familiarities in learn.
both technology familiarities in Edmodo. Does not
and Edmodo technology and demonstrate
Edmodo well. capabilities nor
familiarities in
Instructions Presents material Uses clear Sometimes uses Often presents
clearly and explanations, language and material in a
explicitly, with appropriate explanations that confusing way,
well-chosen language, and are fuzzy, using language
example and examples to confusing, or that is
vivid, appropriate present material inappropriate. inappropriate
Participation Promotes, Only gives model Only promotes Only
supports, and on collaborative, understanding introduces the
models creative and collaborative, students with
collaborative, innovative creative and collaborative,
creative and thinking to innovative creative and
innovative students. thinking to innovative
thinking and students. thinking to
inventiveness to students.
students as well
as engage
exploring real-
world issues and
solving authentic
problems using
digital tools and

Adapted from 13 July 2015 and

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