NMIH 107 Essentials of Care

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NMIH 107 Essentials of Care

Assessment 2 Assignment

Format Assignment

Due Date Thursday 26th October 2017at 23:55

Weighting 60%

Pass mark Not applicable

Length 2500 words

Case study
You are the nurse looking after Mr James, Anna year old male admitted to the Medical

Details ward with Colostrum difficult (C-Diff). He currently has symptoms of watery diarrhea, a
temperature of 382degrees Celsius abdominal pain, sudden weight loss and loss of
appetite. Mr James is also complaining of lethargy.

Instructions: Structure your assignment so that it meets the following


1. Introduction. (approx 250 words). Serves as a “map” of the essay, outlining to the
reader the key points contained in the body of the work.

2. Discussion of Activities of Living (AOL’s) related to the Case Study –

Maintaining a Safe Environment, Eating and Drinking, Personal Cleansing and
Dressing and Elimination

Choose 3 of the four AOL’s and discuss how they-have been altered for Mr James. Your
answer must include the following:

· An overview of how the threeAoL’s may be affected

· How you would assess Mr James in relation to the three identified AOL’s. Include in
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your answer what care you would provide Mr James

3. Nursing Care Plan. Using the Nursing Care Plan provided identify one issue related to
each AOL (3 issues in total) that has arisen from the case study. You are required to
formulate a plan/goal for improving each issue, identify strategies for meeting each
plan/goal and then discuss what evaluative measures will be taken to determine if each
plan/ goal was met.

4. Conclusion (approx 250 words, start a new paragraph). Summarise the key points
expressed in the body of the work, as well as the key learning from your research.

Refer to marking guide on the next page of this document

Please refer to detailed information on Submission of Assignments specific to your

campus/education centre within your Subject Outline

No more than three (3) web based resources are to be used for this assessment


NMIH 107 Essentials of Care

Assessment Task 2: Assignment Marking Guide

NAME: ………………………………………………………. STUDENT NO: ……

Absent Inadequate Good Excellent



Discussion of AoL’s related to case

studyprovide an overview of the threeAoL’s /15
and how they relate to the case study 0 1-4 5-9 10-13 14-15
https://www.freeassignmenthelp.com/nmih-107-essentials-of-care/ WhatsApp: +61-451746695

Discussion of AoL’s related to case

study discusses with relevant detail what
assessments would be undertaken /20
0 1-7 8-13 13-17 18-20

Discussion of AOL’s related to case

study identifies and discusses /20
relevant treatment of symptoms 0 1-7 8-13 13-17 18-20

Nursing Care Plan identifies three

relevant issues (one for each AOL) and
discusses a plan/goal, identifies relevant
strategies for meeting the goal and
discusses relevant evaluative strategies for
each issue /15
0 1-4 5-9 10-13 14-15

Assignmentlogicallydeveloped.Evidence of
introduction, body and conclusion.
Evidenceof linkageand integration /10
ofinformation.Prescribedformatused.Adhere 0 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

s tothewordlimit.

Language& Style
Technicaltermsexplained where

Itcatchesthereader’sattention and
0 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 /10

Syntax, grammar,punctuationandspelling
Legiblepresentation.Referencingasper 0 1-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Assessment Handbook.

Thisassignmentis worth60%of thetotalassessmentforthissubject. / 100

LatePenalty(if applicable):


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