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For further informa on on the

ROMDAS road measurement system

please visit

Email: ROMDAS Laser Profilometer

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ROMDAS Overview
Manufactured by ROMDAS® (ROad Measurement Data Acquisi on System) has been developed by
Data Collec on Ltd. Data Collec on Ltd. (DCL) as a low cost modular system designed to collect road
New Zealand
and pavement data using any vehicle. ROMDAS offers great flexibility by allowing
providers of innova ve technology for users to add or remove modules depending on their specific data collec on
measuring and managing roads needs. Over the last several decades ROMDAS has been a leader of integra ng
new data collec on technology and
with over 200 units in use in over 60
countries, ROMDAS has a level of
refinement rarely found in compe ng

ROMDAS  can  be  used  for  the 


 Roughness surveys;

 Transverse profile/ru ng

 Collec ng surface texture data


 Condi on ra ng surveys;

 Loca on Referencing (spa al

GPS/GNSS data or linear LRP

 Video logging surveys (right‐of‐

way and pavement view);

 Road geometry surveys;

 Automated crack detec on and

3D pavement modelling;

 Travel me and conges on


 Inventory and asset surveys;

 Recording loca ons with digital


The DCL team has a wealth of

knowledge and experience available
to new users for customising systems
to meet specific needs and providing
on‐going technical support and
advice to exis ng users.
For further informa on on the
ROMDAS road measurement system
please visit

Email: ROMDAS Laser Profilometer

Phone: +
Fax: +

ROMDAS Features
Manufactured by
Data Collec on Ltd. The ROMDAS Laser Profilometer is a Class I iner al profiler. It uses a laser and
New Zealand accelerometer combina on to measure the longitudinal eleva on profile of
providers of innova ve technology for
the road with very high degrees of accuracy at highway speeds. The profile is
measuring and managing roads analysed to calculate the Interna onal Roughness Index (IRI) in m/km.

© 2011 Data Collec on Ltd. The ROMDAS Laser Profilometer is an excep onally portable system and can
be used for; construc on control surveys, large scale network surveys or
generally whenever high accuracy roughness data is required.

The internal laser samples at 16kHz and reports eleva on values at intervals of
37.5 mm.

The Laser is also designed specifically for road measurement applica ons. The
dynamic range is a large ±128 mm with a 430 mm standoff. This is important to
prevent data clipping that can occur as a result of suspension movement.

Data is converted directly to digital data within the Laser and remains in a
digital format throughout the processing stages. This eliminates 'noise'
problems caused by lengthy cable runs carrying analogue data. Data output is
via Ethernet.

The ROMDAS Laser Profilometer also offers excep onal value and when
purchased with a ROMDAS system is one of the most cost effec ve laser based
systems for recording and analysing roughness data available on the
Optional Upgrades
MPD or SMTD Texture Upgrade 

ROMDAS Lasers can be upgraded to measure macrotexture in

terms of Mean Profile Depth (MPD) or Sensor Measured
Texture Depth (SMTD). SMTD texture can be
measured using the 16kHz lasers, while the MPD
texture upgrade includes replacing the 16kHz
unit with a 64kHz laser. 

Addi onal Lasers 

Addi onal lasers can be purchased separately

to give mul ple road profiles.

ROMDAS System with 2 Laser Profilometers, Sub Meter GPS, High Resolu on DMI and 3
Camera Video Module
For further informa on on the
ROMDAS road measurement system
please visit

Email: ROMDAS Laser Profilometer

Phone: +
Fax: +

ROMDAS Components
Manufactured by
Data Collec on Ltd. The Laser Profilometer is comprised of the
New Zealand following components:
providers of innova ve technology for  A 16kHz Laser and Accelerometer unit;
measuring and managing roads
 An Ethernet switch for connec ng the
© 2011 Data Collec on Ltd.
Laser to the computer;

 A Laser power system comprising of cables and a power distribu on box;

 A high resolu on DMI and a Laser DMI Interface for controlling the

 External vehicle moun ng.

The Laser does not require a specialised vehicle, but it is easier to mount if the vehicle
has a trailer moun ng hitch installed to hold the moun ng bar.
Laser Profilometer In Carry Case 

Technical Specifications
Scan Rate 
Standard IRI & SMTD Texture Laser  16kHz, with high quality 16 bit ADC

Upgraded IRI & MPD Texture Laser 64kHz
Laser Class  Class 3B

Wavelength 780nm

Power Output 80 mW (max)

Interface 10BaseT Ethernet, RS232 Analogue

Configura on Laser eleva on with integrated Accelerometer Iner al Reference

Standoff  430 mm

Range  256 mm (+/‐ 128 mm

Resolu on  Be er than 0.025 mm or 0.01% of full scale

Resolu on IRI  +/‐ 0.01 m/km

Noise  0.05 mm RMS

Environment  IP65 (MEMA4)

Power  12V DC 1.2A nominal, 4A peak

Weight  6 kg (excluding moun ng beam)

Dimensions  355 mm x 240 mm x 140 mm

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