Changing The Rock Physics Function at Any Time in Petrel

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Changing the Rock Physics Function at Any Time in Petrel

During the production history of some reservoirs, changing the reservoir pressure will result in changing
the rock physics. If this change is significant, then we have to use the reservoir geomechanics. If it is not
significant or we do not have enough data then we can change the rock physics functions curves at a
specific timestep.

Creating a restart run could not solve this issue, because all the inputs under the Grid and Functions tab
will be greyed out. The workaround to change the rock physics function is to enumerate the run at the
timestep when we need to change the rock functions

1. Run the case till a specific timestep (when you need to change the rock physics function)

2. Go to results pane, right click on the pressure and select “ Convert to 3D grid property”

3. Go to Settings for Simulation grid results. Select the base case and all the properties that you need
for the enumeration depending on the fluid model.

4. Select the last timestep and then OK

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5. Create a new simulation case

6. Under the Functions tab and after highlighting fluid model, uncheck the “Use initial conditions”

7. Go to the Grid tab and drop all the required properties

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8. Drop the new or modified saturation function

9. Drop the new strategy for the new period and run you model

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