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Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

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A study of the impact of blast induced conditioning on leaching

Hector Parra a,1, Italo Onederra b,⇑, Simon Michaux c, Laura Kuhar d, Angus McFarlane e, Nicole Chapman d
Davey Bickford Latin America, Chile
School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia
Independent Consultant, Formerly of the JKMRC, University of Queensland, Australia
CSIRO Process Science and Engineering, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Recent investigations have alluded to possible improvements of ore extraction efficiency by leaching due
Received 14 May 2014 to blast induced fragment conditioning. This paper presents results from a series of controlled blasting
Accepted 22 December 2014 tests supported by blast modelling and statistical analysis to study the effect of conditioning on copper
extraction in laboratory leaching tests. A leachable synthetic material was developed and selected from
19 different preparations. It was possible to control copper grade distributions and provide homogeneous
Keywords: and isotropic characteristics to this material.
Combined statistical analysis of four individual controlled blasting tests exhibited no statistical differ-
Fragment conditioning
ence in copper extraction between unblasted material and material subjected to a low degree of condi-
Mineral processing tioning. In contrast, the percent copper extraction increased by 0.84% in the intermediate conditioning
zones, which translates to an overall improvement in copper extraction efficiency of 39.7%. Leaching tests
proved that increasing the blast conditioning does not necessarily improve percent copper extraction.
The majority of fractures were generated along grains boundaries and not across the matrix. Therefore,
conditioning may not be able to expose a significant amount of copper particles consistently to signifi-
cantly impact extraction efficiency. In practical terms, the contribution of blast induced conditioning
to leaching performance is in the increased probability of exposing mineral species to leaching paths.
Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction consumption during breakage as well as a potential increase in

the permeability and liberation of minerals. Currently, microscopy
Fragment conditioning by blasting can be defined as the alter- and X-ray tomography are the most commonly used techniques
ation of physical properties of the rock after blasting due to the to provide a direct measurement of crack density, extent and orien-
extent of pre-existent cracks and the creation of new fractures. This tation of fractures. Nonetheless, the volume of data available for
phenomenon can be associated with two processes that take place analysis is limited. Other techniques have been developed and
at two different scales: macrofracturing and microfracturing. The applied to measure fracturing indirectly; these are based on the
former is generated at a scale of centimetres or greater whereas variation of mechanical and elastic properties of fragments and suf-
the latter is produced at scales of microns and millimetres. fer from the same restriction as the microscopy techniques because
This categorisation is far from being absolute and irrefutable as they also have a limited application in terms of sampling volumes.
it depends on the size of the grains in the matrix and the scale of With regards to the classification of fractures in rock, three
the phenomenon of interest. types have been identified in literature: intergranular, transgranu-
In principle, fragment conditioning is expected to be present at lar and intragranular (Åkesson et al., 2004; Muñoz et al., 2007).
all stages of mineral processing, providing a reduction in energy Intergranular fractures form along grain boundaries, transgranular
fractures can cross multiple mineral grains and intragranular frac-
⇑ Corresponding author. tures are generated inside the grains.
E-mail addresses: (H. Parra), (I.
Many studies have established that there is a direct relationship
Onederra). between stress induced by blasting and the extent of microfractur-
Formerly of the W.H. Bryan Mining and Geology Research Centre, Sustainable ing generated inside the fragments. The stress intensity and
Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland, Australia.
0892-6875/Ó 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

direction (Liu et al., 2006) are not the only aspects that affect frag- fragment size distribution and other comminution stages. A meth-
ment conditioning; loading rate has also been shown to play an odology that allows an estimation of the extent of conditioning and
important role, particularly on the length of fractures (Chertkov, an approach to scale up the phenomenon to production scales is
1987; Liu et al., 2006). also required. This section describes the research methodology
Authors such as Rossmanith et al. (1997), Rathore and Bhandari adopted which involved three stages of experimental work, model-
(2007) and Katsabanis et al. (2008) have demonstrated that frac- ling and statistical analysis:
turing can be partially controlled through the application of suit-
able blast design parameters such as type of explosive, energy  Stage 1, a leachable synthetic material was developed. A num-
distribution and timing. ber of preparations using different grouts and additives were
Although much has been learned from this experimental work, cast and tested to verify whether they matched physical
no link has been established with advanced modelling techniques requirements for controlled blasting tests. The use of a synthetic
to enable evaluations at scales used in production environments. material was a necessary step to enable greater control over
In addition, despite several authors such as Kojovic et al. (1995) strength homogeneity, blast induced stress propagation and
and Michaux and Djordjevic (2005) proving the positive impact of boundary conditions.
blast induced fracturing on comminution, there is a limited under-  Stage 2 comprised the blast of a preliminary sample (P0) using
standing about the influence of this phenomenon on the mecha- PETN and was designed as an exploratory test to define final
nisms that govern leaching performance. experimental procedures. This test also allowed the definition
of operational and logistical matters associated with the casting
and blasting of the samples such as curing time, mixer opera-
2. Fragment conditioning and leaching
tion, fragment confinement and sampling. This stage also
helped verify the synthetic material suitability, stress intensity
Leaching performance can be evaluated by measuring three
of the small charge and effect of boundary conditions. Prelimin-
main indicators, namely ore recovery, reagent consumption and
ary modelling was also conducted in this stage and a methodol-
leaching kinetics. These parameters are controlled by several
ogy to define conditioning zones was introduced.
chemical and physical factors. A key parameter to improving total
 Stage 3 comprised two controlled repeatability tests with emul-
percent ore extraction is mineral exposure which defines the
sion charges (E1 and E2). This stage was used to validate the
amount of mineral that is in contact with the lixiviant solution.
experimental procedures and study the potential links between
The main factor contributing to mineral exposure within coarse
fragment conditioning and copper extraction efficiency. Stage 3
particles is fracturing (conditioning) that may be induced by pro-
also comprised a validation phase (tests P1 and P2) where two
cesses such as blasting and comminution.
different spatial configurations were tested to establish the
Leaching kinetics is affected by both chemical and physical
effect of different boundary conditions on the extent of condi-
properties. Chemical factors include solution pH, temperature, min-
tioning. In all these analyses, numerical modelling was used
eralogical species, and ore grade. Physical factors controlling the
to define the conditioning zones and support the grouping of
rate of the leaching process at heap/dump scale are the mineralog-
samples for detailed statistical analysis.
ical structure, the irrigation technique, natural porosity, fragment
size distribution, amount and type of clays, heap height, and satu-
During stages 2 and 3, samples consisting of 10 fragments of at
ration degree. Given similar sized particles, the kinetics at fragment
least 50 g in total were collected. Percent copper extraction was
scale would be enhanced mainly by induced conditioning.
measured for each fragment with the average value for each sam-
Reagent consumption is controlled mainly by chemical aspects
ple being used in the statistical analysis to quantify variations
such as target mineralogical species and impurities as well as sol-
before and after blasting. X-ray tomography was conducted to
vent type. If a greater degree of conditioning could improve only
identify the type of fracturing observed and to support the leaching
targeted mineral exposure without increasing gangue exposure,
performance analysis.
then it is possible that conditioning could also reduce overall
An advanced blast modelling tool (i.e. The Hybrid Stress Blast-
reagent consumption.
ing Model (HSBM)) was available to the authors to support this
Over the years, fragment size distribution has been defined as a
research process. As described by Furtney et al. (2009), the code
key factor influencing leaching performance (Wen et al., 1996;
uses a combination of a continuum numerical technique and dis-
Lwambiyi et al., 2009). Minimal work has been conducted to study
crete element modelling (DEM) to model the complete blasting
the effect of fracturing inside fragments (conditioning) on leaching
process. The near-borehole area is represented using FLAC (an
performance. One such study was conducted by Fribla (2006) who
explicit Lagragian finite difference code), while DEM is used to rep-
incorporated one stage of crushing after blasting samples with dif-
resent the rock mass. The DEM representation uses a lattice-
ferent powder factors. Fribla (2006) identified a close relationship
scheme where the rock matrix is created as a collection of ran-
between powder factor and the generation of micro-fractures for
domly distributed points connected by springs. The theoretical dis-
20  20  20 cm cube samples (using 2 and 4 g PETN – Pentaeryth-
tance between different springs depends on the resolution used for
ritol tentranitrate). The blasted material was crushed and classified
modelling. The key inputs of the model are: detonation parameters
to 100% minus 3/800 and located in leaching columns 10.6 cm in
(i.e. explosive density, velocity of detonation, decoupling, etc.),
diameter and 20 cm high. As shown in Fig. 1, higher micro-fractur-
material properties (i.e. density, unconfined compressive strength,
ing levels correlated positively with higher percent copper recov-
tensile strength, Young’s modulus, etc.) and stress/strength atten-
ery (with 27 days leaching time). Despite the relationship
uation. Further information on the configuration and application
between blast intensity and leachability that was observed, their
of the code can be found in Onederra et al. (2013).
approach was unable to differentiate the effect of increased frac-
ture density from the increased proportion of fines.
4. Development of synthetic material
3. Research methodology
At the early stages in this research it was obvious that it would
To study the impact of blast induced conditioning in leaching be very difficult to obtain natural rock samples that would have
performance it is necessary to eliminate the influence of overall homogenous and isotropic properties and could be shaped to suit
H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12 3

Fig. 1. (A) Relationship between amount of PETN (Pentaerythritol tentranitrate) and specific surface; (B) copper leaching kinetics (after (Fribla, 2004)).

the constrained requirements of controlled blasting experiments. Based on the above criteria, copper powder was selected as the
For this reason a synthetic rock-like material was developed, as best additive as it was most benign in its reaction with the grouting
has been common practice in fundamental studies of blast damage and its extraction efficiency from the grouting could be measured
and fragmentation (Reichholf, 2003; Iverson et al., 2010 and Sellers accurately using a well-defined leach. Alofix grout was discarded
et al., 2010). as its hardening time exceeded the 7 day limit. This limit was
Cost, logistics and operational factors, such as procedure and defined so as to minimise disruptions in the experimental plan
preparation time were also considered in the development of the and to complete all experimental work within the time frame of
material. The work discussed in this section formed part of the the project. It was difficult to obtain a homogeneous mixture and
AMIRA P843A Geometallurgical Mapping and Mine Modelling pro- thus an even distribution of grade using the Conbextra HES due
ject in which the authors were a principal participant (Amira, to its relatively high content of coarse particles and the material
2013). was therefore discarded. Conbextra C showed significant differ-
The selection of a suitable material included the preparation of ences in UCS as samples made with screened aggregate (screening
19 different materials using four grout types (Alofix, Conbextra was conducted to remove coarse material that could result in the
HES, Conbextra GP and Conbextra C) and four additives (food col- formation of an inhomogeneous final product) were approximately
ouring, copper sulphate, iron sulphate and copper powder). Pellets twice as strong as the ‘‘unscreened’’ samples, at 79 and 39 MPa on
40 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick were produced (see exam- average, respectively. In the case of Conbextra GP, screening did
ples in Fig. 2). not affect the mechanical properties of the samples and consistent
Criteria used in the selection of synthetic material included: UCS values resulted ranging from 58 MPa (screened) to 61 MPa
(unscreened). In terms of leaching performance, Conbextra C
 Chemical compatibility of additive and grout type. showed maximum copper recoveries with values as high as 90%
 Hardness: resistance to handling – not breakable by hand. for unscreened and 65% for screened samples. However, Conbextra
 Time required for hardening: 70% of maximum strength GP showed consistent ore recoveries of the order of 65% in both
achieved in less than 7 days. cases.
 Ease of preparation: easy to mix – good homogeneity. Details of the synthetic material development and selection cri-
 Leachability: percent extraction higher than 5% for 4 + 1 mm teria are given in Parra (2014). The final synthetic material selected
fraction – low variability of extraction values between size in the experimental work was based on a Conbextra cement grout
fractions. distributed by Parchem and it is a blend of Portland cement, graded
 Strength: unconfined compressive strength (UCS) greater than fillers and chemical additives. The preparation of each batch con-
50 MPa. sisted of 20 kg of Conbextra GP, 400 g of copper powder (size
 Density: between 2.0 and 3.0 g/cm3. <63 lm) distributed by Merck (Germany) and 3 litres of water.



5. Copper leaching tests






The synthetic grouting material was leached using 2 g/L NaCN

Alofix solution (200 mL) in a 250 mL Nalgene bottle. Tests were con-
ducted in a water bath at 25 °C with a shaking speed of 35 rpm
to ensure adequate mixing of the solution whilst avoiding sample
abrasion. Leaching was conducted over 7 days with sampling at
Conbextra HES
days 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7.
The free cyanide concentration was monitored during the lea-
ches by subjecting samples to potentiometric titration against a
Conbextra GP
0.001 M standardised solution of silver nitrate using an automatic
titrator (Metrohm-904 Titrando).
Copper concentrations in the samples were determined by
Conbextra C atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS, Agilent Technologies 400
Series). Samples were diluted, when required, using a Hamilton
Fig. 2. Initial set of synthetic material developed using different grouts and MicroLAB 600 series dual-syringe dilutor with deionised water to
additives (Amira, 2013). suit the calibration range of the set method.
4 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

6. Exploratory experiment analyses (i.e. leaching). The sample dimensions ranged from
13.2 mm to 19 mm with a minimum total weight of 50 g. It is
The casting of samples for controlled blasting testing involved important to note that the number of samples tested during this
the preparation of several batches of grout poured layer by layer stage was limited by the costs and time required by the X-ray
into a 0.4  0.55 m drum within a short time period (less than tomography scanning as well as by the leaching testing.
7 min apart). The preparation of a number of relatively small One fragment from each one of the eight (two unblasted and six
batches was to avoid the hardening of the grout during the process blasted) samples was analysed using X-ray tomography at a reso-
and the potential reduction in heterogeneity during mixing. Den- lution of 9.9 lm/voxel. For each fragment, 21 sections separated by
sity, UCS, P-wave velocity and copper grade measurements were 100 lm in depth were analysed.
performed on eight core samples obtained after the casting pro- It is acknowledged that a single fragment would not be suffi-
cess. The average density, UCS, P-wave velocity and copper grade cient to reliably quantify the conditioning degree attributed to
of the core samples from the test were 2.1 g/cm3, 61.7 MPa, each zone in both physical and statistical terms. However, in small
3418 m/s and 1.65% respectively. scale blasting, fragment conditioning is not correlated directly with
In the exploratory experiment, a 28 mm diameter bar was distance from the explosive charge, as the breakage and damage
placed in the centre of the drum to create a borehole. The sample process is complex. Boundary conditions have a strong influence
was left to cure for 10 days before blasting to ensure it reached on the stress field generated, particularly in terms of the expected
its peak strength. After the peak strength had been reached, the intensity of stress wave reflections.
sample was taken to the University of Queensland Experimental Despite the effect of boundary conditions, some characteristic
Mine where it was placed inside a 44 gallon drum filled with rub- trends were identified during the analysis. For instance, the major-
ber. This setup was used to contain the material in place after ity of the microfractures generated in the fragments corresponded
blasting. The final test configuration including the explosive type to transgranular (62%) and intergranular (35%) fractures. Intragran-
used is given in Fig. 3. ular fractures were not common (3%). A significant number of frac-
After blasting, the fractured cylinder was prepared for sampling tures were associated with the presence of pores. It appears that
by cutting and peeling off the drum. Slices were marked every the pore structure has an influence on both the direction and
50 mm from the top and at 45° intervals around the borehole so length of the fractures. Simultaneously, the largest grains into
that fragments could be collected in a coordinated fashion. Six the material matrix seemed to have relevance in the direction of
sample sets comprising ten fragments were collected from differ- propagation of fractures. These trends can be observed in the
ent zones around the explosive charge. These were expected to micrograph shown in Fig. 5.
be affected by different degrees of damage (conditioning) given Before analysing the impact of conditioning on ore recovery
by the combined influence of stress intensity and boundary condi- through leaching, it is imperative that a measure of the copper
tions. The position of each sample is depicted in Fig. 4. grade be taken for every sample to ensure that leach recoveries
Sample sets 1–6 were analysed using X-ray tomography. The can be determined. As shown in Fig. 6, results from these initial
main objective of the measurements on this group of samples copper grade tests indicate that an average grade of 1.24 ± 0.03%
was to verify that blast induced conditioning could be measured leachable copper was present in the material. Analysis shows that
physically and to evaluate preliminary relationships between con- there is no statistical difference between samples obtained from
ditioning and leaching performance. Two samples of indepen- different positions or between blasted and unblasted batches.
dently cast material, designated A and B, were used to measure These results further confirm the uniform distribution of copper
the initial condition of the material directly. using the casting procedures adopted.
Each sample consisted of fragments within a narrow size frac- Leaching tests were subsequently conducted and results are
tion with the objective of minimising the effect of particle size dis- given in Fig. 7. The two unblasted samples display a similar percent
tribution resulting from non-uniform fragmentation on subsequent copper extraction after seven days leaching (3.1%). After the same
time period, higher extraction efficiencies were obtained from the
blasted samples. Samples 3, 4 and 5 (5.9%) had the lowest copper
recoveries, whilst the highest extraction efficiencies were achieved
from samples 1 (12.9%) and 2 (12.1%). Sample 6 showed interme-
diate percent copper extraction at approximately 9.2%.
Based on the trends for the time period elapsed, there was no
indication that any of the relative rankings between samples
would change with further leaching time. These preliminary
results indicate that there is an increase in copper extraction effi-
ciency after blasting. This improvement can be attributed to an
increased probability of induced fracturing exposing mineral spe-
cies (i.e. favourable conditioning).
One of the key objectives of applying a modelling tool such as
the HSBM is to better define the expected influence of boundary
conditions on the final breakage patterns or damaged state of the
synthetic sample as well as the potential degree of conditioning
inside fragments after blasting. The application of the model for
conditioning analysis has been previously demonstrated by
Onederra et al. (2013).
The model geometry is built up of point masses distributed in a
non-repeating pattern with a user-specified average separation
between nodes (i.e. model resolution). The resolution for this par-
ticular model was 0.7 cm which corresponds to the size of the
Fig. 3. Configuration of the grout cylinder and explosive charge used in the spring connections between point masses. Failure through these
exploratory test. ‘‘springs’’ represents the damage zones (Onederra et al., 2013).
H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12 5

Fig. 4. Coordinated location of samples collected from the grout cylinder after blasting.

Fig. 6. Average pre-leach copper grades of the eights samples analysed.

Fig. 5. X-ray tomography image of a typical particle used in leaching experiments

(13 mm wide) showing main fracturing trends.

These preliminary experimental results were used to calibrate

the model. Besides the geometry of the sample and the type of
explosive; density, unconfined compressive strength and velocity
of detonation were the material properties used as input into the
Results from this preliminary modelling work are shown in
Fig. 8. Most of the breakage and damage was concentrated in the Fig. 7. Copper extraction results for the eight samples collected for the experi-
mental test.
lower part of the drum while the top remained undamaged. This
matches the results from physical experiments and therefore dem-
onstrates the ability of the HSBM model to replicate actual results. (conditioning) at different depths within the sample P0. A proce-
Failure of individual springs shown in red is seen as a potential dure was implemented to map the density of failed springs to iden-
indicator to quantify conditioning (internal damage) across the tify different conditioning regions. A conditioning index was
sample. Fig. 8 also shows some examples of this internal damage calculated as the ratio between the number of fractures inside
6 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

the rings of the analysis grid and the volume of those rings. Fig. 8 the physical results. The experimental setup for both samples can
shows the conditioning index which is represented as the number be seen in Fig. 10. Copper grade analyses were performed on sam-
of fractures per cubic centimetre. ples from different depths of drum P1 to verify its uniformity. Test
This particular analysis was used to confirm that damage and P1 showed a greater variability in copper content when compared
conditioning outcomes in controlled blasting at this scale would with Sample E1 analysed previously. However, the grade variabil-
be strongly influenced by both the position of the explosive with ity measured was still acceptable for the purposes of the investiga-
respect to free faces and the initiation point. These two parameters tion and calculations of leach recoveries were still possible as the
define the shape and intensity of the fracturing generated by prop- average copper grade in each drum was used to calculate final per-
agation and interaction of stresses from the detonation of the cent copper extraction. The average copper grade was 1.24% with
explosive charge. The proposed conditioning zoning provided an minimum and maximum values of 1.17% and 1.32% respectively.
adequate characterisation of internal damage levels in the sample
and matched the results obtained during the experimental test.
The conditioning zoning using the HSBM model was subsequently 8. Physical results and conditioning modelling
adopted as a way of delimiting different conditioning zones which
helped optimise sampling strategies for subsequent tests. Fig. 11 shows the resulting fracturing from tests E1 and E2 at
the top and at approximately 300 mm depth. Similar overall break-
age patterns were observed with seven major radial fractures run-
7. Repeatability and validation tests ning across the samples. These radial fractures defined the sliced
shape of the biggest fragments. Fig. 12 shows the semi conical
Fig. 9 shows the experimental setup implemented in tests E1 shaped bottom resulting after blasting samples E1 and E2. In both
and E2. The explosive charge is indicated in blue and the uniaxial samples, the solid portion appears to be undamaged and is delim-
accelerometer is shown in red. The charge was placed at the centre ited by the major radial fractures mentioned previously.
with a reduced borehole diameter (17 mm) to minimise excessive As expected, results were markedly different in tests P1 and P2.
pulverization and fine fragmentation. Samples were taken from Fig. 13 shows that samples from the top of test P1 presented results
different depths in the drum from test E1 to check the consistency consistent with those from the repeatability tests (E1 and E2) where
of the copper grade as this parameter was crucial for leaching per- several major radial fractures were created and ran from top to bot-
formance comparisons. Analysis showed less than a 0.16% varia- tom. In contrast, samples from the top of test P2 were significantly
tion over the depth of the sample and an average of 1.22% of more fragmented but still showed radial fractures generated from
copper content. the centre of the borehole. This increased fracturing occurs because
Subsequent validation tests consisted of two configurations (i.e. of the interaction of the stress wave with the top free face. Fig. 14
P1 and P2). Test P1 followed the same guidelines as for the repeat- shows that the results for both tests are similar below a depth of
ability tests whilst the explosive charge was placed closer to the 150 mm. As observed in the repeatability tests and depicted in
top free face in test P2 to evaluate the influence of free faces on Fig. 15, semi conical shaped solid pieces were also present.


Depth Depth Depth
250- 300 mm 350- 400 mm 450– 500 mm

Fig. 8. HSBM modelling results showing internal damage and preliminary conditioning zoning within the grout cylinder used in test P0.
H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12 7

360 mm 360 mm

17 mm 17 mm

310 mm 300 mm

580 mm 60 mm 580 mm
60 mm

174 mm 174 mm


Fig. 9. Configuration of the two instrumented cylindrical samples using explosive emulsion for the repeatability tests (E1 and E2).

360 mm 360 mm

17 mm 17 mm

205 mm

330 mm 70 mm

580 mm
580 mm
70 mm

174 mm 174 mm


Fig. 10. Configuration of the two instrumented cylindrical samples using PETN for the validation tests (P1 and P2).

Following the approach discussed in the exploratory experi- The grey area represents a zone where no fragments were able to
ment, conditioning degree was calculated and delineated into be recovered and therefore conditioning could not be quantified.
low, intermediate and high conditioning zones. Low conditioning The analysis indicated that no significant differences were found
zones were defined as those zones with 0–0.6 ‘‘fractures’’ (broken between the conditioning profiles for tests E1 and E2. The shape
springs in the lattice) per cubic centimetres while intermediate and extent of the high and intermediate zones are similar and
and high conditioning zones contained 0–6–1.2 and over 1.2 frac- are centred on the explosive charge. The low conditioning zones
tures per cubic centimetres. are located at the bottom and top of the samples. For samples P1
The values are plotted as iso-contours and are given in Figs. 16 and P2 in Fig. 17, the position of the explosive in relation to the free
and 17 for the repeatability and validation tests, respectively. It faces seems to play a crucial role in the spatial distribution of the
should be noted that the drill hole did not extend to the bottom. modelled conditioning. However, the proportion of the low and
8 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

Fig. 11. Major radial fractures in tests E1 and E2 at top and around mid-depth (300 mm down).

Fig. 12. Conical reduced damage zone below the bottom of borehole in tests E1 and E2.

Fig. 13. Top view for tests P1 (left) and P2 (right) showing major radial fractures.

intermediate zones with regard to the total sample area remains for the high conditioning zone of tests P2 as it did not eventuate
almost equal. This trend in spatial distribution cannot be verified in the HSBM output. The analysis of the results indicated that the
H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12 9

Fig. 14. Overall lateral breakage for tests P1 (left) and P2 (right).

Fig. 15. Conical shaped bottom for tests P1 (left) and P2 (right).

Fig. 16. Plot of contours of conditioning degree indices for tests E1 and E2.
10 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

Fig. 17. Plot of contours of conditioning degree indices for tests P1 and P2.

HSBM model was very sensitive to the proximity of the charge to The dispersion in data increases significantly with degree of
the limits of the sample at this resolution and may constitute a conditioning as shown in Fig. 18. This large dispersion suggests
key limitation of the code. The most probable cause is an inade- that greater recoveries may be achievable at higher conditioning
quate interaction between the continuous FLAC grid and the lattice levels. However, inducing preferentially this particular fracturing
at the scale used. condition may be quite difficult to produce in practice.
In test P1, eleven samples belonged to the low conditioning
zone and ten to the intermediate zone. For test P2, no samples
were taken from the low conditioning zone whilst twelve samples
9. Statistical analysis of percent copper extraction using belonged to the intermediate conditioning zone. No significant
conditioning zoning improvements in copper extraction were found before and after
blasting in test P1. No statistical analysis could be performed using
For E1, twelve samples originated from the low conditioning the limited percent extraction data from test P2 but data follows
zone while nine belonged to the intermediate conditioning zone. the trends described above. Analysis shows that the variability in
In E2, two samples were found to be within the low conditioning data from test P1 is high and in some cases the efficiency is lower
zone and the same number originated from the intermediate con- than the control values for the unblasted material. This situation
ditioning zone. These last samples were not included in the suggests that the influence of other parameters such as natural
detailed statistical analysis because of the restricted dataset. They porosity and ore exposure may play a more significant role in
were, however, considered in the analysis of the consolidated data- leaching for this type of material.
set presented in the final analysis of this stage. As shown in Fig. 19, in terms of percent copper extraction from
Statistical analyses of variances showed that there was no dif- the leaching tests, no significant differences were found between
ference between the percentages of copper recovered before and the copper extracted from blasted and unblasted material. The
after blasting in test E1. Likewise, low and intermediate condition- high variability within the two zones of conditioning suggests that
ing degrees did not present statistical differences. there is an increased probability of achieving greater percent
In the case of test E2, statistical analysis identified a potential extraction depending on whether the type of conditioning is
improvement in copper extraction efficiency in zones subjected favourable or not. That is, fractures allow the direct exposure of
to a moderate level of conditioning (intermediate conditioning the mineral species to the leaching solution.
zone) when compared to unblasted material. This enhancement To understand the importance of ore exposure, X-ray tomog-
was not present in the leached fragments within the low condi- raphy was performed on a number of random blasted fragments.
tioning zone. The statistical comparisons were made at a 95% con- Analysis of the images obtained shows that in many cases,
fidence interval for the mean. despite conditioning occurring, the preferential type of fracture
A combined analysis of E1 and E2 was consistent and did not defined by the properties of the material matrix does not
show statistical differences between unblasted and blasted mate- improve access of the leaching reagent to the copper. As shown
rial in the low conditioning zones. There was, however, statistically in Fig. 20, results indicated low access to the copper embedded
significant improvement extraction efficiency within the interme- in the matrix of the material, with inter-granular fractures being
diate conditioning zone with an average increase in copper leached more abundant. Note that the exposure is not only dependant on
of 67.5%.
H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12 11

Fig. 20. X-ray tomography image showing low copper accessibility in test P0.

the presence of fractures but also on the size of the copper that
in this case is significantly finer than the rest of the mineral
Fig. 18. Percent copper extraction statistical analysis for tests E1 and E2 combined.

10. Conclusions

A synthetic material was developed and selected from 19 differ-

ent samples. The selection criteria included measures of ease of
preparation, hardness, reactivity, time for hardening, leachability,
density and UCS.
The material selected was a concrete based grout (Conbextra
GP), into which copper powder <63 lm in size was mixed. Physical
tests performed on cores showed that the material was of an aver-
age density of 2.1 g/cm3, had a UCS of 61.7 MPa and a P-wave
velocity of 3418 m/s. Random chemical assays showed an average
copper grade of 1.65% with a minimum and maximum value of
1.6% and 1.69%, respectively.
X-ray tomography analysis performed during an exploratory
experimental stage showed that intergranular fractures were the
most abundant at around 62% occurrence. In contrast, only around
35% and 3% of transgranular and intragranular fractures were
found, respectively.
An advanced numerical blasting model was calibrated and val-
idated with the intention of estimating different levels of damage/
conditioning throughout the samples. This also assisted with the
grouping of the experimental samples for statistical analysis.
The combined analysis of the repeatability tests showed no sta-
tistically significant improvement in copper leached in the low
conditioning zone. In contrast, an increase in 1.0% was recorded
in the intermediate conditioning zone. This extraction value equa-
ted to an improvement of 68% with respect to unblasted material
results. Combined analysis of the validation tests showed that
low and intermediate conditioning did not improve copper extrac-
tion efficiency.
Leaching tests performed on 460 fragments exhibited no statis-
tical difference in percent copper extraction between unblasted
Fig. 19. Percent copper extraction statistical analysis tests for P1 and P2 combined. material and material subjected to a low degree of conditioning.
12 H. Parra et al. / Minerals Engineering 74 (2015) 1–12

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