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Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)


Canadian Judicial Council (CJC)



CERTIFICATE NO : CA-OTP56683330017741A





…………………………Please write or type below this line………………………….


Lufa Farms Inc.

201-1400, Rue Antonio-Bar beau, Montreal,

QC H4N 1H5 Montreal Canada,


Surname & Name: _______________________________Gender: _____________

Nationality: ________________ City: _________ State of Origin: _____________

International Passport Number: _________________ Religion: ____________

A. The Employer is of the opinion that the Employee has the necessary qualifications, experience
and abilities to assist benefit the Employer in its business.
B. The Employer desires to employ the Employee and the Employee has agreed to accept and
enter such employment upon the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement.
C. In consideration of the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations
set forth in this Agreement, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby
acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement as follows:

1. Job Assignment and Wages:

The Employer hereby engages the Employee and the Employee agrees to work for the Employer in the
capacity of Position Applied for at the rate of $10,500 CAD dollars monthly.

2. Contract Duration:
The duration of the contract is subject to renewal after 3 year(s) starting from the day of arrival into
Canadian borders, The Extension of the contract shall be mutually agreed upon between the Employer
and the Employee.
3. Contract Period: The Employee shall work on probation for a period of 3 months (according to
Local labor law) with full salary, starting from the first working day. If the Employer should find during
the probation period that the Employee is not Qualified for the job assignment, the Employer may
either offer the Employee other appropriate Job or position with the consent of the Employee, or
cancel the contract and Repatriate the Employee to his home country according to Canadian
Government Act the Employee must be given $12,000 Canadian Dollars while deporting him out of

4. Working hours:
The working hours shall not exceed 6 to 8 hours a day, 6 days per week.

5. Holiday and leave:

Annual leave of 30 days shall be allowed by the Employer for the Employee when completed one year
employment with regular pay sum of $10,500 Canadian dollars

6. Overtime:
If the Employee works more than the 8 normal working hours or on weekend the Regular work day,
the Employee shall be paid extra for overtime by the Employer at the rate Of $50 Canadian dollars per
hour (not less than the minimum rate set by the local labor law). If the Employee works on holidays,
the Employee shall be paid extra for Overtime by the Employer at the rate of $50 Canadian dollars per
day (not less than the minimum Rate set by the local labor law).

7. Food, Holiday and leave:

The Employer shall arrange for the Employee 30days off per year on local official holidays with regular
pay. Annual leave of 30 days shall be allowed by the Employer for the Employee when completed one
year employment with regular pay.

8. Accommodation:
The Employer shall provide the Employee safe and hygienic accommodation free of charge during the
term of contract.

9. Medical Treatment:
In the event of the Employee’s illness or accident caused by work during the period of the contract,
the Employer shall both provide all necessary medical treatment free of charge to the employee.

10. Travel and Transportation:

The Employer shall pay and arrange for Air ticket on behalf of the Employee from his/ her home
country to Canada, as soon as he/ she resume work in Canada the employer shall refund all his
expenses not less than 6 hrs he/she arrive at employer’s resident or office in Canada
Employer shall also pay for the cost of the return travel to employee whenever he or she intends to
travel to his or her home country in all cases, except that the Employee is at fault or terminates the
11. Obligation:
11.1 The Employee shall abide by the rules and regulations of the Employer’s Stipulated in conformity
with the local labor law, and shall respect the local Traditions and customs.
11.2 The Employee shall work only for the Employer’s House or Office base on where he or she is
allocated to work.
11.3 The Employee shall not engage in any unlawful activities such as protest or Demonstration.

12. Termination of the contract:

12.1 In case the Employer terminates the contract, the Employer shall give one Month notice to the
Employee, or pay one month wage in lieu of giving notice, or otherwise act In conformity with the
local labor law. The Employer shall thereby pay for the cost of the Return travel of the Employee to his
or her home country.
12.2 In case the Employee terminates the contract, the Employee shall give a one
Month notice to the Employer and shall pay for his own expenses in the return travel.

13. Others
13.1. In the event of natural disaster, riot, fighting or war the Employer shall evacuate the Employee
to the safe area, and if the situation is no longer conducive for the Continuity of work, the Employer
shall repatriate the Employee and shall pay for all the expenses of the repatriation.
13.2. Other conditions not mentioned in the contract shall be in accordance with the Stipulations of
the local labor law.
13.3. In case the Employer fails to implement any of the conditions agreed in this
Contract in full or in part, the Employer shall be responsible for all the losses incurred to the
Employee, done in duplicate, in English, each being equally authentic.

Yours sincerely,
Engr. Yahya Badran,
Director of Engineering & Human Resources.
Lufa Farms Inc.
Phone: +1 (438) 795-7102

-Employer’s Signature: -Employee’s Signature:


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