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A.P.A.C. Ltd.
Archaeological Perspectives Analysis Consultancy

Brook Farm Farmhouse, Mamhilad, Monmouthshire

Prepared For:
Monmouthshire County Council

Planning Application No: DC/2011/0350

Prepared by C E Smith & S Reames

QA by Dr. N Phillips
Jan 2018
APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13


A planning application for the redevelopment, with associated landscaping, access and infrastructure,
of Brook House Farm, Mamhilad, was submitted to Monmouthshire County Council by Mr B Spenser,
acting as agent for R P Traffic Management. The planning reference is DC/2011/00350.

A previously undertaken building recording survey by APAC Ltd highlighted the various phases of
construction evident within the Farmhouse. As part of the planning condition a watching brief was
maintained on demolition of part of the structure, later additions to the rear (east), as well as on all

The groundworks undertaken within the assessment area were comparatively shallow, only exposing
previous foundations and natural horizons.

Copyright Notice: A.P.A.C. Ltd retains copyright of this report under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
The Ordnance Survey has granted A.P.A.C. Ltd a Copyright Licence (No. 100045677) to reproduce map
information; Copyright remains otherwise with the Ordnance Survey.

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13


Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
1.1. Project Background .......................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Location, Topography and Geology ................................................................................. 4
1.3. Archaeological and Historical Background ...................................................................... 4
1.4. Recent Works ................................................................................................................... 5
2. Aims and Objectives ................................................................................................................ 5
2.1. Watching Brief ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................ 5
3.1. General.............................................................................................................................. 5
3.2. Health & Safety ................................................................................................................ 6
4. Results ...................................................................................................................................... 6
4.1. Phase 1 – Ground Level Reduction .................................................................................. 6
5. Finds ......................................................................................................................................... 7
5.1. Pottery ............................................................................................................................... 7
5.2. Metal ................................................................................................................................. 7
6. Conclusions .............................................................................................................................. 7
7. Archive ..................................................................................................................................... 7
8. Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................. 8
9. Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 8
Copyright ......................................................................................................................................... 8

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13


Figure 1 Site location map with detail inset

Figure 2 Historic mapping information for Brook House Farm, Mamhilad
Figure 3 Location and sections from Phase 1 watching brief
Figure 4 Location of Phase 2 and Phase 3 watching briefs


Plate 1 Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north

Plate 2 Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north west
Plate 3 Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking west
Plate 4 Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north
Plate 5 Sample section 1, looking north
Plate 6 Sample section 2, looking east
Plate 7 View during demolition, looking south-west
Plate 8 View during demolition, looking west
Plate 9 View during demolition, looking south-west
Plate 10 View within Pantry during demolition, surfaces removed, looking south-west
Plate 11 View of brick & block walls beneath removed surfaces, looking south west
Plate 12 View of removed salting slab surface
Plate 13 View along southerly foundation trench, looking west
Plate 14 View along northerly foundation trench, looking west
Plate 15 View along north-south foundation trench, looking north
Plate 16 View along shallow internal partition foundation trench, looking west


Appendix 1 Complete project photograph list and contact sheets

Appendix 2 Finds index and assemblage photographs

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

1. Introduction

1.1. Project Background

This report has been prepared by S. Reames and C E Smith, A.P.A.C. Ltd, from the results of an archaeological
watching brief undertaken in response to a planning application to renovate and extend the farmhouse at Brook
House Farm, Mamhilad. The planning application (DC/2011/00350) was made to Monmouthshire County Council
(hereafter MCC), by Mr B Spenser (agent) for R. P. Traffic Management (hereafter the Client). The Event number
for the watching brief; as supplied by the regional HER, is E005969.

A.P.A.C. Ltd was commissioned by the Client to carry out a Level 2 building survey and archaeological watching
brief on land known as Brook Farm, Mamhilad, Monmouthshire; (hereafter the site), centred on National Grid
Reference (NGR): 330610 204044 (Fig 1). The work was to be undertaken prior to and concurrent with the
renovation and extension of the farm house.

This programme of works comprised a watching brief during the initial phase of mechanical excavation of the
extension works; to assess the potential, level of, presence or absence of, surviving archaeological remains across
the site. This was followed by further monitoring of structural changes to the farm house during the renovation
stage. The work was required in order to comply with planning permission conditions imposed upon application

The watching brief, undertaken during ground levelling, partial demolition and cutting of foundation trenches was
undertaken by Simon Reames, Dr. Neil Phillips and Chris Smith in October 2017, December 2017 and January 2018

1.2. Location, Topography and Geology

The site, situated to the northern extent of the village of Mamhilad, Monmouthshire, comprised a farm house and
subsidiary building, with associated garden, which was bounded to the west by Old Abergavenny Road, to the north
by a residential dwelling and to the east and south by fields.

The site occupies a level parcel of land which in total measures approximately 1000m² and lies at approximately
105m above Ordnance Datum.

The underlying natural geology of the site comprises agrillaceous rocks and sandstone from the St Maughans
Formation with clay, silt, sand and gravel superficial deposits (British Geological Survey, 2017).

1.3. Archaeological and Historical Background

Initial information concerning the background history of the farm complex was supplied by Gwent and Glamorgan
Archaeological Trust Historic Environment Record (hereafter GGAT) and is as follows:

 The farm complex is noted in the Historic Environment Record (hereafter HER) as having originated in the
medieval period.

 An adjacent barn structure, PRN 03754g, is noted within the HER as ‘a typical corn barn, it has two large
opposing doorways with projecting ‘cheeks’ intended to protect the threshing floor.’

 Although the buildings have undergone developments, it is noted that the current ground plan is little
altered to that recorded on the 1882 first edition Ordinance Survey Map (Mon1888/CG)

Previously undertaken map regression analysis (Phillips, 2014), revealed a possible different configuration for the
farm complex as depicted on the 1833 Ordnance Survey 2 Inch series map (Fig 2) which includes the layout of the
farmhouse. The 1840s parish Tithe map however, shows largely the same configuration of structures as are observed
on the 1882 1st Edition OS map. It is possible that small inaccuracies inherent within the 2 inch mapping series
account for this apparently different layout. It is also worth noting that the structure of the farmhouse, depicted as a

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

rough rectangle on the 1840s Tithe map, shows a 90 projection towards the rear of the farmhouse by the time the
1882 OS map was drawn up. This tentatively suggests that the additional structures were added to the rear of the
farmhouse between 1840 and 1882. However, from the drawing up of the 1882 OS map the layout of Brook Farm
has seemingly remained largely unchanged.

1.4. Recent Works

English Heritage equivalent level 2 building surveys, conducted on the farmhouse and adjacent barn, (Phillips, 2013
& Phillips, 2014), have revealed the farmhouse has evolved from a probable original two-up-two-down through
passage structure to the current configuration (Phillips, 2014). The associated barn to the south of the farm house is
mid-Victorian in date and has undergone a large amount of restoration leaving little in the way of detail to suggest
its intended use, (Phillips, 2014).

2. Aims and Objectives

2.1. Watching Brief

The aims of an archaeological watching brief, as defined by the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA, 2014)
 To ensure that any buried remains located within the development area are fully investigated and recorded
if revealed as a consequence of the site works;
 To provide an opportunity for the archaeologists present to signal to all interested parties, before the
destruction of the material in question, that an archaeological find has been made for which the resources
of the watching brief itself are not sufficient to support treatment to a satisfactory and proper standard;
 If such a find is made, representatives of both the client and the regional Development Control
Officer/County Archaeologist will be informed and a site meeting organised, as appropriate.

In accordance with the agreed Written Scheme of Investigation the general aims of the watching brief were to:

 Establish the presence/absence of archaeological deposits within the assessment area.

 Elucidate the character, distribution, extent and importance of any identified archaeological deposits.
 Produce a detailed record of the work undertaken so as any archaeological deposits are preserved by record

3. Methodology

3.1. General

Three separate phases of work on site were subject to watching brief. The initial ground levelling and reduction
work was undertaken using a seven ton mechanical excavator fitted with a toothless bucket and under close
archaeological supervision.

The demolition of the two structures formed by later additions to the rear of the house was subject to archaeological
supervision and formed the second phase of watching brief carried out on the site. This was carried out using a 5 ton
mechanical excavator, again under close archaeological supervision.

The final phase of watching brief work was undertaken during excavation of foundation trenches for the new
addition to the existing farmhouse structure. Trenches were cut by a 5 ton mechanical excavator under close
archaeological supervision.

A unique site code (BSWB/MAH/13) was allocated for all aspects of the project archive produced as a result of the
on-site works. All recording was undertaken using APAC Ltd’s pro forma recording system. Sections and plans
were drawn at recognised scales on drafting film as necessary. Digital photographs were taken in high resolution
Jpeg or *RAW format before conversion to TIFF format for archival storage.

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

3.2. Health & Safety

All work was carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work act 1974 and the Management of Health
and Safety Regulations 1992.

Health and Safety considerations were of paramount importance in conducting all fieldwork. Safe working practises
overrode archaeological considerations at all times.

A risk assessment for the works was drawn up by APAC and made available to all staff on site prior to the
commencement of the project.

4. Results

4.1. Phase 1 – Ground Level Reduction

The first stage comprised monitoring approximately 82m² of bulk ground reduction by mechanical excavator to the
rear of the farm house (Fig 3, Plates 1-6) over the course of a single day in October 2017.

Upper deposits were composed of dark, greyish-brown, silty loam topsoil (100), heavily root bioturbated, which
extended to a maximum depth of 0.65m below the current ground surface. This appeared to be a relatively deep
deposit and could be accounted for by the field being previously ploughed or landscaped to create the level garden.

Overlain by (100), the natural superficial geology encountered across the site comprised a light yellowish-red silty
clay (101) appearing at a maximum depth of 0.65m below the current ground surface with small sporadic pockets of
grey river gravels apparent. Some larger boulders were also apparent at this level.

Two sample sections were recorded and illustrated (Fig 3, Plates 5 & 6) showing the deposits to the rear of the

4.2. Phase 2 – Partial Demolition

The second phase of watching brief was undertaken over a single day in December 2017 and comprised demolition
of the additional rooms added to the rear of the Farmhouse in the later 19 th century (Fig 4). A watching brief was
maintained on the demolition (Plates 7-12) in order to assess the structures chronological sequence.

The watching brief during demolition confirmed the chronological sequence of structural additions recorded in the
earlier building recording phase of work (Phillips, 2014). It was noted, however, that within the pantry structure the
stone surfaces were located above comparatively modern brick and blockwork supports; suggesting a more modern
date than initially supposed, as well as reuse of the stone surfaces themselves (Plates 10-12).

4.3. Phase 3 – Foundation Trenches

The final phase of watching brief work undertaken on the site was monitoring the mechanical excavation of the new
foundation trenches, (Plates 13-16). The footprint of the new extension to the rear of the farmhouse largely reflected
that of the structures subject to demolition (Fig 4).

The excavated foundation trenches measured a total of 29.82m in length. Those trenches forming the outer walls of
the new development were each cut to depths of between 0.85m and 1m below the current ground surface and were
each 0.85m wide. The inner trench, forming the foundation for an internal partition, was 0.3m deep and 0.6m wide.

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

As the new (external) foundation trenches followed the line of the previous structure’s footprint, this resulted in the
removal of the older foundation along the whole of the new foundation trench.

Excavation of the external foundation trenches showed the previous structure’s footing (102) to be approximately
0.45m deep and to be composed of sub-rounded boulders set in an off-grey lime mortar, which formed the main
deposit within the new foundation trenches. Footing (102) was sat within a linear construction cut with amorphous
edges where observed [103]. Cut [103] for the previous footing (102) was made into the superficial natural material
(101) along its entire length. No further deposits were noted within the new foundation trench excavations.

Excavation of the 5m length of internal foundation trench revealed the concrete floor of the demolished structures to
be located above natural (101). Monitoring of the excavation of this trench showed only natural deposits (101)
overlain in places by a concrete floor horizon.

5. Finds

5.1. Pottery

A total of 13 sherds of ceramic were recovered during the course of the watching brief. All were of later 18 th to early
20th date and domestic in nature.

5.2. Metal

Two metal finds, comprising a steel fork and a largely intact iron cauldron, were also recovered during the watching
brief. These were of 20th and 19th century date respectively.

5.3. Finds Summary

The finds assemblage recovered during the works at Brook Farm, Mamhilad, is detailed within Appendix 2. The
finds are wholly representative of a later Post-medieval to early modern domestic assemblage.

6. Conclusions

The archaeological watching brief works undertaken at Brook Farm, Mamhilad, have revealed little in terms of the
sites supposed medieval origins. Likewise no evidence of a possible former layout of the farm, as interpreted from
the 1833 OS map, was observed.

The watching brief works have served to reinforce the conclusions made in the earlier undertaken building recording
survey (Phillips, 2014) regarding the phasing of the farmhouse itself. As a result of the watching brief demolition it
is clear that the two ancillary additions to the rear of the farmhouse were added at a later date; albeit still within the
19th century. A lack of more accurate dating from finds however results in only the wider dating bracket provided by
the map regression being available, that of between 1840 and 1882.

7. Archive

The original archive for the watching brief will be retained by APAC Ltd.

Secondary archives will be deposited with Gwent Records Office and digitally with the Royal Commission for
Ancient and Historic Monuments, Aberystwyth. A copy of the final report & project design will be deposited with
the regional HER (Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust, Swansea).

All finds were returned to the client.

APAC Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

8. Acknowledgements

Thanks are due to the client for granting access to the site and to Adam Phillips for assistance with the finds

9. Bibliography

APAC Ltd. 2013. Written Scheme of Investigation for a Programme of Archaeological Work.
BSWB/MAH/13 – Brook Farm, Mamhilad . Doc No. 219

British Geological Survey - – Accessed 17th October 2017

Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. 2014. Standards and Guidance: for an archaeological watching brief

Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974.

Management of Health and Safety Regulations, 1992.

Phillips, N. 2013. Brook Farm Barn, Mamhilad. Level II Building Survey. APAC Ltd grey literature report.
Doc No 219

Phillips, N. 2014. Brook Farm, Mamhilad. Level II Building Survey. APAC Ltd grey literature report. Doc No. 240


A.P.A.C. Ltd will retain full copyright of any reports and specialist reports, under the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act of 1988 with all rights reserved.

A.P.A.C. Registered Address: Wyastone Business Park, Monmouth, NP25 3SR

Tel: 01600891584. Mobile: 07734962919 Email:
Company Registration No 5041541 VAT Reg No 826 3628 19
Director: Dr. N. Phillips D.Phil.BA (Hons).Cert Ed/FE. MCIFA.

Brook Farm, Mamhilad

0 500m

Fig 1: General location map with detailed OS Mastermap of site inset A.P.A.C. Ltd WB/MAH/13
Brook Farm, Mamhilad

Inset Inset

Brook Brook
Farm Farm

Monmouthshire 1833 2 Inch OS 1840s Parish Tithe Map

Series Map

Inset Inset

Brook Brook
Farm Farm

Monmouthshire1882 25 Inch OS Monmouthshire1901 25 Inch OS


Farm Brook

Monmouthshire1920 25 Inch OS Monmouthshire1970-1 25 Inch OS


All Ordnance Survey maps are reproduced by APAC Ltd under authorised OS Licence No. 100046577.

Fig 2: Historic mapping showing Brook Farm, Mamhilad A.P.A.C. WB/MAH/13

Brook Farm, Mamhilad

Sec 2


Reduced ground level area

Sec 1

Farmhouse footprint prior to demolition

0 6m

Site plan showing area of ground reduction (orange) to rear (east) of farmhouse plus sample section locations

. .

. .






0 1m
Fig 3: Location and illustrated sample sections of phase 1 watching brief work

A.P.A.C. WB/MAH/13
Brook Farm, Mamhilad

Architects plans with area to be demolished (green)

0 10m

Location of foundation trenches (red) in relation to previous ground plan

0 5m

adapted from BS Technical Services BP2191

Fig 4: Areas subject to phases 2 and 3 of the watching brief overlaid on architects plans
A.P.A.C. WB/MAH/13
Plate 1: Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north

Plate 2: Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north-west

Plate 3: Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking west

Plate 4: Reduced ground level to east of farmhouse, looking north

Plate 5: View north of sample section 1. Scale 1x1m

Plate 6: View west of sample section 2, Scale 1x1m

Plate 7: View during demolition, looking south-west

Plate 8: View during demolition, looking west. Scales 2x1m

Plate 9: View during demolition, looking south-west

Plate 10: View within pantry during demolition, surfaces removed.

Looking south-west, scales 2x1m
Plate 11: View of brick and blockwork walls beneath removed surfaces
Looking south-west, scales 2x1m

Plate 12: View of removed salting slab from within pantry. Scale 1x1m
Plate 13: View along southerly foundation trench Plate 14: View along northerly foundation trench
Looking west, scales 1x2m & 1x1m Looking west, scales 1x2m & 1x1m
Plate 15: View along north-south trench, looking north Plate 16: View along shallow internal partition foundation
Scale 1x2m trench. Looking west, Scale 1x1m
Appendix 1 - Site Photograph List & Contact Sheet
A.P.A.C. Ltd Brook Farm, Mamhilad WB/MAH2/13

Appendix I – Photograph list and Contact Sheets

Frame No. Description Direction L/P Date

IMG_0001 Ground reduction commencement to E of farmhouse E L 17/10/17
IMG_0002 Southern elevation N L 17/10/17
IMG_0003 Front elevation E L 17/10/17
IMG_0004 Dilapidated state of rear of farmhouse SW L 17/10/17
IMG_0005 Ground reduction in process - L 17/10/17
IMG_0006 Sample section 1 N L 17/10/17
IMG_0008 Sample section 2 E L 17/10/17
IMG_0010 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse W L 17/10/17
IMG_0011 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse S L 17/10/17
IMG_0012 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse N L 17/10/17
IMG_0013 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse NE L 17/10/17
IMG_0014 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse NW L 17/10/17
IMG_0015 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse N L 17/10/17
IMG_0016 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse W L 17/10/17
IMG_0017 Reduced ground level to rear of farmhouse SW L 17/10/17
IMG_0018 Front elevation E L 17/10/17
IMG_0019 Detail of butt joint behind downpipe on front elevation E P 17/10/17
IMG_0020 Detail of butt joint behind downpipe on front elevation E P 17/10/17
IMG_0021 Detail of butt joint behind downpipe on front elevation NE P 17/10/17
IMG_0022 Detail of butt joint behind downpipe on front elevation NE P 17/10/17
IMG_0023 Detail of butt joint behind downpipe on front elevation NE P 17/10/17
IMG_0024 Front elevation E L 17/10/17
IMG_0025 South elevation N L 17/10/17
IMG_0026 Farmhouse from north-west E L 17/10/17
IMG_0027 Dilapidated state of rear SW L 17/10/17
IMG_0028 Dilapidated state of rear S L 17/10/17
IMG_9994 Dilapidated state of rear SW L 17/10/17
IMG_9995 Dilapidated state of rear W P 17/10/17
IMG_9996 Dilapidated state of rear S P 17/10/17
IMG_9997 Dilapidated state of rear SW L 17/10/17
IMG_9998 Dilapidated state of rear S P 17/10/17
IMG_9999 Garden wall removed N L 17/10/17
_094758 View during demolition SW P 28/12/17
DSCN2993 View of pantry with slabs removed during demolition S L 30/12/17
DSCN2994 View of brick & blockwork beneath slabs S L 30/12/17
DSCN2995 View during demolition SW L 30/12/17
DSCN2996 View of floor removed within living room N L 30/12/17
DSCN2999 View during demolition S L 30/12/17
DSCN3000 View of removed salting slab surface - L 30/12/17
100_1449 View west along southern foundation trench W P 11/01/17
100_1450 View east along southern foundation trench E P 11/01/17
100_1451 View north along incomplete N-S trench N P 11/01/17
100_1452 View south along incomplete NS trench S P 11/01/17
100_1453 View of butt joint scar on wall of farmhouse W P 11/01/17
100_1454 View of butt joint scar on wall of farmhouse W P 11/01/17
100_1455 View west along northern foundation trench W P 11/01/17
100_1456 View west along northern foundation trench W P 11/01/17
100_1457 View east along northern foundation trench E P 11/01/17
100_1458 View north along completed N-S foundation trench N P 11/01/17
100_1459 View north along completed N-S foundation trench N P 11/01/17
100_1460 View south along completed N-S foundation trench S P 11/01/17
100_1461 View west along internal partition trench W P 11/01/17
100_1462 View east along internal partition trench E P 11/01/17
Appendix 2 - Finds Index & Assemblage Photographs
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II WB/MAH2/13
Finds Index

Find no Area Context Description Period Date

1 100 1 sherd glazed earthenware rim 18th /19th 17/10/17
1 sherd dark glazed redware 19th
1 sherd glazed earthenware
1 sherd glazed stoneware jug side with strap handle
1 clay pipe stem
1 medium sized cast iron cauldron, mostly intact
2 sherd Willow pattern china
1 sherd porcelain 19th/ 20th
1 sherd bone china with gold lustre rim
1 sherd white china with blue decoration
1 sherd Welsh Gawdy ware
1 sherd Cream ware with embossed blue flowers
1 sherd white china plate rim with grey floral decoration
1 sherd midlands ware, heavily glazed internally and
1 stainless steel fork
1 bone fragment
A.P.A.C. Ltd Appendix II FINDS WBMAH2/13

100 1


100 1

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