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Course: MGT 351

Section: 14
Group Name: Business Block
Faculty: Mr. Rafsan Elahi (RfE)
Executive Summary

HRM division helps an organization to reach their strategic goals more effectively. National Credit and
Commerce Bank Limited is one of the fastest growing financial institution in the banking sector of
Bangladesh. Employers today must make sure that their training programs are supporting their
organization’s strategic goals. Through training programs, NCC Bank helps its employees to learn about
the operation of various banking tools. To train its employees, NCC Bank use a four-step process that
includes training need analysis, designing of the program, implementation of the program, evaluation and
validation. They also use different training methods to ensure proper training to their employees.
Different types of employees need different training, which is determined by analyzing the prospective
employee’s knowledge and skills. NCC Bank also emphasizes a lot on performance appraisals.
Performance appraisal helps the bank to determine the deviation of the employee’s work to its standard.
NCC Bank uses different measurement techniques to carry out the performance appraisal process. After
evaluating the performances of their employees, NCC Bank take corrective measures to eliminate
performance deficiencies and reinforce strength to the organization. Another important concern of the
HRM is the recruitment and selection of employees. NCC Bank does not discriminate its candidates when
recruiting someone for a job. They follow the HR ethics from the very beginning of the recruitment
process. The recruitment is done in a very standardized, formal and intuitive way. The human resource
management of NCC Bank is helping the organization to grow at a faster rate.
Table of Content

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………..…….. 1
2. Methodology……………………………………….……..……………. … …………. 2 ... ..

3. Background Information about the Company……………… ……………….. ………. 3

. .

4. Culture of Interpersonal Relationship/Team Leadership……………………..………. 3

5. Current HR SYSTEM
 Recruitment……………………………………………………………..….………4
 Selection Process……………………………………………………….…….…….6
 Training and Development………………………………………………..…..……7
 Benefit Offered……………………………………………………… ……………10 .

6. Implication of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM)………….………...12

7. Recommendations……………………………………………………………….…….13
8. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………. ……13 ..

9. References………………………………………………………………….….………14

National Credit and Commerce Bank Limited (NCC Bank) started its journey in the financial sector of the
country as an investment company back in 1985. The aim of the company was to mobilize resources from
within and invest them in a way that would develop the country's Industrial and Trade Sector and act as a
catalytic role in the formation of capital market as well. The company operated up to 1992 with 16 branches
and thereafter with the permission of the Central Bank converted into a full-fledged private commercial
Bank in 1993 with paid up capital of Tk. 39.00 crore to serve the nation from a broader platform. Since its
inception NCC Bank Ltd. has acquired commendable reputation by providing sincere personalized service
to its customers in a technology based environment. At present NCC Bank is carrying out its services
through 111 branches (including SME and Agri branches).
Every company’s success lies in their good managerial system, from all the managerial system Human
resource management is one of them. NCC Bank believes that a good and efficient HRM system is a symbol
of good management. This report will show how NCC Bank carry their Human resource management
processes to obtain their mission and vision. The primary objective of this report is to explore the HR
activities of NCC Bank and analyze them, learn about the HR Processes of planning, recruitment and
selection, training, R&D, compensation and benefit system, and also the hierarchical structure of NCC
Bank’s HR Department.


For our primary data, a meeting was conducted with Md. Anisur Rahman Majumder, who is the Vice
President and Manager of NCC Bank, Comilla Branch. We talked about different aspects of the HR process
of UCB. He gave us his valuable time and information about the recruitment & selection processes, training
& development programs, benefits offered and the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) of
NCC Bank.
For our secondary data, different textbooks, journals, blogs and articles were used to understand the
theoretical framework of the project, and was also used to define and determine the ‘HRM system’.
Moreover, annual reports, company profile and charts had been collected from the organizations website.
We also took help from our text book, Human Resource Management, Garry Dessler, 13th Edition.

Company Background
With a firm commitment of the economic and social development of Bangladesh, NCC Bank provides
personalized services, innovative practices, and efficient management. The Bank has expanded its arena in
different and diverse segments of banking like Retail Banking, SME Banking, Corporate Banking, Offshore
Banking, and Remittance etc. Besides various deposit and loan products of Retail Banking, the Bank
provides export and import loan to deserving candidates which in turn helps the overall economy of the
country through increased earning of foreign exchange. Other consumer products like NCC VISA Credit
Cards have been showing tremendous success and growth since its inception in 2005. You may choose from
three types of cards which are Visa Classic, Visa Gold (Local) and Visa Dual Currency Card (Local and
Global). The Bank also provides its clients with both incoming and outgoing remittance services. Thus the
expatriates find an easy way to send money through proper channel. The Bank, aiming to play a leading role
in the economic activities of the country, is firmly engaged in the development of trade, commerce and
industry by investing in network expansion and usage of new technology to have competitive advantage.
 “Delivering excellent financial services to our communities based on strong customer
 “Providing long lasting solutions that combining our cutting edge technology, experience and
financial strength to our clients and stake holders”
 “Creating a cohesive and friendly environment where customers and our people can excel”
 “To become one of the most adorable commercial Bank in serving the Nation as a progressive and
socially responsible financial institution by bringing credit and commerce together for increased
shareholders value and sustainable growth”

Culture of Interpersonal Relationship/ Team Leadership

The interpersonal relationship among the HR team is very crucial for the success of an organization,
achieving its goals and the HR team of NCC Bank is completely aware of it. The employees are more than
eager to create a professional environment around them and hold the companies age old culture of learning
and working. NCC Bank promotes interpersonal skills among its highly competent team emphasizing both
on seniors and juniors. Although, the employees are given individual tasks in line with the firm’s goal, team
work is highly preferred in case of big projects. Inter department, even inter branch co-operation is
sometimes needed for some cases. From top to bottom, all members of the HR team work together and the
managers make the final decisions.

Current HR System
Recruitment and Selection Process of NCC Bank offers equal employment opportunity for all
Bangladeshi citizens. It is the arrangement of the Company to pull in, hold and inspire qualified
and talented workers inside the organization. To do this, the Company offers competitive
compensation package and conveys equal opportunity for career advancement to all employees. It
is believed that in order to accomplish the Company's objective, there must be effective and high
caliber human resources. In this way, the NCC Bank Limited pays maximum attention and
endeavors in compensating exceedingly qualified and skilled employees who will confront
challenges achieving Company’s goal. The role of HR in respect to attracting, holding and
motivating qualified and skilled employees is enormous. The formulation and implementation of a
sound employment policy have incredible effect in the satisfaction of desired objectives.

 Formal Recruitment
1) Existing Position: Human Resource Division plays the main role to determine the total work force
requirement of the bank. To meet this, the department collects data from all departments of Head
office and all branches regarding their requirement of different expert personnel.
• Again, different divisions of Head office and branches inform their requirement to HR department.
• HR Department scrutinizes the collected data and sort out the skill and experience requirement of
• From the CV Bank, they call the required person for VIVA VOCE.
• After the VIVA VOCE, the selected personnel follow the same procedure same as to the entry
level position.
2) Entry Level Position: For a new position, each Department follows the following procedures,
• Requirement of Manpower of different Department and all branches with justification.
• When a new position needs to be created, then the HR head will submit a request to BOD for
approval with proper justification attaching with a detailed job description.
• Upon the approval of Board of director, HR recruitment process will begin.
• All new appointments must be accordance with the approved department budget and must be
approved by head of HR and the Board of Directors.
• Finally, HR Head, MD will decide what types of skills are required.
• They will give advertisement in the newspaper.

Recruitment Sources:
Subsequent to getting the requisition form from the departments, HR at that point advertises the job into
the general population. There are several types of sources that NCC Bank uses for their job advertisement.
Such as:
1. Newspaper Advertisement
Opportunity declared is occasionally circulated by distributing promotion in national daily papers.
The newspapers that are broadly coursed are chosen for publishing advertisement. Advertisement to be
published in the national dailies is alluring. It shows the position, idea of appointment, location, significant
zones of obligation, terms & conditions, age limit, minimum education level, work experience, least training
level, job requirements, unique prerequisites.
2. Career Fairs
This is a new kind of talent haunt in our country and getting popular day by day. NCC Bank occasionally
participates in the career fairs organized by different universities.
3. Web Search:
NCC Bank has its own website through which any one can see the recruitment advertisement of the bank
and can apply.
4. Internal recruiting
NCC Bank prefer to appoint internal candidates, who are suitable and qualified for the vacant or new
position and also meets the existing and future requirements. Appointments may be made by the promotion,
up gradation or transfer with the approval of the authority. No one is allowed to apply for appointment
during probationary period. Promoting internal employees on the basis of succession planning may likewise
be investigated. Sometimes the internal candidates are not 100% ability for the position. All things
considered, NCC Bank trained them and makes 100% competence for the post.
5. External recruiting
A successful external recruiting exertion requires careful arranging and coordination. In most medium and
substantial affiliations, the HR experts do the vast majority of the enlisting. These individuals might be staff
generalists who spend some of their time performing recruitment activities or fulltime selection
representatives who have practical experience in seeking and screening potential new employees.

 Selection Test
All are full time employees. Recruitment selection process is done through HR & Admin.
Recruits need to pass through five tests at first.
These are given below:
1) Written Test
2) Computer test
3) Screening test
4) Viva View
5) Tabulation Sheet Test

Steps in appointment and placement at a glance of NCC Bank:

Prepare employment Agreement

Handover employment agreement

Accept joining report

Ensure joining related


Open personnel file

Transfer Order & Placement

In respective Department
Joining Process:
• Entry Level Officers are given Orientation to know more about the environment & culture of NCC Bank
• Next step is “Foundation Training”.
• After Foundation Training, the competent authority also recommends “On the Job

 Training and Development

Training and Development is a component of human resource management worried about hierarchical
action aimed at bettering the execution of employees in organizational settings. It has been known by a few
names, including "human resource management", and "training and development". When it is tied in with
blending, placing and developing employee, a procedure is introduced to enable the new workers to adjust
to their new associations and work duties. These procedures of improvement are intended to help
representatives to completely comprehend what working is about in the association and to enable them to
end up noticeably completely beneficial at the earliest opportunity. In the current work environment,
training and development actions have uncommon interest from guideline in very particular occupation
abilities to long tow proficient advancement. These days, it has developed as a formal business work, a
necessary component methodology, and a perceived calling with unmistakable speculations and techniques.
Numerous more organizations have grasped constant learning and advancing worker development, and
procuring a profoundly gifted workforce. Truth be told, the nature of representatives and the consistent
change of their aptitudes and efficiency through preparing are presently broadly perceived as fundamental
factors in guaranteeing the long-haul achievement and benefit of independent companies.
In organizations training and development program works as a transforming procedure, by the procedure
new unskilled employee goes into the organization get appropriate training and they develop themselves.
• Setting up the ability prerequisites and the resulting preparing requirements of the workforce.
• The plan of the most reasonable occasions and best preparing strategies for the association.
• Conveyance of the preparation with extra help for any open learning angles.
• Assessment and approval of the preparation occasion to guarantee that to accomplish identifiable and
practical business changes from the advancement of the staff
NCC Bank Limited always concentrates incredible attention on preparing and improvement of its
employees. That is why NCC Bank Limited has its own particular preparing foundation with dedicated HR

individuals who are organizing trainings for the workers of NCC Bank. NCC Bank Limited trusts that
exclusive representatives must give better administration on the off chance that they are prepared well. The
HR office needs to guarantee a devoted group of very much prepared workers who can serve the clients
and in addition the bank by their mastery. Distinctive sorts of trainings are offered to the workers as
indicated by the bank run the show. The vast majority of the trainings are with respect to keeping money
exercises and the trainings are very much organized

List of offered trainings are below:

• Foundation Course
• Foreign Trade payment & Finance
• SME Financing
• Banking Laws and Regulation
• Customer Service Intelligence
• Cash Management
• Prevention of Malpractices in banking
• Retail Banking
• House Keeping
• Detection, Disposal of Forged & Mutilated Notes
• Internal Control Risk Management
• Foreign Exchange Regulatory Act-1947
• Assets and Liabilities Risk Management
• Training at other Institutes
• Basic accounting concept
• Foreign exchange risk management
• Workshop for problem and solving as per Department Requirement
• Treasury Operation
• Presentation of Malpractices in Bank
• CRM Manual
• Credit Risk Grading
• CIB Reporting
• IT Security and Information system in banking
• Anti-money Laundering Policies and Implementation

• Islamic Banking and Finance
• Credit management
• General Banking
• Other training including foreign training


NCC Bank Limited follows both, on the job and off the job training methods for its employees.

On the Job Training:

1. Job Rotation: In NCC Bank, representatives move to different positions in the organization with
an end goal to grow their understanding, skills, and capacities.
2. Assistant to Positions: Representatives at NCC Bank with potential often work under effective
managers commonly in various departments of the banks; this causes the assistant to get productive
virtues from the superiors.
3. Committee Assignment: It can enable the employees to share basic leadership, to learn by
watching others and to explore organizational problems. NCC Bank arranges committee
assignments for its employee and the bank enables its representatives to express their best toward
the organizational development.
Off the Job Training:
1. Lecture Course and Seminar: The coaches utilize address courses and class to prepare the
2. Employee Overall Training Records: NCC Bank Limited always believes that IT has an
extraordinary commitment in the exercises of Human Resource Department. So, the bank tries to
keep the whole employee training related data for appropriate recording figure-hugging. NCC Bank
uses Orbits HRD solution created by programming giant Oracle to record all the HR related
exercises of the banks. Both the workers and HR staff can see the training data as indicated by their
Advantages HR supervisors or executives can include, erase, and change training related information on
the framework. Every one of the trainings that HR division has intended for the workers are set in the
framework and when which representative will get the preparation on what subject are likewise set in the
framework. Workers get data with respect to the preparation program they have to take an interest on
particular date. Circles HRD framework, created by Oracle acts as a total preparing lattice for NCC Bank

3. Feedback and Coaching: Feedback and Coaching is the basic connection that interfaces objective
setting toward the start of the year with execution examinations toward the finish of the year. Criticism
furnishes workers with vital data about where they are accomplishing objectives and meeting desires, and
where they have to move forward.
This incorporates:
• Asking for feedback with respect to their execution from their manager and others.
• Being open and willing to listen to feedback and accepting it in an expert and helpful way.
• Making a move on the feedback and coaching to upgrade aptitudes and enhance execution.

 Employee Benefit and Facility

NCC Bank Limited believes in providing efficient customer service as well as sufficient benefits to the
employees to the employees at their satisfaction. The benefits and facilities provided by the bank to its
employees are as follows:
1. Bonus
All regular employees of the Bank including the probationary officers are entitled to four festival bonuses
on Eid-ul-Fitre and Eid-ul-Azha worth of one month's basic pay irrespective of their date of joining and
religion. Moreover, the Board at its discretion may sanction incentive Bonuses from the profit earned by
the Bank.
2. Provident Fund
Provident Fund is the service benefit, which allows regular employees or the Bank to save 15% of their
basic salary in every month. The Bank also contributes an equal amount in this fund as the employees to
amass an attractive sum. Every confirmed and fresh employee will be entitled to bank's contribution to
Provident Fund benefit after completion of 2 years of service in Bank and the benefit will be paid to him or
her on retirement. Conversely, experienced employees are entitled to the Bank's contribution of Provident
fund on joining Employees recruited on contract basis are not entitled to Provident Fund.

3. Gratuity
This is a benefit scheme of the employees of NCC Bank Limited for their security after they leave the
institution on retirement or otherwise. The Board of Directors of NCC Bank Limited has framed the
"Gratuity Rules" and NCC Bank in exercise of power under article 128 of the Articles of Association of the
company. The Board is authorized to amend of modify the Gratuity Rules. The Bank offers this benefit to
the fresh employees who have completed a minimum period of 5 years of service without any
discontinuation. They are entitled to two months' basic salary for each completed year of service to be
calculated on last pay drawn from the Bank. The employees on lateral entry will also be entitled to gratuity

benefits for the year of their services rendered to the Bank in the event of normal retirement or
relinquishment of service after completion of 5 years. The benefits paid to the nominee or heir in case of
the death of the employee.
However, employees with the following characteristics are not entitled to this benefit:
➢ Employees, who are dismissed from the service of Bank on account of nay
➢ Misconduct, breach of discipline and serious negligence of duties.
➢ Employees who resign or discontinue the service without permission.
➢ Employees appointed on contract basis.
➢ Employees engaged on daily, weekly or monthly wages basis for any specified work.

1) Basic Leave Types: All Permanent Executives of the Bank are entitled to various types of Leaves
that are calculated based on calendar year and prorated from the date of joining the Bank's service
for the first year. Leave entitlements of expatriate (Contract) employees shall be governed by their
respective terms of employment with the company specified in the Appointment Letter
2) Casual Leave: Entitlement to casual leave for the Executive at Head-Office and Branch Site, it is
15 days based on each calendar year. The employee is entitled to exercise Casual Leave from the
very next day of joining; though the Casual Leave is pro-rated for the balance period of the year
counting from the joining date. Casual Leave can be taken with Weekends, Public Holidays, Earned
Leaves, etc. but be limited to only 3 days.

3) Sick Leave: Entitlement to Sick Leave for the Executives at Head-Office and Branch Site it is 15
days on the basis of each calendar year. The employee is eligible to exercise the Sick Leave benefit
from the date of his/her joining.

4) Maternity Leave: Female employees are entitled to Maternity Leave benefit as per "The Maternity
Benefit Act, 1939".

5) Study Leave: An Executive may be granted Study Leave, with or without pay, entirely at the
bank’s discretion, once s/he has been in the bank for at least one year.

Implications of Strategic Human Resource Management

Strategic Human Resource Management deals with the proactive management of the workforce of an
organization, to ensure that they achieve the organization’s strategic goals. Therefore the areas that the HR
department must be efficient at are the hiring process, compensation policy and training of employees.
NCC’s recruitment and selection process is very thorough. Employees are recruited from both internal and
external sources whichever is appropriate for the particular position. The process is kept as fair as possible.
The applicants are selected based on their academic qualification as well as their personality and
interpersonal skills. Thus the recruitment process together with the selection process ensures that the most
qualified candidates are hired. Moreover NCC offers a variety of training programs to its employees to
further enhance their professional skills. The orientation itself is made informative for the new recruits and
carried out in a structured way. From the very first day employees know what they are expected to do in
the organization. Employees also get trained on-the-job and off-the-job, depending on their training needs.
NCC has its own training institute ‘Learning and Development Center of NCC’ and it offers BIBM
(Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management) training to even its probationary officers. This means that the
employees are trained according to their requirement, in such a way so that they develop competencies that
will help achieve the organization’s ultimate aim. Alongside being highly competent, the workforce must
also be diligent and committed. NCC has attractive compensation policy for its employees. Apart from the
basic pay, it offers employee welfare fund as well as provident fund. Depending on their position,
employees receive accommodation, utilities allowance, medical benefits and loan schemes. Furthermore
employees are given leave on several issues, including study leave, which is uncommon in Bangladesh.
These policies motivate employees to work hard for the bank. A sense of commitment and responsibility
develops among them which drives each individual employee to work towards achieving the organization’s
Therefore NCC’s Human Resource department practice strategic human resource management by hiring
the right people, developing the right skills in them and keeping them motivated to perform their level

 NCC Bank should try to make its recruitment process fairer. Although it offers employment
opportunities to the disabled and transgender, the company maintains a fixed ratio of one-third of
the employees being female. Employees should be hired based on their skill set and compatibility
with the company policies. The candidate’s gender and physical condition should be the criterions
for hiring them. Therefore NCC Bank should recruit only the best person for each job, even if that
leads to two-third of the workforce being female or one-fifth of them being female.
 An additional HR counseling cell can be set up for giving advice and assistance to employees. NCC
is a big corporation with a large number of employees. The employees may face many adverse
issues that may not be addressed by the general policies of the organization. An HR counseling
cell, devoted to looking into employee matters and giving them adequate advice will make the
workforce motivated and efficient.
 The HR policies should undergo frequent scrutiny. Labor laws are subject to change, and the HR
policies must be in line with the current labor laws.

NCC bank limited is a faster growing and low risk taker. Its present position among the entire privet banking
sector is very strong. Services it is providing to its customer is really service oriented. The branches of the
bank are spreading all over the country very first. The bank is operating the operation with some of the
problems. It will overcome the problems within a short time period.
Now the bank needs more market research to find out customer expectation and satisfying the customer
expectations it may become number one bank in Bangladesh.

Gary Dessler, Human resource management, 13th edition


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