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A quarterly publication

to Safety

of Airplane

Replacing Halon:
A Progress Report

Fire Protection:
Passenger Cabin

Equipping a
Fleet for Required
Cover photo: 737-800 vertical fin assembly.
commitment to Safety
the aviation industry works to maximize
safety by sharing data, aligning resources,
and addressing risks.

Aviation Safety: Evolution
of Airplane Interiors
Decades of innovation and targeted
efforts have improved survivability of
an airplane accident, especially during
takeoffs and landings.

replacing Halon in Fire protection
Systems: A progress report
the aerospace industry has conducted
extensive research on halon alternatives,
but fully replacing the chemical will require

13 multiple regulatory approvals and the

cooperation of all stakeholders.

05 19
Fire protection: passenger cabin
the cabins on all boeing airplanes incorpo­
rate comprehensive fire­protective features
and materials.

equipping a Fleet for required
navigation performance
operators need a properly equipped fleet
to receive operational approval for required

19 navigation performance and take advantage

of the benefits offered by such operations.


W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine issue 44 _quarter 04 | 2011
Publisher Design Cover photography Editorial Board
Shannon myers methodologie Jeff corwin Don Andersen, gary bartz, richard breuhaus, tom Dodt, Justin Hale,
Darrell Hokuf, Al John, Doug lane, Jill langer, russell lee, Duke mcmillin,
Editorial director Writer Printer
David presuhn, Wade price, Frank Santoni, Jerome Schmelzer
Jill langer Jeff Fraga colorgraphics
Technical Review Committee
Editor-in-chief Distribution manager Web site design
gary bartz, richard breuhaus, David carbaugh, tom Dodt, Justin Hale,
Jim lombardo nanci moultrie methodologie
Darrell Hokuf, Al John, Doug lane, Jill langer, russell lee, Duke mcmillin,
David palmer, David presuhn, Wade price, Jerome Schmelzer, William tsai

AERO Online

AERO magazine is published quarterly by boeing commercial Airplanes and is information published in AERO magazine is intended to be accurate and authoritative.
distributed at no cost to operators of boeing commercial airplanes. AERO provides However, no material should be considered regulatory­approved unless specifically stated.
operators with supplemental technical information to promote continuous safety Airline personnel are advised that their company’s policy may differ from or conflict with
and efficiency in their daily fleet operations. information in this publication. customer airlines may republish articles from AERO
without permission if for distribution only within their own organizations. they thereby
the boeing company supports operators during the life of each boeing commercial
assume responsibility for the current accuracy of the republished material. All others
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must obtain written permission from boeing before reprinting any AERO article.
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boeing continually communicates with operators through such vehicles as technical
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copyright © 2011 the boeing company

AERO is printed on Forest Stewardship council™ certified paper.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
to Safety
At boeing, our commitment to safety is at the very core
of all we do. We have the privilege of working with you,
our valued customers, to enhance the safety, efficiency,
and reliability of your fleet.

that same working­together spirit is at the When you configure your airplane
heart of aviation’s commitment to safety. interiors, you make a series of choices to
together, manufacturers, airline operators, balance your marketing and operational
government regulatory and investigative needs along with passenger preferences.
authorities, airport operators, and others — it is an opportunity for you to brand your
in short, our entire industry — work to product and services.
maximize safety by sharing data, aligning part of feeling comfortable in an airplane
resources, and addressing risks together. interior is feeling safe. today’s airplane
in this issue, we offer a prime example: interiors reflect decades of innovation and
Director, Aviation Safety
the evolution of airplane interiors. effort toward safer, more survivable interiors.
boeing commercial Airplanes
thank you for your commitment to
safety and for your business with boeing.

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
Ongoing work with
regulators has resulted
in interiors that are
designed to increase
the survivability of
accidents that occur
during takeoff or landing.
Aviation Safety: evolution
of Airplane interiors
Accidents involving the current generation of commercial airplanes are rare but offer
important insights into advancements in the safety and crashworthiness of airplane
design. these advancements reflect decades of innovation and targeted efforts to improve
survivability in an airplane accident, especially during takeoffs and landings.

By Alan J. Anderson, payloads engineering chief engineer (retired), interiors­payloads System engineering

the accident fatality rate for jet airplanes A hISTORy Of ImPROvIng Some recent events highlight the safety
has fallen dramatically during the last AIRPlAnE InTERIORS of today’s passenger jet airplane interiors
50 years. this decrease is due in part to during takeoff and landing accidents.
continuing efforts by airplane manufacturers Since the first passenger airplane was intro­
■■ in December 2008, an airplane crashed
and regulators to use information gained duced in the 1930s, airplane manufacturers
while taking off, ending up on fire in a
from accidents to develop safer, more have worked to make airplanes safer for
40­foot­deep ravine several hundred
survivable airplanes. the passengers and crew who fly in them
yards from the runway. there were no
this article provides examples of signi­ (see fig. 1). For example, boeing has worked
fatalities among the 115 passengers and
ficant interior enhancements to boeing continuously to enhance the safety of its
crew, even though the metal fuselage
airplanes and how they enhance airplane products and to lead the industry to higher
had been breached by fire.
safety, particularly during accidents that levels of safety through global collaboration.
■■ in December 2009, an airplane carrying
occur during takeoffs and landings. by working together, regulators, opera­
154 passengers and crew overran the
tors, and manufacturers can maximize safety
runway during a landing in heavy rain
by sharing knowledge and targeting safety
and broke apart. there were no fatalities.
efforts to address areas with the most risk.

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 1: Airplane interiors over time
boeing airplane interiors have become both more comfortable and safer over time.

boeing 247 (1933) boeing 707 (1958)

boeing 787 (2011)

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
■■ in August 2010, an airplane crashed could be expected in an impact­survivable commercial airplanes produced after
while attempting to land during poor accident. two separate dynamic tests are August 20, 1988, utilize panels that exhibit
weather, breaking into three pieces conducted to simulate two different acci­ reduced heat and smoke emissions,
on impact. there were 125 survivors dent scenarios: one in which the forces delaying the onset of a flashover (i.e., the
among the 127 passengers and crew are predominantly in the vertical downward simultaneous or near­simultaneous ignition
aboard the flight. direction and one in which the forces are of all flammable material in an enclosed
predominantly in the longitudinal forward area). interiors are updated and refurbished
the industry’s work on airplane safety
direction. the highest load factor is in the many times during the life of an airplane.
and survivability of airplane interiors empha­
forward direction at a force of 16g. this results in interiors that incorporate
sizes three areas: surviving impact, surviving
these enhancements even in older airplanes.
a fire, and evacuation. Head injury protection. Where head contact
in addition, airplanes manufactured on
with seats or other structure can occur,
or after August 20, 1990, must comply with
boeing provides protection so that the
SuRvIvIng ImPACT definitive standards of a maximum peak
head impact does not exceed the head
heat release rate of 65 kilowatts per square
injury criterion (Hic) established by the u.S.
Survivability is greatly influenced by seat meter, a maximum total heat release of
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Hic
design. the greater the ability of airplane 65 kilowatt minutes per square meter, and
measures the likelihood of head injury
seats to remain in place and absorb energy specific optical smoke density of 200 (i.e.,
resulting from an impact. compliance with
during an impact, the greater the likelihood the oSu 65/65/200 fire safety standard
the Hic limit is demonstrated during a
of passenger survival. in addition, the seat defined by ohio State university).
dynamic sled test that includes a 50 per­
back is designed to protect passengers extensive fire protection systems are
cent male­size test dummy, the seat,
behind the seat from head injury. also part of every boeing passenger
and any airplane structure that could be
airplane. these systems include the use
Seat design. in the 1930s, passenger impacted by the occupant’s head.
of fire­protective materials, smoke detec­
airplane seats could withstand a static
tion and fire extinguishing systems, and
force six times the force of gravity (6g). For
SuRvIvIng A fIRE insulation blankets designed to resist
commercial jet airplanes beginning in the
burn­through from a fuel fire next to the
1950s, the 6g requirement was raised to
in 1985, the FAA developed a new test bottom half of the fuselage. (For more
9g. today’s seats are required to withstand
standard for large surface area panels, information on passenger compartment
a 16g dynamic force. A 16g seat is tested
such as ceilings, walls, overhead bins, and fire protection, see page 19.)
in a manner that simulates the loads that
partitions. the standard required that all

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine

Figure 2: Design features key to rapid evacuation

Because evacuating an airplane quickly greatly increases survivability
rates, all Boeing airplanes include a number of features designed to enable
evacuation within 90 seconds.

A Escape slides help passengers evacuate the airplane quickly.

B Fire-retardant insulation slows down the burn-through of a

fire outside the airplane into the cabin.

C Fire-retardant materials are used on cabin sidewalls,

stowbins, and stowage compartments.

D Fire-blocking covering and fire-retardant materials are used

over seat cushions.

E Fire-retardant materials are used on carpets.

F Emergency proximity lighting leads passengers toward exits F

in smoke-filled cabins.
a er o q u a r t e r ly    qt r_04 | 11
figure 3: floor proximity lighting
Floor proximity lighting aids airplane evacuation under dark or smoky conditions.

EvACuATIng ThE AIRPlAnE improve the evacuation rate by 20 percent SummARy

under certain conditions. As a result, the
the FAA requires that an airplane can be u.S. commercial fleet was retrofitted with boeing has worked with regulators, oper­
evacuated of all passengers in 90 seconds. floor proximity lighting by 1986, marking ators, and industry to continually enhance
boeing airplane interiors include a number the completion of a two­year compliance the safety of its airplanes. this ongoing
of features to facilitate this process (see schedule (see fig. 3). the 777 was the first work has resulted in interiors that are
fig. 2). these features include floor proxi­ boeing airplane to include floor proximity designed to increase the survivability of
mity lighting and escape slides. lighting in production models. crashes that occur during takeoff or landing.
For more information, please contact Air
Floor proximity lighting. When passengers escape slides. boeing passenger airplanes
Safety investigation at airsafetyinvestigation@
evacuate after a crash, buoyant hot smoke are equipped with automatic, self­inflating
and gases can fill the cabin down to near slides that are made of fire­resistant
floor level, obscuring overhead lighting. materials that become rigid after being
evacuation is improved through the use of deployed. (For information about the
lights, reflectors, or other devices to mark evolution of escape slides, see page 10.)
the emergency escape path along the floor.
the FAA determined that floor lighting could

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
the evolution of the escape slide: A case study in innovation

boeing and other airplane manufacturers DECREASIng DEPlOymEnT TImE by the last half of the 1960s, devel­
are continually improving airplane safety opment work began to incorporate the
by using information gained from accidents the next major change in escape slide features of a raft into an escape slide.
and by applying new technologies. the design occurred around 1960 with the the first such units were put into operation
evolution of the escape slide is an excellent introduction of slides with two parallel tube in 1971. this technology provided further
case in point. members with a sliding surface suspended improvements in passenger safety and
the handheld fabric chute came into between the tubes. A head tube at the top eliminated the need to carry and maintain
use on passenger airplanes in the 1940s. provided support and stability at the upper separate rafts, unless they were needed
it used essentially the same approach as end of the slide, a toe­end tube provided to supplement the airplane’s slide/rafts.
the fabric slides used to evacuate burning ground support, and a cross­tube main­
buildings in the 19th century. tained side­tube separation. these new
inflatable escape slides became avail­ slides included a metal girt bar that allowed
able about the same time as the early the slide to be attached to the airplane
today’s escape slides are designed to
jet­powered airplanes were entering the floor, a girt consisting of a fabric panel
accommodate all airplane attitudes, taking
final design stages in the united States in between the girt bar and the head tube
into account all combinations of landing
1957. these slides used a tube­on­tube to secure the slide to the airplane, and
gear position, loss of any gear, and varying
design, with the evacuee sliding on a large a manual inflation handle on the girt to
heights of different airplane models
center tube with two side­rail tubes, an manually inflate the escape slide.
(see fig. b).
approach that greatly advanced safety by 1963, improvements in materials
materials used for slides resist burning
standards. because of the physical bulk and inflation systems reduced the weight
and meet the latest radiant heat require­
of the escape slide system, it was not and bulk of the slide system, making it
ments. they are also resistant to fluids,
practical to locate the equipment anywhere practical to move the slides out of the
food contamination, and exposure to sun.
except above the ceiling. As a result, ceiling to the lower inboard face of the
Door slides must inflate within 10 seconds
deployment of these early slides was cabin doors (see fig. A). this location
after initiation of deployment, and off­wing
relatively difficult, requiring five separate resulted in a still more efficient escape
slides must inflate within 15 seconds. they
operations to reposition the slide from system, reducing the time needed to
must be capable of supporting 60 persons
the ceiling to the floor so it could be ready an escape slide from between 20 to
per sliding lane per minute. And they must
inflated — all after the door was opened. 50 seconds to between 18 and 24 seconds,
also be capable of being deployed into
ten to 20 seconds were required to deploy including door opening time.
25­knot winds from any direction.
the slide and 15 to 18 seconds were Further improvements in the efficiency of
required to inflate the slide, for a total the aspirators that inflate the slides reduced
of 25 to 38 seconds. inflation times to as few as six seconds by TESTIng EnSuRES PERfORmAnCE
1966. Detachable girts made it possible to
detach the inflated escape slide from the An extensive test program is carried out
airplane in a ditching situation to serve as by both the escape slide manufacturer and
a supplemental flotation device. the airframe manufacturer to ensure the
Automatic inflation of escape slides was escape slide system meets all performance
introduced a couple of years later, providing requirements. this involves thousands
yet another element of safety: untrained of slide deployments and hundreds of
passengers could now open a door and live subjects.
inflate the slide during an emergency. later,
automatic escape slides became a require­
ment at all floor­level exits.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
Figure A: Door-mounted slide
Moving escape slides from above the ceiling to the doors greatly reduced the time required to ready the
slide for evacuation.

For example, the 747 airplane slide

development program for the main and
upper-deck doors involved more than
6,300 inflations and 40,000 live subjects.
Mode Inflation Cylinder
Recent programs have used high-fidelity
Select Pressure Gauge
test modules manufactured by suppliers Lever
to Boeing’s specifications to test, retest,
qualify, and certify escape slide systems. Interior
Typical tests include: Handle
■■ Fabric tensile and tear tests under
normal conditions and when exposed
to fluids and accelerated aging. Escape Slide or
■■ Fabric permeability tests. Slide/Raft
■■ Seam and adhesive peel and shear
strength tests.
Girt Bar
■■ Fabrics resistance to fungus,
beverages, foods, and fluids including
fuel, hydraulic and cleaning fluids, salt Girt
spray, sand and dust, humidity, and
atmospheric pressure changes.
■■ Simulated rainfall to ensure that the
sliding characteristics of a wet slide are
Figure B: Upper-deck slide
adequate and safe.
Slides inflate and extend to the ground automatically from varying airplane heights and attitudes.
■■ Burst pressure tests. They are made with fire-resistant materials and remain rigid after being deployed.
■■ Lifecycle tests to 40 cycles.
■■ Beam strength tests to confirm the
maxi­mum number of occupants
that can be supported by the slide
without buckling.
■■ Centrifuge tests to assure that the
escape slide system as a whole can
meet maximum g-loads as required by
the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.
■■ Environmental tests to account for
the environmental extremes of high
and low temperatures to which the
airplane will be subjected.
■■ Full-scale evacuations with live
subjects to demonstrate that the
maximum num­ber of passengers
the airplane can carry can be safely
evacuated in 90 seconds with only
half the exits available.

W W W . m m e rcia l / a e ro m a g a zine
Efforts to find effective
replacements for halon in
airplane fire-extinguishing
and suppression systems
are promising, but much
work remains.

a er o q u a r t e r ly    qt r_04 | 11
replacing Halon in
Fire protection Systems:
A progress report
the aerospace industry has been working to find effective replacements for halon
in airplane fire­extinguishing and suppression systems since production of the chemical
was banned in 1994. industry has conducted extensive research on halon alternatives,
but fully replacing the chemical will require multiple regulatory approvals and the
cooperation of all stakeholders.

By Robin Bennett, Hazardous materials leader, product Development, environmental performance Strategy

in 1994, halon production ceased in devel­ power units (Apus), cargo compartments, moreover, because it is so effective in
oped countries after scientific evidence handheld fire extinguishers, and lavatories. small quantities, halon is considered safe
suggested that halon contributes to the for use in human­occupied spaces such
depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer. as passenger cabins and flight decks.
While potential replacement chemicals have InDuSTRy STAnDARD
by the 1980s, the scientific community
been proposed, none of them meet all of had identified halon as an ozone­depleting
the stringent performance requirements for substance (oDS), similar to Freon and other
in the 1960s, the fire protection industry
aviation. As a result, the industry relies on chlorofluorocarbons (cFcs). cFcs are very
began installing a new and very effective
recycled halon to meet current needs. the effective, versatile, and stable chemicals.
agent for use in fire extinguishers and
european union adopted halon replacement However, their stability is a detriment
protection systems. the agent, a class of
deadlines for airplanes in 2010 while the because their long lifetime allows them to
chemicals known as halon, extinguishes
international civil Aeronautic organization migrate to the upper atmosphere where
and suppresses a wide variety of fires,
(icAo) established halon replacement ultraviolet light triggers a chemical reaction
including flammable liquids, electronics,
deadlines in 2011. that may cause depletion of the stratospheric
and common combustibles. Halon is ideal
this article summarizes current prog­ ozone layer.
for use around airplane structure and
ress on the replacement of halon for fire in 1987, the montreal protocol, an inter­
equipment because it is noncorrosive and
extinguishing and suppression on board national treaty, established the production
nonconductive, and it leaves no residue.
commercial airplanes in engines, auxiliary phaseout and use reduction of cFcs.
W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 1: halon replacement deadlines
in 2010, the european commission adopted cutoff and end dates for essential­use exemptions for halon on airplanes operating in the european union.
the international civil Aviation organization adopted halon replacement deadlines in 2011, and underwriters laboratories will withdraw its standard for halon
in handheld fire extinguishers in 2014.

requirement lAvAtory HAnDHelD poWer unit cArgo

new Design european commission cutoff Date 2011 2014 2014 2018
(new type
international civil Aviation organization 2011 2016 2014 n /A
Application) underwriters laboratories Standard n /A 2014 n /A n /A

current european commission end Date* 2020 2025 2040 2040

international civil Aviation organization 2011 2016 n /A n /A

underwriters laboratories Standard n /A 2014 n /A n /A

* includes retrofit with non­halon agent

As part of the 1992 london amendment, its standard for halon­based handheld fire use and production are being scrutinized
halons were added to the agreement. extinguishers in october 2014 (see fig. 1). and are likely to be restricted in the future.
exemptions were provided for those applica­ the aviation industry began researching in addition to agent requirements, the
tions where alternatives were not available halon alternatives more than 15 years system for agent storage, distribution, and
that allowed “essential use” of the available ago. because of stringent safety and application must meet specific performance
oDSs. the aviation industry was exempt engineering performance requirements, requirements. All fire protection system
because none of the currently available development and validation of alternatives components for the alternative agents must
alternative fire­extinguishing and suppres­ has been a challenge. Alternative agents be designed and demonstrated to function
sion agents could meet the stringent on airplanes must meet many regulatory properly under all foreseeable operating
performance requirements to ensure safety requirements for fire protection, including conditions. component qualification tests
of flight. Since the montreal protocol, the the u.S. Federal Aviation Administration must ensure the component specification
aviation industry has continued to rely on (FAA) minimum performance standards requirements are met. System certification
recycled halon to sustain its current needs. (mpS) which demonstrate fire­extinguishing tests ensure that a system performs its
recently, several organizations and and suppression performance equivalent intended function per FAA requirements.
agencies have reevaluated the continuation to or better than halon. System and component test procedures
of the essential­use exemptions. in 2010, Alternative fire­extinguishing and suppres­ include system performance validation,
the european commission amended its sion agents and extinguishing hardware environmental conditioning, structural
oDS regulation by adopting cutoff and must also be reliable and effective at integrity, and lifecycle testing. operational
end dates for essential­use exemptions on extreme temperatures, at various altitudes, requirements should be similar to halon
airplanes and other applications. A cutoff and under extreme vibration; be compatible systems (i.e., no significant increase in
date applies to any new airplane model or with a wide range of materials and training or maintenance requirements and
major derivative upon submission of a type equipment, including electronics, fluids, equivalent shelf and installation life). Finally,
certification application. the end date is composites, and metals; have toxicity the system and its components must be of
defined as the date after which halon shall equivalent to or less than halon; and are a size and weight that can be practically
not be used in all commercial airplanes, environmentally preferable. Some potential integrated into the airplane. this is particu­
including the existing fleet. icAo adopted replacements are listed as greenhouse larly challenging because most of the agents
halon replacement deadlines in 2011, and gases under the 1997 Kyoto protocol, an with published FAA mpS concentration
underwriters laboratories (ul) is withdrawing international treaty on climate change. their values require significant increases in mass
Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
figure 2: Comparison of handheld fire extinguisher size and weight
extinguishers using other agents are nearly 50 percent larger and two and a half times heavier than Halon 1211 extinguishers. the size and weight of
2­bromotrifluoropropene (btp) handheld fire extinguishers are very similar to that of Halon 1211 extinguishers.


ratio of Size and Weight
relative to Halon 1211





Halon 1211 btp Halotron i (c2Hcl2F3 + Fe­36 Fm­200
(cF2clbr) (c3H2brF3) proprietary gas mixture) (c3H2F6) (c3HF7)

Size Weight

and/or volume to provide performance production qualification testing of parts was must pass in addition to requiring national
equivalency to that of halon (see fig. 2). completed in September 2002. the instal­ certification, such as that provided by ul.
lation certification test plan for the lavex
current status and next steps: of the seven
bottles was approved in october 2002.
hAlOn uSE ThROughOuT potential fire­extinguishing agents evalua­
Following FAA approval of the installation
ted, three passed the mpS and are ul
testing and certification data and coordina­
approved: Halotron i (HcFc blend b),
tion with the bottle and lavatory suppliers,
Halon is used to extinguish and suppress Fe­36 (HFc­236fa), and Fm­200 (HFc­
the non­halon lavex — HFc­227ea —
fires in four applications on commercial 227ea). the bottles for these approved
became standard on all in­production
airplanes: candidates are about one and a half times
boeing airplanes with standard lavatory
larger and two times heavier than the
■ lavatory extinguisher bottles (Halon 1301) configurations by the end of 2006. Docu­
currently used ul­rated 5b:c Halon 1211
installed in airplanes prior to 2007. mentation to allow replacement of halon
bottle (see fig. 2). Halotron i has a much
■ Handheld fire extinguishers (Halon 1211) lavex bottles on older boeing airplanes will
lower ozone­depleting potential than
located throughout the cabin, flight be available through boeing commercial
Halon 1211, but its HcFc constituent is
deck, crew rest compartments, and Aviation Services in early 2012. the imple­
scheduled for a 2015 u.S production ban,
accessible cargo compartments. mented replacement, non­halon lavex agent
as mandated by the montreal protocol and
■ cargo compartments (Halon 1301). HFc­227ea, is a hydrofluorocarbon (HFc),
the u.S. clean Air Act, although recycled
■ engines and Apus (Halon 1301). which is defined by the Kyoto protocol as
agents may be used after that date. the
a greenhouse gas and may be subject to
other two alternative agents, Fe­36 and
future restrictions.
lAvATORy ExTInguIShERS Fm­200, have global warming potentials
greater than Halon 1211 and are listed
the extinguishers mounted in lavatory trash hAnDhElD fIRE ExTInguIShERS as greenhouse gases under the Kyoto
receptacles (lavex) were the first to have protocol. their use and production are
an mpS defined in 1997. the handheld fire extinguisher mpS was likely to be restricted in the future.
issued in August 2002 (see fig. 4). it spec­ replacement of existing Halon 1211
current status and next steps: two agents
ifies two tests that replacement agents handheld fire extinguishers with these
passed the mpS tests in December 2000.
agents presents long­term financial

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 3: Comparison of fire-extinguishing and suppressing agents for engines
this chart compares agents with published concentration values to the FAA minimum performance standard for engines requiring significant increases in
concentration (i.e., more agent) to demonstrate performance equivalency to that of halon. A challenge is presented to airframe manufacturers because any
halon alternative system would be much larger and heavier, making integration into the airplane problematic.


concentration (g/m3)




Halon 1301 (cF3br) HFc­125 (c2HF5) trifluoroiodomethane (cF3i) FK­5­1­12 (c6 F12o)


and environmental costs. implementation concurrently, the FAA has been working mpS includes minimum concentration
of these larger, heavier replacement bottles with the international Airplane Systems requirements published for three agents —
may require the relocation of extinguishers or Fire protection Working group to address HFc­125, cF3i, and novec 1230. because
adjoining emergency equipment, redesign of aviation industry concerns over alternative all of these agents are less effective than
interior panel structure, and recertification agent toxicity guidelines. the revised FAA halon and require higher concentrations,
of extinguisher installations for in­production Advisory circular (Ac) 20­42D redefines airplane fire protection systems will be
airplanes and retrofit applications. the the method for determining agent toxicity significantly heavier than halon and require
increased size and weight of the bottles concentrations, which means that use of more volume (see fig. 3). Some of these
may also hinder firefighting performance some alternatives in small compartments agents may also raise toxicity and global
in an airplane cabin. will exceed the recommended concen­ warming concerns by other organizations.
For the reasons stated above, boeing is trations. Supporting documentation for
current status and next steps: boeing and
pursuing an alternative that is more compat­ the calculation of stratification effects
a supplier have been working with the FAA
ible with existing airplane designs and airline is pending release, upon completion of
technical center on a dry powder agent
operational requirements and will fulfill long­ testing at the FAA. this documentation
since 2007. However, in 2009, testing was
term environmental requirements. boeing is should increase the minimum safe volume
suspended to revise the mpS to replace
sponsoring the development of 2­bromotri­ requirements for halocarbon agents.
the halon baseline agent with a surrogate
fluoropropene (btp), which has successfully Although intended only to provide guid­
agent, HFc­125 (eliminating halon release
passed a series of tests and studies support­ ance, Ac 20­42D describes means of
during mpS testing), and to better accom­
ing FAA mpS, airplane material compatibility, compliance considered acceptable to
modate nongaseous agents. in 2010,
and atmospheric environmental effects. the FAA airplane certification offices.
testing resumed and continued into 2011.
btp handheld fire extinguishers are similar
meanwhile boeing has been discussing
in size and weight to current Halon 1211
EngInE AnD APu fIRE ExTInguIShERS agent/system qualification and certification
extinguishers and have passed ul 711 5b
requirements with the FAA Aircraft certi­
performance tests. A toxicology testing
the FAA technical center, in collaboration fication office. Stakeholder acceptance
program is under way. that program and
with the international Airplane Systems Fire (airlines, engine, and Apu manufacturers) is
subsequent government agency approvals
protection Working group, developed an another challenge to implementation yet to
could take two to three years, which aligns
mpS for engines and Apus (see fig. 4). the be resolved. once an mpS concentration
with the icAo replacement dates.
Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
figure 4: Information sources on minimum performance standards for fire-extinguishing and suppressing agents

cAtegory minimum perFormAnce StAnDArD



engines and Auxiliary power units­02submtd.pdf


has been determined, boeing will seek final collaborate with industry and other research SummARy
approval of an airplane certification plan for institutions. Along these lines, the university
the appropriate airplane models. of maryland has been awarded a fellowship efforts to find effective replacements for
to join the niSt study, and two papers halon in airplane fire­extinguishing and
documenting initial results are slated to suppression systems are promising, but
be published later this year. much work remains for all stakeholders.
As in the handheld agent replacement boeing continues to collaborate with
the cargo mpS was last updated in June
efforts, the following characteristics need industry groups and certification authorities
2005 to incorporate FAA and industry com­
to be factored into determining the best to identify, certify, and implement halon
ments (see fig. 4). it specifies four fire test
replacement: ozone depletion potential, replacements on its commercial airplanes.
scenarios that the replacement suppression
global warming potential, atmospheric For more information, please contact
agent must meet to demonstrate equivalent
lifetime, toxicity, material compatibility, robin bennett at robin.g.bennett@
performance to Halon 1301: bulk­load fires,
airplane operating environment, system
containerized­load fires, surface­burning
complexity, maintenance, agent size and Contributors to this article: Robert Beauchamp,
fires, and aerosol­can explosions.
weight, and requirements for cleanup. Lead Project Engineer, Environmentally Pro-
current status and next steps: in late the replacement must also meet the basic gressive Products & Services for Commercial
2009, boeing initiated a research effort mpS established by the FAA. Aviation Services; Brenda Fukai-Allison, Associate
with the national institute of Standards qualification and certification of a non­ Technical Fellow, 787 Environmental Performance;
Mike Madden, Deputy Pressurized Compartment
and technology and other collaborators halon agent and fire suppression system
Fire Marshal, Payloads Design; Oliver Meier,
to understand why several promising will be more complex than the replacement Environmental Control Systems Engineer, Product
replacement agents have failed the aerosol­ of lavex extinguishers, and implementation Development; Robert Wright, Lead Engineer,
can explosion test and, under certain on currently produced airplanes is several 787 Propulsion Fire Protection & Software.
conditions, actually promote combustion. years in the future. boeing is aggressively
understanding the problem will help deter­ seeking replacement agents and systems
mine a solution and ultimately a viable from the fire protection industry. like btp,
agent for use in cargo bays. Future plans any promising agent will be investigated to
include an expansion of the project to understand its capabilities and viability.

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
A compre­hensive
systems-level approach
in cabin design minimizes
fire potential and helps
ensure passenger safety.

a er o q u a r t e r ly    qt r_04 | 11
Fire protection:
passenger cabin
the cabins on all boeing airplanes incorporate comprehensive fire­protective
features and materials to minimize the potential for a fire and help ensure the safety
of passengers.

By Arthur l. Tutson, boeing organization Designation Authorization, Authorized representative, Fire protection;
Douglas E. ferguson, technical Safety chief, Fire protection, technical Services and modifications; and
mike madden, Deputy pressurized compartment Fire marshal, payloads Design

This article is the third in a series exploring approach that goes beyond ensuring this article describes how boeing
the implementation of fire protection on individual parts meet fire property require­ incorporates fire protection features and
transport category airplanes. ments by looking at the integration of all materials into the airplane cabin that meet
those parts on the airplane. this approach or exceed fire protection standards defined
two types of fires can affect an airplane
uses the principles of material selection, by u.S. Federal Aviation regulations (FAr).
and its occupants: in­flight and post­crash.
separation, isolation, detection, and control.
An in­flight fire usually occurs as a result of
these principles involve separating the
a system or component failure or mainte­ fIRE-PROTECTIvE mATERIAlS
three contributory factors to a fire (fuel,
nance issue. A post­crash fire usually
ignition source, and oxygen), isolating
results from ignition of fuel released during most materials used in the construction
potential fires from spreading to other parts
a crash landing. boeing considers both of passenger compartment interiors are
of the airplane, and controlling a fire should
types of fires when designing for airplane required by the u.S. Federal Aviation
one occur. boeing uses both passive sys­
cabin fire protection. Fire protection is one Administration (FAA) to be self­extinguishing
tems (such as the use of noncombustible
of the highest considerations at boeing in (i.e., stop burning after the flame source
or self­extinguishing materials) and active
airplane design, testing, and certification. has been removed) or better. For example,
systems (such as fire extinguishing systems).
in designing an airplane’s fire protection electrical wire and cable insulation must be
Fire protection features on boeing airplanes
features, boeing uses a systems­level self­extinguishing.
meet all aviation regulatory requirements as
well as internal boeing design requirements.
W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 1: Insulation blanket burn-through protection
Fire-protective insulation blankets are designed to resist burn-through from a fuel fire next to the bottom half of the fuselage.

1 Halfway Line 1 3
2 Windows
3 Insulation
4 Steel Clip 2 2 2 2 2 2
5 Tape
6 Overframe Blanket
7 Between-Frame Blanket

View looking outboard

4 5 4 5

View looking down

interior components of boeing airplanes contribution of the insulation blankets to ■ establish design features to minimize
meet flammability requirements prescribed the propagation of a fire. thermal/acoustic potential ignitions.
in title 14 code of Federal regulations insulation installed behind cabin interior ■ establish design features to isolate poten­
(cFr) part 25. these components include: panels with the appropriate fire­resistant tial ignition sources from combustibles
properties can delay the onset of fire into the (e.g., electrical shutoff switches for
■■ interior ceiling.
cabin in the event of a crash (see fig. 1). in­flight entertainment systems).
■■ interior sidewall panels.
the insulation blankets, along with the ■ establish design features to contain or
■■ partitions.
airplane skin, must be capable of resisting localize potential fires, including arrange­
■■ galley surfaces and structure.
burn­through from a fuel­fed post­crash ment, materials, and ventilation. examples
■■ exposed surfaces of stowed galley
fire next to the bottom half of the fuselage include galley trash compartments, fire
carts and standard galley containers.
for a minimum of four minutes to allow stops behind monuments, and sidewalls.
■■ large cabinets and cabin stowage
passengers to evacuate the airplane before
burn­through can occur.
■■ passenger seat material. fIRE DETECTIOn

For materials in areas not covered by the

ISOlATIOn AnD SEPARATIOn three types of smoke detectors are
cFr requirements, boeing design guidelines COnTROlS certified for use in the lavatories and crew
are used to identify additional flammability,
rest compartments, as well as in some
smoke, and toxicity requirements.
boeing reviews the overall design of the galley complexes, purser work stations,
the standards for flammability of insu­
airplane at a systems level to further video control centers, and business
lation blankets have improved over time.
enhance airplane safety. this includes centers: ionization­area type, photoelectric­
A recent requirement change calls for the
the following based on established boeing area type, and photoelectric­ducted type.
enhancement of the fire­protective features
design guidelines: A dedicated smoke detection system is not
of insulation blankets in the event of an
required in the occupied volumes of the
in­flight or post­crash fire. the latest stan­ ■ identify potential ignition sources.
main cabin due to the ability of passengers
dard increases protection by minimizing the ■ identify failure modes to ensure ignition
and the cabin crew to recognize smoke.
sources are minimized.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
figure 2: Ceiling-mounted smoke detectors
Typical faceplate of a ceiling-mounted ionization smoke detector (left) and a photoelectric smoke detector (right).

Ionization smoke detector Photoelectric smoke detector

ionization­area type. these detectors are photoelectric­ducted type. these detectors COnTROl Of fIRES
designed to detect the presence of ionized are similar to photoelectric­area type
particles created by the combustion process detectors, but they are typically mounted Handheld fire extinguishers are provided
as they are convectively carried through behind the walls of the protected space. throughout the airplane cabin for manual
the lavatories or crew rest compartments they differ from the area detectors in that firefighting. boeing airplanes currently use
in the event of a fire. they are typically fans draw air samples from the protected water or Halon 1211 fire extinguishers.
mounted in the ceiling or upper sidewalls space into a series of air sampling ports in boeing is working on a replacement for
of the protected space (see fig. 2). the monument walls and ceiling, and then halon extinguishers, but it is not yet
through an aluminum tube manifold to available. (For an in­depth discussion
photoelectric­area type. these detectors
the detectors. current production airplanes on halon, see page 13.)
are designed to detect the presence of
use the more advanced area detectors Halon 1211 fire extinguishers have a
smoke particles in the air by reflection
mentioned above, rather than ducted minimum underwriters laboratories rating
of scattered light. they also rely on
photoelectric detectors. of 5b:c. this type of extinguisher contains
particles in the air being convectively
each smoke detection system has a approximately 2.5 pounds (1 kilogram) of
carried into a sensing chamber where
built­in electronic test capability switch. this Halon 1211, weighs about 4 pounds (1.8 kilo­
light from a pilot lamp is transmitted
allows for the system’s electrical and detector grams), and can be used on any fire likely to
through a sensing chamber. if smoke is
sensor integrity to be checked at any time. occur in the airplane, including paper, fabric,
present, it will reflect light onto a photocell
Detection of smoke is affected by electrical, or flammable fluids. Halon 1211
and trigger an alarm. newer production
compartment volume and contour, air extinguishers have also been successful in
airplanes use photoelectric detectors based
distribution, and the amount and buoyancy extinguishing fires behind the sidewall panels.
on an advanced smoke sensor utilizing
of the combustion particles. boeing con­ Water fire extinguishers have FAA
two discrete wavelengths to determine
ducts extensive laboratory and flight testing technical standard order (tSo)­c19c
the presence of smoke and to distinguish
to determine the best location for the certification approval. these units are
between smoke and nonsmoke aerosols.
detector sensors to enable them to most intended to combat fires involving combus­
these are also mounted in the ceiling or
effectively detect smoke under all conditions. tible materials such as paper and textiles.
upper sidewalls of the protected space.

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 3: Typical fire extinguisher locations
Fire extinguishers are located throughout the passenger cabin with locations designed for easy access in an emergency.

Halon Water Water For lavatory fire Halon

extinguishers, see
figure 5.

Halon Halon Halon Halon

Fire Extinguisher
■■ Halon [6]

■■ Water [2]

figure 4: Distribution of handheld Halon 1211 or equivalent fire extin­ crew/attendant rest compartments, purser
fire extinguishers guishers are spaced throughout the cabin work stations, video control centers, and
the number of handheld fire extinguishers and easily accessible from the aisle or business centers. At least one Halon 1211
on passenger airplanes is determined by entryway. A water fire extinguisher is or equivalent fire extinguisher is generally
the airplane’s passenger capacity.
typically located near a lavatory­galley located within 8 feet (2.4 meters) of the
complex. in some cases, one or more compartment.
Halon 1211 extinguishers are used in
Airplane lavatories. each lavatory is equipped
number of place of the water fire extinguisher.
passenger with fire protection systems designed to
capacity detect and extinguish fires and to prevent
fIRE ExTInguIShER lOCATIOnS hazardous quantities of smoke from
61–200 3 entering occupied areas (see fig. 5).
both halon and water fire extinguishers are lavatory fire­protection features include:
201–300 4 located throughout the passenger cabin (i.e.,
■■ A smoke detection system that provides
each passenger compartment separated
a warning light on the flight deck, or pro­
by doors or stairways) (see fig. 3). the mini­
vides a warning light or audible warning
301–400 5 mum number of extinguishers is based on
in the passenger cabin that would be
the airplane’s passenger capacity (see fig. 4).
readily detected by a flight attendant.
401–500 6 galley complex. A Halon 1211 or equivalent ■■ each receptacle used for the disposal
fire extinguisher is generally located within of flammable waste material is fully
8 feet (2.4 meters) of each galley complex. enclosed, constructed of fire­resistant
501–600 7
materials, and able to contain fires
Flight deck. A Halon 1211 or equivalent
that might occur.
extinguisher is placed for easy access by
601–700 8 ■■ boeing requires that all current
the flight crew.
production lavatories be capable of
containing a fire for 30 minutes.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
figure 5: lavatory fire protection
Lavatories include systems to both detect and extinguish fires.

Fire Extinguisher

Smoke Detector Flap

Cold Air Inlet Waste

Waste Flap

Fusible Tip

Note: Installation of the items shown varies by airplane model.

■■ A built­in fire extinguisher for each paper crew rest compartment. A smoke detec­ Firefighting procedures for crew rest
waste disposal receptacle located within tion system that consists of ceiling­ and/or compartments usually involve one or more
the lavatory. the extinguisher is designed sidewall­mounted smoke detectors and members of the cabin crew using appro­
to discharge automatically into each associated control hardware and alarms is priate protective equipment to manually
disposal receptacle upon occurrence of incorporated into crew rest compartments. suppress the fire with a handheld fire
a fire in that receptacle. All boeing lava­ crew rest compartments are also designed extinguisher. in some cases, such as the
tories incorporated the use of Halon 1301 to prevent hazardous quantities of smoke 777 lower lobe attendant rest compart­
as the suppression agent in fire extin­ from entering flight crew or passenger areas. ment, the fire is suppressed remotely by
guishers. on boeing production airplanes, When smoke is detected by the smoke using a built­in halon fire­extinguishing
beginning with the 777 in April 2006, these detection system, appropriate audio and system plumbed to the compartment.
extinguishers were replaced with Fm­200 visual alarms provide indication on the
(HFc­227ea). All built­in fire extinguishers flight deck, in the crew rest compartment,
meet these FAA requirements: and in the nearby cabin areas. For larger
no extinguishing agent that is likely to crew rest compartments, the air distribution
boeing uses a comprehensive systems­
enter personnel compartments can system’s air shutoff valve closes, preventing
level approach in airplane cabin design to
be hazardous to the occupants. air­conditioning flow to the crew rest com­
minimize the potential for a fire and to help
no discharge of the extinguisher can partment to better contain smoke and
ensure the safety of passengers.
cause structural damage. facilitate crew firefighting procedures. in
For more information, please contact Art
the capacity of each extinguishing many instances, a minimal exhaust flow is
tutson at
system must be adequate for any fire maintained to assist in preventing smoke
likely to occur in the compartment penetration into occupied areas and main­
where used, considering the volume tain visibility.
of the compartment and the ventila­
tion rate.

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
Operators may need to
retrofit their airplanes
to ensure existing fleets
are properly equipped
for RNP operations.

a er o q u a r t e r ly    qt r_04 | 11
equipping a Fleet for
required navigation
required navigation performance (rnp) is the global benchmark for all future aviation
navigation. operators need a properly equipped fleet to receive rnp operational approval
and take advantage of the benefits offered by rnp operations.

By Dan Ellis, Avionics Design engineer, Flight management Systems;

gary limesand, model Focal, Flight Deck/crew operations; and
Bill Syblon, Flight operations Specialist, modification Services

rnp operations can improve the safety, REquIRED nAvIgATIOn Availability: the probability, using general
capacity, efficiency, access, and environ­ PERfORmAnCE DEfInED risk, that the navigation service (e.g., global
mental impact of the greater airspace positioning system [gpS], distance measur­
system, providing real economic benefits rnp is a statement of the navigation ing equipment [Dme] infrastructure) providing
for rnp operators. rnp also is the foun­ performance necessary for operation within the required accuracy and integrity will be
dation to evolving Atm operations and a defined airspace. Specifically, rnp can be present during the intended operation.
establishes a basis for global interoperability. visualized as the requirement to keep the
continuity: the probability, using specific
operators must understand the airplane actual airplane position within a specified
risk, that the navigation system (e.g., flight
equipage requirements for rnp operations radius for a given percentage of the time.
management system [FmS] and other equip­
in order to determine what level of capa­ rnp is formally defined by four main terms:
ment) will provide the required accuracy
bility and operational approval will offer
Accuracy: the requirement to keep the and integrity during the intended operation.
them the greatest benefit.
actual airplane position within a radius that
this article provides a standardized the required level of availability and
is 1xrnp for 95 percent of the time.
equipage configuration for each model, continuity for a given route or procedure is
suitable for all rnp applications. it also integrity: the requirement to keep the established by the regulator and optionally
explains concepts surrounding rnp and actual airplane position within a radius that improved upon by the operator. Figure 1
explores existing rnp standards. is 2xrnp for 99.999 percent of the time. provides an example of a boeing analysis
for generalized availability while gpS
W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 1: Example of worldwide navigation availability for selected required navigation performance (RnP) with gPS updating
the availability of an rnp operation varies depending on the number of satellites operating in the global positioning system (gpS) constellation. For example,
this table shows that general availability for an rnp 0.3­nmi operation is 99.98 percent when there are 24 satellites operating. this means the required
accuracy and integrity will be unavailable one out of every 5,000 attempts. operators can use estimates like this to evaluate whether the benefits of performing
the intended operation outweigh the challenges posed by the given availability. operators should refer to the applicable rnp capabilities document for the
specific availability values for their fleet.

number of Availability Availability Availability Availability Availability Availability Availability

Satellites in gpS rnp rnp rnp rnp rnp rnp rnp
constellation 10 nmi 4 nmi 2 nmi 1 nmi 0.5 nmi 0.3 nmi 0.15 nmi

24 >99.999% >99.999% >99.999% >99.999% 99.99% 99.98% 99.62%

23 >99.999% >99.999% >99.999% 99.98% 99.87% 99.67% 97.76%

22 >99.999% 99.99% 99.99% 99.82% 99.30% 98.61% 94.29%

21 >99.999% 99.96% 99.89% 99.33% 98.10% 96.60% 89.34%

figure 2: Performance-based navigation standards

required navigation performance (rnp) and area navigation (rnAv) are both part of performance­based navigation, a framework for defining navigation
performance requirements that can be applied to an air traffic route, instrument procedure, or defined airspace.

Area navigation (rnAv) required navigation performance (rnp)

rnp10 rnAv5 rnp4 basic­rnp1 rnp

oceanic rnAv2 oceanic rnp Approach Additional
remote rnAv1 remote rnp requirement
route Authorization 3D & 4D
required Approach
various phases

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11
figure 3: Required navigation performance (RnP) and area navigation (RnAv) standards*

Applicable regulatory Document

navigational european Aviation Safety
Accuracy Federal Aviation Agency/Joint Aviation
navigational Specification Area of Application (nmi) Administration Authorities
rnp Authorization required terminal and Approach ≤0.3 Ac 90­101A Amc 20­26

rnp Approach Approach 0.3 Ac 90­105 Amc 20­27

rnAv 1 terminal and en route 1 Ac 90­100A tgl­10/Amc 20­16

rnAv 2 terminal and en route 2 Ac 90­100A n/A

rnAv 5 terminal and en route 5 n/A Amc 20­4

rnp 4 oceanic and remote 4 order 8400.33 n/A

rnp 10 oceanic and remote 10 order 8400.12b Amc 20­12

* the FAA and eASA standards have not been completely harmonized.

updating. route­ and region­specific implement changes in their Atm systems, A fixed lateral flight path also affords
analysis tools are available outside boeing and more are expected. these changes will better energy management and quieter
and may yield different results. allow airlines with rnp­capable airplanes to climbs (i.e., up and away quicker at best
Actual navigation performance (Anp) derive value from their existing capabilities. climb gradient via a more direct path) and
represents the current 95 percent accuracy As the new Atm environments grow, pro­ descents (i.e., idle or near­idle). Finally,
of the boeing FmS position. Anp and rnp viding more opportunities for operational rnp enables airlines to precisely control
are displayed in nautical miles on the efficiencies, it is expected that such benefits what their airplanes are flying over, such
navigation displays and the control and will offset the cost of equipage changes as avoiding noise­sensitive areas.
display units. for airplanes. in the future, use of rnp routes and
When Anp exceeds rnp, an unAble procedures is likely to be the best way to
rnp message is displayed to the flight efficiently and cost­effectively accommo­
crew. this indicates that the FmS position AuThORITIES, AnD COmmunITIES
date and coordinate the various demands
does not meet the required accuracy, so of all airspace users globally, from transports
the procedure (such as an approach) must and unmanned aerial vehicles, to business
rnp allows airlines to use safer and more
be aborted. and sport aviation, to security and military
efficient flight paths that will enable a variety
uses of airspace.
of possible benefits, including airspace
increased application of rnp instrument
RnP In AIR TRAffIC COnTROl efficiency through reduced separation,
procedures will allow for better use of
reduced fuel burn/emissions from shorter
multiple airport runway configurations for
rnp is a key component of the basic air­ flight paths, and improved runway access
increased airport capacity.
traffic services triad of communication, from lower minima. rnp can be used in
navigation, and surveillance (or monitoring) conjunction with rnAv or even with an
that is required for a safe and efficient instrument landing system (ilS) or global quAlIfyIng fOR RnP OPERATIOnS
airspace system. navigation satellite system landing system
rnp is a subset of performance­based (glS). rnp allows for better transition to perform rnp operations, operators must
navigation (pbn), which also includes area routes to these landing systems and better apply for and receive operational approval
navigation (rnAv) (see fig. 2). (For an accommodation of missed approach paths. from the applicable regulator. it is not
explanation of rnAv, see AERO second­ the rnp concept enables airlines to gain enough for an operator to simply purchase
quarter 2008.) efficiency by optimizing the use of available and enable the rnp options in their fleet
As air traffic management (Atm) oper­ airspace, enabling reductions in aircraft and confirm the airplane flight manual–
ations in the world evolve, there is an separation, and enabling shorter routes demonstrated rnp supports the intended
increasing dependence on rnp operations by not being constrained by overflight of operation. instead, operators must equip
as a foundation for improvements in air­ ground navigational­aid locations. rnp also their fleets and establish appropriate
space design and management, safety, allows for better use of all other airspace, procedures, documentation, and training
operational efficiencies, and environmental such as oceanic and remote areas. as specified in the regulator’s published
improvements. many states have begun to

W W W . m m e rciA l / A e ro m A g Azine
figure 4: 737-600/-700/-800/-900: Standardized equipment configuration
required configurations for other boeing models are available in the online version of this article (see

u.S. federal Aviation Administration and European Aviation Safety Agency Requirements

rnp capability — required Hardware/Features ■■ multi­mode receivers (included in basic airplane configuration)

rnp Ar 0.30 nmi Final and ■■ Speed and altitude intervention activation (boeing recommendation).
1.0 nmi missed Approach ■■ two flight management computers (Fmcs) (dual).

rnp Ar <0.30 nmi Final and/or ■■ captain’s Fmc, multipurpose control and display unit (mcDu), and inboard display unit on standby power.
<1.0 nmi missed Approach ■■ Default distance measuring equipment (Dme) update to off (if required by procedure).
■■ navigation performance scales (airplane flight manual rnp 0.10).
737­3c data frame software update to digital flight data acquisition unit.
common display system (cDS) operational software (opS) 2004A software or later.
■■ takeoff/go­around (togA) to lateral navigation (lnAv) go­around.
Flight control computer 710 or p3.0 software or later.
cDS opS 2004A software or later.
Fmc u10.6 software or later.

rnp standard as part of the application EquIPPIng An ExISTIng flEET fOR ■ identifying and managing suppliers and
process (see fig. 3). RnP OPERATIOnS contractor services.
boeing provides full services around the ■ instituting the rigorous navigation data
world to completely equip and train opera­ boeing has defined the specific equipment services necessary for rnp operations
tors for rnp operations. Additionally, boeing requirements for each of its commercial and regulatory approval.
completes applications for operational airplane models that are available for rnp ■ Developing avionics configuration
approval to qualify operators to become equipage retrofit: 737­300/­400/­500, recommendations to support fleet
rnp certified through their regulators. next­generation 737, 757, 767, 747­400, rnp capabilities and providing a
777, mD­10, mD­11, 717, mD­80, and modification kit, if required.
mD­90. Figure 4 provides one example, ■ providing flight crew and dispatcher
listing the rnp Ar equipage requirements training, if required.
for a next­generation 737. ■ Supporting airlines in gaining regulatory
existing and upcoming rnp standards
While specific airplane equipment approval for rnp operations.
will increasingly leverage rnp­capable
requirements must be met for each level
systems in order to derive additional air­
of operational approval, boeing has defined
space system benefits (e.g., any one or all SummARy
a minimum demonstrated rnp for each
of capacity, efficiency, safety, or access).
airplane model.
the current set of possible rnAv and rnp Depending on the types of intended opera­
operations has differing equipage require­ tions and the evolving nature of air traffic
ments. before determining which type of RnP EquIPAgE RETROfITTIng operations globally, retrofitting an operator’s
rnp operations to equip for, airlines must AnD OPERATIOnAl APPROvAl existing fleet for rnp operations may be
understand their operational needs — required. boeing is prepared to support
including the primary level of operations rnp implementation by guiding operators
boeing provides an integrated rnp retro­
and what level is acceptable for contin­ through the entire retrofit and operational
fitting and operational approval program.
gency operations at destinations served approval process.
boeing works with operators to identify the
and planned. For more information, please
markets and airplanes in their fleets that
the standards for each level of rnp are contact boeing modification Services
will offer the greatest return on their rnp
defined by various regulators, including the at
capability investment and then manages
u.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
all phases of the implementation process.
and the european Aviation Safety Agency
this includes:
(eASA) (see fig. 3). the FAA and eASA
have slightly different definitions of what ■■ Designing and validating rnp procedures.
constitutes an rnp­capable system. ■■ establishing operational specifications
and operations manual revisions, as
required by the airline.

Aer o q uA r t e r ly qt r_04 | 11

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