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Creativity in your daily life

Being creative is not easy. I try to be creative. My brain is a muscle. If I do n’t use it, why

The following are some of the ways I have used to keep my brain working. Some of these
ideas come from my wife. Some from my children. And some from my friends. Some are
specifically art or design related. Others involve poking around the house or the

Many of them take very little time. Here’s a few ideas!

1. My eldest son is the inspiration for this. Ask more questions about life and how we do
things. ‘What if I tried…. instead of….?’, ‘How can I make this easier?’, ‘How does this work?’

2. Start a new daily project. Try to do a bit each day. If you’re not good at sticking with
things, try 25 minutes work and a 5 minute break... and then just keep going (if you can!). I
am trying to write my autobiography!!

3. Create a small garden. I recently started an arboretum at my farmhouse by planting

different tree species. Hopefully they willl all survive! Even better my wife is helping me...

4. Get outside – the park, beach, forest, etc. Try to be as relaxed as possible and wander
about allowing new ideas and space to come into your head.

5. Join a creativity group (art, photography) for sharing and doing stuff together

6. Log onto YouTube and learn how to do something new! For example mixing cement,
making wine, food ideas, cheese making etc

7. Write a blog about your favourite hobby or interests etc.

8. Try a bit of creative cooking. Buy a recipe book and find a new recipe. We invite people
to dinner occasionally. Sometimes groups as big as 20 people

9. Find an art gallery or museum near you and visit. Spend time thinking about the exhibits

10. Paint or draw a landscape. I can’t paint well but I can draw reasonably well

11. Go for a walk around your neighbourhood, photographing anything that catches your
eye. Look for potential paintings or DIY (do it yourself) ideas etc.

12. Revamp your home. Paint, dcorate or make something. With a friend I made an outside
table from some old wood and it was deeply satisfying. And did n’t cost too much either.

13. Write an email to someone whom you’ve not spoken too for some time.
14. Keep a little sketchbook and pen on the coffee table for drawing and doodling. My kids
keep stealing mine. But I won’t give up on the idea.

15. Look around your home for ideas for things to do.

16. Read an old book! Good for thinking about vocabulary and grammar.

17. My children like to decorate stones and leave them around our farmhouse for people to

18. Sort out your old clothes. Discard what you no longer want. Give to charities

19. Think of how you can use your computer more creatively. Get some new software

20. Go bird and animal watching

21. Make paper aeroplanes. Good fun with kids

22. Go for a pub lunch with a friend.

23. Make a short film using your favourite photos. I’ve never really succeeded at this but
you never know

24. Go to a farmers market.

25. Listen to a TED talk

26. Go through your bookcase and look at technical books you’ve not looked at for some

27. Clear out an area in your home. Even if it’s just the garage.

28. Re-arrange your furniture.

29. Do something that raises your heart rate. Go for a run or a swim or a hike. Do the

30. Make a list of things you would like to. Do a brain dump so your head is clear.

31. Go to a book shop.

32. Sit down to sip a cup of tea and notice things around you, listening, sensing. Being quiet
allows you to hear the ideas.

33. Subscribe to a daily email.

34. Try something you’ve never done before.

35. Draw a simple five minute cartoon.

36. Daydream. SO important to the creative process. Imagine your perfect day/life/business
idea/future study etc.

37. Brainstorm with a friend.

38. Listen to podcasts from other creatives – great for when you’re busy doing something
creative yourself ;)

39. Think about what famous people would do for inspiration.

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