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Epilepsia, 44(Suppl.

10):11–17, 2003
Blackwell Publishing, Inc.

C International League Against Epilepsy

Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Epilepsy: A Critical Review

Lauren C. Frey

Department of Neurology, University of Colorado Health Science Center, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.

Summary: Problem: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major rates of 25–40% have been reported. Significant risk factors for
cause of epilepsy. We need to understand its frequency and its the development of seizures in the first week after injury include
contribution to the total spectrum of the convulsive disorders. acute intracerebral hematoma (especially subdural hematoma),
Methods: A review of selected articles dealing with epilepsy younger age, increased injury severity, and chronic alcoholism.
after brain trauma was undertaken. Significant risk factors for the development of seizures >1 week
Results: The number of epidemiologic studies of post- after TBI include seizures within the first week, acute intra-
traumatic seizures has increased substantially over the past cerebral hematoma (especially subdural hematoma), brain con-
40–50 years, offering steadily increasing knowledge of the fre- tusion, increased injury severity, and age >65 years at the time of
quency, natural history, and risk factors of this well-recognized injury.
complication of TBI. In general, the incidence of posttraumatic Conclusions: Epilepsy is a frequent consequence of brain
seizures varies with the time period after injury and population injury in both civilian and military populations. We un-
age range under study, as well as the spectrum of severity of the derstand some factors associated with its development, but
inciting injuries, and has been reported to be anywhere from 4 there remain many unanswered questions. Key Words:
to 53%. As high as 86% of patients with one seizure after TBI Brain trauma—Posttraumatic epilepsy—Acute symptomatic
will have a second in the next 2 years. Longer-term remission seizures—Epidemiology.

“Through trauma, the brain may be injured by contu- posttraumatic epilepsy. Understanding the risk factors and
sion, laceration, compression, and it is well known that natural course of the disease is one step toward controlling
these insults may result in epilepsy after a ‘silent period this costly sequela of TBI.
of strange ripening.’ That period lasts for months or years,
but these insults produce epilepsy in the case of one in- DEFINITIONS
dividual and not in the case of another. . . . Our attention
should therefore be directed toward the discovery of this The number of published epidemiologic studies on
mysterious difference” (1). posttraumatic epilepsy has increased substantially in the
The average incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI) past 40–50 years. Despite differences in study features,
in the United States is estimated to be between 180 and many of the same conclusions are drawn by different
220 per 100,000 population per year (2). With recent im- groups of authors. In general, epidemiologic studies on
provements in prehospital care and emergency diagnosis topics like posttraumatic epilepsy offer two basic cate-
and care of TBI, mortality rates have decreased from 50% gories of information: information about the frequency
∼30 years ago to ∼30% currently. However, TBI sur- and natural history of the disease within a certain popu-
vivors still carry a tremendous burden of disability as a lation, and information about the associated risk factors.
result of their injuries. Of mild head injuries, 10% are Before discussing these any further, however, it is more
thought to result in permanent disability, as well as 66% than worthwhile to formulate working definitions of both
of moderate head injuries and 100% of severe head in- posttraumatic epilepsy and traumatic head injury.
juries (3). The occurrence of seizures after head injury is
Posttraumatic epilepsy
a recognized complication of TBI and has recently been
Throughout the body of literature on the subject, the
shown to worsen functional outcome significantly after
terms posttraumatic epilepsy and posttraumatic seizures
TBI (4). Much work has been done in hopes of preventing
(PTSs) are both used to describe the same entity: seizures
the development of, or, at least, minimizing the impact of
occurring after head trauma that are thought to be causally
related to the trauma itself. Most of the articles published
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. L. Frey at Univer-
sity of Colorado Health Science Center, B150, 4200 E 9th Ave., Denver, to date define posttraumatic epilepsy as one or more un-
CO 80262, U.S.A. Email: provoked seizures after head trauma. Only recently has

12 L. C. FREY

the diagnosis of epilepsy (of any kind) been reserved for after head injury. Approximately 90% of seizures occur-
patients who have had two or more unprovoked seizures. ring within the first 4 weeks after head injury will happen
Distinct advantages and disadvantages exist to adopting during this first week (11). In general, seizures that hap-
this newer definition. Defining epilepsy as two or more pen at or minutes after impact—“immediate,” “contact,”
unprovoked seizures is more in keeping with the current or “concussive” seizures—are not included in studies of
usage of the term, but it also defines a pattern of sus- early PTSs. The exact pathophysiology behind immedi-
ceptibility to seizures and excludes those patients who ate seizures and their exact clinical significance there-
would ever have had only one seizure. Although the ex- fore remains unclear. Although these seizures are often
act percentage of head-injury patients in whom this ul- thought not to increase susceptibility to later, unprovoked,
timately would be true is not known, we do know that, seizures, data presented by Kollevold (12) suggest other-
in one population-based study, 86% of patients with one wise. In his study, both immediate and early seizures were
late posttraumatic seizure had a second seizure within associated with an increased risk of late seizures. No sta-
2 years (5). tistically significant difference was found between the two
At least two major methodologic disadvantages of wait- as risk factors for late PTSs. Late PTSs are usually defined
ing for a second unprovoked seizure exist, however (6). as seizures occurring >1 week after injury.
The first disadvantage lies in the fact that some patients,
regardless of how long they are followed up, will have Traumatic head injury
their first seizure at the end of their follow-up period. Be- According to Jennett (11), “what matters in head injury
cause the risk of a first seizure continues to be elevated is damage to the brain, either on impact or subsequently
for >10 years after a severe head injury (7), establishing due to processes initiated by that impact.” The best means
a recurrent pattern of events in these patients may take an of accurately assessing whether damage to the brain has
unreasonably long time. The second disadvantage is the actually occurred, however, is controversial. At this time,
increasingly predominant practice of starting antiepilep- no unequivocal clinical markers of brain damage are used
tic drugs (AEDs) after just one seizure, a practice that consistently in studies of PTSs. In most of the studies done
may change the natural history of posttraumatic seizures. to date, head trauma to the degree that a patient needed
Two recent studies have attempted to minimize the im- some level of medical attention was taken as presumptive
pact of AED use on their incidence data. Angeleri et al. evidence of additional underlying brain injury. However,
(8) dropped patients from their study if they were started the level of medical attention required was often variable
on AEDs. The study protocol used by Vespa et al. (9) pro- and incompletely defined, making it difficult ultimately to
vided for uniform use of prophylactic phenytoin (PHT) in compare the results from different studies. For example,
their patients, while ensuring that the serum levels for the some study participants were identified simply because
drug were not statistically different between the patients they sought medical care after head injury (6). Other pop-
who seized and the patients who did not seize. ulations were drawn from a pool of patients requiring ei-
The term posttraumatic seizure (PTS) will be used ther hospital admission (8,10,11,13), or, more specifically,
throughout the rest of this review, even if the original au- admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) (9) after head
thors used posttraumatic epilepsy, in an attempt to min- trauma. Still other populations were defined by their even-
imize any confusion that would result from using both tual need for rehabilitation services (4).
terms. If it is relevant to the discussion, studies whose pa- Statistical comparisons within these groups also are dif-
tients were included only after two or more seizures will ficult because of variability in the type of injury sustained.
be identified as such. Many studies were done at a time when hospital admis-
An association between new-onset seizures and an an- sion criteria were very different and patients were admitted
tecedent head trauma has been found with various de- who, today, may be treated in an emergency department
grees of certainty. Only recently have efforts been made and then discharged home. Current hospital-based series,
to search for, identify, and then eliminate other factors therefore, are biased in favor of more serious head injuries.
that would independently increase the risk of seizures in Advances in medical technology also have improved sur-
any population, such as a history of epilepsy, a history vival after head injury, especially after more severe injury,
of previous head injury, previous brain damage of any thus further increasing the proportion of severely injured
type, severe alcoholism (8), fluid/electrolyte imbalance, patients in the hospital. In addition, patients in series of
or other causes of acute symptomatic seizures, like hy- wartime injuries (13–18) presumably had a higher per-
poxia or known brain ischemia (10). centage of missile wounds compared with those in civilian
Posttraumatic seizures are usually divided into three populations (4–11,19). These missile wounds, with their
categories: “immediate” seizures, early seizures, and increased likelihood of dural penetration, are more likely
late seizures. Early seizures are those occurring while to cause severe brain injury.
the patient is “still suffering from the direct effects of the Specific clinical features have often been used to strat-
head injury” (6), a period commonly defined as 1 week ify head injury severity. In some cases, this was as simple

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003


as dividing patients into groups based on length of their TABLE 2. Frequency of posttraumatic seizures (PTSs)
posttraumatic amnesia (<24 h or >24 h) (11). Annegers stratified by injury severity from select military series
et al. (6) developed a three-tier classification for head- Series Injury severity
injury severity: mild, moderate, and severe. Mild injuries
were those in which no skull fracture was found and the Dura mater intact Dura penetrated
World War I (29) 26.1% 47%
period of posttraumatic amnesia or loss of consciousness World War II (29) — 43.4%
was ≤30 min. The moderately injured group of patients Korea (29) 23.8% 42%
included those with skull fractures or other injuries with Scalp or skull Single lobar Multilobar injury
>30 min of posttraumatic amnesia or loss of conscious- only injury or worse
ness who did not otherwise meet the criteria for a severe Early Late Early Late Early Late
injury. Severe injuries were those with a documented brain Vietnam (15) 3.3% 18.5% 3.5% 25.7% 4.6% 41%
contusion, an intracerebral hematoma (ICH), or >24 h of
posttraumatic amnesia or loss of consciousness. A later
group of authors, however, thought that loss of conscious- sector, a consistently higher proportion of severe head in-
ness or duration of posttraumatic amnesia may not be im- juries was seen in series of wartime injuries. This dis-
portant independent risk factors for PTSs. To support their proportionate severity of wartime injuries is in large part
argument, they point to the fact that loss of consciousness due to a higher proportion of injuries that involve dural
is not necessarily always associated with cortical (and, penetration and widespread brain damage in military pa-
thus, potentially epileptogenic) injuries (4). A universally tients, as mentioned earlier. For example, 40.9% of the
accepted classification for head-injury severity has yet veterans involved in the Vietnam Head Injury Study (15)
to be developed, although a number of alternate strate- had head injuries with damage to multiple lobes of the
gies have been used. Hahn et al. (10), for example, pro- brain, whereas only 7.1% of the civilian patients studied
posed a severity scale for pediatric injuries based on the by Annegers et al. (6) qualified for a diagnosis of severe
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score or, in children brain injury. It only makes sense, then, that these series
younger than 3 years, on the Children’s Coma Score of wartime injuries, with their higher proportion of se-
(CCS). For these patients, mild injury meant a GCS or vere head injuries, would show greater PTS frequencies
CCS ≥13. Moderate injuries had a GCS or CCS be- than would civilian series (Tables 3 and 4). However, even
tween 9 and 12. Severe injuries had a GCS or CCS among the civilian series, the populations of patients who
of ≤8. one would expect to have had more serious injuries, such
as those requiring hospitalization or an ICU admission or
FREQUENCY OF POSTTRAUMATIC SEIZURES those with prominent posttraumatic neurologic deficits re-
quiring rehabilitation, should, and do, have higher seizure
In general, the incidence of PTSs correlates with the frequencies.
severity of the inciting injury (Tables 1 and 2). This corre-
lation between the incidence of PTSs and injury sever- Early seizures
ity explains most of the variability in the overall inci- The incidence of early seizures (usually within 1 week
dence of PTSs, a value that ranges from a low of ∼4% of injury) ranges from 2.1 to 16.9% and, in general, is cor-
to a high of 53%. Compared with series done in the civil related with the distribution of head-injury severity within
the specific group being studied. Of the patients in one se-
ries, 10% were in status epilepticus, a presentation more
TABLE 1. Frequency of posttraumatic seizures (PTSs) common in children (11).
stratified by injury severity in civilian populations
Series Injury severity Late seizures
Adults or mixed series Depending on the series, the incidence of late seizures
PTA <24 h PTA >24 h ranges from 1.9% to >30%. Like the incidence of early
(28) Early Late Early Late PTSs, the variability in this finding is likely due to vari-
2.7% 6.7% 12% 14.2% ability within the patient populations being studied, es-
Mild Moderate Severe pecially with respect to injury severity. In general, most
(7) 1.5 (SIR) 2.9 (SIR) 17.0 (SIR)
(19) 2.8% (Early) 1.7% (Early) 21.6% (Early) late PTSs occur during the first year after injury (7,11),
Pediatric series although they can also occur for many years afterward.
Mild Moderate Severe Exactly how long the increased risk of seizures per-
Early Late Early Late Early Late sists after head injury is unclear. Investigators for the
(6) 1.0% 0.2% 1.1% 1.6% 30.5% 7.4% Vietnam Head Injury Study concluded that, in their popu-
(10) 5.9% 26.9% 35.3%
lation, “. . .posttraumatic seizure incidence does not reach
SIR, standardized incidence ratio; PTA, posttraumatic amnesia. that of the general uninjured population until well after

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003

14 L. C. FREY

TABLE 3. The frequencies of posttraumatic seizures (PTSs) in civilian populations

Length of Overall frequency Frequency of Frequency of Population
Reference study of PTSs early PTS late PTS characteristics
Adults or mixed series
(7) 10+ yr 4.4% 2.6% 2.1% Population based
(n = 4,541)
(19) 7+ days – 4.1% – Hospital admissions
(n = 702)
(11) 1–4 yr – 4.6% 5% Hospital admissions
(n = 1,000)
(4) 5+ yr – 16.9% 24.5% Required intensive
(n = 490) rehabilitation
Pediatric series
(20) 4–12 yr 7.03% 6.5% 1.3% Pediatric hospital
(n = 4,465) admissions
(10) 7+ mo 9.8% 9.6% – Pediatric hospital
(n = 937) admissions

15 years after injury” (17). In an initial study of the jury or brain damage (6–8), fatal injuries (7,8), evidence
civilian population in Olmsted County, Minnesota, PTS of hypoxia, and fluid or electrolyte imbalances (10), as
risk overall did not differ significantly from baseline mentioned earlier.
risk after 5 years (6). However, with extended follow-
up of the same population of head-injured patients, the
authors concluded that, “. . .even unprovoked seizures THE PEDIATRIC EXPERIENCE
occurring more than 10 years after a severe traumatic
brain injury can be attributed in large part to the injury” The overall incidence of PTSs in children ranges from
(7). 0.2 to 9.8%. Overall, early seizures were more common
The exclusion of other causes of seizures is an important than late ones in the pediatric population: 9.3% of children
factor in the accurate determination of the risk of seizures with head injuries in one series had early PTSs, whereas
strictly attributable to a head injury. Looking back over only 0.2% had late PTSs (9). Early seizures in children
the data from the Vietnam Head Injury Study, investiga- tended to occur earlier within the first week after injury
tors thought that “neither subsequent head injury, other than they did in the adult population. In the study by Hahn
encephalopathy, nor alcohol abuse played an important et al. (10), 94% of their patients with PTSs seized during
role” in the occurrence of late PTSs, particularly in those the first 24 h after injury.
patients whose seizures began >10 years after their index Younger children are at proportionally increased risk
injury (18). More often, however, investigators formally of both early and late seizures after head injury; 30.8%
incorporated these factors into their study exclusion cri- of children younger than 7 years in one civilian series
teria. Other important exclusions included a history of had early PTSs, compared with 20% of children aged
seizures before head injury (4–7,11), known prior head in- 8–16 years and 8.4% of children 16 years or older

TABLE 4. The frequencies of posttraumatic seizures (PTSs) in military series

Length of Overall frequency Frequency of Frequency of Population
Reference study of PTSs early PTSs late PTSs characteristics

World War I (29) 7–20 yr 34% – – Gunshot wounds

(n = 317)
World War II (29) 5 yr 43% – – Gunshot wounds
(n = 820)
World War II (29) 7–8 yr 28% – – Unselected
(n = 739)
Korean War (14) 8–11 yr 30% 10% within first month – Unselected
(n = 356)
Vietnam War (15) 4+ yr 33.4% 4.4% 27.9% Required neurosurgical
(n = 1,030) attention
Vietnam War (16) 4+ yr 35% 3.9% 31% Required neurosurgical
(n = 1,221) attention
Vietnam War (18) 15+ yr 53% – – Penetrating missile
(n = 421) injuries

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003


(p < 0.0001) (4), findings similar to those of Jennett (11) TABLE 5. Independent risk factors for posttraumatic seizures
and Hendrick and Harris (20). The correlation between age
at injury and risk of PTSs is less clear in the very youngest Risk factors for early Risk factors for late
age group. In one series, early seizures were even more posttraumatic seizures posttraumatic seizures
common in patients younger than 5 years at time of in- Acute intracerebral hematoma Early posttraumatic seizures
Acute subdural hematoma, in Acute intracerebral hematoma,
jury (11). However, two other studies found no significant children especially subdural hematoma
difference in the risk of seizures in the very young (up to (in all patients)
3–5 years) (10,19). Younger age Brain contusion
Increased injury severity, Increased injury severity,
Younger children are more likely to have status epilep- including loss of consciousness including loss of consciousness
ticus as the presenting feature of their PTSs. In one or posttraumatic amnesia or posttraumatic amnesia
study, status was more than twice as common in children lasting >30 min lasting >24 h
Chronic alcoholism Age older than 65 yr at time of
younger than 5 years than in all other age groups combined injury
(p < 0.001) (11).
Higher incidences of PTSs are seen in more severely
injured children (Table 1). In general, this is true re- trials, a pooled estimate of 13.3% seized despite aggres-
gardless of the age of the child. Uniquely, however, in sive treatment regimens (22). Very little is specifically
one study, 17% of children younger than 5 years with known about the chance of remission of PTSs that begin
“trivial” injuries (no loss of consciousness, no posttrau- in childhood.
matic amnesia, no depressed skull fracture, and no ICH)
had an early seizure, compared with only 2% of all pa- RISK FACTORS FOR
tients older than 5 years (adults and children) (11), find- POSTTRAUMATIC SEIZURES
ings similar to those of Kollevold (21). Epilepsy “rarely
Early seizures
followed a trivial injury except in children under 5” (11),
The risk factors that have been found to be significant
a phenomenon that is of unclear clinical significance.
for the development of early PTSs are listed in Table 5.
The most consistent risk factor is the presence of an intrac-
NATURAL HISTORY OF erebral blood collection, which confers a ≤30% increase
POSTTRAUMATIC SEIZURES in the risk of early PTSs, regardless of the patient’s age
or other features of their injury (11,19). This increased
The lifetime total number of seizures in patients with
risk is especially true for subdural hematomas in children
PTSs is not associated with any identifiable variables such
(10). In this same age group, intraparenchymal and epidu-
as age or severity of injury, and often varies widely even
ral hematomas do not confer the same risk of early seizure
within generally homogeneous populations. For example,
development, presumably because of the lesser degree of
39% of patients in the Korean conflict veteran series had
direct cortical irritation from blood products (10).
a total of between one and three seizures during a 10-year
The second most predominant risk factor for the occur-
period of follow-up. Of the same group, however, 38%
rence of early PTSs is higher injury severity, although there
had >30 seizures (15).
is considerable lack of consistency in the use of different
Remission rates among patients with PTSs range from
markers to define subgroups of injury severity (Table 6).
25 to 40%, with higher overall remission rates reported in
This is important because many of these markers of injury
studies done after the development of effective AEDs. One
likely represent differing aspects of actual brain damage.
early study found that seizure remission was less likely in
For example, patients who respond only to pain at presen-
patients whose seizures began later after injury, especially
tation after head injury are assumed to have sustained a
if the latency to seizure onset was >4 years (11). However,
more severe injury than have those patients who are less
the burden of the other evidence suggests that no signifi-
encephalopathic (can follow commands). Patients who re-
cant relation exists between the latency to first seizure and
spond only to pain have a statistically significant increase
seizure duration or persistence (15,18), although patients
in the risk of early PTSs. However, if the severity of injury
with frequent seizures in the first year will often continue
to have frequent seizures and have a smaller chance of
seizure remission (18). TABLE 6. Commonly used clinical markers of head-injury
Most patients who will have a second unprovoked late severity
PTS do so during the first 2 years after their first late
Extent of brain damage: multilobar vs. Level of alertness
PTS. Haltiner et al. reported that up to 86% of TBI sur- single-lobe involvement on presentation
vivors with a first PTS will also have a second within the Brain-volume loss on CT scan Glasgow Coma Score
following 2 years (5). A certain percentage of PTS pa- Length of posttraumatic amnesia Depth of wound
Length of loss of consciousness Size of cranial defect
tients remain refractory to AED therapy. For example, in
the treatment arms of various anticonvulsant prophylactic CT, computed tomography.

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003

16 L. C. FREY

is measured by the extent of actual brain involvement in a more standardized fashion (especially a uniform period
the same group of patients (i.e., single vs. multilobar in- between injury and scanning/GCS calculation).
volvement), the significantly increased risk of early PTSs Age older than 65 years at the time of injury is a sig-
no longer exists (although those patients remain at a sig- nificant risk factor for the development of late PTSs. This
nificantly higher risk for late seizures) (15). relation is especially important because elderly survivors
In many studies, early seizures occurred 50–100% more of TBI, even without seizures, recover more slowly and
frequently in children than they did in adults with compa- are more likely to be permanently disabled as a result of
rable injuries (7,21). In a population study of head injury their injuries than are younger head injury survivors (D.A.
in the Bronx, this conclusion held at all levels of injury Arciniegas, personal communication, 2001).
severity (W.A. Hauser, personal communication, 2002). In Premorbid chronic alcoholism likely increases the risk
a population study of inhabitants of Rochester, Minnesota, of the development of late PTSs. In one study (21), a higher
however, it was true for only severe and mild injuries (6). percentage of patients with chronic alcohol use had late
Younger age is not an independent risk factor for the oc- PTSs than did comparable patients who did not drink.
currence of early PTSs if the incidence is adjusted for the In addition, the same study suggested that chronic alco-
increased risk of seizures that exists for this population, hol use may decrease the chance of seizure remission,
regardless of antecedent head injury (7). although the data were not necessarily tested for signifi-
Other risk factors that likely influence the occurrence cance. Conversely, patients with seizures after head injury
of early PTSs include diffuse cerebral edema (in chil- have been shown to be at higher risk for both drug and
dren), intracranial metal-fragment retention, residual focal alcohol abuse (23). The relation between alcohol use and
neurologic deficits, and depressed or linear skull fractures seizures (of any type) was studied more specifically by
(adults only). Ng et al. (24), who concluded that “heavy alcohol use is
an independent, dose-related risk factor for seizures.”
Late seizures Other risk factors for the development of late PTSs
The risk factors that have been found to be significant include metal-fragment retention, skull fracture, residual
for the development of late PTSs are listed in Table 5. In cortical neurologic deficits, a single CT lesion in the tem-
this case, the presence of early PTSs was the most con- poral or frontal regions, and persistent focal abnormalities
sistently significant risk factor for the development of late on EEG >1 month after injury.
PTSs, although, in one study (7), the occurrence of early
seizures was not an independent risk factor in multivariate Is genetic propensity for seizures a risk factor
analysis. If it is significant, the presence of early PTSs will for posttraumatic seizures?
increase the risk of late seizures regardless of how many The role of genetic susceptibility in posttraumatic
seizures actually occurred during the first week after injury epilepsy is far from being clearly understood. A wide
(11). The relation between early PTSs and the develop- range of variability is found in individuals’ responses to
ment of late PTSs varies based on age. Jennett (11) found similar injuries. Some patients seize frequently after a
that the risk of late PTSs is not significantly increased in head injury, whereas others may seize once or not at all,
children younger than 16 years who only have focal early despite an almost identical injury severity. Empirically,
seizures. In another study, no children with early PTSs Caveness (15) thought that much of this variability was
were at increased risk of developing late seizures, regard- likely due to “constitutional” or genetic factors regulating
less of their early seizure type (6). response to cerebral injury. Since then, multiple authors
ICH also is a risk factor for the occurrence of late PTSs have attempted more formally to characterize the influ-
and may confer a ≤10-fold increase in risk (7). Subdu- ence of an individual’s genes by including the presence or
ral hematomas are likely responsible for most of this in- absence of a family history of epilepsy in their risk-factor
creased risk in both children and adults. The presence of a analyses. The majority of these studies have found that a
brain contusion was as strong of a predictor of late seizure family history of epilepsy is not a significant risk factor
occurrence as was the presence of a subdural hematoma. for the development of seizures after head injury. For ex-
Markers of increased injury severity have been shown to ample, Jennett (11) found that a family history was more
increase significantly the risk of late PTSs, although this common in patients with late PTSs, but the difference was
relation is inconsistent. When severe brain injury is de- significant only in patients younger than 16 years. In the
fined as multilobar injury (or worse) or loss of conscious- Vietnam Head Injury Study cohort, family history was not
ness or posttraumatic amnesia lasting >24 h, it is a signif- a significant risk factor for either early or late PTSs (18).
icant risk factor for the occurrence of late PTSs. However, Schaumann et al. (25) found no increased risk of seizures
when injury severity is measured by brain-volume loss on among the parents, siblings, or offspring of patients with
computed tomography (CT) scan or by GCS, the signifi- PTSs. Ottman et al. (26), in their study of clinical markers
cance of the relation disappears, although it is likely that of genetic susceptibility to epilepsy, also found that the risk
these parameters will prove useful once they are used in of seizures among relatives of patients with posttraumatic

Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003


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CONCLUSIONS 14. Caveness WF. Epilepsy, a product of trauma in our time. Epilepsia
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Epilepsia, Vol. 44, Suppl. 10, 2003

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