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Personal Information
Email address :
Phone : +62-813865xxx
Date of birth : June 20th 1989
Marital status : Single
Address : Jl. M Hatta No 19 Jatimulya
Bekasi 17500, West Java - Indonesia
To develop career in Engineering and Industrial Company with main business in oil & gas, petrochemical, mining, power
plant and industrial plant, where my analytical/technical skills, knowledge, and work experiences are utilized

Academic Experience
Institution Graduated Qualification GPA Field of Study

Universitas Putra 2013 Bachelor Degree 3.65 Industrial Engineering

SLTA 46 Bekasi 2010 High School 80.00 IPA

Final Thesis and Work Practice

Final Thesis
Title : Troubleshoot and Improvement of Min-Max Inventory Program for efficiency of Operation Budget at
PT United Tractor.

Work Practice
Title: Use of Costumer Log Book for Increasing After Sale Part at PT Toyota Astra Motor

Organization Experience
Institution Year Position

Senate of Universitas Putra Indoensia,Jakarta Th 2013- Th 2014 Member

OSIS of SLTA 46 Bekasi Th 2010-Th 2012 Leader of Research &

Development Division

Course & Training

 11 Maret - 30 Maret 2012, Kursus Aplikasi Program Microsoft Exxel Untuk Akutansi
 20 Desember - 28 Desember 2013, Kursus Program Auto Cad 2010
 24 Maret 2014, Kursus English Gramar LIA Jakarta
 1 Mei 2014, Pengenalan dan Praktik Evakuasi Keadaan Darurat di Lingkungan Kampus, UPI
 Muhammad Irwan M.Eng
Kepala Departemen Teknik Industri UPI Jakarta
Telp: 021-1234xxxx

 Heri Suheri Ssi

Kepala Cabang LIA Jakarta

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